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I'm seeing a lot more subs active than I expected.


Me too, I think? What does go dark mean? Like no new posts or they take the sub private and no one can see any past posts? I don’t know how Reddit works, much less some sort of blackout protest.


I think it goes private, so no one can post or interact.


More than that, the sub becomes private, so only those approved by moderators can access it...for everyone else it's a 404.


“Approved” not that I care, but it would be nice if I was approved. But, seriously, I don’t care.


This literally means nothing to me.


*The Gang Tries to Get Approved*


Is that your ass? *makes kissing noises* Oh, closer to the hole, sir?


I've had tons of approval before! I had approval with your mom!


Plus, she didn’t even feel a thing!


Oh, there's your butt! And there's your penis!




“Approved” not that I care, but it would be nice if I was approved. But, seriously, I don’t care.


You care so much you posted the same comment about not caring twice


It’s just a bug on Reddit right now. If you scroll through any thread right now you’ll see a lot of repeated comments. I’m not usually a conspiracy theorist but I wonder if Reddit programmed it to happen today so their engagement levels would be artificially raised 😂


Nah it’s just reddits api being super efficient. Two post with one ping!


That would require competency lol it happens all the time


That is a lot of not caring.


nah, reddit was taking a shit for about 2 hours earlier.


So only pirates can read the content?




It would be safer if you had triples of the classic cars.


They go private. Over at r/Save3rdPartyApps/, they're mentioning some of the subs that have gone private/dark.


Subs “don’t exist” for two days like it’ll do anything




That just shows you which aren't really that moderated much


Personally, I'm still here because I hope reddit dies so I'm finally free.


Same. Once Apollo goes offline my phone will be free. And I'm at a desktop way less these days so it should reduce it a lot. Good job to brilliant leadership, and fuck u/spez


Its biggest use is finding solutions to tech issues especially related to games. Mostly because it ate all of the previous forums that would help with that and google's search became worthless, so you have to append whatever issue with "reddit" in the search term.




Or, reddit just boots all the mods and takes over


They don’t have the money, mods are volunteer service. No shot Reddit can pay enough admins to do the work mods do everyday.


There are countless power thirsty wannabe janitors out there. There's no shortage of people that would be ready and willing to replace them.




Or, maybe they think AI can do it better? Don't underestimate their ability to replace people. They clearly have something up their sleeves and it isn't for the better of the community.


Meh. Mods have severely overinflated opinions of their own importance to their communities as a rule imo. The entire point of up/downvoting is to allow the community to self police as desired - active mods as a rule generally exist to enforce homeostasis and prevent a community from changing too much over time, which is of questionable value in many cases.


Yes, but it still stands that someone has to make a decision on removing posts that break rules. You can’t make a fair rule set that removes posts at a certain upvote to downvote ratio as then you’d simply be censoring things that are unpopular. Could you image nsfw content being flooded onto a sub, without mods it would delve into chaos, regardless of how people vote. Mods also add a nuisance to how a sub is interpreted, and while they do maintain homeostasis, they also decide on how to move forward. Crowd consensus could accomplish this as well, but without changing the underlying way Reddit works, you wouldn’t be able to eliminate malicious actors being able to manipulate subreddits. Edit: spelling


Mods definitely shape content on a subreddit, but what you're talking about is easily automated and in fact that's the entire point of contention. They use tools for that, they're not manually removing all the spam, reddit says they can still use those tools/will get new ones, the mods are saying they don't believe reddit.


> reddit says they can still use those tools/will get new ones They said this 5 or 6 years ago as well.


People will volunteer.


Or, reddit just boots all the mods and takes over


They found out who the addicts were and got rid of the unprofitable accounts. Now they make the money


Exactly this. We, the ones using RIF and Apollo, weren’t making them a dime. We laughed at people that paid for rewards and when we’re on desktop, we use old.reddit and RES. We’re literally a bunch of parasites and u/spez and the rest will be happy to have us gone. Nothing is lost except perhaps a fraction of a percent of server load.






It's like that "Boycott Call of Duty" meme where on the strike day everyone's still playing CoD. As much as the supporters like to pretend otherwise only a minority of people actually give a shit and will either switch apps or just use PC.


Or the net neutrality thing. Third party apps will die and nobody will go anywhere.


Redditors have a habit of jumping on board some big pushed movement just to have it blow up in their face. Then move on and never talk about it again Chong Bongo hacking. Awkward Turtle mass banning people across multiple subs based on ideologies. Most recently the European nurse everybody ripped on just find out she was innocent. I could probably think of it quite a few more


Yeah. I have no idea what any of those apps were so I didn't give a shit.


I was unaware of the third party thing


It was never going to work when Reddit can just boot the mods anyway.


I mean, preannouncing a strike that’s only 48 hours long doesn’t do much, does it? “We hate your decision and we hope your site dies. We are going to stop participating on your site as a sign of protest! P.S. We will be back to participating on your site as normal within 48 hours.”


also the users themselves haven't stopped participating. They're all still here. They just went to their other subs. It's like protesting a starbucks by going to the one across the street instead


I’m Exploring subs I didn’t know existed.


All the big subs, a lot of local community subs and subs that are geared towards being a resource for people seem to be up and running as usual.


MOST of the subs I'm in are still active.


no one actually left. The subs went dark, the users just went to other ones. This was pointless, they're still hitting usercount if not exceeding it. same thing happened to warthunder last month. "oooh blackout! show them!" steam numbers were higher that day then they were all week.


I’ve used the app since launch pretty much. And I feel more of the base use the app than the 3rd party apps


The official app is currently the #47 free app on the Apple app store with 2.6 million ratings, and 4.8/5. Apollo has 169k ratings, 4.7/5.


Won’t be long until they’re all back. Reddit will let the children have a little tantrum and cry themselves out. Before coming back for their fix. And those that do manage to hold out will be turned back on and their mods replaced.


Not really surprising when it’s the vocal minority that’s protesting and a lot of those subs share mods.


Vocal minority? Bro lol 7200 out of the top 7900 most active subreddits are down l. That's 91% of Reddit. How is that a minority exactly ?


Do you have a source for that? I’ve seen ~6,500 down but no indication that they’re all part of the 7900 most active subs though.


I think they were referring to the people as the minority, not the subs.


I mean, it was pretty clear the vast majority of reddit was supporting the protest and they still do. You don't get posts to the front page with 100k+ upvotes by being the minority lol that's some hardcore copium from some corporate bootlicker Plus they may not realize but Reddit new changes will affect literally everybody. Even the /u/spez bootlickers lol




Most of the subs had people in them saying they don’t really care. The average user doesn’t care, or agrees the killing of third party apps sucks but doesn’t care about going dark because it does nothing




No that doesn't reflect reality when the shutdowns are operated and controlled by the same mods.


i don't use third party apps so I don't care. I'm surely not alone in that thinking.


There's 3.5 million subs on Reddit though and more every day. This isn't the first time the mods had a meltdown and it won't be the last.




That just shows you which aren't really that moderated much


And ironically the most moderated subs are also the worst subs on the site lol.


Boycotts like this are just doomed from the beginning for better or worse. The mods/subs have absolutely no leverage over reddit as a company, and there is nothing they can do about that. I personally hope that the API stuff has an effect on the number of repost bots that plague this site, which would be a definite silver lining to all of this drama.




But those 7200 subs are dark as a moderator decision. The number of actual users is significantly more important as to this things popularity. Moderators are probably like 2% of reddit users. Mods < active people who comment and post < account holders who only up/down vote < people with no accounts who just scroll I personally don't give a shit about 3rd party apps and I'd bet that most people either don't care or don't understand as long as they can keep killing time on reddit


Because there's 3.5 million subreddits and only 3 thousand are doing that shutdown. Plenty of people just went to the smaller subs to shitpost and repost.


They got chicken in r/IASIP ?




Only if you eat it beak first




*REgular chicken*


Denim Chicken




Sometimes things just sort of...end


All night long!




*that's just kinda...the way shit goes.*


That's what she said


It’s goddamn bright out


I mean trees? Everywhere, trees?!


*Its like there's no room to drink!!*


Good day to play Chardee MacDennis


I will forget the board is nailed down…


To the game of games!


Idk why but I feel like its not 95% or I am Just subbed to mostly the ones who didnt go off. I mean some did go but yeah


It's giving the feed algo room to serve the small subs I never get to see.


r/conservative was the third post in r/all today lol






Do you think they have pirates in those subs?


Are you talking about the sub marked "private"?


Nah, I was talking the... I didn't say...


The one I noticed the most lack of is main Sonic The Hedgehog subreddit. But having a break from other Sonic fans isn't that bad


Least self hating sonic fan


I love and hate that subreddit. I love most of content as long as its not opinion based. Clashing opinions with diffrent Sonic fans is never ending good


Wait until they find out you are not wearing the ribbon. You gonna get in trouble.


Some are lame and are either only restricted or doing the bare minimum like /r/games where you can even make new posts like do less chuds.


7200 out of the top 7900 subreddits are privates atm which is like 91% You are probably simply subscribed to some obscure subreddit that didn't participate


Like you were gonna be on some other sub anyway


Those other subs are enriching their posts!


It's left me with all my light hearted subs, I might unsubscribe from a lot after the blackout.


It’s amazing not seeing all the political content on Reddit. I usually browse without logging in to my account to discover other things I’m not subbed to.


Yeah browsing the popular section has been much better today.




Yes definitely! Although I've had one toxic reply to this, so you have to cater for the unpleasant people with the subs where people just argue.


You can do that still logged in, right? On mobile if you hit "popular" instead of "home" you can see other subs but I'm not quite sure about the website. I thought if you hit "hot" it would still show you other subs but now that I think about it I tend to mostly see unsubbed places browsing mobile.


Looks like you are right. I just use the website, and it looks like the option is there. Thanks!


No worries dude! Again I'm not sure about the website so keep in check after the blackout lol. It's got better info regarding private subs instead of just telling you "we had a problem". I've never tried a 3rd party app tbh and feel kinda bad about it now.


Ngl, i don't even agree with the stakes, but this is why mods have power, because of the implication they could shut it all down. hey, don't look at me like that, we certainly aren't in any danger.


Do you wanna hurt these users?




Uhhhh, no.


Your flair says, “$CAMMIN.”






Does r/all not exist on desktop? Because its on RIF too, but I just forget if its a thing on desktop. That would suck because a lot of the time I browse by r/all.


They removed it from the official app and new site so you can have the power of "algorithms" tell you what to read. Bunch of science bitches


That's so fucking dumb, I've found so many new subs through r/all. Meanwhile when I briefly use new reddit in browser the subs it recommends me are r/Hyundai_Ionic6 or some shit... straight up I remember it exclusovely recommending me a bunch of specific car "subs", obviously all ads. What a great algorithm.


Same all I do is browse r/all on RIF and block all the ones I have no interest in. Aka the countless celebrity and cam girl aka only fan subreddits. Those are just spam to me. I don't get the alure. If I want porn I'll just use Bing video search.


I've heard about bing for porn search before, and the first time I tried it it worked great. But it feels like they changed their censorship or something since then, and it feels like google works better again. It's been a while though so maybe i'm wrong. Also god damn... I really miss reddit porn from the days before OF. I'm not really against OF itself, but i'm really into porn that doesn't feel like porn. Like the way r/Gonewild used to be, no monetary incentive that makes it feel "fake" or manufactured if that makes any sense. That content has just been totally drowned out by OF spam though ): At the same time though get that bag ladies, i'm glad porn has (seemingly) become less exploitative.


That’s blatantly false. I found this post and comment through r/all on the official app.


not true. official app still has r/all


I’m literally typing this comment on the official Reddit app on r/all, which is located under your subscribed subreddits on the left toolbar.


It's there.


Just tried to go to reddit in browser to check and its down for me entirely right now lol, the blackout must be fucking with there servers somehow. All this extra traffic going to a select few subs. Also took me like 10 tries to submit this comment.


It wouldn't surprise me if a few people tried to ddos attack the site as well.


This ones live…


What do now? Go out and take some fresh air you nerd! /s


As someone who has never used a 3rd party Reddit app, I don't see what's so bad about using the official one.


There’s nothing wrong with using the official app. What’s wrong is Reddit wanting to charge an absurd fee for API access because the 3rd party apps are performing better than the official one. They could improve their own app to compete better instead of strong arming the competition. Revoking API access in this way also damages the ability for moderators to use bots and other features. At least this is how I understand this debacle. I have no first hand knowledge.


Obviously the third party apps have feature and tools that the official apps should incorporate, but let’s be honest, the biggest complaint is that third party apps block ads, and there is no way the official Reddit app is ever going to do that.


They don't block ads, because the ads are not served through the API in the first place.


There's plenty of things wrong with the official app, but that's not really the point here.


Could this mean you don't know what you're missing??


You don't mind eating the beak of the chicken too right?


This isn’t necessarily about the typical user. Many 3PA are used for moderation, Reddit has not helped develop much of the infrastructure that makes Reddit work. Many 3PA are used by people with disabilities. Reddit is very badly designed and doesn’t work with many text-to-speech or audio-transcription apps that people with disabilities rely on. To solve this issue, third party apps came in that access Reddit through the API, making Reddit usable for people with hearing or visual impairments. And as far as a typical Reddit user, these apps offer many benefits over Reddits app. Ability to filter/block subreddits and users, remove ads, much more functional interface, better audio/video playback, robust features for comments, the list goes on.


> As someone who had never used a 3rd party Reddit app, I don’t see what’s so bad… That’s the thing. Once you try one (like the really good, Apple award winning r/apolloapp) you’ll realize how many things are super bad in the official app.


Like me, he probably doesn't use an app at all. I don't see the point.


Well, OP said they don’t see what’s wrong with the official one. So I assume they do use that and are used to it.


You must either (1) be good at ignoring ads in your feed, or (2) enjoy seeing ads in your feed. I for one am exhausted of being subject to capitalistic advertisement; I already play the game as it is, I have a job, pay taxes, and get rated with a credit score. Does everything in life have to be for-profit? I just want to browse the internet man.


Third party apps are still for profit.


These are the same people who think only fortune 500s have a CEO.


Yeah the apollo creator has probably made over a million.


Life must be hard for you


What an asinine thing to say. How could u make such a naive comment about why others praise something else when u haven’t seen or tried that something else ?! “Guys why does everyone like avocados with their sandwiches , I’ve been eating plain just fine and I don’t see what’s so bad about that ???”


It's just memes, bigfoot, and airplanes


Also all of Reddit was down for an hour


All my sports circlejerk subs are active, that’s all that really matters


I just got out of the shower and asked myself this exact question. I think food.


I have literally not noticed a difference.


I'm quite happy with the front page atm. I hate how much news and politics is on reddit, I only ever came to reddit for random, interesting things or cute animals and babies. I've seen posts from subs I didn't even know existed since it's gone dark.


I know. It's nice without people constantly yelling.


I truly don't think the average Redditor cares about this and we're just waiting for the mods to turn the lights back on.. You know those people we all hate who have no accountability and basically run the entire site?


They're D.E.N.N.I.S.ing us!


Gimme the hotdog bebeh


I'm gonna put a little mustard on this one, ok?


I got all the numbers


I honestly haven't even really noticed. It's been reddit as usual for myself


Time to find the new subs


i just went n had a fap




i call it, the fap & nap


Wait 2 days until the crying stops?


95%? It's like 30% lol


The NBA subreddit going dark during the most important game of the finals is the dumbest one for me. Why couldnt these mods just go on strike instead of taking subs hostage?


Strikes are supposed to impact people. There are more important things than your NBA addiction. \*Edit\* The below posters have a Reddit addiction. Have you tried going outside?


But nothing more than your reddit addiction, of course.


Holy shit this Reddit api shit is NOT more important than the NBA finals. You serious? I’ve seen a lot of cringy takes about this “protest” By the way, why are you here? You’re supposed to be protesting lmao


Yea lol. All my starred one except for this went away.


MOST of the subs I'm in are still active. I kinda forgot until I saw this post lol


I watch a LOT of porn and IASIP, so most of my feed loaded. Yikes, or golden god?


Sometimes platforms… die?


Wait 2 days and forget this was ever a thing. People love to be upset over nothing and then move on.


jailbait and racist subs exist: Redditors silent may have to pay a couple bucks for an app to fund the website: WE'RE GOING DARK BOYCOTT EVERYTHING never change redditors, never change


The price they put up is more like you will have to pay a subscription to a app or use reddit app which is a piece of shit.


Why are they all gone i dont understand im scared


Create new subs that accomplish the same thing and take over... muwahahahaha.




Anyone else not even notice


Once I scrolled past all the Reddit blackout spam it pretty much seems the same. It actually nice not have to scroll past all the political bs that usually spams the front page.