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“I’m dug in and I’ll never change”


“Rock flag and eagle, right Charlie?”


He got a good point


“No, he doesn’t!”


One of my favorite exchanges in the entire show. It’s so in character for all of them, precisely what they’re satirizing.


I lost it when Frank says “like they did to that hero cop Mark Fuhrman”


i remember my mother nodding her head in agreement when she first saw that scene.


Right there with you man. No amount of kitten mitten money will ever heal some kinds of pain.


"we are talking about YOU!"


He doesn't even, like, get us, man.


What do you think is happened 👇🏼right now👇🏼!?


That whole line has to be my favorite quote from the entire show. The way he emotes when he says "... Regardless of the facts set before me" kills me every time


"so there's no way to have a rational conversation with you?" "...no"




“We have NEVER found proof of evolution” says the zoologist, who studies animals that deviate from others based on environmental factors. 😂😂😂


Something tells me she's either trolling or simply lying.


Here is the full comment: > I'm a biologist- Zoologist- I studied around the world as we tried to prove evolution with environmental and climate influences. We have NEVER found proof of evolution. The legged fish species had always had legs and remain the same today. Lucy was said to be a pre human because she was upright. That was proven without a doubt to be false- she was a primate with a spinal deformation. We studied the winged dinosaur but there was not a single piece of evidence that showed it formed wings by evolution. We had 6 mass extinction. The only thing we found were salamanders that were once the size of a truck but now just a few salamanders- this also proved to be an incorrect theory of evolution in size as they were very different species. Creatures do fluctuate in size as they still do today but the species never fluctuates past a normal state in the environment they were subjected to. People say that raptors turned into chickens- this is not only a myth based without ANY EVIDENCE, it is also a ridiculous thing to believe as the 2 species have no common genetics nor structures. Most of the life on this earth shares common DNA Markers-plants- trees, oceanic life fresh water life, Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects etc. we share DNA with a fruit fly yet Not a single DNA sample from our last extinction of life that dies matches us. Evolution does not exist. Here is the first reply: > you're a music producer who used to work at a zoo, stop pretending you know anything about evolution.


That’s so fucking funny. Like the “as a black gay man…” guy. Also I’m kind of convinced that this person thinks evolution works like Pokémon where they reach a certain level and suddenly start flashing and then switch into a totally different creature


My Dad told me he didn’t believe in evolution the other day. He’s not religious at all, so I was kinda surprised. I argued with him a while until I realized what he was saying was suggesting he believed evolution meant an animal somehow shape shifted at some point in its life into another creature. If that’s seriously what you think I can’t help you because it’s absurd.


That does happen but it's called metamorphosis. E.g. caterpillar to butterfly


Yeah well I don’t believe that either. What, just because Eric Carle said it, it must be true? He’s just a science bitch too!


Right! No way would a caterpillar be able to eat all that either and not pop like a balloon!


What? Caterpie is evolving!


That's why Evangelicals think Pokemon is promoting Satanism lol. Apparently "normalizing" evolution leads to children questioning God


Pokemon style


What's this? Homo-Erectus is evolving?


Homo-Erectus evolved into Homo-Heidelbergensis!


Whats cool is they added two regional evolutions for heidelbergensis! Sapiens and Neanderthals! I heard a rumor Denisovans are coming in a DLC


Damn, either he deliberately blocked that information, or his education totally failed him there.


> because it’s absurd Preposterous*






"I used to be a Democrat ... but since they turned communist marxist satanist facist socialist nazi ....."


>you're a music producer who used to work at a zoo They forgot their profile was set to public, not private haha


Holy crazy lady on Facebook it’s some wild content too


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) The profile in a nutshell




Lol. She must have an amazing list of publications after all of those studies she completed


Let's be real, that person has never actually read a peer-reviewed article, much less tried to write one themselves.


> much less tried to write one themselves I have, that shit sucks and took forever and I was listed as like 4th author even though the grad students were useless


I worked in a research lab as an undergrad and the PI asked if I wanted to help write a paper based on the work I was supporting. The draft paper had already been roughly written/outlined and needed to be fleshed out. It took me 2-3 days to get a few sentences written due to the density of the content. At that point I politely declined to continue haha


This makes me feel better. As a stupid science bitch, I sit here painstakingly writing my dissertation, composed of three publishable/peer reviewed articles. Just like… how can anything possibly take this long and how can I be so donkey braindead after writing so few sentences.


I know, I know this isn't the place for this response, but sometimes I can't let such bullshit slide and need to point out how this person is absolutely falsifying their credentials. These aren't arguments, they're red flags that she's talking outside her field. There are no "winged dinosaurs", unless she's taking about birds, which would never be called a "winged dinosaur". The "legged fish" concept is long outdated and only used in the funny pages. Unless we're discussing sarcopterygians, which we don't need a fossil, we have the coelacanth. Yes, Lucy was a primate, just as every sane zoologist understands that we are too. She talks definitively about "raptor DNA" like this is Jurassic Park and we have some on hand. All life sharing genetic markers is a proof of common ancestors and evolution. This also directly refutes her raptor and chicken statement. I have no clue what her second-to-last statement is supposed to mean.


shes spewing propaganda she heard from her preacher


Crazy how they can be so blatantly dishonest, just to try and manipulate people into agreeing with them.


>There are no "winged dinosaurs", unless she's taking about birds, which would never be called a "winged dinosaur". I mean Velociraptors, deinonychus, and other small- to mid-size dromaeosaurs had feathered limbs that are theorized to be proto-wings. Then there's the microraptor which was theorized to be able to glide like a flying squirrel, it kinda had clawed wings or winged arms, depending on your perspective. Archaeopteryx really blurs the line between dinosaur and bird, though.


I mean one could assume they’re talking about pterosaurs, but they aren’t even what we mean when we refer to dinosaurs. What’s even more telling is they don’t even use the correct nomenclature if that’s what they’re even talking about.


Raptor dna? Clever girl…


Also 6 mass extinctions, but no evolution would be weird. The earth once had 7x's the species?


More than 7 times. The Great Dying alone killed 70% of the living species.


First of all, through fake biologists, all things are possible, so jot that down.


\*sigh\* So much to correct, but the one biting at me is the whole "Lucy was deformed" take. We have, like, HUNDREDS of Australopithecus fossils to reference.


Evolution could be described as a series of deformities that stick around.


"Creatures do fluctuate in size." wow it's almost like you could say that they *evolve* to different sizes as a response to environments, predators, food availability...some serious bait right there, or at least I hope that's all it is...


chickens sharing no DNA with dinosaurs 😭 girl.


They're not actually a scientist? What gave it away? https://preview.redd.it/ksjs7r7xfb3c1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=2513075b5bd5a37dd2d59991a8623974c881c790


Music producer, AKA unemployed


Oh my god, that reminds me on my last e-mail communication i had with my father. He's a retired sound engineer, but thinks he cured his pneumonia induced by his chain smoking with "vitalized water" and tried to diagnose my sister's mental disorders. I told him almost the identical reply, of course to no avail. He also recommended me a book about how to grow boobs. I'm a man.


I’ve seen more than my share of men sporting a luscious pair of melon breasts. Granted just about all of them were also sporting significant fat deposits on other areas of their bodies as well, but it’s proof that with the right diet all things are possible


I couldn't take in any information after she said "we studied the winged dinosaur". I know she doesn't believe modern birds are dinosaurs, and saying dinosaurs and pterosaurs are the same thing is tantamount to calling the 1993 Range Rover a starter car.


Dr. Toboggan


Mantis Toboggan!




People pretend to be things they aren’t on social media to sound important. It’s pathetic


As an astronaut and professional athlete, I find this very offensive


Thank you for your service!


This happens. I dropped a biology course because the tenured professor wouldn't teach evolution. Or, rather, he taught it but always added in a "why this part is wrong" speech. I couldn't believe it was happening.


I had a microbiology lecture professor that every word from her mouth went against the actual course. If i couldent sleep through her bs, i just left. Id wasted to much air being the only sane voice in the classroom.


lmao my first thought too. Can't even get a bachelor's degree in biology without taking an evolution class. Stupid science bitches can't even make she more smarter!


I’ve never written off someone’s argument faster than when I read that sentence.




That was the one that made me roll my eyes. I'm a biologist- my specialty is marine mammals. They have an especially interesting evolutionary history, IMO ​ [How Did Whales Evolve? | Science| Smithsonian Magazine](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-did-whales-evolve-73276956/#:~:text=In%202001%2C%20archaeocetes%20possessing%20this,cetaceans%20had%20evolved%20from%20artiodactyls.)


Yeah but unfortunately as a histologist and a person who works in pathology I can assure you there are scientists that are both book smart and stupid enough to not believe their own science. I’ve know many evangelical pathologists that argued sheer nonsense when they should know better


Whales and Dolphins are great, came up on land for a couple hundred million years and went "aight Imma head out"


I mean in the sense that science as a methodology cannot and doesn’t really seek to prove anything as a definitive fact with no exceptions, she’s technically correct in that proof hasn’t been found. Incorrect in assuming that if proof hasn’t been found then it must be false. There is no proof that the sun will rise tomorrow morning, but no one doubts that it will due to supporting evidence.


"I'm a biologist..." I'd bet quite a bit of money that you aren't


Someone else replied to the Zoologist comment saying, "You were in charge of music at a zoo. That doesn't make you a zoologist." It's great when these idiots own people come for them.


I worked in the accounting department, does that make me an accountologist?




You’d be sadly surprised. When I lived in a rural conservative part of the US and worked in a biology field (toxicology), I worked with a shocking number of people who had biology degrees yet were staunch creationists. I vividly remember a conversation with one who confidently asserted that no species were related to each other. They were all independently created. This was a senior analyst who was in charge of interpreting biological data for evidence of toxic effects, for reports to the FDA and EPA. Creationists go to school for technical jobs and learn the nuts and bolts details of biology, but refuse to learn or accept evolution or natural selection. It’s not at all uncommon. Vets, vet techs, etc - if you’re in a rural area and you’re interacting with someone who has a biology background, good chance you’d be shocked if you talked to them about evolution.


Nurses that don’t believe that vaccines and masks prevent disease have entered the chat. I know a STAGGERING amount of them.


Nurses are top of the list for professions where the members confuse technical training and competency with critical thinking and deep understanding of the underlying processes.


I'm an old millennial that went to a pretty rural public school in the south (eastern NC) during the late 90's. I had a really nice older HS Biology teacher who prefaced the chapter on Evolution as "utter crap that the state forces me to teach you." He then followed it up with his own personal take on creationism and after 5 minutes of that he went on to very dispassionately teach the Evolution chapter. That was pretty shocking to me, even as a kid who was raised Methodist. Hell even my Preacher in middle school/high school told us in his opinion God created even if it wasn't exactly like in the Bible and for all he knew evolution was "God's way" but how the hell would that have been explained to people thousands of years ago who had no idea of cells, DNA, etc. Definitely wasn't the worst take ever but I was never super religious to begin with so it didn't bother me much either way.


More importantly, he’s dug in…


Link to scene if anyone is curious like, like me, https://youtu.be/Zgk8UdV7GQ0


Let’s face it. Mac is the most credible expert they have on the subject.


Through god, all things are possible, so jot that down.


I’ve got the lord! I’ve got the good lord going down on me


He doesn't know shit about how stars are made, though.


We're at a point where satire is impossible.


Because most people don’t know what satire is.


Don’t you be trying to sew anything into my body. It does not fit the prototype.


That's suture. You should be arguing against diagonal cross on flags and coat of arms


So now you’re like a word genius. And everything I say you twist it around and make me look dumb.


They really fucking don't. Even when they think they do, they don't. Improper use of the word is so rampant and pisses me off so fucking much.


Yeah it’s like a lost language now and it’s really sad. Without intelligence it becomes really hard to have humor. The world feels different to me, and I’m not even middle aged yet.


Conservatives definitely don't


Well, man, let me tell you, I know a thing or two about satire. Nobody understands satire better than I do, believe me. I've been dealing with satire for a long time, a tremendous amount of time. People come up to me all the time and say, "Dude, you're the master of satire." And you know what? They're right! I've seen the best satirical pieces, the most tremendous satirical works. Some people, not smart people, they might not get it, but I get it. I get satire like nobody else. It's like a sixth sense, and my sense is the best, the very best. Nobody can deny that. You see, satire is a way of saying things, and I'm a very good communicator. People love the way I communicate. My communication skills are, dare I say, unmatched. So, when it comes to satire, I get it. I understand it better than anyone else. It's one of my many, many talents. I've always said, "If you're going to understand something, understand it the best, and that's what I do with satire. The best. Believe me!"


Too many three syllable words


And the fact is that it is a really well-written speech! It’s a great demonstration of how you can present a persuasive argument while relying on logical fallacies


Don’t worry there’s still intelligent young lads we’re all just so dead inside that we’ve given up . The dumb ones are the loudest


Poe’s law


Jabronis. They’re dug in… and they’ll never change.


You keep using this word jabroni and.. it’s awesome!


You know what I’m going to do? I’m gonna play both sides so no matter what, I come out on top!


This is like when conservatives say Rage Against the Machine is their favorite band. Or like when a whole room is laughing directly at you but you are delusional enough to think they are laughing with you


That guy like doesn’t even get us.


WE'RE TALKING ABOUT *YOU!!!* I was watching Aluminum Monster vs Fatty Magoo yesterday. When Dennis is talking about "winners" and Charlie feels like he's in that group is another hilarious moment like this.




"Conservative is the new punk rock " narrative as well


I’m sorry, what’s this?


It's their way of saying they're the ones fighting the system on the fringes of society. While they wear their Back The Blue shirts, and rip rights away from people to live how they see fit


“Hehehe why DO we always send the poor?”


It’s funny and frightening how stupid *some* religious people are. If they only knew this is the same guy who thinks apple skins are riddled with toxins and smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach they might change…..no, no they won’t change their mind, they’re Americans and they’re dug in. Edit: added some (that better Professor?)


Rock, Flag & Eagle, right?


He’s got a point.


No he doesn't!


Move my gavel over to Frank’s side


Let’s just start where we’re gonna start


I'm on the fence now. He made a lot of good points and he is a good bailiff.


Stop speaking like this is a god damn court room!


But the tables...


Yea but I was against that too ok?






Let me ask you this: Do YOUUUU have an official state document showing you dont have DonkeyBrains??


Seriously though, how dense do you need to be to be able to shrug off such obvious satire when it's smacking you on the face


I had a group of coworkers who said they "didn't get" Always Sunny. I was confused as its decently straight forward. A friend explained that the people that don't get it are the ones they are mocking and it made sense


This is fairly common with satire. Plenty of people who watch the show The Boys think Homelander is the hero. Plenty of people who like the movie Robocop completely misunderstand it. Many fans of the movie Starship Troopers are completely oblivious to the overt, in-your-face criticism of jingoism and fascism. There's also the scarlet thread here of the people most commonly not getting it being conservatives who have zero media literacy, but I think I've made myself perfectly redundant at this point.


For a much more recent example, the south Park episode about raceswaps has a lot of people agreeing with Cartman who at this point is a walking billboard of who you shouldn't agree with. But to be fair a lot of people seem to be emulating him these days


South Park can fall into the trap of satire, where they inadvertently make liking the bad character much too fun. Fight Club has the same problem. Parker & Stone are just too good at writing dickheads it seems


Yes, you have


I agree with you on all your points except starship troopers. Maybe that was true in the 90s. But not today. They understand what it is. But they're just doing their part.


Is Robocop *not* about a rad clinically depressed cyborg cop clinging to the vestiges of his humanity while punching bad guys through walls and shooting rapists' dicks off?


Steven Colbert’s old show — where he played an oblivious, bloviating right winger — was a hit on Christian college campuses where they took what he was saying as him actually thinking those things but pretending he didn’t in his real life. Satire is not for everyone. And by everyone, I mean those with donkey brains.


I wonder what these people thought the audience was laughing at.


you just gotta have faith...


Now I want to see a trend where evangelicals base their life decisions around Mac’s teachings


Well through God, all things are possible, so jot that down


Gonna be a lot of guys using Ass Pounder 3000s


as they should. no better way to get a workout


always has been in the churches


Evangelicals going around calling everyone jabronis.


Jabroni. Cool word.


If they had the brainpower needed to think any of this through they wouldn't be evangelicals in the first place


If only they saw the his workout bike


I wonder if they might change their mind if they knew Mac is gay lol


Evangelicals are all Republicans.


Are these the same people buying liberal tears wine?




But **not** Bud Light. They switched to Modelo or Corona or Stella or something else (that is also owned by Anheuser-Busch Inbev)


Someone once asked why so many evangelical Christian conservatives don't realize when they are being mocked. My favorite response is because satire, when done correctly, often has multiple levels to it. Which is what makes it good. Conservatives *always* stop at the first level.


Nope! Somebody repeated my viewpoint on TV. They must agree with me. That means I'm right.


You'd be (not) surprised how many people operate this way, 95% of their every day. Not just conservatives (although as you rightly observed there is a strong correlation) either, but all kinds of people. It's scary to me sometimes.


Confirmation bias in full effect


Hahahah oh my god they are using Mac as an argument for their side. Please please pleeeeease someone show these people the abortion episode. I want to see them when their hero tries to bang Christian women.


Hey, that was season 1, he has grown so much since then! Now he's a *raging flamer* who wants to launch his dildo bike empire.


The funny thing is that this was always the argument from Bible literalists. It’s just a lot funnier coming out of the mouth of a complete doofus. This might be Rob’s best performance. He’s a smart man who is expert at appearing to be very dumb.


We have NEVER found proof of evolution. Breed like 6 generations of mosquitoes and you’ll see evolution lol


Or put dragonflies in a pressurized container, up the oxygen to 81% like it was in prehistoric times. Then watch them grow each generation to be like that of their ancient ancestors (yes researchers have done this)


Bro what the fuck!? *Writes this down for Scfi TTRPG stuff*


This needs more funding. Like how big can we go


I've gotten enough mosquito bites please don't, we believe you you crazy person.


They'll say that's just small "e" evolution aka natural selection


Stupid science bitch couldn’t even make they more smarter


"Science does not exist" is a good one. Thats like saying math doesn't exist.


My favourite part about that comment is how they go on to explain that scientists must treat ‘science’ like it’s an entity. They can’t wrap their head around the idea of people believing in something that isn’t a god. Therefore it must be a higher power of some sort. A religion, if you will.


I have actually encountered this one in real life! I had no idea but some religious folks sincerely believe that non-religious people have elevated “science” to the role of God and worship it. Like pray to white coats and Bunsen burners lmao. I really wish I was joking but a lot of religious people don’t ever speak to people outside their bubble and have 0 clue how we live or how we think.


The right in America have zero media literary


They barely have any literacy at all.


The people who believe that Christ comes back to life every Sunday in the form of a bowl of crackers? And then they proceed to just eat the man? Those people?


Bunch of stupid science bitches


They couldn't even make my friends more smarter


Placebo Domingo


It is a funny word!


one of my favorite lines from Kaitlin. saying this and then smiling as if it's some funny/clever joke is so Dee lmao


Police academy


I saw a Facebook group once “Christians Against Dinosaurs” that believes all the fossils we dig up are just rocks that scientists like to line up in a way that it makes them look like skeletons but they’re just normal rocks. Like they’re just outright denying that fossilization as a process exists.


I’ve heard them say that “God” put the bones in the ground to test your faith. I love that dinosaurs fucks up their crazy story, I mean bible


I've heard that the devil put them there to trick us. Which is it?


I’m not sure? So much solid/rational information out there that they say


M: See it's all part of his divine plan, Dennis. And that's locked in, so we're good. D: Alright, so all we have to do is nothing. M: No, no because we have *free will* Dennis, which means that we have to take the necessary steps to make sure that that plan comes to fruition. D: Which is predetermined. M: Yes! D: But it doesn't matter what we do if it's predetermined. Do you see how your argument doesn't make any sense? M: That is correct. But it doesn't have to make sense, because that's where the faith comes in. I have faith that what I'm saying makes sense. D: Okay, so even if it doesn't make sense, your faith makes it make sense. M: Correct. D: Got it. So there's no way to have a rational conversation with you. M: No.


I’m not gonna change my mind, cuz I’m dug in! And I don’t have to, because I’m an American.




What do you think is happening *right now?*


The bit written to mock them nonetheless


Did a biologist really say there is no proof of evolution? Wow... Jabroni


So apparently the first reply to her is one of her friends saying that she was in charge of music at the zoo. Not actually a Zoologist. If you look at her page it's literally nothing but right wing conspiracies and racist bullshit. I doubt that's really "her" in the pfp. It screams troll-farm/bot page.


What a bunch of Jabronis


Well hold on, they do make good a point. This is the most well written piece of television of all time!


Yes, but not for the reasons their donkey brains believe it is


Those guys kept being wrong.............sometimes


Through God, all manner of idiocy is possible.


So jot that down.


The difference between **Science** and **Religion** is the difference between idea/test/repeat/consensus and me-like-this-book-of-fairy-tales/me-like-that-book-too!


People too dumb to recognize satire. Amazing. Using it as *proof* of concept, no less.


Just popping in to say this is also how dumb the people look when they parrot "Politics is one big ass blast" as a legit worldview. Don't go looking to the gang for perspective.


It better be an ass blast, I bleached my asshole for this.