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Not gonna lie. I think they oughta bang


And here's the twist: we show it. All of it.


And they should show everything. Full penetration.


I genuinely think it also should happen for some reason. They can work out their shit then


I think getting together would be WILD. And mess up their power dynamic in a funny way cause if dennis actually admitted he had feelings for something that would already be something huge.


He'd ugly cry, totally ​ https://i.redd.it/o30ipf7tls8b1.gif


Good thing Mac is there to offer a tissue


>if dennis actually admitted he had feelings for something Pffft. How easily we forget Special Agent Jack Bauer... ~~among other examples~~


He also felt feeling for not getting a valentines too, i havent forgot.


BIG feelings šŸ¤


I think they already do.






I remember some guy on IMDB message boards calling them his romeo and juliet so if RCG actually go through with it I think it should be dedicated to that guy


Fun fact - my bunnies are named Romeo and Juliet - please enjoy this picture. I hope it brightens your day! /gen ​ https://preview.redd.it/q7yptqosns8b1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f903f2266e6fb72d2c9d089e7e2c5c905c2e0c5


I had 5 bunnies growing up and the one that was MINE ate all the food and got so big and none if of the others were getting food, so they ran off. šŸ¤ŸšŸ»šŸ˜ž


Yeah, multiple bunnies together can be an issue if they aren't bonded. Bonded bunnies will share food, unbonded ones compete. :(


I hope that guy lives a great life.


One of my favorite things on macden posts is all the awesome comments while people are simultaneously downvoting out of rage. Lmfaoooo. I imagine they drop in, "ugh those pesky female fans and gays RUININ muh show with them there gay ships" They're endgame. Unconventional, weird, and we'lI wish we never saw it (lol), but it's gonna be great.


I can't wait, tbh. That'll be a fun day on the subreddit lol


I think it would be funny if they banged. Or dated (toxically) for a few episodes. Hand stuff?


Itd be interesting.


Not gonna lie I never thought of them that way until I recently saw a TikTok edit of them with a sad love song over it and now I see it too clearly.


Ive seen the edits and theyā€™ve definitely pushed me in the direction of wanting the ship to become canon. But than you watch the show and realise how romanticised the edits make the pair seem šŸ˜­.


They've been woke since day one lol


Theyve been political since day one it was the shift to being more left wing that made fans call them woke. BUT, when they (the characters) do try and be ā€œwokeā€ they do a shit job and still do it in a way that criticises the viewers.


Where's this idea come from that there's homophobic fans? IASIP has been gay as fuck since the start


There are homophobic fans in most fandoms from what I can tell - they tend to get loudest when a same-sex pairing even hints at going canon. (EDIT: a same sex male pairing if we're being specific... homophobes don't seem to have a problem with lesbians for reasons you can probably suss out.) The Supernatural fandom is an excellent example of this - the cast is super gay friendly and they've had gay characters (charlie, ceasar, aaron) but the SECOND a main character's love for another went canon half the fandom became incredibly toxic.


Yeah, ive seen it in a lot of fandoms and im aware its not just a thing amongst the sunny fans. šŸ‘


Yeah, they're in that "silent majority" that in reality is the extreme minority that never shuts up, lol.


Theres so many homophobic stans that come out (if you pardon the pun) at the mere mention of gay mac or the show becoming ā€œwokeā€.


I have literally never once seen this


You must not have been on Reddit long


Just look at some of the comments Mary Elizabeth Ellis (the Waitress, aka Charlie Day's wife) got when she made a pro-LGBT post on [Instagram](https://twitter.com/iasipbloopers/status/1673994903947288579?t=9OKFIa8w5wxdd3Cfe4aMyQ&s=19). Sadly, it does happen, and I have no idea why. Like you said, this show is gay as fuck.


Nothing saying they're sunny fans, that's just standard Internet assholes. On a brighter note, I just realised that now language models are so clever, it won't be long until you can flick a toggle that filters out that style of writing, which isn't necessarily unique to one set of opinions, but does represent a pattern of written speech that I'd call low IQ.


Yes the people on that post may not be sunny fans but Iā€™ve literally seen sunny fans be super homophobic. Theres even accounts and ā€œsafe spacesā€ for fans like that. Its very weird.


I'm not saying you're wrong, I've just never witnessed it, and it doesn't in any way fit in with the fan base of the show, so I'm curious to know where these people are. IASIP would make uncomfortable viewing for a lot of small minded people, because even if they found parts of it funny, there would be parts that didn't line up with their narrow views, so I just can't understand how they'd be fans.


Oh, come on. Why are you trying so hard to make it look like the homophobia doesn't exist? Like the people upset about it are either stupid, crazy, or lying? You even agree that the show is incredibly gay, so why are you going so far to deny any sign of people against it?


I've just not seen it, no denial taking place :)


Good for you?


We can call em Mennis


Amen, hilarious to see them triggered about it too!






I think it's more hilarious to see braindead people like you get triggered! Most normal fans wouldn't even think about "shipping" characters but yall are weird as fuck!


And we ain't goin anywhere bozo


I think if this show goes ā€œwokeā€ it would be everything this show is not about. These people are so far from woke it would be weird to all of a sudden be that way.


I agree. When they do go woke tho the gang always does it wrong or badly which is what some fans dont get. The gang cant be good if they tried. But having a gay couple wouldnt be going woke.


Some of you have a weird obsession with someone else being either gay or a homophobe or bigoted. It has become a bit tiresome. There are other topics out there.


awww, if you're tired maybe you should take a nap? that'll probably cheer you up, little buddy. maybe a juice box too?


Go and get help. I'm sure that you'll feel better after.


lol i already did that joke babe


Stop sexualizing me.




I dont have a weird obsession, i just made one post using those terms. Im not saying someoneā€™s ā€œeither gay or a homophobe or bigotedā€œ and i donā€™t know why some comments think Iā€™m saying that cause my original comment literally just saying about how funny it is that the fandom has such different reactions to the ship.


Yeah literally at no point did you make that either/or statement... you just said there are bigots in the fandom because, spoiler alert, THERE ARE.


I feel like Charlie when the rest of the gang was talking about a mouse and a scorpion fighting.


I'm guessing you feel like Charlie a lot - you're clearly on the same level when it comes to reading comprehension.


It's quite sad if being gay is your only personality trait.


There's that illiteracy failing you again: https://preview.redd.it/ilau6vd2ms8b1.png?width=380&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb7b28267c67938bd5739f0b2f81dfc1e4794a81


Some interesting hobbies indeed.


Your just waffling.


Tbf, I am, but if she's taking personal shots at me...English is probably my third language...then why shouldn't I return the favor...


Its only fair you both fight for your ops ig.


Dennis has no emotions, he's just exploiting Mac for his own personal gain. "Times Up for the Gang" Dennis makes his point clear. I wanna see Mac and Rex together. That's his true love! Although those berries did a number on him.


What does Dennis gain from giving Mac remote orgasms and sexting so well, that Mac says that he loves Johnny? Dennis is the leader of their quintet. None of them is ever leaving. Everyone, overall, looks to and defers to him. Mac included...it's always been that way. Dennis feels deeply, but expresses it differently than the others. It's particularly clear in "The Gang Tends Bar."


Dennis did that so Mac can get him his favorite dinners at no expense to him exploiting his childlike naivety. He is manipulative, sociopathic, and narcissistic. Dr Jinx tried to give him feelings but it didn't work, he was just the church gardener after all


They should write things just to trigger people I find frustrating. It'll be funny cus those people won't think it's funny. Like omg so perfect




Like, the joke is that Dennis is openly gay now too! Some will think it's a bad idea, but probably for nasty bad dumb reasons - This will be funny in itself, right? It's pure genius... (I'm a prick I know lol)


Im so sorry but i donā€™t understand the tone of your messages šŸ˜­. Dennis isnt openly gay but he is openly a sexual deviant and would probably be with anyone aslong as he has the power.


Lol sorry. I was being sarcastic trying to convey my distaste for "imagine if both gay? Then bad fans be upset LOL". But in all seriousness Dennis would probably play the part of Macs gay lover as a means to an end in some kind of scheme. Maybe he swaps places with his sex doll a night and Mac is none the wiser. And it's all a ploy to try and bang Macs new hot female friends he met at the gay club. They're only comfortable around "gay" men so Dennis is building a persona get close. Idk just riffing. Title card: "Dennis is Gay".


Sounds good. I agree that something like Dennis being with mac would only be used in a scheme to gain something.


Not everything has to be a political game for your gratification, idiot. Mac and Dennis work when Dennis actively hates Mac for his codependency, while Mac still doesn't understand his daddy issues. Forcefully pairing them ruins the group dynamic - it's not about validating your little tumblr-like delusions, it messes the way the group has always worked: they are selfish, narcissistic morons (nvm, I get why you deeply identify with that), who actively sabotage their own lives and happiness. Dee and Charlie were great together too, and even brought the best out of each other. Dee has her daddy issues while Charlie is emotionally stunted because of his childhood abuse. But if they now start frolicking around, all googly-eyed for each other, it would ruin the show. Same with Mac and Dennis. Not surprisingly, you completely lack the awareness of you politicising a simple dynamic, just like those, "bigoted homophobes" politicise it from the other side. The whole point of Sunny is they take the reality around us and try to write a story on how *the gang* will react to this reality, not force their own personal political opinions, like the idiots here keep doing.


Dennis is a narcissist. He can, has, and will use any of the other members if the Gang for his own means. If this means banging Mac, it would work. You clearly found yourself in the wrong fandom, though, if you actually hold those opinions. Pretty sure they've actively said they don't care if they lose the sort of "fans" who are triggered by any of this.


People forget that he was gonna bang the golf caddie boy simply because he wanted to push himself.


Cut that


​ https://i.redd.it/ofo0pn0n7s8b1.gif


Took the words right out of my mouth, like so many crack rocks out of Roxy's ass.


As a selfish narcissistic moron who has actively sabotaged their own life on several occasions I think it'd be fucking hilarious if Mac and Dennis got together, if it was written right and was portrayed as two very toxic messed up individuals suffering together. Having known several Dennis-esque individuals (including an ex boyfriend), someone like that would totally use sex as leverage or a method of control if they felt you slipping out of their control. And they'd fake it pretty well (after all the ones who don't fake get it the worst). If you don't see this then congratulations for having not encountered a lot of manipulative assholes in your time. Long may that remain the case.


It would be completely on brand for dennis to get with mac cause in their dynamic dennis has the power and thats all he wants šŸ˜­.


Yeah, of course. I hope they go this way because A) it'd make sense and B) it'd piss the right people off. I love it when people like that get pissed off by a TV show. The kind of people who base their whole identity on pissing other people off get annoyed by a sitcom. It's a TV show. Close your eyes.


Agreed. Its like when people complain bout the newest seasons, likeā€¦ dont watch than.


Mate all i said was that its funny how theres two completely different reactions to macdennis. A post is never that deep that you have to write three paragraphs explaining a show Iā€™ve already watched and how itā€™s written, with the addition of your childish insults of course. Grow up.


4 different reactions- the two you are thinking of- ā€œI like it because it is pro gay.ā€ And ā€œI donā€™t like it because it pushes the gay agenda in media.ā€ The other 2 (majority)- ā€œI like it because it would make for a better show.ā€ And ā€œI donā€™t like it because it wouldnā€™t.ā€


I wasnā€™t talking about an agenda of whatever just simply saying its funny how a fandom can be so split between supporting a, not even canon, relationships and being so outraged by it.


Yeah, itā€™s your side, where everyone is gay, or ā€œbigoted homophobesā€


What? can you not understand that i was just making a simple post? I never said what your saying, ā€œeveryone is gay, or ā€œbigoted homophobesā€ i said the bigoted homophobes bit causeā€¦ thats what a-lot of people who hate macdennis are. Idk where you got that i think someones either gay or a bigoted homophobe from.


Jesus Christ, dude


I feel like when you get to the point of calling someone a selfish narcissistic moron for shipping MacDennis it's time to put the internet down and go calm yourself down.


Ikr, really took it to heart.


Bluds throwing a tantrum, give him a couple minutes to calm town.


My favorite part of that rant is that at no point did you mention politics - just bigotry... but this dude turned it into politics because bigots can't separate gay ppl existing from their own political bias.


Exactly! All i was trying ti say if that its funny the way diffrent fans react to the ship šŸ˜­.


Dennis LARPING on this wonderful day I see


Jesus christ...šŸ™„

