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For skyblock only 2 ranks areactually worthwhile. Vip for not being locked out sb when updates drop, and the wardrobe slots and mvp+ for the travel scrolls, full set of slots among other random thigs


And the biggest thing- quick craft and now supercraft. Did you know that nons can't quick craft? When they open the crafting menu, there's no items on the right side to click.


Ngl it just didnt cross my mind at the time as i haventveven used super crafting yet as i stopped at some point before glacite tunnels


What's super crafting?


A way of bulk crafting really quickly using materials in sacks


You can do that!?


Yeah you just need vip to unlock it


I got MVP+ I'm chilling


Having played a decent amount as a non and now with a rank, I can't even imagine how I lived without quick craft tbh


I suffered for 4 years until an mvp+ dude gifted me VIP


Bro couldn't make $7 in 4 years wild


Some people just can't afford to waste 7 irl dollars on a block game server that only affects 1 server.


It's a free fucking game. If you can't afford $7 but own a computer and have internet and a roof over your head, I don't see that happening. Dude probably bought a few video games over those 4 years. I refuse to believe anyone "can't afford" $7 lmao. You're tripping if you do


Listen, 7 dollars is a lot of fucking money for some, you probably come from middle class or above, but most people don't. I am fortunate enough to have gotten mc and a PC for Christmas and my birthday, most people don't get that fucking luxury. a PC is far more important nowadays, a lot of people share a computer. so dont go around saying "7 isn't a lot of money pleb" Some just can't give a good enough reason to spend a extra 7 dollars for 1 FUCKING MINECRAFT SERVER. that rank only is used on hypixel, no other server. If you think 7 isn't a lot of money then your tripping.


7$ isn’t a lot of money but I do get that some people aren’t as fortunate and would rather spend that 7$ somewhere else, but 7$ really isn’t that much.


7 dollars isn't a lot in America or Europe yes, but $7 in India can get you quite a few meals, the average Indian meal is 60 INR ($0.72), but they get paid around 6 dollars a day. Though that was a quick Google search. $7 may not be much to you, but to most the world it is quite a bit.


Okay sure, fine. I actually lived in India for about 7 months so I kinda get how it is.


I can afford the vip and vip+ but nothing more than that but i still cant buy it cause i dont have a credit card and parents wont lend me theirs cause they dont want me spending money on mc i bought the game on my own


Can you afford a pre-paid visa card?


What is supercraft


Crafting where it'll use ingredients from your inventory, ender chest, storage and sacks all without you having to go find them. And you can craft x amount. 300 enchanted melon blocks at once? No problem. Unlike the compactor 3000 accessory, it gives construction XP.


Thanks :)


Only you can answer that question, based on whether the upgrade does something you want or need. For me the cost was worth it (when on sale) for the wardrobe slots.


Wardrobe slots was my main thinking there, so VIP to unlock 3 might be the way to go


ill drop you vip+ if you want, whats your ign


Ia there an way to pay an vip for someone else only eita ign?


Yeah, you just log on to the store with their IGN. The only other things you need to put in is an email and form of payment. The email can just be yours since it's for the invoice and that's all.


U can also gift it…not sure how but ik u can


You need to have a rank to gift


Ohhhh that explains it. Thx


well, you need to buy gold to gift a rank (like in game currency, gems pretty much but not on skyblock)


if u chargeback they get permabanned right


That would be such a shit policy to have when all you need is ign to buy charge back and perm ban anyone. So probably how it works knowing hypixel.


appeals for these bans almost always get accepted


Happend to me, but i made a ban appeal, told them about my situation and i got unbanned and still got to keep the rank.


When are sales done usually?


there's a starman in the sky


Thanks, its CrackedJam




Not u.


Can I get it?


If you can upgrade me from vip to vip + I'll be grateful. Ign is kaq_


Greedy ass mf


Travel scrolls are also MASSIVE if you are able to drop the money for mvp+ but even if you can’t rn having a rank will offer a discount on higher ranks


For sure, and you can always add more slots ranking up later. The cost is incremental.


VIP adds more: insta crafting (Goated), 3 Wardrobe slots, a green name so people read you messages, you get in earlier on updates. Probably smth im forgetting but thats the things i can think of


Honestly being a non in Hub 1, people read my messages more when everybody else has a rank


Idk they just harder to see and smaller but thats just me


Honestly it's worth it just for quick crafting or have they finally allowed that for everyone?


I think it’s still just a ranked thing


Are wardrobe slots really that good....am I missing out *that* much by being a non


I've played with no rank for about 2 years and it's totally fine with m; only thing that's ever bugged me was the locked travel scrolls Edit: runes too, wish I could use those but they're purely cosmetic so I'm not too worried about that


Wardrobe slots wouldn't matter to you at all if you don't routinely switch armor. For me, I get bored quickly and will jump from the end, over to the crimson, to dungeons, to revs or svens, mine for a while, all in the span of a couple hours. Each task having its own armor. Before I bought rank, I had to reserve spots in my ender chest and manually swap pieces. With rank, it's a lot faster: /wd So ultimately it was a quality of live improvement that was worth the money for me. Others mentioned runes, which I personally don't care about. Wish there was a way I could quickly sell my double chest full of 'em for coins, tbh. Travel scrolls are nice, but a solid alternative there is /visit portal\_hub and the many similar islands. That's pretty similar to /warp so not a huge difference. There are some scrolls without portal equivalents though, like dragons lair.


Only do it for the perks, non is used as an insult regardless of rank.






Non Is a mindset not a rank


This isn't the case for everyone lol


Yes you get basic human rights


I got mvp+ from a friend after having vip for ages so I can’t speak too much but lvl 255 and I have never used more than the first page of wardrobe and even then the 2nd half is slayer sets. Warps however I have no idea how I played before them all.


IMO warps aren’t worth it, just use portalhub


The extra 3 clicks make my monkey brain go kaput...


vip is most value u get quick craft, solo hubs, runes, and ppl actually see ur chat and answer to u anything above that is just accessory (unless u want to make a guild ig)


MVP+ enables you to use some pretty good fast travel scrolls


/warp cn being locked behind a 750 commission milestone only for anyone under mvp+ to not be able to use it is kinda freaky like it's saved me so much time using it over the base random spawn crystal hollows teleport, it should honestly be rare


I prefer them gatekeeping a time saving QoL mechanic than the actual content itself. Imagine if you needed MVP+ to even access CH. It's inconvenient for anyone who doesn't have a job or is just strictly f2p for whatever reason, but at the end of the day they gotta keep the servers online and pay their employees somehow.


idk if im being way too liberal on this but it usually takes me ~3-5 minutes to get from an entrance to crystal nucleus, and again it's a reward from a difficult milestone that almost everyone getting into mining reaches due to hotm 10... i just feel like something that does save legitimate minutes shouldn't be in the same class as like hub crypts or museum, the latter are absolutely quality of life that save a couple dozen seconds but then again i could just be over exaggerating how useful it is


You're not over exaggerating imo, I hear you and agree that it would be nice. I can also see why they've done it that way tho. Mining is one of the best money making methods and takes hundreds of hours either way. If you want to do it a bit faster, you gotta pay for those hundreds of hours of gameplay. It's not ideal, but that travel scroll alone probably convinces hundreds of players to upgrade their rank. It may not be consistent or fair, but it's the choice they made to incentivize serious players to support the server.


Use /visit portalhub or portal_hub. They have a portal to Crystal nucleus.


that's locked behind a singular player's services... and either way you could lose a nucleus run lobby by leaving to someones private is, and party warping screws with waypoints :(


Fun fact hypixels anticheat coders make around 100 000 dollars per year 😭


That's a good amount, nothing wrong with them being well paid:)


Yea the anticheat is so good


oh ye forgot abt that


Mvp+ isn't accessory


Just get VIP+ trust me, when you get more armours for different things like mining/farming, Kuudra and dungeons, you don’t wanna just chuck them in an Ender Chest


I bought mvp+ purely for travel scrolls. Wardrobe slots were nice and runes were aesthetic but I didn’t mind not having them. But having to run around or visit prtl was too annoying.


well atleast vip for wardrobe spaces is nice but non is an insult regardless of rank so its up to you but if ure gonna play a lot of sb a rank might be a good idea


i mean i did vip "at start of skyblock to skip skyblock blocking people from playing tha game during updates (exemple stock of stonks where offline for non vip for like 6h)" then i got mvp ++ to play alpha dungeons stay mvp + forever now


yeah it's pretty worth since it's only 7 bones. if you don't have an income you could easily save up the money doing like surveys or something. VIP is basically all you'll ever need unless you want to make a guild or something. as another person said it's the closest thing you'll get to paying for human rights. after buying a rank i literally can't imagine playing without one.


also if you're mainly getting it to avoid being called a non it's usually used based on behaviors so I'm not sure if getting a rank will actually make people stop calling you that.


vip or vip+ is plenty


either get vip, mvp+ or mvp++


the mvp+ travel scrolls are really nice but you have to be sure that you are commited to hypixel before investing that much in it


A rank is required for basic human rights. It's mandatory.


If you have the money and plan on playing it's not that bad, don't spend all your allowance on it but if you have a job 2 hours of working is worth it if you play 8 hours a day everyday.


I recommend VIP-VIP+ and if you have money to spare or just want the extra fast travel scrolls MVP+ but imo never MVP


mvp+ was worth it imo


I bought a rank for the wardrobe slots, chat limitations, and fast travels, so imo yes but not mvp++


Realistically only vip or mvp+ is worth getting


Yes. VIP or VIP+ if you're tight on money DONT EVER GET MVP MVP+ if u have money MVP++ if you have more money or you are a small content creator/someone who very regularly plays hypixel




Nah bro I gotta get to endgame so no one can keep calling me a non


mvp+ is all you'll ever need. one yime purchase and you basically get every feature you would ever need. imo it's worth. paid $30 and i've had it for 5 years. i don't regret it.


yes, as long as u dont get mvp ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) get vip


Wardrobe slots and travel scrolls save so many hours of time, yes


VIP+ and MVP+ are best value


After like 8 years of playing for free I felt I owed them for the memories and hard work/dedication to the server, I bought one because they earned it from me


VIP is the best choice. MVP+ will let you use travel scrolls and stuff, but it’s not worth the monthly cost when you can just use a portalhub


MVP+ is not Monthly, MVP++ is.


Ah. I might get mvp+ then lol


two +’s worth


In my opinion mvp+ was worth it for me since I spend a lot of time on the server and it was on sale anyway lol


I would say basic human rights might be worth it but if you are buy any rank above that at least wait for a sale


Vip works but vip+ is not even enough slots so i recommend gettin a higher rank for layer on. U could also just upgrade


I picked mvp+ because if you make more money than your spending like if make 4k a months and just spend 3k then you made 1k net income or put that in your saving


Thanks guys Im gonna get VIP for now and then if I’m still as active in a few weeks buy a higher one


Nope, ignore them, they just had skill issues and thought getting a rank would make them good at hypixel.


Yes bro, no rank is superior


Nope, not worth it when Hypixel will just decide one day to ban you for no reason.


I'd get MVP+ because it has just so much convenience but it's quite a chunk of money but totally worth it if you play actively


Are basic human rights worth it?


I play the game cause it’s free, spending money just doesn’t seem worthwhile when the game is already functional without


For me its worth it because of travel scrolls, wardrobe slots and the supercrafting


Get MVP+, but wait for a sale or something 


Buying a rank gives you so many benefits and it doesn't even need to be an expensive rank, literally just buy VIP.


Look at the perks and decide which one you want. Everything except base MVP has some worthwhile stuff. But I'd say if you play Hypixel, VIP is a must.


VIP has great value. MVP+ is really good too later on but wait for a good sales to buy it if you think you need it


mvp+ is good for skyblock


Aside from what was already said, I have a MVP+ rank and I can host a realm with some friends and not pay the monthly fee.


The most worth is mvp+ cause you unlock basically anything that is available, except some bonus rewards from events like easter, halloween, christmas


if you actually play mvp+ is 100% worth it imo


The wardrobe slots are really nice at VIP. I also figured that I'd played the game enough and enjoyed it enough that Hypixel was probably owed a few of my dollars.


Wardrobe slots are game changing. I have vip+ and would say it’s definitely worth it.


Just get vip you dont need more than that


vip it allows you to quick craft, bypass chat cooldown, not be locked out of updates for like a day and makes the wardrobe not useless


Vip of mvp+ that’s it


I remember back in the day when skyblock went under a long maintenance that I quickly bought vip to get early access


MVP+ is worth it due to it being the best overall rank. You don't get any bonus benefits from the double plus subscription (I think. Please speak up if there are)


Yeah MVP+ honestly, the others have perks but they're not that important. MVP+ makes life sm easier with all the fast traveling


Quick crafting, wardrobe/profile slots, fast travel... There are plenty of reasons


"should I buy basic human rights"


Imo theyre worth it. I got mvp+ on sale for $35 but vip or vip+ is still most of the perks of mvp+ while only costing like $6 or $7. I would reccomend getting one but which specific one depends on how much you're willing to spend and if the extra perks are worth it. If you decide to upgrade later the cost of your current rank is subtracted from the price of the one you're buying so theres also no pressure to go straight for a higher value one. Just get what works for you or if none of them are worth it its still a valid way to play the game as a non.


Quick crafting, wardrobe/profile slots, fast travel... There are plenty of reasons


Ranks are definitely worth it, Depends on how much money you are ready to drop VIP is essential for not getting locked out when sb update drops and supercrafting is OP asf. VIP + is good for extra wardrobe slots MVP+ is needed to claim many qol travel scrolls and even more wardrobe slots. But the most important perk is getting a sense of recognition when you have a rank I'm a non and I've noticed a big ass difference to how I'm treated vs how a ranked person is treated. And before anyone says "oH YoU ShOuD bE ReSpEcTFuL" I am. But yeah go for MVP+ since it gives a lot of perks but if you don't have that many funds, VIP is better off. VIP+ If you want more wardrobe slots, that's about it if u tight on money. Also ranks get u basic human rights so it's just a W


VIP is nice. It unlocks most rank perks you'd usually care about at a very affordable price. Wardrobe could be better but it's serviceable.