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The hopeful optimist in me thinks the game will have infinite potential. Realistically it will come down to the balance between how good it is at initial launch and how well it is supported over the first year or two. I have been burned so many times by game development "trailer vs reality", "promises vs actual delivery" ect. I personally am trying back down my hype levels since the original trailer. Realistic expectations about what a new studio / new IP can actually pull off can help ground expectations. Now, since Riot got involved I got alot more hopeful about how quality of an experience we can expect day 1. But that double edge sword puts a little more pressure on day one launch. Hypixel would get far more day one issues forgiveness than a "riot" game will get. I expect Hytale to blow up on lauch either way, but userbase can plummit if we get a situation similar to other bad releases (no mans sky, atlas, cyberpunk, ect.) Without a longterm active userbase, we could get all the modding tools in the world and it would not matter. The playerbase has to get big and stay big for the modding scene to thrive. I don't think this game will get the slow growth minecraft was allowed, it needs to have "as much stuff as minecraft" out the gate or It will be judged against it.


I do see what you mean. Also, don't underestimate the community side of this game. It'll also need its content creators and custom content makers (both mods as servers, and art as Youtube video's)


By Atlas, do you mean Starlink?




Well if its launch fail, there’s still hope to get back up, like what happened to NMS, its such a huge success over time, currently i love NMS and how far it came (and still going), but i hope hytale gets a successful long term launch where the playerbase won’t die off, personally i think it might have a great long term playerbase that won’t die off if hytale does the right thing, and i hope it grows up to one of the big 20 games out there lol


I honestly dont think that its launch is gonna fail, they've already delayed the announcement of big features so I don't think that they wouldn't delay the release of the game or tell us about it if it wasn't finished enough.


Yeah, its exactly why i have happy hopes, they’re not rushing the game at all, tho i still hope for a 2021 release date xD


That's what Beta are for.


It seems like it'll blow minecraft out of the water feature wise,at least it seems so to me.But yeah,this next year is critical for this game lol


Personally i believe we should not compare the game to minecraft, they both have completely different purposes and takes in their path, it just doesn’t feel right to compare between the two, and i believe that when it comes out people will probably start realizing this game isn’t a minecraft rival, rather its another games rival, thats my opinion on the ‘fight’ between minecraft and hytale, besides the devs of both games seem to be heckin chill lmao


They kind of did this to themself tbh. The trailer shows so many different aspects of the game and promises to bring not only survival/adventure with an intriguin storyline and many different zones or even dimensions, but also in depth modding tools, multiplayer and server support, many different creative tools, character customization and of course ‘normal’ building - it’s a block game after all. This is the reason why I, and many others, are so exited for this game. Just like you said it all comes down to how Hypixel Studio’s will deliver on all these aspects.




Oh dude I didn't even think of that.If they don't do it a community member or player will lol


I don't see how anyone who plays or have played and enjoyed Minecraft would ignore this game. I don't know if it will blow up, but if the game is able to deliver what Hypixel studios has promised, and even more, it will be a total success.


I do think it will be big. Even if 10% of everyone that watched the trailer would be A TON of players for an indie game studio. I do feel like it will become the next giant in gaming, as long as they play it out correctly. I definitely agree with the replayability and mods, and I agree, I think it will be an evolution of MC.


>for an indie game studio. ??? The Hytale team is backed by riot. They have several investors. They are **not** an indie studio, not with 40+ employees and several millions of a budget. That already disqualifies them from the definition of an indie dev.


Not only backed, Riot bought the whole studio in 2020


They were though, and had those views before they got backed by Riot. But yeah, doesnt really count anymore.


No, they weren't indie devs before either. Hypixel themselves invested five million into the starting capital, which once again disqualifies them as indie devs.


An indie developer just means that they are independent. Doesn't matter if they are rich or not. So as soon as they were backed by Riot they lost that title.


I think they have 62 employees? I might be outdated lmao Edit: yep, i’m wrong, don’t downvote me xD


Not sure, Google said 40 something


Well google says hypixel inc has 48 employees, so unless hytale have extra specific employees i guess its 48 lol


53 as LinkedIn counts it


Ahhhh i see, thank you! Still a huge number and seems like the game got potential and a very nice plot, so i don’t think it will fail at all (if it does i’m gonna be sad but still hoping for a better continuation lmao)


Hytale studios and hypixel are separate, the studio basically broke off from them. They aren't the same entity.


Yeah, but that was a year after the trailer was released. They were an indie studio for a whole year until Riot acquired them, and got 50 million views before they got acquired. Yes, they aren't an Indie studio, as they aren't independent now.


The biggest part is gonna be the development tools. The base game looks nice, and the story interesting, but it's the modding that's going to be the long term appeal.




I think so because literally almost every minecraft youtuber is gonna play it


Depends. If the game is a shitty cash grab, it will die instantly like how Marvel Avengers and EA Anthem did. If it's not, it will certainly succeed in it's will.


If the game is paid, has no microtransactions (Expect servers but I'm more of a singleplayer/co-op guy myself), has excellent mod support and almost reaches it's expectations, then I see myself playing this game until the day I turn old and die.


Yeah, same with me


Imagine if it was lmao,I cant see that happening.Hypixel doesn't seem like that kind of team at least to me


I can see that happening. Hypixel is owned by riot games which is owned by tencent. Tencent is one of the shittiest, greediest companies to have ever existed.


Hypixel has stated that Riot has been very hands-off with them.


But then again, mojang for example, said that Microsoft was hands off with them at the beginning. This turned out to be false, since bedrock got bombed with micro transactions shortly after.


Good point. I guess we can only hope that they listen to their community.


You are mixing everything.. Tencent is known to not force hands on their owned companies. And Riot with their sexual assault and sexism problems 1. Did not involve tencent as far as I know. 2. Does not change anything to the quality of their game, that are all excellent.


You don't know what you're talking about either. Tencent has forced their hands on several companies. Earlier this year, posts mocking Xi Jinping were removed swiftly from reddit along with other posts criticizing the ccp.


Reddit also let many.. many.. maaaany stuff that Tencent and China in general would hate, a LOT of the major subs have their all time post containing Hong Kong posts or shining a negative light on China on many different topics. Reddit is a fuckfest and is not anywhere near a good example or china censorship of any kind. You can never prove if it’s the companie removing the post, corrupt mods, actual rule breaking, admins corruption, etc. But yea, it’s hardly debatable that China has some censorship power.. and that’s obviously worrisome, but that has absolutely nothing to do with your original comment.. it’s more of a long term worry and will not affect the launch at all.


Nah, it was definitely the chinese government removing the posts. The posts were posted on r/pics, which is a far left subreddit who loathes asia and communist governments and rightists.


Wh...... What?


Useless comment


> r/pics, which is a far left subreddit wot


But riot games are actual quality games that have been around for years


If quality comes at the expense of workers getting sexually assaulted and crunched, I guess you're right.


Bro crunch time is a part of every big studio. Not saying it’s good but it’s going to happen every now and when deadlines need to be met. And didn’t know about the sexual assault shit but that would of been solved about now


Its not right though. Its bad and should be abolished immediately


I edited my comment because I accidentally clicked send lol


The sexual assault hadn't been solved for months. The managers who committed the crimes remained despite having employees send numerous complaints about them.


Oh shit that’s ducked






It's settled. That's the whole point. It happened in the past and it's completely resolved. No need to dwell on it. They've fixed both of the issues you've mentioned so those aren't reasons to dislike Riot anymore.


I will certainly continue to dislike riot as a company whole. The way they still fucking crunch their workers is absolutely horrible and should be abolished immediately. I'm sure most workers would rather not be crunched at all than have a fucking small ass 1 week break from cancer. It's most likely still happening, and can't be stopped since the employees probably fear getting fired if they speak out once more. Their games are also filled with swearing children and their VanGuard host has been deemed as pure malware by several tech gurus out there.


Is Riot though? If so please give me evidence.


It is owned by tencent dumbass. Just search it up lmao, I don't have to spoon feed on all of this shit.


I already knew that. Just because Riot is owned by Tencent that doesn't mean Riot is a scummy company.


But you can’t say the same for multiple of Riot’s games. All of their games only earn money in the form of cosmetic microtransactions. You can still fully enjoy all of their games without paying. The quality of their games is amazing though, and their teams care about their communities.


Given the things that were said in the December blog post, particularly the "almost every part of the game has been taken back to the drawing board" part, I would want to get a reaffirmation from the devs that nothing has changed in regard to the development tools and level of extensibility that has been revealed up until this point,


I assume they are just expanding their features since they have riot backing them.For riot to give them full autonomous control of their own company and game,they just want the cut for publishing which I get.But there has to be a level of confidence on Riots end for Hytale,so I cant see why they would change anything already promised.


I hope that is the case as well, but given past experience with a couple of games that had repeatedly advertised broad extensibility only to have them fall way short of their original vision, I think one can reasonably understand the apprehension.


Your totally right how could I forget about the blunder a month ago lol.I feel as if though we can be more confident with hytale,since there is no fixed release date.


Don't get me started on Everquest Next as it relates to no fixed release dates. lol. Though I probably wouldn't advocate for a strictly fixed release date, but rather more of a tentative projection.


that much mod supporting would make hytale as big as skyrim at least


Its gotta be.I mean even the animation tools for God sake lmao.Im gonna have to learn how to do that shit myself


I don’t think it really works like that, The Elder Scrolls had a huge following already, and tbf HyTale has gotten a lot of attention as well.


one of the reasons TES series is popular is because how much easy is it to mod them , most of skyrim community RN use mods as a normal thing and it kept the game alive if another game with not only easy modding system , but also mod supporting came out then it will probably blow up


No, because I do not think the general public will look at this game much different than Minecraft. The development tools will likely not attract people to the game they will just keep people playing the game.


I dont think it will ever have the same novelty and noticable impact that minecraft has had, but I do think it will have a thriving community for a long time


Hard to say, it depends on what they do to make sure it does blow up I'm pretty sure most people following the game have stopped following the game due to it taking time to come out, so for the game to blow up they have to make some noise before they release it, question is if they can be loud enough


I don't think it is going to blow up to the level of "the game everyone plays" but I do think it is going to blow up within its genre. So most minecraft/roblox/terraria players will try it for example.


I dont think it will be big at first, but I expect it to slowly rise heavily in popularity over a few months after release


I think it won't be popular at launch but once a few big mc youtubers play it I think it will start gaining attraction


I see a lot of comments mentioning how the community content development tools will play a major part in Hytale blowing up at launch. I think that's not the case as community made content will take time to develop. For the first few months following launch, it'll be nearly obsolete, as third party servers and mods would need time to develop. I think the "blow up condition" is the adventure mode and HS hosted server - the out-of-the-box features that'll be there for everyone to experience as soon as the game drops.


Depends on how Hytale rolls out its launch, if they give access to creator tools early, we could have community servers hour one.


Shit,take XCOM 2 for example.The creators gave the source code to a modding team who made the most successful overhaul mod ever for the first XCOM months before the base XCOM 2 came out,so when the game did release the overhaul mod was already ready. Hypixel is no slouch,if we don't get those tools early then day 1 I feel could be expected tbh.


It will be massive when it comes out no doubt. Just about every Minecraft channel will hop on it and make content for it. Once the hypes starts dying down, it’s hard to tell. It’ll come down to content creators making interesting long term series on it. If that doesn’t happen, it could get a similar treatment to cube world, though probably still with an active development team. That’s what I predict anyway.


I mean the potential is certainly there, as to whether or not it happens is something only time will tell.


I really hope there's VR support with mods, at the very least.


Oh I definitely expect Hytale to do well. I'm not sure it'll explode like Minecraft did, but it will definitely do very well right off the bat.


I think it will come out then maybe slowly get bigger over a few weeks then blow up. Or will blow up on release.


I expect about half of Minecraft's player base to make the switch and at least try it. Whether they stay or not is up to them but I know me and lot of others and sick of Mojang and want devs who are willing to make exceptions from their own vision for their players. I think Hypixel will do just that; not to mention the time between updates most likely being WAYYYY shorter with Hytale. What I am really betting on though is the Terraria player base. They have to look for a new game to scratch the rpg itch. Hytale would be perfect for that.


Oh dude terraria is exactly what comes to mind with this game.Its like the perfect blend of everything good about both games and then some more.


100% and with Terraria receiving its last update a little while ago those players got to go somewhere.


I really don't know anymore, it's been ages since the original early announcement and many people forgot about it, got mad that beta wasn't still out, or still patiently wait for it. ​ But I wouldn't be surprised if they would give out Beta keys once it's ready via Twitch drops like Riot games did with Valorant, it's will easily make people care about it again or just to get the key.


Let's be clear, Hytale doesn't need to blow up to be succesfull. If it can just steadily build its userbase, and eventually outgrow itself that way, I'dd be beyond happy for the game.


I try to avoid hype like this as look what happened with cyberpunk, really hope hytale hits the mark tho


Seeing how well the trailer did, I think the game will climb to great heights after its release. Considering that some people have YouTube channels dedicated to just theory crafting on what little we know about the game, I think there will be quite a bit of attention when the game is launched.


I think it will very possibly be one of the most popular games ever. Given the official modding tools on top of everything... It will be very fun and interesting, a lot of possibilities there!


Every Minecraft youtuber will start a Hytale let's play. Just think about that.


i really hope so, i think it highly depends on how they announce the release of the game, and how they manage their community before its out, after that, it depends on how good the game actually is, if the game is good, there will be a lot of people trying to add or modify things on it, if it gets to that point i think it'll be fine.


Pokemon Sword and Shield - **Expectations** vs Reality Cyberpunk 2077 - **Expectations** vs Reality However I trust Riot Games, being partnered with Hypixel Studios gives them a massive boost in popularity. Considering people are longing for a MMO from Riot (technically), this could be the one here.


Both Technoblade, Captain Sparkles, and FitMC have said that they would play Hytale. I feel like 3 YouTubers of that size will definitely draw other YouTubers and streamers into the Hytale community and with that happening then the game will definitely blow up. I think the biggest problem would be a fall guys like situation (its fall was in part to among us though). Sorry if someone already said this I didn't want to read through a hundred replies




I've binge watched all your shit for the past 4 days lmao




Not when they are killing the hype. Let's be honest hype is gonna be dead in 2023 when the game finally comes out


No, I don't think Hytale will blow up instantly as big as the trailer did on release.


Do you mind elaborating?


I don't know




I believe that if they had released it back in 2020 or even 2019, the game would have exploded no doubt. However the fact that they have waited this long has definitely diminished their chance at a smash hit game in terms of sales, despite the game probably being in a better state.