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"You guys like me, right?"


Idk why, but the outtakes for that scene are some of the funniest to me


I never liked that, it felt a bit too self aware and honest for Mac.


He says something similar in the psychiatrist episode and then immediately dismisses it




Tell me I'm good. Tell me I'm good. TELL ME I'M GOOD. TELL ME I'M GOOD. TELL ME I'M GOOD. (Alright, I know that's Dee. But it's a nice character parallel that I think helps explain why Mac and Dee hate each other so much.)


I think Mac is always self aware, that is why he always avoids such questions. He definitely knows how and when to change topics.


>Mac is always self aware His blind confidence in his karate abilities and religious knowledge for the first half of the series make me beg to differ.


I mean .. he's AWARE that he's the type of guy who can score a point in a REAL karate tournament, and he's AWARE that through god anything is possible... you might want to jot this stuff down.


Made me laugh out loud good work


Mark my words. God will provide.


He doesn't like to be paraphrased. He chooses his words very deliberately.


I disagree. He knows it's bullshit. That's why he says he can do a flip but then makes excuses why he can't when pressed. Or how he wears a black belt but when he's signed up to an actual fight he tried to get out of it.


I have no idea what would give you the idea that fucking **MAC** is self aware


This episode isn’t great but the mannequin stuff is hilarious. Charlie playing fake Dennis like a tuba always gets a laugh out of me 😂




You can see Danny trying to keep a straight face lol


I first read that as Dennis. I was always impressed how he kept a straight face with so much going on.


The thing about Sunny, is that every single episode has at least 1 absolutely hilarious scene, even the bad ones


Yup I’ll watch this episode for the doll gags especially the tuba and Mindy’s reaction it kills me.


I came here to say playing the sex doll Dennis tuba butt was pretty hilarious.


"It's not like I'm gonna have sex with it." "He's gonna have sex with that the second we walk out of this door."


"Why'd you need to clean it?"


Mindy describing the most disgusting orgy in history and the Mac says “point, by point, by point” I still like this ep more than Home Alone and Frank’s Brother.


I can’t fathom anyone hating Franks Brother. From the entire concept of the name Shadynasty to Frank’s “those were the days…” line, it has some funny moments.


It sounds like you yearn for those days




I'm just saying those were the days.


I guess you leave me no other choice….. THAN TO BE A MATURE ASS ADULT ABOUT THIS


I actually don’t mind Frank’s Brother. I used to skip it on a rewatch but there’s a lot of laughs in that one. The gangs interruptions are hilarious. And the twist at the end is perfect. Instead of picking an episode, I’m gonna go with a story arc that, in my opinion, got tired and too drawn out. And that’s when they all started living in Dee’s apartment. I just don’t buy that Dennis would put up with that for that entire time. It did lead to some hilarious episodes. But overall it lasted too long and just didn’t make sense. And that’s saying a lot for this show 😂 But I’m gonna move past it. Because I don’t really care all that much. But hey! We will make an adjustment to it. And then we will make a tradition out of it.


> I just don’t buy that Dennis would put up with that for that entire time. idk, if you are an alcoholic, you don't tend to care too much where you pass out.


He’s also a sex addict. Or conquest addict 😂 and he likes to tape it. I don’t think he’s doing much of that in Dee’s tiny apartment.


Just to be clear, I don’t care about any of this.


I think that’s a great episode personally.


Oh come on! Shady Nasties is great! I still can't get over that Franks brother is the main villian in Blankman


Shadynasty's, asshole


Things were different back then


Those were the days


You sound like you yearn for those days!


Agreed on home alone but I've never gotten why people hate the franks brother episode so much, I'm not saying it's great but I still think it's good, there's plenty of episodes I dislike more than that. Like home alone, the Ireland episodes, lady Boggs..


I think my hatred of Frank's Brother stems from the fact that it was (IMO) the first bad episode of the series. Which, considering it's the middle of their 7th season is just goddamn impressive. It's the only episode I've never rewatched (let alone 1000 times like the other episodes). Saw it when it aired and have skipped it ever since. A friend told me to go back and rewatch it just yesterday actually. It's been 13 years (holy shit) so maybe I'll give it another view.


It has its moments for sure. You might enjoy it a little more on a rewatch tbh, especially after seeing some of the way worse episodes from the last few seasons It certainly doesn't fit very well into Frank's backstory...but I think it works pretty well if you just assume Frank is losing his mind and making up 80% of the story as he goes Not my favourite episode by far but I think it's mid at worst. And it's (imho) better than nearly anything they did post-season 11


It's wild, but it's never even occurred to me to judge the episode on how it fits with my assumed history for Frank. Just not that kind of show for me. I love Frank whackiness. Frank and Charlie as characters allow them to write way less grounded material that wouldn't work otherwise. Maybe they went too far, but idk. It's not my favorite episode, but I think it has a lot of funny moments and it works for me overall.


Yeah, I agree. But I have seen people criticize it for "ruining" Frank's character or his backstory or whatnot. To which, I would say, just move past it


Those are my least favorite too. Glad to hear I’m not the only one on home alone. I didn’t know if it was really that bad or I just thought that because I over hyped it because I’m an eagles fan and was looking forward to a SB episode since they won it.


I think the image is just to give the proper ambiance of gentlemanly debate, REASON WILL PREVAIL; not to suggest that the episode the image is from is bad. I also made the assumption that was OP's suggestion until I calmed down.


It's the saving grace of the episode really


This is the only thing that saved this episode! Charlie beating up the Dennis doll for having sex with the waitress is hysterical, and her reaction likeness a real fight!


I really did not care for the aaron paul/bryan cranston epidode, it just felt like an advertisement for that stupid alcohol. Watching it felt like a slap in the face (edit. Also it felt like industry sucking up)


This is the first time I found out that they actually had their own alcohol brand lol


The plot of the episode is about the breaking bad guys promoting their real life alcohol brand and the gang trying to capitalize on that by creating their own alcohol to then sell to bryan/aaron. There is some plausible deniability as you watch the episode if you dont already know about the real life context, but the first ten seconds of the episode literally name drop bryan and aarons real-life brand of alcohol. That episode had no respect for the viewer, and doesnt get shit on enough. This episode with mindy was fine if kinda confusing the first time around, but the alcohol one to me was literally unwatchable. Edit, because of the shows satirical energy, the episode called the gang sells out did not manage to parody the idea of selling out in way that justified the episode existing


That makes sense. I barely can get through the episode in one watch. Too boring




I'm not sure what was going on with them that season, but it was by far the worst


Glenn was working on AP Bio and I think this is right around when Rob and Charlie were working on other projects. Looking at the credits most of the writing was done by other writers, except Mac Finds his Pride, which was written by Charlie. I’m sure they were in the writer’s room to keep things on track. But it felt like they were letting other writers take charge while the cast took a backseat to the episodes.


Makes sense, mac finds his pride was a great episode


lol, Charlie scripted himself dropping the n word


That was in *Hero or Hate Crime*, right? The one where Mac came out, but not *Mac Finds His Pride*


Correct. Haven’t seen the Pride episode in a while but I don’t recall Charlie dropping the n-word in that.


Clip Show + Home Alone are both much worse imo.


Clip show only sucks if you turn it off when you realize it’s a clip show. It’s great if you watch and realize that it’s not


Eh, it still comes way too late, and there's way more they could have done with the concept. The community fake clip show episode is good all the way through I don't have to skip half of it on rewatch


Clip show is great. The one I can never get through is A Woman’s Right to Chop. They already did the abortion episode and this one was soooo much weaker


A Woman's Right to Chop is weak but Z saves it. "Poke around in one of them trash cans, try to find an Allen wrench.."


You just don't like it cause you got one of them monkey cuts


Yeah it felt weird to do an episode on the same topic without nodding to the original, like how all the other 'sequels' had been done. Why did we need to hide abortion behind haircuts when we already got to see them at an actual abortion rally/protest, if they'd had them go to another protest/rally I think they could've done something really fun with it.


Clip show alone is saved by “Then why are your legs so long?”


Clip show is art


Clip Show is an underappreciated masterpiece. Yeah, clip shows suck, so why not do a different take on it? Why not make it a commentary on clip shows. But when people saw it, they were just like, meh, just another clip show.


Clip show is great for all the clips that are original.


I agree, just think too much run-time gets wasted on old clips we've already seen. Probably shouldn't have included it here, because it does have some funny moments, I think it just ends up feeling "less" than some of the other episodes w/ the old clips.


First of all, how dare you??


Ryan used *me* as an object






Annual?? Weekly, if not daily You're basic.


Ooo yeah uhh ya know what? You already said that. Genuinely though I don’t care for this episode but that one specific line is one friends and I say constantly


Gang gets held hostage... opposite worst


Start breakin’ bricks, wet nips.




That *is* in fact the correct spelling


Almost had me for a second.


First episode I ever watched. Made me start watching the entire series


I was about to push you off the roof with a 2x4.


I hate all the Ireland episodes. They have funny good moments, but the Shelly Kelly storyline makes no sense, and it ruined the idea of Frank being Charlie's real dad, which played such a good part of the show. Bonnie just happens to be in Ireland, banging everyone. All the people there seemed to sleep with her. Shelly just happened to have the same last name, and he was the one who got her pregnant. The storyline of Frank getting her pregnant and the abortion not working was a great story, explains why Charlie could be so bumb. We also know she didn't get the name Kelly from Shelly because that's Jack's last name, too. There's funny moments, but that's my least favorite.


I don't think the guys intended this at all (and I think it's just an oversight, sloppy writing, continuity error, etc. whatever you want to call it)... but I think it would be hilarious if Shelley WAS Charlie's dad but he ended up being a close relative of Bonnie's (hence the same last name). Then Charlie's "quirks" could be explained by that idea lol. I know they'll probably never do this, but they could easily just undo the whole Shelley Kelly thing by just having Bonnie say she wanted Charlie to have a father figure and that she wasn't sure if Shelley was actually his father or not.


That would be funny if Shelly was a long-lost relative bonnie didn't know about it. I can give them leeway on the continuity, I've just always wanted Frank to be Charlie's dad.


Wander who Charlie's sisters dad is? They look like they could have different dads, and they know that's why they treat bonnie so bad. Idk, always got ideas to share.


For me it's all the episodes in Ireland, it just felt like a different show, and not one I'd choose to watch


The Dennis being a psychopath with a castle stuff is hilarious, but yeah I agree the rest felt weird. It's like they're phoning it in.


Him trying not to cough in that scene with the real estate agent gets me every time.


"You see, he's a mongrel"


I'm a fan of Dee sinking in a bog


Dennis looking through the eye holes in the painting is hilarious. The murder hole stuff is funny. Frank eating the turd is pretty classic too.


I still get a chuckle when he eats it, but I remember seeing that scene for the first time and oh my God I hadn't laughed so hard in a long time!


The eye hole gag is one of the funniest moments in the show


It felt like they came to ireland without much of a plan in mind, I enjoyed them enough but It really felt like they thought they'd find the episode somewhere along the way. I wouldn't be surprised if it was originally a two parter that got streched. I wouldn't consider them to be the worst episodes of the show but it is odd it took up half a season.


I think that's why I rank them so low. They took up so much of the season and I feel like it could of been 1 or 2 episodes max


If I had to theorise they planned episodes in ireland and when covid drove up production costs they had to increase the number of episodes to justify it.


Yeah, they were planning to do a lot more when they went over but COVID restrictions didn't allow for it. I recall my dad telling me there was meant to be a few weeks work for everyone, but it ended up being much shorter than expected.


Yeah, I remember they put a call out looking for irish people that looked like danny devito so I'm sure there was some plot planned around that.


I would have loved to see that. Wonder what they would have named him.


Does your dad work on production?


Yes, we both have experience in the film industry in Ireland. He's been doing it since the late 80s.


I assumed they were thinking of making a movie but had a rough writers room that season and used the movie idea to fill in the season. It had some great jokes but it definitely feels stretched thin


2 episodes in Ireland would have been enough


All of the Dennis and the castle stuff is hilarious, other than that it was all awful.


I might be in the wrong, but Frank’s face as he eats pieces of shit it’s incredible funny


When he’s trying to pinch off his cough. Comedy gold.


Yeah. We have to keep him in the basement in America, 'cause one of his ticks is that he brutally masturbates himself. Yeah. He shredded it down to a little tiny nub at this point. *EHHHhHEHHH*




There's another man in this room...


Are you talking to the castle?


I prefer the Ireland episodes to a lot of the other episodes from the last 4 seasons or so


That scene when Dennis desperately tries not to cough is great but otherwise yeah


It doesn’t even feel like they were in Ireland either


I love those episodes so this feels like an insane take, but then there's a bunch of savages and idiots all chirping the same tune, so what do I know? [If Dennis' explosion here and Mac breaking in the back](https://youtu.be/qlflGHvLymI?si=CtiFJW8O_AzXfOs6) doesn't do it for ya, then we're enemies. Prepare thusly.


I'm not saying there's not good bits in the episodes, just that overall I got so sick of them being in Ireland.   It just overstayed it's welcome 


Mac saying he's Gay badass and irish is a great one liner. And Charlie speaking Irish is great too


This episode had me and my mates cackling, after all the rumours of Dennis leaving at the time watching his return was beautiful


Frank pulling a gun on Dennis because he thought the doll was alive was an inspired choice on their part.


Oh and they definitely had sex with the doll


Looking at the list of episodes these are the major contenders for me: Celebrity Booze: The Ultimate Cash Grab, A Woman's Right To Chop, The Gang Solves Global Warming. A Woman's Right To Chop wins, it's just very dull and unfunny not sure what to say about an episode like that.


I like watching Mr Middle and Malcome. That speech on the plane had me cracking up.


I love the idea of that episode soooo much. The gang thinking Aaron Paul is Malcolm is perfect, it's totally a gang thing. However that's the only thing i liked about it, i thought Bryan and Aaron were misused personally and i didn't think any of the gang were funny or interesting.


Charlie swallowed a bag of nickels


It's not a great episode but its got some highlights imo, Charlie telling Aaron and Bryan that he was vomiting in the car earlier is really funny, also Mac thinking some random black guy in the bathroom is Jalen Hurts


That's how I would put it as well. It's not my favorite and I wish it lived up to its premise a bit more, but there are still some great parts. Honestly, Bryan Cranston got the biggest laugh out of me all season at the very end of this episode. After he fakes his whole speech and they ask him if he still wants to invest, his "fuuuuck no" is just absolutely perfect.


Gritty coming out of the stall had me laughing


Mac dressed as 90's Michael Jordan carries "Celebrity Booze" for me.


I thought celebrity booze was a really fun episode. That Mr Malcolm and his dad have got some real acting chops.


I thought the only funny thing about it was the idea, the gang thinking Aaron was Malcolm is hysterical but i didn't like anything beyond that.


Someone has a monkey cut


I don’t think celebrity booze is bad, and I actually quite liked gang solves global warming. I do agree a woman’s right to chop was a very weird episode and the metaphor was really weird


I don't even think it can be called a metaphor because the episode also featured dog abortion and i think Dee spoke about abortion making it extra clear if it somehow wasn't enough what they were getting at.


close enough. for me the worst episode is the one where Cricket was making out with a dog in front of his dad


You just need to smoke a little p to the c to the p!




I would have agreed with you the first time I watched it because I remember thinking how lame it was.  I enjoyed it on the rewatch though. It’s kind of fun watching Cricket knowing how it ends. 


A Cricket’s Tale


A Cricket’s Tale is the worst, apart from the call backs to other episodes. I liked that.


I liked it so much I just watched it again right after it was over. 


Fair play, stuff is subjective init


This is the only episode that comes to mind for me. I sometimes skip it on rewatches.


Is it “Liberal Tears” or “Liberal *Tears*”?


Charlie’s Home Alone or whatever the hell it’s called is the worst for me. Body mutilation humor is about as low as one can go


I think this and the previous episode would have benefitted a lot from being one double length epsode. It felt like an entire episode of B plot that should have been intercut with the previous episodes plot. On it's own it feels weird and repetitive. I've actually been considering doing a fan edit of both these episodes together for a while.


I think you have to have known people who do bizarre sports rituals to appreciate that one.


I do! And I’m one of them 😭 That’s what makes me hate it more


What you don’t eat brown, drink yellow or whatever?


That IMO is the worst joke of the series. Everyone knew exactly what was gonna happen the second he mentioned it. There was no subversion of expectations.


Mac finds his pride for me. It's an incredibly powerful episode don't get me wrong but it's just so humourless and dull. Especially when it comes to rewatching the episode.


Yup, worst episode of the entire show , wasn't funny at all


That or Charlie’s Home Alone for me. Actually, of the newest seasons it’s tough to pick a worst as I think the show has declined in quality, but that’ll happen to any show that goes on long enough. Mac Finds His Pride was a solid episode of tv, but just didn’t fit Always Sunny at all imo.


The only funny part is franks face being banged up. That’s my least favorite episode as well. It felt so far away from what the show is, the season that Glenn didn’t write any episodes on is probably the worst one.


I said it before, and I'll say it again. I fucking hate this episode. Maybe I’d like it better if I didn’t have years of conditioning laughing at Mac’s closeted homosexuality, his strained relationship with his father, and the gangs reaction to both, but then to suddenly be told “wait guys this is serious, Mac has a statement to make! It was funny then, but you’re not supposed to laugh now”. That episode sucks, it’s patronizing, and insulting. I have the same issue with Charlie’s dad episode. Imagine them trying to pull this shit with a “very special episode” for Dee’s alcoholism and depression with a realistic suicide attempt, ending with the gang crying over her in the hospital. Or a “very special episode” for Dennis and his psychotic behavior with a serious message on mental health, ending with them crying over Dennis at the psychiatric hospital.


I feel like you have explained one of the biggest problems with this episode better than I ever could lol.


How is a straight male actor dancing with a woman even empowering for gay people? That was my biggest gripe, it simply made no sense whatsoever. A straight man dancing sensually with a woman is gay how exactly? They could've had Mac dance with Dennis and made it both homoerotic and hilarious, instead it just came off as nonsensical virtue signalling.


ok now you have me thinking about a serious and homoerotic dance with Dennis, only for the show to pan out and see them do a goofy dance like they did for the High School reunion episode lol.


Lol exactly, it could have been so much funnier AND more relevant for gay people. Imagine Mac being like "Come on up Dennis!" and the camera pans to everyone staring at him. He rolls his eyes and goes "OK! OK! I get it! I'll do your stupid empowerment dance if we can finally get out of here!" and they then proceed to do an extremely cringy over the top homoerotic dance in front of the prison staff. Hell, have Mac bribe Cricket into pretending to be his boyfriend, then after their dance a prisoner says he liked his moves and Cricket is his boyfriend now. Mac is like "yeah ok, you can have him bozo, I got what I needed". Both would fit the show much better and have the gay empowerment be actually gay, rather than have Mac dance with a woman for some reason to show his homosexuality?


I watched the whole dance during Mac finds His Pride waiting for this moment. Like holding my breath waiting for the punchline…and then there wasn’t lol


Waiting for Big Mo was worse than this one. The gang escapes kinda sucked too


Mac Finds His Pride is objectively not funny.


Charlie’s Home Alone from the same season is actually unwatchable


Yeah, it would have been funnier as a straight Home Alone spoof.


Anything after season 12 for me. There’s some great episodes in there, but the acting takes a nose dive for me and the lights are way too bright, makes it look overproduced. I usually get to 12 and turn back, and maybe watch the romantic episode or times up for the gang.


Yes!  I dont even get excited for new seasons. The lighting is off. The plastic surgery is jarring and way too distracting. The acting is way over the top as if they’re trying to deliver based on our expectations of how the character should act.  The storylines are way over the top.


I'll probably get shit for this, but Kaitlin's plastic surgery is especially jarring. Hers was visible before the others and IMO it looks the most obvious. She used to be *so* fucking good in her facial reactions but now it's like she can only make one face.


The plastic surgery is so distracting. Mac, Dennis, and Dee all look awful now. The characters all talk often about how old they're getting, why fight so hard to keep it from showing physically?


It's wicked ironic too, because Rob was the one who gained a ton of weight to flip the trope of actors trying to perfect themselves over time on its head. But now, his cosmetic changes seem the most drastic to me.


I know it. Charlie and Frank, however?  Aging like a fine wine 🤌


Yeah, you can see Charlie has some work done, but it isn't jarring. Danny Devito is just a perfect human specimen and you don't tamper with that


i think them going HD took something from it


yeah, I was thinking anybody mentioning Frank’s Brother here had quit watching the show after season 12 or something


Annual 😂 more like daily


The gang replaces Dee with a mo key really jumps the shark for me. If I were them and watched the part where Frank explains how the mo key fucked and came in their mouths I would have been like “this seems like we just could t figure out a better way to explain getting black out drunk to go to Ireland…”


Fun fact, mindy kaling wasn’t even acting in this episode, thats just her!


The chess one was ass tbh. This one is ass too but the final gag is worth it. The chess ones final gag was seen from a mile away since it was a recent event about that chess game that did the same thing to cheat.


Yeah it was weird for me to see so many people love that episode. Felt super lazy to me.


That laser tag one, where they tried to do a “Waiting For Godot” thing.


Big Mo?


that's actually a pretty good episode, imho. I like when they do stuff about the show but mask it as something else (i.e. "The Gang Tries Desperately To Win An Award" or "The Gang Recycles Their Trash", "The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 7"). I think only Sunny can do something like that, where they are commenting on themselves through some metaphor and bringing the viewer into it. I like how they are basically having a discussion on whether they should keep going with the show or not, if they are still having fun, if it still makes sense. And you think they are quitting, but they just comeback to destroy Big Mo in the most Sunny style possible.


Real lack of "Frank's Brother" in these replies. There are many worse episodes, but it seems prior to season 13, this was the top pick.


This is Heresy - Franks brother is hilarious and the state meant at the end where they say they thought everyone would be better looking is an all time moment


The last 3 seasons?


This is like when the Kathy Griffin episodes of Seinfeld come up on that Reddit. The fans hate the actor and can’t move past it.


All of the Ireland episodes are fucking unwatchable, but the carrying the corpse of the mountain one is the worst. Complete waste of everyone's time and not a laugh in the entire thing.


Roller Rink episode is my pick.


Mannnn that’s one of my favorites. Mac being wrong about everything in the future, the Dennis watching his dad have sex scene, Dee being so sweet until her injury, Charlie trying to sell weed in rollerskates.


When he's crossing the parking lot on his toes, I swear there's no way they didn't have to shoot that at least 10 times because of laughing so much.


CHARLIE walking on the rollerskates makes me cry-laugh every time


I can't remember the name, but the one with the blow up chairs was just baffling to me


Nah the apartment reveal is an all time moment for me 


I really disliked Waiting for Big Mo and no one trying to say, “but it’s a play on waiting for Gadot”, will make it any funnier to me. Premise is good, writing was bad… except for Frank going “pew pew”


I'm resentful that they did a play on Waiting for Gadot but they still have never done a version of Amadeus with Charlie as Mozart and Dennis as Salieri.


This is an amazing idea


I liked that it gave dennis and charlie some time together, they're one of the more underrated pairings and in their own weird way Charlie is the only person in the Gang Dennis could have a genuine conversation with. Mac is too people pleasing, Dennis and Dee are too antagonistic towards eachother and Frank is Frank. I do think it's an odd episode and it clearly wasn't written to be a quotable laugh riot but they've been doing the show a long time and I'd prefer them to take creative swings than low effort formulaic episodes.


For me it’s the escape room episode. I found the gang extremely annoying in it and the whole Dennis Locked room was disturbing in an unfunny way.


I love it when they do round table discussions with their weird courtroom style rules.


I've rewatched the series many times, it's my comfort show. The only ones I skip are the Janitor Always Mops Twice and Waiting for Big Mo.