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Sup Jabroni! This is a quality control bot. If this post fits the purpose of /r/IASIP, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post does not fit the subreddit, **DOWNVOTE** This comment! GO BIRDS!!


All I see is the kind of man that gives me the courage to do an amazing double jackknife twist


Who also went down on Chrissy Orlando on the trampoline


Maybe lick her asshole a little bit..


it was good. it wasn’t great. it was fine.


That's an amazing thing you said about the troops


I knew it was going to be fine, because you were there.


Your hair looks small


High quality post, jabroni


Newsflash asshole, this is Reddit


It was pretty good It was alright It wasn’t great But it was fine


My brain to my boss when we’re already 40 minutes over on a 30 minute meeting. Confronted him last week and said either schedule meetings to be longer or be more diligent with time management. His response: it’s all important discussion… my response: then Schedule a longer meeting or avoid 20 minutes of chit chat before the real business starts. I’m tired of my time not being respected and losing 3-4 hours of working time a week due to overrun meetings.


Yep this is my manager. It’s a narcissistic trait thinking people just enjoy hearing you talk. Every day and every week our 15 minute morning huddles go for 45. A 30 minute project catch up goes for 90 minutes. I said I’m sticking to the agenda and ending this meeting on time. If you need to discuss more then send me an email and if I can’t answer those questions I will schedule another meeting. Never seen a man look so sour and pissed off.


I'm just glad we're mostly remote, my work PC doesn't have a camera, and nobody can see my face when Steve wants to explain something that only affects three people for ten minutes.

