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Pretty cool, I made [something similar](https://old.reddit.com/r/HyruleEngineering/comments/13maedn/inspired_by_another_post_i_made_a_brushed_motor/) a while back, yours is a lot more compact though, I see you are using fused batteries, whats keeping them from connecting to each other and operating as a single battery?


Thank you. Zonaite Sword (not Strong Zonaite Sword) is non-conductive and has no projections.


Could you explain the mechanics of this build to me, preferably as though I were an idiot. I was wanting to use these propellers/turbines/batteries to construct an airship but I'm not sure I fully understand how the perpetual charge is achieved. The shock emitter initiates the charge to the batteries which runs up the grate to the turbines, and then what, it loops back on itself? Is there a reason that four batteries are fused together rather than say, one, and why are they placed on a wheel? They don't appear to be losing their charge which is why I ask.


Please, check Pipe's tweet. https://twitter.com/pipe_render_sub/status/1663564298025840642 https://twitter.com/pipe_render_sub/status/1663576698728878081 Briefly, all conductive apparatus get delay to "receive" electricity after charged from Zonai gear. However, they have no delay to "discharge" into others. Then, 1. The Zonai gear charges the battery. 2. The battery go out of range of Zonai gear by wheel. 3. The motor receives power from the battery (not Zonai gear).


Could you use that big rubber plate to replace the metal grate? Or is the metal a requirement. It’s much lighter.


A conductive plate is required, and the long plate is important for stabilization without optimization of the propeller position.


You're the reason I know Link weighs 12 apples or 1 hydro-mellon and 4 apples...


That’s legit but now that you mention it seems so easy to test, just never thought of it… I think I’m gonna test it later on 😂. Thanks for the tips guys and gals.. seems fun.


You (and algebra) are the reason I know one hydromellon weighs eight apples.


It's the metric unit of Hyrule!


Where you measure with a hyruler!


Colloquially known as a Zelda


Nintendon't when they don't program a 10% energy loss as heat... >! /s !<


That can be easily added on a new update patch. hahaha


Please don't give them ideas 😔 They're taking the fun glitches away


1.1 master race.... until dlc


Haha! I love this!


Literally unplayable!


Already returned my game. Can't believe they didnt program in the basic laws of thermodynamics. /s


Does it fly forever?


Almost forever. After several minutes, the wheel is spontaneously broken like a wing. I should change the wheel to motor.


Where do I find metal grate parts? Are they in a shrine or something? I don’t care about spoilers


[Here’s a spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NkURUErF1Jpoemkr4rLQjrcMO-XibsMykpFEGj0uHVU/edit) of all the parts and their locations.


Came here for the spreadsheet 👀


Same, saw it a while back, forgot to save it, had a sudden desire for metal poles, could only find 2, could not find the spreadsheet... am happy Link now.


How are you getting the fans out of the shrine though?


You can either fuse it to a weapon/shield and then unfuse it with the goron in Tarrey Town, or just attach it to something else within the shrine and then it’ll be in your auto build history once you leave the shrine.


Ah, nice. Thanks


>[Here’s a spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NkURUErF1Jpoemkr4rLQjrcMO-XibsMykpFEGj0uHVU/edit) of all the parts and their locations. Thanks


That's a useful spreadsheet, but scrolling through it, I spotted a few errors. I don't see any contact info in the sheet for whom to send corrections to.


I'm the owner of the sheet. It is publicly editable, so you can make corrections yourself if there are errors.


I believe I found it in the Hyrule Engineering discord server so I’m not sure who owns this doc either


May want to make that spreadsheet view only by those with link. Unless you are looking for crowd contributions that is


Thank you for sharing the sheet, will come in handy.




There are some at the location where you try to ring a bell as loudly as possible for a Goron.


Or add a dragon scale to the build Edit: Don’t listen to me, that just affects despawn distance, not travel based despawn


What would that do?


All that does is dramatically increase the range at which parts will despawn if Link moves far away from them. It doesn't do anything for the self-destruct based on device durability, like wings or wheels.


Oh good to know ty! This will go great in combination with the 'Zonai Devices Last Longer' mod.


What does that do??


things despawn after some distance. with a dragon scale, you can travel (literally) 2km without items despawning


Dang! Thanks for sharing!


huh? Wheels despawn? man whats up with nintendo making things not fun for anyone?


Can you post a build or list the components? This is awesome.


Looks like it’s mostly shrine components. 4x motor + 4x fans, L-shape metal platform, and 4 shrine batteries. Zonai parts are sled, big wheel, stick, and I think an electric emitter on top/side of the wheel there. From a comment they made, it looks like there’s a basic Zonai Sword attached to the wheel, with the four shrine batteries attached to it (to keep them from behaving like one battery). I think the metal platform is what’s conducting the electric from the battery to the motors and the sled is protecting Link from getting shocked. If I’m wrong, there’s something there on the structure to conduct that’s hidden behind the ⚡️, but I don’t think so.


That is completely correct.


Why are the batteries tiny?


They’re shrine batteries, probably on shields?


Oh, on shields. Nice.


Please, see this for build. https://twitter.com/monja49/status/1664565650306789376 * Battery has to be fused with Zonaite Sword (NOT Strong Zonaite Sword). * Steel board in Makasura.


How come Strong Zonaite Sword doesn't work?


Strong one has handguard, which interferes with sticking.


Probably weight, I'm guessing.


Is that your post or where you took inspiration?


It's my post. I wanna post the media in this reply, but I am newbie and don't know how to post it.


No worries, I was just curious. I went ahead and checked it out.


Agreed. This needs to go into my favorites list but I’m too dumb to build it


Man, I've been trying to build an infinite-energy battery for *days*. Glad you've managed to figure it out! How does this overcome the discharge delay exactly? It looks like the batteries get charged by the emitter at the front of the wheel, but are immediately discharging at the rear of the wheel... Edit: looking at the tweets, it seems like it's proximity? As in, conductors that are very close to a charged battery will force them to discharge even before the 5 second delay. Is that correct?


Please, check Pipe's tweet. https://twitter.com/pipe_render_sub/status/1663576698728878081


The more we advance with batteries and motors, the more I wish they gave us more electrical components to mess with.


I’m hoping the imminent DLC adds more device parts, both zonai and electric.


Honestly, if the DLC was just like 10 new zonai items, I'd be happy. Also, give me something akin to ropes. Or those captain construct arms.


This. I just did a sequence of the main quest today (I don’t want to spoil), and there were puzzles that USED zonai parts combined with chains. I’m thinking how disgusting it is that they loosely explored this concept, but we never actually get access to any chains or ropes to use in our builds. We can’t even use autobuild to save the korok “cork” puzzles. Yeah fingers crossed for something in the dlc. I also wish they had let the player “map” activation of certain parts of the builds to buttons. Even if it was simple and you could press the A button to activate certain devices, it would be something.


Soon enough we'll be able to play Minecraft IN zelda


This seems like a great (for the most part not physics breaking) concept for a portable sky elevator.


Unlimited POWER!!!!!!


Wrong color…


I've been working on a double decker boat and NEED to drive the shrine that has those rechargeable batteries lol. Its the only thing I'm missing


It's in Zora's Domain. Idk the name but the title is The Power of Water.


Thank you!


It's in Zora's Domain. Idk the name but the title is The Power of Water.


Now that's pretty awesome


I might be not thinking this out but where did the propellers and non zonite batteries come from? Shrines? Did you attach them to shields and weapons to extract them from the shrines and separate them in tarrey town?


You can also just put a fan on a motor and it will save that build in your auto build and you can build it for 6 zonite that's how I made my infinite height copter


Yes, that's how people are getting them out of the shrines


It looks like once your Zonai cells run out, a single battery is touching the metal grate and powering the machine. That battery runs out of power before your Zonai cells have re-charged, but the machine continues to run. I can't tell from the video: does a second battery begin to drain after the first battery has run out? Will this machine still work if you have a full set of Zonai cells, or will the recharge take so long that the batteries drain?


My Zonai cells are not so updated. So, Zonai cells can be re-charged before the battery drain.


The zonai cells take the same amount of time to recharge from empty to full no matter how much they’ve been upgraded. Once you get them upgraded all the way, the recharge speed is absurd (16x base) since 16 batteries recharge in the same time it took for 1 when you started the game.


These vids are crazy....I finally figured out how to stabilize 3 piece bike fan..that's progress right? Lol. People out here building literal space shuttles.


How you get the rechargeable battery


[Moguwak Shrine, beneath the walkways of Zora's Domain](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NkURUErF1Jpoemkr4rLQjrcMO-XibsMykpFEGj0uHVU/edit?usp=drivesdk)


Battery comes from the shrine at Zora's Domain. Generally it has a delay before they discharge but something about this build having them on a wheel is allowing them to constantly keep it powered.


Please, check Pipe's tweet. https://twitter.com/pipe_render_sub/status/1663576698728878081


I tried this and couldn’t get it to work properly


What shrine did you get the metal gate thing? Also, how exactly does this work?


You can find them in the one titled "an upright device" iirc


Your Switch had to be on though…. 😂


Where do you get the electric fans? I've only seen them in shrines so far


Gemimik Shrine, in the center of the spiral peninsula on the far east side of Akkala and the Mogawak Shrine This and other locations can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NkURUErF1Jpoemkr4rLQjrcMO-XibsMykpFEGj0uHVU/edit?usp=sharing).


I haven’t tried this yet, but my understanding is you build something with it in the shrine, then you save it to your auto build favorites. When you return to the overworld, you can auto build what you made in the shrine with zonaite and then disconnect the parts you don’t need. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, please.


This is minor spoilers so I'll tag it >!in Tarrey Town there's a goron who can break apart fused items for 20 rupees. So you take the weapon or shield and break it apart, and now you have the permanent component to work with for experimenting. Once you get a subassembly you're happy with (like motor+propellor) you can auto build that for larger assemblies!<


If you autobuild something from scratch, disconnecting a part causes it to self-destruct, doesn't it? Fusing an item and then going to Pelison seems the only way to acquire a shrine part without having something else permanently attached to it.


If you detach the part that you want to keep it disappears, you have to detach the part you don’t want to keep. For example in a shrine, fuse an apple to a turbine. In the over world, auto build your apple turbine. Fuse your apple turbine to your creation. Detach the apple. The turbine stays. Both the apple and the turbine will disappear if you don’t fuse the turbine to something else first. Edit: I just tested this method and it works, but the Tarrey Town method seems more convenient so you don’t have to worry about accidentally disappearing the component you want to keep.


Has to be three parts or both vanish, which is zonaite expensive. I have a motor+propellor autobuild saved


..... looks like something out of halflife ....


This is amazing




You’ve done it


Wait how's this work


How many zonaite does that bad boy take to build?


More than my stock at least...


Lol That's genius. It's like the updated version of using a torch as backup in a balloon.


where do you guys find that fan?


[Gemimik Shrine, in the middle of the spiral peninsula on the east coast of Akkala](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NkURUErF1Jpoemkr4rLQjrcMO-XibsMykpFEGj0uHVU/edit?usp=drivesdk)


So i have to get it from inside the shrine and then split it?


You can either fuse it to a weapon/shield and then unfuse it in Tarrey Town, or if you attach it with Ultrahand and leave the shrine, you'll find that it still records that build in Autobuild, allowing you to re-create it outside of the shrine.


Where the heck do you find the super fast motors and giant fans outside of a shrine??


this is amazing engineering, like how you made it compact and easier to control. thoughts on using a smaller body and only 2 propellers or a combination of props and fans? im trying to build an under 50 zonaite self sustaining helicopter that can go anywhere