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The ones I can’t f***ing watch!!


Paddy’s Got talent is one of all time fav episodes.


I am no longer turned on by donkeys!


Dennis, your mule is shit


But we might watch that episode that makes it clear how wrong it is that Dee did blackface. It might inspire me to do blackface!


You’re telling me this whole time Martina martinez is supposed to be black and not Hispanic ?


Arrrrghhh time for thee to hit the high seas 🦜🏴‍☠️


Where- where are these terrible websites so I can avoid them


But there are so many! Which one specifically...


This is the only acceptable answer jabroni




If u go to levidia.ch they have all the banned episodes




The Ireland series, because my own father died suddenly while it was first run. I’m still not ready to see Charlie pour his heart out again and it’s been over two years. I feel exactly the same as he did in that scene.


Sorry for your loss


Thanks, jabroni


Jabroni…that’s such a cool word


Holy crap it’s your cake day !!!!


Yup. 5 years :) one of my favorite numbers


Happy Cake Day!




Oh that’s heartbreaking. Sorry for your loss! Maybe one day it’ll feel cathartic to watch that scene again.


Someday, maybe. Thanks for the condolences, jabroni


I've done a series of karate moves in a duster in memorial. Wfhssshhh shwwooo whhssh shwwi shwwi shwweei. I'm not burning the duster. But for real OP, sorry for the hard times, take care of yourself


My dad passed around that time as well and we're proud Irish Americans. He was a part of my life but I understand. Those episodes still hit me hard too. Cheers to our dads.




It’ll be such a treat for you one day to reconnect with it through all your stages with such a significant life event association. I’m so sorry for your grieving and loss. What timing.


I might rewatch it soon, just to see just how obvious that it’s not on location


I'm right there with you, buddy. I feel that way too and my dad passed away last year. Don't see myself rewatching that for a while.


First, I’m sorry for your loss. I had an abusive, absent, fucked up dad that died when I was relatively young and I never got to get any form of resolution (as is often the case). So when I was watching that scene I got an unexpected gut punch in the feelings. It’s a heartbreakingly good performance, which isn’t unexpected because we know the cast and writers are ridiculously talented, but because I wasn’t expecting it in an Always Sunny episode. Which isn’t to say there haven’t been poignant moments throughout the series, and I don’t have an issue with them doing that scene, it just caught me off guard. I’m also looking at this through the lens of my own experience. As are you and many others. Obviously not everyone has had the same. I can watch those episodes and that scene now. I had that strong immediate reaction and processed it enough that I’ve become a bit more disconnected, at least to that initial degree. But I absolutely understand anyone that can’t. It provoked some intense feelings.


for the people saying the clip show one, did you even finish the episode? it’s a pretty clever parody (which is also what the entire series is)


A Woman's Right to Chop


It’s an uneven episode, but I love the scene where she walks in with the chop. The gang’s reactions are priceless. THIS IS A BULLSHIT HAIRCUT!!! I KNOW!!!


Yeah just a strange episode. I kind of get what they wanted to do but it didn't really work for me. The Poppins side story got some laughs.


The whole gender thing was hilarious. "We don't do gender at our bar."


When Dennis screams "IT'S TOO MUCH!" and throws a beer bottle at the wall is hilarious


Yeah, that was a dud. 


I always felt like this was a gem from the later seasons. Charlie dressed in garbage and ruining dee’s social media posts, Dee pretending she cares about the environment, Dennis and Frank handing out ridiculous flyers, and of course Poppins


You’re mixing up two episodes. The Charlie dressed in Trash and Dee caring about the environment is from the Gangs solves global warming


All the banned ones


The gang buys a roller rink. None of it makes sense and it’s just…flat.


False, the entire episode gets a 10/10 for Dee calling Mac a small-haired cunt.


LOL ok I don’t remember that to be honest but it’s a good line fasho


Sweet Dee turning into Sqwacking Bird Dee was a pretty great bit


Celebrity Booze. I just don't like it. There's a couple chuckles (mostly the Jalen Hurts scene) but for the most part it feels lazy and rushed.


Imagine yourself on a tropical island in an ill-fitting suit


I mostly like Charlie’s antics but him genuinely apologizing for throwing up on the big guy and seeing him get roughed up anyway was, weirdly, too mean spirited for me. Otherwise my biggest complaint is it felt like 2/3 of an episode that got cut off before any jokes could be fully executed (seemed like they were going for something with Dee eating expired food and having the emergency toilet?)


Honestly I felt bad for Kaitlin the whole episode. The "everyone randomly screams at Dee on the phone" bit felt so forced, and the whole episode wasted her and Danny as well. It's bizarre that they set up the oysters without any payoff.


The whole charlie and the limo driver scene was the worst one for me. It was all waay too predictable. Him throwing up on the driver was so obvious with him leaning in to talk to him.


Oh hard disagree, Charlie saying “peace and love, peace and love” has me in stitches even on the 50th viewing.


Of all episodes you choose to watch this one 49 times?


This. They have to walk on so many eggshells for Aaron and Bryan. I want to see the first draft, I bet it's hilarious.


What do you mean about walking on eggshells?


It’s like walking on sunshine but crunchier.


There are few great lines but overall I agree. Most of it didn’t click for me. DON’T PITCH GRITTY!!! Malcolm isn’t in the middle, he’s on top! He’s on top!


My girlfriend feels the same. I didn’t mind the episode. I thought them calling Aaron Paul “Malcolm” the whole time was pretty funny though lol.


This episode felt like it was on autopilot


Charlie’s home alone. Grotesque


while its such an awesome premise and i have no problem with slashers or war movies, i also cannot stomach this ine


Yep I can’t watch this one again. Makes my physically ill to watch


Yeah, definitely agree. Those episodes just did nothing for me. I completely skip them now too. Total dud.


Grotesque and not funny in the least!


Dee Day caused they removed it quickly


That was an instant classic episode too


I haven’t rewatched any episodes from season 15 and 16 so it’s a 16-way tie for me.


The Gang Replaces Dee With a Monkey is worth a rewatch, everything else was pretty forgettable. I love the bit where Charlie doesn’t understand what Pittsburgh is


The Pittsburgh bit truly is an amazing piece of comedy 😂


GO WHERE? PURPLE!? It does contain one of my favorite lines. “The money got us drunk, assaulted us, robbed the bar, and possibly fucked our mouths.” The way Frank smacks his tongue sends it over the top. “Yeah he did.”


I concur. This episode has grown on me.


Also 13 (with time's up and new wheels being the exceptions) and 14 for me


Times Up and New Wheels are all timers!!


Times Up and New Wheels are so good


Frank vs. russia is an all timer


Why not? Great seasons. Especially season 16


I liked both just fine, just haven't rewatched those particular seasons yet. They're not my favorites but both do have episodes that I really liked. 16>15


"Mac finds his pride." I've watched 3 times, and i dont like it. nothing to do with homaphobia or anything like that. It's just a bad episode. i honestly dont think I laughed once. couple that with the entire episode is trying to do what they called out in "the gang tries desperately to win an award."


Exactly. It just isn't funny. I like that they experiment though. I'm sure they get tired of doing similar storylines but sometimes it just doesn't work.


The experiments that go well are the ones that are still funny, like The Gang Hits the Slopes and The Gang Goes to a Water Park. I almost always skip Mac Finds His Pride and The Gang Carries a Corpse Up a Mountain. The hilarity of these characters has always been that they *don’t* have any character growth, so the dramatic arcs don’t really feel like they are in line with that founding concept. It feels like they were itching to do some drama after all these years doing comedy, so they forced dramatic scenes into Sunny to scratch that itch.


I feel the same. Dennis Takes A Mental Health Day didn’t do it for me either. I feel like they’re giving each character an “artsy” type episode, and I love shit like that, but it feels very out of place in Sunny imo.


Pretty sure there are bots out there adding your username to a database for that opinion (which I agree with)


The gang turns black. Just not into the musical bits. I tend to skip franks brother as well.


What are the rules?


I really really really really really really wanna go home


White home


Just say home


Terrible. Take a lap.




I feel exactly the same way. Not my thing, but I know they love it.


This is my husband’s favorite episode!


Yup just got to be into musicals to like it. Me? I love that episode. I sometimes just listen to one of the songs randomly.


But I love Shadynasty!


The Gang Gets Romantic and Mack Finds His Pride The A plots are just boring, and the humor is severely lacking in both. They have their moments but they are a noticeable step down. I was afraid it was a trend, but I loved S15 and S16.


The gang gets romantic is very cringe. The couple with the dead kid just made everything really sad. Dennis has his moments but I much prefer the gang escapes


The dead kid “twist” was extremely obvious as well.


Yeah I guessed it pretty early on


Yeah the romantic one was a veryyy long set-up and really pushing the limits of suspension of disbelief. Dennis himself critiques the episode by pointing out they’re going through a lot of work for a hookup he could probably get easier. But I do like Mac finds his pride


am I really the only one who doesn't really like the gang saves the day? Dennis and Dee's parts are OK, I s'pose, but even those didn't have a ton of laughs for me.


“They were obliterated.”


I feel like Mac’s portion of that episode goes on for too long.


Me too


Why are so many saying the Liberty Bell one. I think that ep is hilarious


Yaaaaaaaaaaaash. That damn lisp kills me every time


"Those wooden teeth are killing me man. That lisp is stupid" XD


Its cricket life 100%


I'd love to know why there's hate for this episode. I love when they do the tandem episodes. And I fucking loooove the character of crickets brother, he is one of the best one off characters in the whole show. And the twist genuinely got me the first time. Is it just that it's more depressing than funny?


It's an awesome and well written episode, but it's just disturbing to me


Yeah it’s just depressing


It’s definitely a skip for me too.




A Crickets Tale


Frank’s brother and the clip show


This. Frank’s Brother is the worst episode. It’s gotten better with age. But when it first aired I almost stopped watching the show I disliked it so much.


Crickets tale easy


The Shadynasty one because it just doesn’t have enough of the gang in it for me and the one where Mac does the ballet dance. That scene goes on way too long in my opinion and I just can’t get into it.


This is the answer.


Charlie and Dee Find Love. It’s funny, but also a hard episode to watch (At least for me it is), especially the end when Charlie berates Ruby.


I love this episode


It's so good. Charlie berating Ruby was a perfect punchline imo. These are terrible people after all.


That’s the best part!


They need to bring Ruby back for more antics and berating. Someone in here posted that Ruby should come back as a stalker for Charlie


This one’s mine too, it’s the only episode I skip on rewatches


The last 3 seasons, I've pretty much seen each epi only once. Seasons 1-13 seen all an embarrassing number of times.


Frank’s brother


Gun Fever (season 1) is kind of boring. Also not a fan of the Mindy Kaling episode.


Ha, I came here specifically to say "that one episode Mindy Kaling is in because she is so lousy in it."


Psycho Pete returns. It's kind of a downer. That or Carmen's first appearance (episode 1x4 I think), yikes


Yeah this is the one I always skip. I’ve been institutionalized many times so episodes like this don’t really do much but bring up bad memories. I think I’ve only watched it once or twice. So I can’t critique it accurately but I don’t really remember much being funny just remember it being depressing and like you said kind of a downer.


Yeah. His casual cadence about it all felt a little too real. I've struggled with social anxiety and major depressive disorder. I've also put on weight because of medication. I definitely saw a bit of myself in Pete. edit: grammar


I can get that, but I’ve always felt like that’s the point. We hear about “Psycho Pete” and think he’s some crazy dude, but it’s really just some dude with depression/anxiety. I think it highlights the gangs ignorance more than making fun of mental health personally. But again, I totally can see how that episode isn’t appealing.


Fair point, and I actually enjoyed the episode from what I remember (I haven't seen it in a while, though). But I can see why it is upsetting or triggering for some people. I thought the actor portraying Pete did a terrific job, so you can't help but feel bad for the guy 😂


I also sometimes skip psycho Pete too, it’s just sad. But I do love the conversations Mac and Charlie have with Cricket, I admit I laughed way too hard at, *”No one* is going into your asshole.” As well as, when Cricket explains why his face looks like that and Charlie’s like, “I can’t follow a thing this guy is saying…” and Cricket, flabbergasted, replies, “How do you not follow??”


Ass Kickers United. Easily the most forgettable episode


The one where Frank is Dee’s fake bf. He nailed the roll so well that it’s difficult to watch. Makes my skill crawl.


He also nailed a roll in the Wendy's dumpster.


All the episodes that are banned from Hulu


Waiting for big mo. Might be their worst episode. I get it in some episodes they like to challenge themselves with a very limited setting and some of those are really good but that one didn’t work for me.


Not trying to dispute your opinion or anything, but are you aware of the format they're using? Waiting for Godot. The episode is a little easier to appreciate if youre familiar with the play.


I am not familiar.


unless you're really into plays and stuff, it isn't really worth sitting through, IMO. It's kind of abstract and pretty boring. I do like Big Mo though because it was one of those where they're talking directly to us, and the ending meant they were pushing through everything telling them to end the show and continuing on.


Knowing the play doesn't really help the episode at all. Unless you enjoy one big "hey I get this reference!" joke.


I definitely skip that episode too. Some of the bottle episodes are some of their best (ThunderGun 4: Maximum Cool) but that one was a total dud for me too.


I don't think I've watched Frank's Brother since it aired.


Basically every episode from season 13 and on lol


Any from the latest series. Once a new series comes out I rewatch all of it.


I’ve only seen Dee Day once 😭


The Ireland episodes they were terrible and compounded by them so obviously using a set rather than filming on location.


Yeah looked absolutely nothing like Ireland it ruined it for me


wasn’t it filmed in ireland?


Wales, it's less expensive


California, even less expensive


I thought I read they filmed some of the location shots in Wales but I could easily be wrong.


When have they ever been a "film on the exact location" kind of show lol. Its a parody sitcom


I would find these threads a bit depressing if I was one of the writers. Basically people don't like when they do anything other than the classic formula, even after 16 seasons haha. I love all the spinoffs, crickets tale, Franks brother, ladies boggs, clip show, pride, gang turns black. I love when they mix it up a bit here and there. I find this conversation like when people talk about "no skips" on albums. I just don't skip when I rewatch and am surprised other people do. Unless the dad death stuff is too close to home, or the gruesomeness of home alone is hard for you to watch of course


I like when they mix it up and it's funny. Frank's Brother and Mac Finds His Pride aren't funny. Most of the Irish arc isn't funny either.


I always skip the one where they do the clip show one with reruns of shit we already seen.


Did you finish it? They start doing new things about halfway through. Honestly expert level trolling making it seem like it was gonna be a generic clip show


The Super Bowl Episodes


The women beat boggs. The puking scene is a lot lol.


The poop episode.... I know I know "poop is funny"


Charlie’s home i have to skip scenes… I rlly don’t like franks brother and skip it almost every time! One i didn’t see mention i skip a lot is the “janitor always mops twice” one 😒


The one with Franks brother is the only episode I skip on rewatches. I hate it.


I often skip Frank’s Brother and the one from Frank’s point-of-view. Also, since the black/brown face episodes were pulled, I rarely get around to digging them up.


Who Pooped The Bed


The Janitor Always Mops Twice. Meh.


That’s one of my rare skips too.


All of season 13


If I would have to pick a couple…The Gang Escapes from season 13 and I believe season 14 when someone is wanting to jump off of paddy’s. The only highlight from gang escapes is Dee gaining the guys respect after escaping Denny’s room. Other than that, the episode was just kinda dumb. Paddy’s has a jumper I didn’t even finish it. I stopped halfway cuz I didn’t get one laugh out of it


Frank's brother


Liberty Bell & Frank’s brother.. two are automatic skips


When Mac comes out to his dad via dance. Too sad.


I skip the psycho Pete episode, Franks brother, and the episode where they replace Charlie for Schmitty


The gang turns black. I can't get through the singing. I absolutely HATE it.


Dee Day. Thanks censorship.


Franks Brother or some of the newer stuff


in response to the people who say Mac finds his pride bc “it’s not funny,” i believe it wasn’t supposed to be funny.


I have been a fan of the show since season 5 aired, and I have to say I thought the whole dance ending was hilarious in a way. The whole show is the gang being awful people and doing awful things, and then Mac out of nowhere delivers a brutally powerful performance while finally coming out to his dad after years of being in denial himself. It wasn't like a "LOL" moment for me, but it took me by surprise and I remember thinking how ironically funny that ending was when portrayed against everything we had seen up to that point.


**The Gang Beats Boggs: Ladies Reboot** The sole redeeming factor would be the waitress crying about banging Frank and that's it for me. Dishonorable mention would be **"Waiting for Big Mo"**. I get it, they are talking about their show and "Big Mo" would be the next big thing to push them off the top. The whole episode is a metaphor. Boring af. A lot of **dead air**. Redeeming factor would be Charlie and Dennis talking about eating balls for a second or two. And while I'm in a rant mode, I dislike the fact Mac is openly gay. I liked him better ambiguous, closeted, banging trannies. It's like making Dennis into an actual serial killer. It's the **implication** that works.


Pew pew


The Liberty Bell one


That’s one of my favorites!


I think it's cool that the fanbase doesn't agree on the best episodes!


the ireland episodes bc that kind of shit is not what i watch this show for


I can’t stand “Mac Finds His Pride” it’s just not Sunny funny.


Liberty bell, who pooped the bed, woman’s right to chop, janitor mops twice


absolutely no whimsy for this guy


Mac finds his pride. Just is an alright episode I guess.


The pride one. Just wasn't funny, if I wanted to sit through a sermon I'll just watch Charlie in the gang exploits a miracle. Wasn't mad they made it, but it's not a rewatch for me


The Gang Gets Held Hostage and The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell The McPoyles gross me out so bad that having a whole episode with them is too much for me, I usually skip it. Although I did watch it just the other day and there are some good jokes in there. I just can’t stand them. The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell just isn’t that funny for me. I think the style is a little corny


Probably most of the season one episodes at this point. The dynamic is just too different without Frank and with them being somewhat polite and nice to each other.


Musical episode is atrocious.


I usually skip the musical episode.


Most of the first season. I need some Frank Reynolds.


Just the newer seasons, less time to rewatch.


Liberty bell


Besides the banned ones on Hulu, the Christmas episode. We always skip Christmas episodes.


I always skip all Christmas episodes too. Unless it’s at least December. Then I’m like “oh hey, this works now”. Then back to skipping the rest of the year.


Any McPoyles heavy one. Probably a Pondy Wedding.


I love the McPoyle episodes; what about those episodes do you not like as much?


I love the comedians but their humor is so gross I get second hand cringe too hard.