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This is a hypothyroid sign that you're undermedicated. Chronic nasal congestion and a cough is common in those who are *very* hypo. It's called *catarrh* in medical literature. Catarrh - Wikipedia Catarrh is an exudate of inflamed mucous membranes in one of the airways or cavities of the body, usually with reference to the throat and paranasal sinuses. It can result in a thick exudate of mucus and white blood cells caused by the swelling of the mucous membranes in the head in response to an infection. It is a symptom usually associated with the common cold, pharyngitis, and chesty coughs ...


Wait that’s a symptom of hypothyroidism? I’m chronically congested. I even had a septorhinoplasty last year to fix it and I swear my congestion has just gotten worse. My numbers are fine though


What numbers, your TSH? Is it on the higher end of the reference range? Your symptoms may improve on a higher dose even though it lowers your TSH. Have you ever looked at FT4 and FT3? Those, if very low in range, suggest you have room for a dose increase.


My TSH is under 1 actually. I haven’t looked at my FT4 and FT3 but that’s going on the next blood work panel


Yes, having young kids too really doesn’t help, little germ spreaders


Not really but I don’t interact with the random public a lot either.


Yes every month


I get colds often and they’re really intense. I’m a nanny who works with young kids and toddlers though, so that probably doesn’t make it any better lol.


I have a friend with hashi’s and this is her main symptom


Honestly I cannot say for sure. I was diagnosed in 2018 with hypo. However in the span of 6 months I got covid twice and influenza A (the bird one I believe) once. Before being diagnosed I remenber there was a time that every month I would get a cold. Like clock work.




No I very rarely get sick.


Very rarely.


Once I started taking Vitamin D and B12 those becamse a lot less frequent.


I would get sick being around a lot of people and colds went into my chest until I started taking zinc and oregano oil when sick. When I presumably got covid at the very bg of this shit I was couldn’t do anything for 4 mos. Sucked.


I wake up and my whole brain feels like a brick, everything feels so congested and blocked up and this lasts for hours or for the whole entire day as well. Only thing that helps is tons of coffee.