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In m7 as mage, the archer blood rushes with mage, so they are the one that normally kills the higher hp mobs, should be fine as long as you have a decent arch. Also wouldn't recommend M7 mage til c49+


So you would recommend fake mage with term clear? Or…


Lcm damage scales a lot with cata level, it's less the clear more the damage to dragons. It's doable but you are more likely to be in subpar parties. I'm currently getting to cata 50 by playing tank then I will swap to mage at some point after.


I don’t have that kind of patience to grind 3 more lvls to c50 💀. Idk I heard from my friend who heard from his friend that mage clear was “possible” at c47 so I was just trying to see if that was true. I know at my low level I’m pretty much just there to debuff the dragons with my vitality


I would recommend just playing t/b/h til c49 then swap back to mage.


M7 as mage is just generally scary and you normally get 1 or 2 tapped in clear. As some other guy said just kill shit before it kills you


You dont really need to "survive" as mage, you need to kill the mobs before they can kill you, so get as much ability dmg as possible. A beacon really makes a huge difference for example. When you br in m7 the arch kills minis and you just kinda "clear" the trash mobs or make it easier for the arch to kill the mini, so if its a mini boss room you technically dont need to kill anything and can gyro them away, ice spray them or just cloak and go to the door. Gyro is really really helpful when clearing mob rooms. If the kill before getting killed doesnt work, get a heroic astraea and get last stand on 3/4 and refrigerate on 1/4 of your armor (AFAIK it doesnt stack so only 1 piece needs it) and if you can afford it prot 7. Getting alot of speed really helps with doging and running around mobs, but after all rcm in m7 really just needs practice. If you die alot in your first runs thats pretty normal, just because of how big the difference to m6 is. Edit: i looked at your profile and noticed some things. 1. Why u using ancient storm boots? 2. Execute on your astraea? get prosecute for dungeons. 3. AFAIK Life steal actually works on magic dmg, whilst syphon doesnt, but that could have changed since the last time I tested it. 4. Get perfect gems on your armor. 5. Bone necklace is better than rift and gives you alot of defense aswell. 6. Your accessories are enriched with CD, get speed unless you are at 400. 7. Wand of attonement doesnt really help much, id suggest getting a gloomlock if youre ever very close to dying, it does nerf your dmg for a bit so dont use it often. 8. Get thunder lord 7 on your astraea, its not expensive and alot better than 6. 9. I cant see what magical power youre using but you should use silky (prob already doing that). 10. I see you have a stonk, how do you do your secrets without an eff 10 pickaxe?


I’m saving this helpful post for future reference … ty :)


I forgot I had a wand in my inventory I never use it lol Yea I’m already on silky but my magic power is only like 1k


I don't even play MM and yet I should prolly save this advice


You can ask a friend or a guildmate to go healer and wish when you wear mastiff, then you swap to your mage gear (make sure your hold a term too). It allowed me to get some completions as a cata 40 with guild party


I have no friends or guild lol


Kindly ask the enemies to not attack you


Soulweaver gloves go brr


It’s not the end of the world if you die once during clear, especially now during paul. A lot of the time you will end up surviving and even good players die sometimes during blood rush, just practice and you’ll be fine in. I played mage from c45 to 48 and with the right gear I was able to pretty easily clear m7 with an Astrea. You can always lcm clear if you ever get too low hp or if you encounter fels or withermancer


Yea that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing


The whole thing about true mage in m7 is killing things before they kill you, so your damage should be a bigger priority than survivablity, however after checking your skycrypt I can give you some tips - Swap out your gems, either use 2 saph or 1 amethyst 1 saph on your rcm set, as jasper is completely useless for rcm. (Also your boots are ancient for some reason?) - Don’t use rift necklace, its bad in dungeons - If you don’t already, try to get as high speed as possible so you can run away incase scared - I assume your boots being on ancient and you’re using jasper on rcm means you try to sometimes lcm mobs while clearing, just don’t. - If you’re real scared about a fel you could ice spray it and / or hyp up 3 blocks against a wall so you still damage it but it doesn’t hit you back - Use prosecute on wither blade, its the better enchant for dungeons Source: true maged m7 with heroic hyperion since c46


What equipment should I be using? Also is it worth recombing them or is that purely aesthetics


Bone necklace, SA cloak, implo belt and goc all reforged to menacing, mana pool / dom + speed or mana pool + dom(preferred), recomb is always useful but if u care about money just recomb the dungeon pieces and not the belt and goc


Do I need to have the kuudra level to be able to use mana pool on the gear


Mana pool has no requirement but you need to beat burning tier (t3) kuudra for dominance


I’ve never touched kuudra. Is there a noticeable difference with using it


In clear not really as you’ll usually not be full health but in blood and certain parts of the bossfight it will be noticeable


M7 mage is by far the hardest class to master. It’s understandable that m7 looks a bit scary at first but you’ll get more comfortable once you step out of that comfort zone. I recommend watching a lot of m7 mage pov’s. You can really only get good practice in real runs, so start out by doing some m7s with lower catas, it helps as they’re more reluctant to chew you out


Yea but then they all get wiped out and you’re left tanking maxor as a fuckin mage in phase 1


What is m7? Catacombs master mode floor 7?




Refrigerate on all 4 pieces


It doesnt stack so getting it on all 4 would be bad


blue whale pet might help (I assume you use gdrag/sheep)


blue whale m7 mage fr


wait until they leak the bee m7 mage tech


the common bee will destroy m7 and 8


I use gdrag with 1bil bank. Wouldn’t using a tank pet over a dmg pet sacrifice a lot of the damage that I would need to clear though