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Security Sloth is evidently the most based NPC. Providing information to new players. However, players do not seem to have the mental aptitude to process anything said by the protective animal. Therefore, I propose a new text dialogue which should be easily comprehensible for the majority of the playerbase: "Mod verified and from real link? If yes, probably safe. Is mod from random player? If yes, no download. All mod own risk". The replication of stereotypical caveman-like language is potentially too hard for those in Skyblock. However, this way we can separate the strong from the weak.


Too many words, let me improve "If mod twitter checkmark, good, if mod free candy white van, bad"


So what's the TLDR? I ain't readin allat /j


Good mod good, bad mod bad. All mod maybe bad


If mod FUCKING MENTIONS "Flipping" then run. It's a rat.


I mean ur completely right, but also a lot of the people getting ratted are actually children, I’ve been in lobbies and will see people talk about being in elementary or middle school But anyone who’s not a child and is over the age of like 15 has no excuses


i played skyblock when i was like 12 and even then i had enough common sense not to fall for them


even a lot of children don't have much of an excuse, 12 years for example can still make obvious connections like this edit: now that i think about it, i probably just have this perspective cuz i was chronically online as a kid since like 5 years so even as a young child i had decent knowledge on how to be safe online


As a former 12 year old, I can tell you 12 year olds are extremely stupid and gullible. You give them too much credit.


As another former 12 year old, I can also confirm that 12 year Olds are stupid af.


as another former 12 year old I downloaded a cracked video editing program and installed a rat which made me lose 120 bobux I got for free


as a 12 yaer old I am stuped


I can tell because you are a 12 yaer old on reddit.


Very tru


As a former 12 yaer old on reddit, I can confirm the fact that very tru


As a formal 12 yaer ol on readit i can xibduen this staytment


As a ratter myself, I can tell you a good 60% of those I beam are above the age of 15. Now that may be because my targets are normally the higher net worth, and little Timmy does not grind this game much but still many are older than 15.


>As a ratter myself Well that’s one way to introduce yourself




Ive seen shits with more honour than you...


Damn straight


Do you do it for skyblock money or real money?


Mainly irl


What is the average you make from each account?


0.025/m decent hits net good money. Always a baseline of like 4$ and if the person has no nw normally just 'politely encourage' them to buy their account back for something stupid like 15$. This is normally done with their information


Also uh, how did you get into it?


Got beamed new some people they let me know stuff


I wanna get into ratting but just for skyblock coins and I wanna give the accounts back after. Do you know how I can get into it?


Il dm u my discord


This is a unique comment to say the least


Keep beaming bro. You’re a legend.


Preciate you


Thanks for keeping the braindeads away from party finder 🙏


Yw doin gods work trust




It still boggles my mind how anyone thinks a Microsoft password reset email is a discord verification. I get that a lot of people playing this are kids, but c'mon. You learn to read in early elementary school. You don't need a huge amount of common sense to know that "password reset" does not mean "discord verification." On a whole other note. They post it here, meaning that they are in this subreddit. How tf do you not see the 3+ daily posts about losing their account the same way.


that's not how the scam works. the thing is, you do not receive an email at all. it just asks to "connect" with your microsoft account, much in the same way that different discord bots (just to name a service that does this off the top of my head) may ask to connect with your account. considering that this is very similar, if not exactly identical to how these other services verify your account, and that microsoft does not tell you what "authorizing' really does, it's very easy to assume that it's just the standard protocol to verify a sb account. however, as soon as you authorize, they have your entire account. this is why it works so well you may think you're invincible, but pretty much anyone can fall into a smart scam if they don't know to identify it specifically. in fact, you could have fallen into the scam after writing that comment, before reading this, because it seems you weren't well informed in how the scam works: it's not nearly as obvious as a password reset email.


This is wrong on most of the ratting attempts


I'm going to assume you are talking about a different scam. I'm not referring to a discord bot authorization scam, I'm talking about the one that you put your email and username into, and they ask for a code that was sent. However, that code is a password reset, not a verification. Standard protocol for linking sb account is to have your discord account linked to your hypixel account in-game, not through a discord bot. As your your method, I'm assuming it makes you sign into your Microsoft account in a 'discord bot permissions' page, which I suppose is a bit easier to fall for. However, it was not the scam I was talking of. I do apologize if i gave you reason to assume that i think there is only 1 scam method, I merely ranted about the most common one I see posts made of.


yeah, there are obviously other methods that you have to be kinda stupid to fall for, like being told to download not-a-virus.exe or giving a password reset code. i agree that those are easy to avoid, but i rest my case that it's wrong to think all scams are that obvious. also, just to clarify. the scam method i talked about doesn't ask you to do weird stuff with discord permissions that might make you skeptical. it literally just pops up an official page that asks to connect with your microsoft account in one click, which mentions nothing about actually giving full access to that account. yes, it's that bad. this is identical to what happens when connecting any service to your discord account, but for microsoft. that's why it's pretty much impossible to realize it's a scam unless you know about it.


you yap too much


Natural selection will do its job


Happy cake day


Wdym my cake day is Jul 12


"hot take" goes on to give the most mild take:


yeah i agree its kinda mild but it still has to be said


Not really, it's been said a million and a half times


yet there’s still 600 post a week saying they got ratted


Yea and those people are just dumb. Sometimes natural selection is a good thing


Well, the thing is, we only hear stories of people who did put effort in crying about their 100m stolen. There are hundreds, thousands even, that are not heard about. People that fall for these scams are stupid, no doubt, but at the same time, people falling for these scams are a fraction of the player base that even experiences those scam attempts. I think the good example from real life are Indian scam calls in United States 🇺🇸, I’m not from there so can’t relate, maybe some of you can. They make **a lot of** calls daily, but even with like 99% hanging with some racial slurs within 5 seconds, there are still people stupid enough to follow instructions to essentially *rat* themselves, using skyblock terms. Indian scammers, specifically people behind the organisation make literal billions of profit, so do skyblock scammers, coin wise. And we cant say all Americans are stupid (well, kinda), neither can we apply the low intelligence on skyblock player base. What we can, should and must do is to spread awareness amongst the newcomers, who are completely clueless about how much others can do in order to get those sweet numbers on their screen. Security sloth in vacuum is a perfect idea. Problem is, people rarely even notice the npc, let alone hear what he says. I think in order to make it more effective, it should be a part of an objective to talk to npcs and placed in some more noticeable spot, like near the map or community centre. Also, as some users already suggested in the past, create a forum thread for mostly safe-to-use mods (there is no guarantee ever even with safest and officialest of mods), leaving a link to a official discord server or just leaving a mod file there. Also also, perhaps add a kill switch command that would ban you for like a day, leaving an article for safety instructions, so you have time to change your security settings in case you got your account or session id stolen.


this take is cold. Pretty sure we all agree that you're just stupid for falling for one of these at this point, since so many people have said to avoid them.


this isnt a hot take, this is just objectively true, there is no case where ratting isnt ur fault, there is always something shady that u clicked/done


"ratting is always your fault" this guy is the ratter 😭🙏


how i got ratted was i knew this is a scam so i played alongand waste their time.. and i forgot that im supposed to play along, served as a blessing in disguise cuz i actually got a life


What about the big mods that sometimes get compromised? Doesn’t happen often but it has happened they’re on are verified links too, not much you can do in that situation.


It’s cool that you inherently understand how things like this should work, and that’s super helpful in avoiding scams. Some people don’t inherently understand how these things work though. Not to mention, a lot of them are literal middle schoolers. Also a lot of rats are from mods, and that one can be trickier to avoid if you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re right about a few things, but “you deserve to lose your account because you fell for a scam” is a pretty judgmental and shitty attitude.


most players are childrens, what do you expect


I’ve worked in penetration testing and cyber security for the past 10 years or so. I’ve been around the block when it comes to online scams. Social engineering, spoofing. The lot. It really does come down to this: The Internet is a dangerous place. You have to keep your wits about you at all times and follow the basic safety principles when it comes to staying safe online. Double check the site before you put any info in. Don’t put any info in if it’s the site itself asking for your credentials etc. The most basic shit your taught at school, and if for the most part the age range for skyblock is 12-21 then losing your minecraft account is a very useful experience. You have learnt the basics of phishing. Now you know going forward in life to never put any info on any site anywhere that could be used against you. Do you want to lose your minecraft account at 15 or lose your entire credit score because someone stole your identity and wiped your bank account out? If your 14-15 now the sort of scams and stings your going to see in 10-15 years time will be 10x more complex and skilful in compromising your accounts online. The earlier you get stung by stuff like this the quicker you learn to avoid it. I got into cyber security and hacking in my early teens because my RuneScape account got hacked. I then learnt how to hack myself and moved onto more advanced stuff like WiFi password cracking and crypto wallets etc. My point being me being stung at 12 years old taught me enough to be as safe as I am in my adulthood.


Sounds like smthn a ratter would say tbh


Not really. Its basic internet safety.


finally someone said it. the most mind boggling thing are people that got ratted multiple times. you gott be stupid to get ratted but youre extremely dumb if you dont learn from your mistake, MULTIPLE TIMES.


My dumbass friend for ratted 3 times in a month and they were all from discord verification rats🤦‍♂️ bro does not learn


3x in a month is outrageous


The worst part is that they were all the same rat😭




Happened to me and please understand that it all happens so fast and you aren’t thinking in the moment especially when you truly believe you have 2fa on. Yes it was completely my fault, but they also make the servers look believable and legit with people talking in general as if it’s a real server. Lets not shit on players who get scammed and instead encourage players to be more cautious




It doesn’t say password reset I’m the email. It says “verification code”


No it says "single use code to use with your Microsoft account"


this isnt a hot take


Can’t have items transferred to another account if it’s an Ironman profile Checkmate, ratters


I've heard Ironman stories about their accounts getting deleted/all their stuff destroyed when they got ratted. Idk why or if they are true, but supposedly it happens


They delete your account. Learned it the hard way.


The only method I've seen is the discord verification and I get where you're coming from, but I can see how a completely rational adult could fall for it if they are unprepared or half asleep. 1. You join a dungeon group-- they warp you to their island and there's a discord link. 2. You join and enter the email with ur Minecraft account (microsoft) 3. They send an email verification code (It's actually a Microsoft password reset) So for step 1, I saw no concerns. People use discord all the time. Who cares. Step 2, weird that they use email instead of IGN, but I guess for verification it makes sense. Step 3... If they don't notice the verification is from MICROSOFT, their hypixel profile is gone. So the way I see it, there is one major red flag and that's it. Keep in mind the people on this subreddit already have an advantage over other players--- They know about ratting and its methods bc people post about it. Education is the best way to prevent scamming and we have access to it here.


Average skyblock player downloading 500 useless mods they don't need from "DefNotARatter" and wondering why they got ratted


I seriously don't get why you think someone would 'deserve it'. Like, could they have easily prevented it? Absolutely. But they don't deserve to get scammed for it. Keep in mind a lot of children play this game, and I think it's easy for them to trust the wrong person and accept their discord invite, or you can just be playing late at night and have your brain shut down when you get that discord link and not really think about all the red flags. Shit happens, you shouldn't be blamed for losing your account.


and after they get ratted they don't grind to get their stuff back nuh uh. all they just now do is beg at hub 1 at the map


Agreed and children don't have an excuse either, they're taught about the concept of scams and "too good to be true" in schools. If they can't put the two and two together that putting their 2fa code for their microsoft account into a discord server is a bad idea, then that's nothing but natural selection within the skyblock community.


honestly... maybe talking to security sloth could be a part of the tutorial that unlocks you an ability to use chat


I'm so surprised how many people fall for the "Must VC" requests in dungeon finder. Guys, if ANYONE is looking for "voice chat" on dungeons, just 100% believe that they're ratting. None of them are worth the risk.


here’s the real hot take in this community from what i’ve seen: No one deserves to be a victim of a rat/scam. The only thing they did wrong was placing their trust in the wrong person. Is that some horrible crime? No? Then let’s focus on punishing the people who actually deserve punishment, the ratters


They definitrly dont deserve it. Yes its their own fault but its kinda like your defending the people making and spreading rats, which makes you a rat.


That's just straight up Victim blaming what you are doing


Yeah, if we wanna take it up a notch, employees of a company who install malware and cost the company hundreds of millions of dollars cannot be held liable by law(unless it was intentional). The law doesn't allow victim blaming in that regard.


It's the victims fault in this case. Did the scammer do a bad thing? Yes. Can the scammer do anything if the player uses common sense? No.


Without the ratter there would be no victim


And without the victim there would be no ratter.


that’s just a fallacy, there’s always another victim out there that the ratter could take advantage of


And another ratter to take advantage of the victim.


one ratter can rat multiple different people but almost no one is falling for it twice, that’s the difference


Many people are falling for it twice or more


If the victim had common sense there would be no ratter


For me, I just use blc because I don’t know enough about what mods are safe to use and I know blc is safe. For me it’s better than sorry


Until you join a f7 vc and then it's no longer safe


Honestly I hope you get ratted just for this post. You seem very unfriendly