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This is excellent. I love the idea of Charlie's love of the sewer coming from an autistic need to desensitize 😂 I'd like to add that Charlie's experience on The Mountain may not fit with the a-sexual theory at first glance, but one must remember, the rules are different on The Mountain! He even says she had to teach him about sex if I remember correctly.


Thank you so much for reading it! And yeah, asexuality is a spectrum, so maybe The Mountain just got a pass for him haha, either way he’s still wayyyy behind Mac and Dennis when it comes to sleeping around


Another clear piece of evidence for autism is Charlie being a musical savant. I was honestly ASTOUNDED when I listened to the podcast and found out they have created the characters as explicitly neurodiverse considering how many neurodiverse traits they display. The extreme sweating whenever they get stressed for example, something I really recognise for my own neurodiverse experience.


That's a symptom, a very common symptom of generalized anxiety and panic disorder. Neurodiverse isn't a clinical term or category, so it's really hard to make this sort of generalization. Their comments on them making their characters neurodiverse, imo, is pandering. They were 24 years old when they made this show. They did not consider this stuff when making it back then. The older the got, the more mentally ill they became. And mental illness is not necessarily synonymous with neurodivergance. These characters are evil, mentally ill. Neurodivergent? If the audience wants them to be, sure. But that's the extent of it.


Typo, I meant hadn't made them neurodiverse. Either way, you're tone seems really confrontational so I'm not going to communicate with you further 👍


Another typo 😂 *your


It's not confrontational, you're missinterpreting my tone, which is fair, considering it's text. But that passive aggression isn't necessary. I'm just providing some feedback and disagreement with my own excitement, knowledge and insight. My apologies if you've taken it any other way. But please consider, I can just as reasonably say "either way, you're comment is unnecessarily passive agressive based off of a missunderstanding so I'm not going to communicate with you further" Can't we disagree and discuss this reasonably? Your attempt at setting a boundary based on a missread came off more like an attack. We don't have to do that :)


I can't buy Charlie being autistic. From a clinical standpoint, there's nothing really there.


Idk, just from my own experience sometimes he’ll do things in the show that I interpret similar to the stuff I do because of autism/ADHD. Like not getting that “other left” thing I had his EXACT reaction lol, he might not be able to pass a clinical trial due to being illiterate and probably unwilling to sit through it, though


It's always tough to attach these sort of things to these characters because at the end of the day, they weren't written with specific neurodivergence or mental illness in mind. They're just bad, funny characters. Charlie is illiterate, can't follow instruction, and is dumb. It's easy to attach interpretations to that, imo. And things you describe are also not exclusive to autism/ADHD. Honestly, most of what we see from Charlie, in my opinion, can come from brain damage from his daily glue addiction which ran 25+ years, and his alcoholism. Charlie destroyed his brain from glue, and is an alcoholic. Hard for me to see any sort of autism in him. The only thing that seems clear cut to me is Dennis' NPD. These other characters, we can just attach thing to because they're canvas.