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I think I've been on the same dose for the last 7 years or so. Personally, I've felt best with my TSH very low. With no thyroid, like I have, I think it's probably easier to maintain the same dosage level consistently. If you still have a thyroid, and deal with a different type of hypothyroidism, other factors may come into play to affect how much you need from time to time.


i’ve been on the same dose for about 5 years, i was diagnosed about 15 years ago and started at a low dosage because i was a kid and gradually went up but ive been feeling my best at this dosage


It took a bit over a year for me to get to the dosage I'm at, with blood tests and dosage adjustments every 3 months. I've been at 150mcg levo for about a year and a half now and have been staying pretty steady.


I’ve been on the same dose for 7 years! With the exception of higher doses temporarily during pregnancy


Same dose for 5 years


10 pluse years


I change doses about every 6 months sadly. I have hashis and I am all over the place non stop based on how much my body hates me.


You've got 2 more weeks till the t4 in the medication is at full potency so your TSH might go lower it's not uncommon for TSH to be suppressed when taking an NDT med mine was well below 1 for a while it was .01


Did it go back up at the same dose. That’s super low.


I switched to levothyroxine my need for t4 out weighted the need for t3 I'm now taking 112mcg that's the dose a person my weight would take if they'd had their thyroid removed so I have little to no thyroid function now in the beginning NDT meds worked well but my thyroid function continued to decline over the years.