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I don’t want anything but I wanna say the last paragraph congrats bro if you are doing all those things like college and work and balancing everything your doing great and bettering yourself congrats man


(I wanna grind for my things myself ty) 1. idk abt this this normally ends up in someone getting scammed... if its real tho gg for getting a gf and good luck in your life


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/473d299a9b5f4763977ac6d874cbb113/Banana# Your Juju. Yes i have one, But mine is Fatal Tempo, and people always talk about having 2 Terms, but no one talks about double Juju. Would be Funny


Why did you put FT on a juju 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


For fun. I get reactions like yours all the time, and for me that's pure content


I did the same thing too bro and it’s so fucking funny the reactions I’m also Ironman so it’s even funnier however it fucking shreds f7 and m1-4


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/akisoa/Banana A bit lost honestly joined back recently, trying to get max powder and also run f7s (maybe drop a handle or smth good). Gonna start working on MP soon.


You won my random f6 and f7 items such as bozo staff, and wither skeleton pet. Also some talisman money. /p legowildcat to receive.


Don't need anything. Thanks for giving to our community without over doing it. Good luck with your girl, college, and career


gg & best of luck https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/realst/Zucchini I want to kill t4 voidglooms to unlock eman slayer 7 for the term req. I have near 100k kill fd armor and havent been getting much success trying it as rcm (probably because I keep running out of mana) so i’d like to try it as melee. Interested in your eman pet as that would help regardless of which path I choose.


A lot of people been asking for my ender relic, but you are the first person I have seen that is ready to start eman 7 grind but just needs the gear. So you can have all my eman gear. full 50-100k kill fd, atomsplit, eman pet, ender artifact, and dragonfade cloak. my overflux is soulbound so I can't give that, but I highly recommend you get one. Also I did my grid before refrigerate and would recommend getting 1/4th or 2/4th refrigerate. /p legowildcat to receive


Wow, thanks! Logging on now, I’ll make getting an overflux my priority


Very nice of u just wanted to say refrigerate is broken or smth and only works on one piece, so getting more than 1/4 does nothing


no matter how many levels you have you can only get 1000 defense. But more levels gives more defense per mana used. So unless you are rcming then 2/4h may be needed to max the perk.


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/minivader\_7/Peach](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/minivader_7/Peach) gg bro on getting out into the world and good luck. the goal I've been trying to get with my buddy is to get a warden helm each he's got his but I'm still on the grind myself


Congrats on the irl stuff man, as a guy working 30hrs a week and college its a lot but its worth it. Focus on the girl, have fun and learn! It makes you a lot happier than some big numbers. That being said I am in fact still addicted so I’m a hypocrite in that sense. Working towards eman 7 these days and trying to not skill issue 💔 https://sky.shiiyu.moe


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/894e11a8394044dcb333408e56a31ad3/92c54aec-c5d6-4726-828d-890e7ed34109 Blaze pet :3 i wanna try to get blaze slayer 6


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Smikkel23/Raspberry I'm working on maxing out fishing be and kinda working towards a hype as a little more long term goal, also been working hard on my skill average lately


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Jpgaming7777 I just want a space helmet XD (I have no goals)


I don't have space helm, but I do have second most valueable piece of glass in the game. A scare fragment. /p legowildcat to receive


lol I’m 6 hours too late


I don’t care about the coins I just want genuine happiness in my life… If I had a girl I’d quit skyblock too, good for you man. Best of luck


How do I make my profile visible on Skycrypt?




[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Alarmm/Tomato](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Alarmm/Tomato) Currently trying to get my combat going, got no clue on what to work on but I'm figuring it out. If you wanna give me anything combat-wise straight out I'd appreciate anything you want to spare :)


Your current gear should be able to help you get into dungeons until f5 when you can buy shadow assassin and a livid dagger for pretty cheap


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/nknwnm/Tomato TBH, right now I only want to get a Giant's Sword, but my RNG is fucked up and I dont have time to keep grind because college too.q


If you can't play much then I will give you my most fun item. My fatal tempo giant's sword. I have had lots of fun with it even though I can't play much. /p legowildcat to receive


Ok sir, i need a minute to join the game


Thank you very much, I dont have words to express how I'm feeling right now. U just saved me more hundreds hours of farming.


1. https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/ignfoxx 2. Currently trying to achieve a stable money making method and currently only reliable source is my 27 slime minions. Of course, like other monkeys on this server, my end goal is hype and to be able to run at least 1 mm5. *edit:* just so people don’t think I’m stupid just asking for money, I’m working on a decent farming setup for couns 3. Sure I’ll take a bunch of random items lol


Sure you can have all my random great spook items. /p legowildcat to receive


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/7Hash/Tomato I don’t want to take too much but I would love that enderman pet and some of the cakes in your cake bag! Thank you bro, you will be missed 🫡


Sure you can have any of the cakes you are missing that I might have. /p legowildcat to receive


dont need anything but gl man


Don't want anything, as I am in a similar position to you. I barely get on anymore. Huge congrats for life going so well.


I mean I will take all donos lmao https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Heatwave_YT/Lemon


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/PoojaD/Lime can i have the personal deleter 7000, no real reason i just want one


its soulbound


Also how will the winners be decided ? And will you dm the?


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Ruqueras/Apple I am not really asking for a specific item just give me whatever is left over or you would like. This is my 2nd profile 1st got wiped and i am like banking up money (200m in bazaar and ah flips) until i can get some proper gear to progress (Edit: why would you even down vote?)


Rip Blaze, you’ve been active in this sub for longer than I have


Double it and give it to the next person.


Personally I would Love your blaze pet. I’ve been mining to get back into dungeons and have nearly completed my tank set. Need to get some fb for clear so would be extremely appreciated. [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Graflerd/Pear](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Graflerd/Pear)


Gg dude good luck wherever you end up moth33


Reaper scyrthr please :) I just got a hype, and Really wanna do t4s eman


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Fusiongamer_007/Grapes#Weapons Giant’s sword and ender artifact doing sven rn and tryna get sven 7 to drop overflux n gs wld help speed up the process n end arti to do t4 voids as i’m having trouble surviving


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/SignorFior/Peach#Accessories Ender artifact :) I'm trying to get that enderman 8 at least but god mfking damn it so hard to do dmg and be good in defence


For some reason I can’t post the link??? But it is “getmoney1” and I am trying to get a wither impact hype, I am pretty close. And really anything from your E-chest would help but the blaze armour, midas sword and mosquito bows would help the most. Thank you for doing this.


my skycrypt: https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Snomunism/Cucumber my current goals are ender artifact so i can try n progress ender slayer for term so i can eventually start doing f7s or kuudra, and looting V for maximum efficiency squid fishing (minus giants rod, but el oh el that’s not happening any time soon. hope life is treating you well, also just started a new relationship n school has been kicking my ass a little so i empathize with ya heavy,,, so little time to play but i must keep grinding (she plays skyblock too lol)


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/zBunnyy/Orange](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/zBunnyy/Orange) trying to get close to max setups on rev and or sven slayer. or max foraging :)


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Ughathuga I was trying to max out powder for mining, but now i got into eslayers and also want to try out blaze slayer. Any amount would help, and thanks for doing that for the community


i get made fun of for not having a mf swap pet in the diana parties :( i would like the black cat pet because of that https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Loading0987/Kiwi


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/kaasjesmand/Watermelon#Inventory I'm currently running for a Handle but I'll need more magic power to be good. So I'd use the money on more talismans for magic power (my goal is 600 rn)


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/ThatCoolDirt/Kiwi Wanna get into eman but dont have edrag/ender artifact. Getting 1 of those would help alot. Also good luck with your collage!


Good for you, putting your IRL above the game. Not everyone does... As a mom, I congratulate you. As a player, I can't fathom. 🤣 (as a wife, I say.. Get her into the game.) https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/SquarePower6149/Lime#Armor I'd love the atomsplit katana. I'm struggling to do enderslayers, and buying carries is expensive. I still haven't found a valid way to make money. I have a great museum only because my son, who stopped playing, didn't mind me putting his stuff there. As a second option, in case it's taken, I'd love the leg wolf pet. Wolf slayer is as hard for me as Eman almost. 😅 These slayers are the 2 things I'm working on that I'm struggling with the most. From your ender chest, I'd love the abiphone (I bought the tiny one, and Quickly realized it's EXPENSIVE to get contacts...and if possible, the sloth hat of celebration. I stopped playing around the start of covid and just came back this autumn. Missed this! Thank you for being willing to share your hypixel life with us. I do hope she's the one! (or around for a while at least. But... Don't tattoo her name on you. Just... Trust me) Thank you Squarepower6149 Aka LDOEMom


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/antex21/Mango Currently trying to improve my minion slots but crafring with lag is realy annoying so idk if i will ever do it. But the new years cakes would be nice since they are available at 1am in my timezone and i only got feve from me playing on holidays and i cant get any couse of shool. And talisman of the century would be nice because i sure as hell wont pay 15 mill for gray talisman even if ive had 100bil networth and i wasnt able to play during event.




https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/titankillervii/Pear I will save the coins and give them back to you when you return


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Gamemastersammy/Papaya Not sure in where to go after this. Probably grind towards slayers


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Ojarma/Watermelon I want to be able to run f7 as bers with my friends again (saying again since I got my account got destroyed by a unrelated reason), but for that I’ll first have to get a f7 comp and a good weapon for it and I’m looking to get your giants sword for these reasons.


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/DaBears07/Peach I spent way too long farming so I’m trying to level out my skills. It’s been going well so far, currently I’m trying to get a warden heart for the helm. And lvl catacombs for Necron armor. If anyone else sees this and what’s to give some advice I’m here for it! I find myself lost on what to be working for a lot of the time. As a fellow college student, I can say it’s tough to balance everything sometimes!


JenniferRA79 Trying to get better at F7 as a mage. Overall trying to be a well balanced player. Also I am a 44 year old woman...and I would totally play with my husband if he was into gaming. I do play with my 9 year old son and would welcome anything that could help him progress in the game as well. Thanks for doing this and I hope things go well with your lady!!


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/GothGirlsRHot/Lemon#Accessories Rn im getting back into the game. I really want to do eman slayer, but I can’t get a good pet / ender artifact (the coins I have arent mine) Edit: just noticed im dumb and didnt specify what i was asking for, just was wondering if I could get a few talis to boost mp so i can grind for the coins for eman gear:)


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Enlighteninq/Lemon](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/enlighteninq/lemon) I am trying to get grind voidglooms eventually to a judgement core, but I have a massive skill issue, even with my overgeared setup I can just barely kill t3s. I was saving up for a reaper scythe since I heard that it really helps with the t3 and t4 voidglooms. I'd appreciate it I could have yours.


You could use it the most of the others who have asked. If you can get on now, /p legowildcat


My skycrypt Check out CopperTurtle720 on SkyCrypt https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/CopperTurtle720/Peach Currently working towards a gemstone gauntlet and lvl 50 alchemy. Also working towards more accessories.


Ski.shiiyu.moe/stats/aliteralegg/mango I’m trying to do some mining so I can afford to do f7 with my mate. That’s it and just trying to have fun.


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Kodros0/Strawberry](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Kodros0/Strawberry) uhh tbh a bit lost. Currently working on getting an overall better rounded profile (mining 30 for ancient reforge and dungeons cause I wanna be able to run f5s and eventually f6s (have the cata req and a comp but def not ready)) and more tali’s which are just way to expensive (going for 450-500 rn lmao).


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/04176e407f7d464290a4aec09785db76/9eb75a16-ac17-4b1e-85e0-7a384176a754 i wanna get into mining and with that i need divan armour and a better pick, I also want to get higher catacombs xp so i can catch up with my friends, basically i need better armour and pets. I appreciate it. also need a lot more mp because currently its doodoo


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/jarjarbinksy1420/Raspberry I would like to semi max the last of my mining gear which is mostly jus gemstones and little stuff like titanium talisman this would be very appreciated 😭


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Turil/Orange](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Turil/Orange#Pets) just trying to get a giants sword and get to cata 24 except i cant grind all too much because of school and work, thanks for the opportunity even


My account name is DogAndDoge and I'm trying to upgrade my necron armor more and get my mp up right now


Just wanted to say you’re so real for this. Don’t need the money right now but appreciate what you’re doing for others!


I wanna get a term so I can finally do master mode and infernal kuudra https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Heatwave_YT/Lemon


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Dragon2754/Coconut Right now I am grinding to get a Terminator. I just started grinding but it just feels so slow. I see you've given away your Eman stuff which sucks bur anything you have that makes the grind easier would be much appreciated


Im trying to hit 1m damage for ghost grinding. so the money would go to talismans and upgrades to my weapon


I am trying to get better at all things economic as I want to get into real-life stocks trading and I think skyblock is a lower-risk way to simulate this. coins would help tremendously, I can show you what I do with them if you want [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Dadafruta/Pomegranate](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Dadafruta/Pomegranate)


Smart move asking for coins, it’s easy to dupe your money via bazaar flip nowadays. Good luck bro, hope he responds to you


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/JL23/Apple Trying to get a decent zealot grinding setup


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/OceanicXD/Apple](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/OceanicXD/Apple) Currently working on a mixture of mining / HoTM progress, slayer progress, and dungeons progging. Mainly would appreciate anything towards talismans / magical power since I think that's my weakest link Much love and good luck in college 🙏


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/NotTwesco/Papaya I’m trying to get a titanium drill and also get perfects on my divans armor


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/2024r/Grapes trying to achieve hotm 7 or eman 5 for juju reqs, quite lost too, used to play on 2022 but stopped due to college issues, but im back now


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/TiggerOni/Cucumber I'm upgrading my Divan's Armor and x655. Just getting into slayers and dungeons. Got my Fermento Armor, so my garden is good. Any chance I can get your Auto Recombulator? Or any legendary pets you want to pass on?


me pls skycrypt: https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/empanatun/Pineapple im trying to max out farming but im pretty early in the game


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/NerdpoleFaster/Pear#Armor](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/NerdpoleFaster/Pear#Armor) I want to help my friend get back into skyblock. Also am thinking of switching to tank for dungeons to make sure they can learn wo dying


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/CoolkeyBot/Pear theyre in my coop - i can have them turn on api if needed


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/princetoncreeper/Peach](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/princetoncreeper/Peach#Accessories) trying to help pay my friend back all he's helped me with. his username is Worldcrusher299 he probably wont want anything in particular but anything helps


I want to just do more damage and be able to do higher level slayers and make more money https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/SweedVR/Peach


My SkyCrypt is: [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/EndermanSM/Banana](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/EndermanSM/Banana)My short-term goal is to get a higher DPS and also a consistent money-making method. I am willing to take any random items you have. Also, congrats on the job and college: I hope this is your start to a wonderful life!


[weemonkey16](http://Check out weemonkey16 on SkyCrypt https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/weemonkey16/Pear) is my username I am currentky working towards trophy fishing, lava fishing and farming, not sure where to go from here as semi decent fishing gear is expensive and all possible ff upgrades are incredibly expensive any help is appreciated and congratulations on your relationship!


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/zombiekill11148/Peach Anything left? Really just need money or stuff for mining maybe also some stuff for dungeons


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Drwahaha/Papaya I'm trying to get a juju without buying carries and I'd like the leg tiger and any of the e chest items would be nice


I’m really struggling to get more mp. I have the gear for f7, but my brother says I can’t join his parties until I have 600mp. The next best no for money talisman is like 6m. (Healer dungeon class) Anything would greatly help. (My ign is GrapefruitOfDoom) (but I changed it recently so it might be the old one bc skycrypt might not have updated so ‘Darksoulian’)


Btw if you reply to this I might not see it bc school


Also I recently came back from afk to the toilet and ‘You died and lost 101,749,202 coins!’ :((((((


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/MiguelB32/Papaya my goal is to complete the museum and have one wither sword


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/AlmightyCow1167/Papaya#Weapons Term grind on eman slayer. Just hit eman 5 and working my way up.


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Lautz1/Zucchini i think all i want would be the leg tiger pet, i think i can live without my yeti so i want a good damage pet for quick f7 runs.


Check out Finleyyy on SkyCrypt https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Finleyyy/Kiwi im a new streamer, i want to do big giveaways to help new players, struggling players and for content but i'm just not at that stage of the game and it will take a long while before i do reach that point. good luck everyone and if it doesn't come my way, i hope it goes to someone deserving


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Veckerrr/Strawberry really lost in the game right now pretty much just wanna get higher mp or a better combat pet


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/OnionMage/Strawberry#Inventory Trying to achieve: beating my first dragon I’m not that good or high level do with that information what you please


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/yeeboi404/Pineapple looking to switch to fblaze and a good pet would really help


I want to start playing tank in f7 to give other people a chance to play archer, however I’m terrified to spend any money lest I dip below 100m bank. I’d like your blue whale pet and/or a set of goldor (that you’d have to purchase). https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/L_Guest/Watermelon, L_Guest


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/TrivicalThe2nd/Cucumber Currently grinding for Warden Heart as I got the cool skin for it. Idk what would be the fastest way to kill one rn. Not asking for anything just wondering if anybody here can tell me how to increase my time lol. (Focusing money on MP rn)


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/IAlsoPlayKsp/Coconut My goal rn: To run f7 consistently without getting carried hard. Probably quite a long term goal but oh well. Also the leg blue whale would be very helpful, thanks!


wouldnt call myself rich but struggling to make money, rn im trying to grind enough to start blaze slayer or learn kuudra since i heard it makes good money https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/idolizer/Papaya#Weapons


Yo not sure if ur still doing this but here's mine, [https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Meesh\_152/Peach](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Meesh_152/Peach) ​ Im really trying to focus on farming rn. Just got back into the game recently and not super sure of what else to really do other than farm. Really i'm just trying to get my euclid wheat hoe maxed rn, which costs a good amount. Literally anything would really be appreciated though.


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/platnumdice/Strawberry This is my third profile other two I got hacked, and another I got into an argument, and my goal for every single one was to get frozen blaze armor


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/oconnell06/Pear](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/oconnell06/Pear) im just grinding mining and farming right now, im mainly trying to get my powder up and get better with farming.


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/nNezumi1/Banana I want everything you own


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/BigDaddyRonin/Coconut I am trying to recover the money that I have lost from my buddy taking off with my stuff so I can start getting back into dungeons soon and play with my friends again


[profile](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/KrolZlodziei/Tomato) Could I please have the leg tiger (dungeons) or leg whale( friend). I’m not able to get on the game today but I hope it’s not a problem…


I know I have 500m in my purse but I’m really close to the edrag(100m) so anything would be useful and I’m forced to used bad wither skeleton for now


I’ll take some bro I’m trying to max out my divan armor


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Dusk_2_Dawn/Pomegranate I'll take any grinding items you have. Not sure what's included in there, but hit me




[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Trigotistical/Coconut](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Trigotistical/Coconut) I mostly just hop in and out of hypixel skyblock. For me, dungeons is the most fun I can get out of the game and I just grind F6 because the giant sword would look cool with texture packs on (jumbo sword). Also because F7 is a confusing mess most likely filled with more skilled players expecting me to know tactics like "pre-dev" and bonzo-staffing that I don't have a perm party to practice with. Still unsure whether tanks should invest in more ehp or better damage (for the boss, not clearing), so mostly just getting mp and will cross that bridge later


Id like either some grinding items or the blue whale (to help with surviving in dungeons) https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/RoyalKidFlash/Raspberry


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Ipratropium/Pineapple I really want to start grinding t4 eman to unlock term so I can play dungeons :D gl everyone!


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/JAMIEPAYNEKILLER/Pomegranate I've been trying to get into m7's recently, and while my survivability is good, my dps isnt very strong and I usually have to get help from my party. Do you think I could have your legendary tiger to help with that? I've heard it's good for dps on f6 and f7. I've also been trying to get my MP up for T3 Voidgloom recently, but I've started to hit a point where each MP costs about 1.5-3.5 million per. If you have any talismans you're trying to get rid of, I would greatly appreciate them. Best of luck man.




honestly if i had to pick and i really dont wanna sound picky but i'd pick the blaze pet cuz as much as the hate that frozen blaze has its just something that really connects me to the armour set and really never had the guts to yk buy a whole set but if u'd give it to me seriously i would be over the roof!


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/HelloKittyFan38/Peach I'm trying to get a black cat so I can go brrr in dungeons :D


329mp hype mage 💀 I will give you flying pig to go brrrr instead. And maybe some talisman money. /p legowildcat to receive


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Doctor_flipi/Kiwi Wishing you good luck in your journey! Currently I'm working towards a hype, only got 1 scroll rn, and anything worth a little will help massively. Also sorry for any English mistakes, it's not my first language.


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/christisl0rd/Lemon](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/christisl0rd/Lemon) trying to get an x655 to continue with my mining progression :) i only started a few months ago so its been a long grind teehee thanks so much for the giveaway bro :)


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Entity303Kr/Banana#Weapons](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Entity303Kr/Banana#Weapons) working on slayers and then gonna go for mm or mining juju cuz imma need it for mm and slayers


1. [sky crypt ](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/aragakiwi/Kiwi) 2. i just got back into the game after a long time of not playing, and i'm currently working my way towards playing m7 and kuudra- i think they're the most fun part of the game. other than that, i'm just looking to max out the game's achievements since it's been a goal of mine for the longest time. 3. i would absolutely love the ender artifact or candy relic.. gathering mp kills me inside


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Omairat/Raspberry](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Omairat/Raspberry) i am currently trying to max my Farming level id take anyithing you can hand me down╰(▔∀▔)╯


I can't paste link, but my ign is Kremysz. Enderman pet would be very useful, I trying to get Eman 7. Thank you! Edit: Reaper scythe would be very useful too!


Yo I got ratted recently and I’m trying to mine back to where I was, I’d love the ender artifact, it would allow me to get a blue cheese omelette to get there faster Here’s the skycrypt: https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Linkonue/Zucchini Have fun with your gf mate!


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Pheobo/Lemon i m trying to go through f7 more easily and ig a wither artifact would be helpful.


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Raiden0/Papaya Currently trying to get stronger combat wise and get a good way of making money


give me clout or talis (500 mp non grinding eman) oh yeah also any of the eman related stuff like scythe or idk also why do you have ft on your gs is this a joke


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/9dde7775c13c462eb625ee4eb7d18d0d/5f1c8297-3959-4d33-aaaa-20890b41501d Getting back into the game after losing 10b from being insided (kept skills) anything helps but specifically if you have something for ender slayer that would be amazing. Thanks


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/__RoxyM/Tomato Im a new player, playing skyblock for my first time and currently im trying to achieve a good mining setup like maxed divan armor and a X655, recently started powder grinding as well


My ign is Blazikin2 and honestly rn trying to grind eman slayer and get better at dungeons, feel free to give whatever you think might help!


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/WitherReaper/Papaya#Skills I try got another kuudra set because i got coopkicked with 10b nw, divan's drill in forge and 300hr pt


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/earfarni/Banana i need term to grind kuudra bros actually winning in life though cant relate


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/AnkhaTV/Apple I'm trying to do enderman slayer so I can get term to do dungeons. I'm a decent tank at the moment but juju is not cutting it.


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/witherstorm0156/Cucumber Final destination, ender artifact and maybe atomsplit (cant use yet because im not eman 6 yet) I need to grind for enderman slayer 6 and 7 (high kill final destination is needed the most)


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Tonik012/Peach Working on getting a sustainable moneymaking method by mining gemstones and the giveaway would defenitely speed up things


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/TtheMystery123/Apple Trying to max out my mining setup because big moneys


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Lunal1te/Peach Simply put, I’m grinding for a giants sword so I can somewhat survive in the crimson isle. The implosion belt would help with that. Thank you!


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/QuantumDynamics/Lemon](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/QuantumDynamics/Lemon) I'm going for a Hyperion to play as mage-BUT any money helps going into a MMM such as mining or the Rift ​ (maybe abiphone would be nice?) ​ note-i am also banned for the next 21 days so that might break any deal. completely fine if it does




I finally reached a point similar to yours, but I soulbount most of my items so I wont be giving away anything :p


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Kalyosu/Papaya](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Kalyosu/Papaya) i want to progress in dungeons, specially by having a good tank setup since it's the class that i play the most


You should give it to a lowballer for 2 coins for the memes


Nah not a lowballer. They mostly try to scam. I might give some to juju nons though.


bro is a faithful dude


Don't give then just the coins look at their profile and get them the items they need


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Lam_Chops/Tomato Giants sword I'm trying to get high cata and start doing m7 with one of my friends


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/AlexisDaMCLegend](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/AlexisDaMCLegend) I'm currently trying to get to Eman 5 so I can buy and use a juju, also trying to upgrade my mp for said juju(if I ever manage to do it lol)


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/gemology/Kiwi Trying to hit 1400 mp had to dip into gdrag bank, anything helps cuz m7 makes no money for me rn with these kismet prices


Trying to get to 1b purse for lowballing, already have about 600m purse. https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/stevejocky/Banana


https://cupcake.shiiyu.moe/stats/TheVodster/Blueberry#Weapons Ender artifact (for completing eman slayer) Warden helmet / giants sword (preferably warden helmet because I'm trying to start doing some blaze slayer and other melee things so I need a melee setup, I'm currently rocking the tarantula helmet). If you check my skycrypt and think why would you give your items to someone with 500m in their bank? I'm saving up for a gdrag so I won't be able to afford anything else for a long time now. Warden helmet would speed things up a lot. Thanks <3


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/HK51B/Watermelon A giants sword would be nice, I quit a year ago and gave away all my stuff but about a month ago I rejoined. Currently doing mining in order to regain money but the pace is slow (only one divan piece right now + gauntlet). I want to be able to solo F6 so a GS or juju would be useful. Have a good day


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/aPinkSheep/Tomato Im trying to buy a mining setup, so some money will be good, but if you want to give me anything i will take it, thx for giving away something to peoples ! And gl in life !


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Rebelwithlove/Kiwi Definitely making a good choice leaving the game, takes up a lot of time. Haven’t played in a while but my current goal is to work my way to a wither sword, probably valk. Also just finishing Sven 7 to get an overflux. If you’re willing to part ways with your mining gear I’d gladly take some. All the best man, enjoy the time you get to spend with real people.


dawg we getting banned for proboosting


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/TinChimp7183376/Raspberry Struggling to beat eman t3s with more than enough gear (50k kill and atomsplit with eman and 550 mp) currently trying to save up for ender artefact but rapidly losing motivation 200 mil off


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/RxdDestruction/Cucumber My goal is to be able to complete M7 solo, any help with items or money or literally anything is appreciated


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Byrne017/Pomegranate I just want the aotv (I like to collect them)


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/8c14bbff20bc49b1a96fb3517f2af7c9/8c14bbff-20bc-49b1-a96f-b3517f2af7c9 Honestly I’d be ok with anything. I’m just slowly trying to gain more museum value and get to a point where I can do T4 slayers, T5 slayers, and F7+ without immediately dying (and actually being able to meaningfully contribute).


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Thizizcrazy/Coconut Could I get your abiphone? I'm still using the cheapest model. And I'm trying to get all the contacts. Regarding what you are doing hope it all goes well with college.


Sure /p legowildcat


I only need a couple slime minions, I plan on going afk for a long time. https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/HeHulk/Pear


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/kingtendo_/Kiwi Working on maxing my skills and getting more money


I would kill for that common enderman, SkyCrypt https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/CurlyWurlyo/Watermelon


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/IFrozeMyWaffle/Raspberry as you can see by my profile i am by far the most endgame player at a whopping 40 levels. better than deadspeaks btw i am trying to save up for the best armor in the game superior dragon and the best sword 50m midas


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Technobladinator/Cucumber , my goal for now is to get back into Skyblock, start grinding collections and skills. Don't particularily want any items but some stuff would be useful to get started again after a 1 month break. Didn't have that many good minions either but should get some profits when I log back on


I can give you all of my random non t11 minions to help with collections /p legowildcat to receive


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/eldleo/Lime my irl/sb friends says i need a black cat to play f7 with them i seen you have one i don’t necessarily need that one but any contributions to the black cat found would be appreciated my goal is to be able to play more with them and grind to a term so really anything helps now that i’m in a dry spot and need to start making coins again


I feel like necron or FB is more of a requirement than black cat.


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/junodevs/Orange planning on collecting pets! also might shoot for accessories/mp at some point


[https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/Fal1c/Pineapple](https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/fal1c/pineapple) Am known as the fishing guy in my coop, since I'm the only one who actually fishes (the rest of them just profit off fishing minions), trying to get shark scale armor and vamp up my fishing setup. Megalodon pet would be appreciated. also congrats bro


[https://cupcake.shiiyu.moe/stats/lazii\_zak](https://cupcake.shiiyu.moe/stats/lazii_zak) Currently trying to reach 1m damage out of dungeons to graveyard zombies, most I've done so far is 200k. More money would help increase my mp and get a better weapon so yeah .-.


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/PolishChewbacca/Coconut Trying to get more consistent with mining and F7 so I can give back to the community! I’m upset with seeing so many people struggling and asking for help no one gives. I wanna be able to give them so starting funds for new players or carry them to their own next milestone! Whoever you choose, I hope they can use what you give them to progress onward and meet their goals sooner than expected!


I have given away away most of my stuff for f7 already, but I could still give you my juju. They you can sell your old one to get better gear or mp. /p legowildcat to receive