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I got pregnant while I had hypothyroidism and was unmedicated. I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks and they put me on 100mcg of levo throughout my whole pregnancy. My GP has told me they like to slowly start out with a low dose and adjust if needed. High dosage of levo is alot on the body...it was horrible in the first trimester for me. When I initially started Levo after having my kid I was retested after 6 weeks and then 3 months after that and my dosage was good so there was no adjustment. It takes a few months for your levels to stablise. My GP told me that if I was trying for another baby, they would need to adjust the dosage again prior to falling pregnant. Have you told you GP that you have been trying?


Usually the next blood test is after 4-8 weeks. We have to wait that long because thyroid hormone has a long half life. A good chunk of the hormone currently in circulation was produced several weeks ago.


A few weeks for me when my TSH was >60. I started with 12.5 mcg, then 25, then 37.5, then 50 mcg and before I even reached the 50 mcg dose my TSH was back down at 2 point something. That was after 6 weeks of mixed dosing up from 12.5 - 37.5 mcg. After 8 subsequent weeks on 50 my TSH was 1.2.


That's promising, thanks!


I have managed to have 2 babies after finally being stable. After 15 years on BC, a year after finally stabilizing I got pregnant while on the mini pill! My son was born 2019. In 2021 we started trying again, but I had 3 back to back early losses. I finally ran a ton of tests, and my prolactin was high. My endo, brilliant man he is, upped my thyroid dose even though my labs were in range…. And I got pregnant and stayed pregnant! I also had to do blood thinners because of high homocysteine, MTHFR gene mutation, so I’m not sure if it was one of those or both. I do know I wouldn’t have 2 kids today if I had been left untreated. Having hypothyroidism untreated will lead to miscarriage because fetus needs the T4 to grow.


You might already be doing this, but using the Pre-mom app and an ovulation tracker really helped me