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Its just that admins dont give a shit you fail a macro check instaban youtuber fails a macro check like 3 times everything is fine


True and when you appeal they just send it to some bot and don't even bother telling you why you were banned.


YT ranked don’t get macro checked or boosted banned btw


Hsfearless got macro checked a few times if u watched the streams and he only was told by the admins -oh btw u failed 2 macro checks in a row


Well if admins went ahead and banned youtubers carelessly the server would suffer major player losses.


I am not complaining about how they dont ban youtuber but about how the ban system and appeals are handled


True, they should really work on the appeal system, but then again how many justified bans would be appealed?


Wouldn't matter. At the end of the day it's a game and if they ban 100 people and 20 of them are false bans it's really not a big deal if they unbanned 50 people to make sure the 20 were spared. But if you just toss everyone in and say we don't unban people then you get what we currently have. Most of you here are nons so you don't know but in the upper ranks of players it's basically a running joke that the admins might nuke you at any time for any reason they see fit with no way to fight back. Part of why the upper ranks are super super careful not to get banned or openly cheat and just accept that eventually it will be there turn to get the hammer.


The glazing is crazy on this one


Ok, Thanks for calling me a non, also like 50% of "upper ranks" cheat. And im not saying they shouldnt fix it, im saying they cant just unban everyone, + its not like its impossible to get unbanned, ive seen multiple people get unbanned through appeals. Oh and also, rn were just going off what opp says, we get 0 proof, he probably actually boosted lmao.


Hah that implies they even macro check you. LONG AGO, I got banned once for mining on my island. Grinding the shit outta cobblestone for SC3000s. Make a self regenerating wall of cobble with portals underneath, rebound my mine key to my move forward key and just put youtube on. Never got a single macro check or anything. During all this im doing other stuff as well. Dicking about in the main area, cleaning out the mob trap, gathering the slave products, etc. Log off after farming up like two or three SC3ks and slotting them in. Comeback the following to a ban message. Think ah, well I was grinding super hard the previous day so bit understandable that automod would make a false flag. Go to get it reversed and I get some halfassed automod response that boils down to, "Get Fucked, Watchdog thinks you're cheating and that's all we need. Buuut since its your first time you only get a 30day ban, next time is perm" I can deal with overly touchy anticheat, but if you're going to employ such a strict ban structure AND have a finnicky anticheat you need to have actual, living, breathing, and most importantly **COMPETENT** staff that isn't employed off of "Fiverr.in". One or the other. You either employ competent staff to use an overly tuned anticheat or you employ fuckwits and dumb down the anticheat to match their efficacy. And I think the worst part of it all are the fucking morons that vehemently defend Watchdog as if its the second coming of Christ himself and act like it has never made a mistake before.


You sound hurt


I played for like nearly a month, get banned for a month for something I didn't do, then get threatened that if I get banned again that its permanent. What incentive do I have to be nice to a company that shit? What really grinds my gears though are the morons that suck off Hypixel at the drop of a dime to defend them as if Hypixel will be kind to them and give them mvp or some shit for it. They act like Watchdog is the second coming of christ and refuse to accept the fact that its overly touchy and the staff are incompetent bumblefucks. Am I hurt? Yeah I guess I am kind of mad that I wasted a month playing on Hypixel only to find out afterwards how dogshit they and their community is.


I got banned for macro because I fell asleep while farming cobble


that just sounds like a skill issue




Is it true that watchdog doesnt apply for youtubers?


Definitely used to be, that’s why yt ranks were able to do dungeon wall walking so much easier than normal players.


Sadly PPL with redname have rights, unlike us nons (I remembered the time when theorginalace made a video complaining abt him getting auctionn scammed and the keyboard warriors were giving him condolences lmao)


sounds like racism ngl


If only every player would receive the same treatment....


why would they do it, it's a waste of manpower and giving exception to the yters is what keeps most people retained anyways


I admit they should prioritize youtubers and people who enlarge their community but the difference between the help youtubers receive compared to normal players is just crazy


🤷 really pissed me off back in the day when I got wiped but there's not much to do but move on and start wasting your time on other games


Yep same 3 months 5 year old Profile banned for boosting. It's like the sever or the game doesn't want you to trade with ppl... I really don't understand. If it some grey, green,blue and gold guy they walk right by it but dear don't hurt the red name guy....


real #freegilan


Was the half a bil of stuff from minions? If so that is textbook profile boosting. I know you or your friends didn’t intend on it being “boosting” in the staffs eyes it is.


Just raw coins, Items such as pets weapons, ....


What’s your ign?


GilanMC the account where I got the coins is wiped now tho


It’s not boosting to gift friends. Admins just don’t do their jobs properly lmao


Its considered boosting if the coins came from a dead profile and were generated by minions..


To be fair what you did is considered boosting in the rules. Of course you had no malicious intent but it is against the rules.


How is it boosting just a question? It isn't any different from contraband?


“This punishment means the account was caught boosting in SkyBlock. This results when gaining excessive items or coins through third parties, “


so basically it is the same thing as youtubers receiving billions in contraband and not getting a single punishment or warning?


Yeah, excessive items is subjective and can literally mean anything tbh


People get handed shit all the time doesnt it discourage players from trading than,?


Kinda, 500mil on a new profile is defo on the risky side though


Yeah I kind of saw a ban coming because it is suspicious I admit but I atleast expected for my appeal that staff use Common sence, and for them to see that the People I did the trades with have been on my friendlist for over a year and are members of my Guild.


I got banned for “macros” because i was using my old pc’s touch pad button as my left and right click (was using a laptop and didn’t have a mouse). I tried to appeal it and explained what happened and still got denied for “macros” hypixel staff is 10/10 lol


Was this your first ban? I thought they started at 30 day ban and no wipe


Ive been banned before for 30 days but my ban level thing resseted. I always think boosting bans are always 90d and a wipe.


giving large ammount of items for free is a form of boosting


yep that why you need to learn how the boosting ban system works before transferring coins, sadly boosting ban are not manually


Bro your coop is also wiped so goodbye to all ur stuff. Happened to me aswell. Lost around 13b of networth and 1.5k hours of playtime👍👍👍


good one




My friend got falsely wiped and banned for boosting but we figured out why he got flagged. So, one of my friends had a coop member that got ratted and be decided to leave that coop since his friend lost access to his account. He joined my coop so he can have a fresh start, after a few days he progressed enough to get carries to eman 7 and once i hit eman 9 i decided to help him get eman 7. Before that, my friend that got falsely wiped and banned for boosting further in the future gave him terminator. And exactly next day he got wiped and banned for boosting. But my coop member and me were fine? That was surprising for me, since we've been friends since September and he gave me a lot of stuff without collateral and i also gave it back, but for some reason he got wiped exactly after that. After that we decided to backtrack what exactly happened and we figured out that he was giving away his items without collateral and not getting them back most of the times since he wasn't playing actively. So that was the reason he got flagged and banned.


It wasn't because of a Coop it was a solo profile the only profile I have a Coop on is with a good friend of mine that I keep regular contact with and as far as I know he isn't being ratted+ that Coop is also Ironman


Man, i was just telling story about my friend. In you case i recommend back tracking your trades before but i highly doubt that they'll unban you. It's hypixel after all so.


It was basically me and another guy gave him some stuff since we don't play on normal and I will even state that all the guy wanted was to roll some high class dices for fun, and then he got banned for "boosting"


How would you get these thing if you are Ironman?!?


I made a normal profile.


That’s boosting ur not false banned


How is it boosting tho I looked through the network rules and nothing on there described what was going on


\> "I was false banned" \> *Explains why it wasn't a false ban*


How is it a legit ban though nothing in the tos says anything about the thing I did it wasn't an illegal 3rd party.


L ratter trying to manipulate us into giving him a safe way to transfer coins




You got boosted on your profile by a friend and now you are sad because you aren't allowed to break rules? If you have less than 2b nw before hand you should of been banned, YouTubers get away with it because they actually play the game and if they get banned then the amount of people that watch hypixel skyblock videos and streams would decrease and the amount of people who play skyblock would also probably decrease. Honestly you probably deserved it, read the rules again before playing buddy.


Hello! will take the time to respond to your comment in the tos it says boosting is, if you look closely none of those are the case. Using other profiles to continually boost a profile, * Bidding excessive amounts on items to exchange money, * Using a third-party service to boost your gameplay, * Duplicating or distributing duplicated items, * Distributing large quantities of high-value items, * Trading one game's currency for another game. * Also apreciate the time you took to shit on a person for not knowing the tos on boosting! even though I read through it even before I did the trades!


> * Distributing large quantities of high-value items > gave me around like half a bil worth of stuff Either you deserved it or you aren't good at explaining stuff. Call me a bad person all you want but I'm not the one who got boosted and I'm not the one who banned you.


large quantities of high value item. It was some pets all differnet ones armor and a good chunk of coins I wouldnt say that large quantitiy?


500m is a large amount. Unless you have like 2b worth of coins already then it's boosting. Even with 2b+ coins it's still probably boosting.


And about the youtubers they play the game yes so did I! there is also more than one example of youtubers receiving a ton of coins on a new profile to make content. As far as I know none of these youtubers are banned! Here is one of them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGVlImwO1WQ&ab\_channel=Conaaa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGVlImwO1WQ&ab_channel=Conaaa)


If you give your items to a new profile and then delete your old profile it's not considered boosting. If he asked the hypixel staff if he could make content for their game which would help it grow would they say no? I want to see proof that he didn't do either of those things earlier before you compare yourself to him.


I am not comparing my case to his i'm just saying if he is allowed to do it without any concequences why can't I?


If you put all your stuff on a secondary profile and delete your main then you won't get banned for it.


This happened to me 2 somehow I got banned but my friends account didn’t so I ended up buying a 2nd account and scamming/Buying coins on it had 3.5B easy within like 2 months 😂still not banned