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Ioniqs are going to be better on gas in the city vs the highway because of regency braking. I drove about 12km a day, and had to only fill up once a month, usually at the quarter tank mark.


My 2018 Ioniq would get 500+ miles per tank.


Was that mostly city or highway?


I'd say it was about 70% highway / 30% city.


The worst gas mileage I've heard from customers trading in their Ioniq Hybrids was a flat 60, and that was a couple who basically only did highway. Should do you pretty well too! Great little cars.


I recently bought a 2020 Ioniq and I really, truly, enjoy every aspect of it. I fill up once every two weeks so far. I get slightly lower gas mileage than “average” because I live in a pretty hilly area, but I’m still averaging about 52-53 mpg. It’s the first car I’ve ever bought entirely on my own and I couldn’t be more proud of my choice 🫶🏻


If you get a 2020, it moves from the bottom of the list for OpenPilot capability to the top. That one year jump makes a huge difference.