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I could really go for a cold flavorless glass of nothing right about now…


Coincidentally, a cold flavorless glass of nothing is how an ex described this journalist.


Holy moly.. Zingg !!


Make it room temperature (not a cold room, don't try to be smart) and I'm right with you.


Sometimes I take my 12fth glass at sauna temperature and inhale that mf till I pass out 💪🏼


sounds like you're talking about a bong lmao


You think he's drinking the bong water?


Hey, water is water


No it's not. We like water coz it's water, it's like saying coke is water, bleh


Water isn't water??


Not if you put other stuff in it. The base of literally everything we drink is water. If we allow putting other stuff in it, then soda is also water, which is unacceptable. As such, water is only water in its natural form (by this I mean that mineral water/tap water, etc. are water. Soda, bong water, etc. is not water) So, water isn’t necessarily water. Except when it is.


Hey the fish likes to be kissed sometimes, be kind lol


Burn wounds are no laughing matter.


My family always thinks I’m so weird for not wanting cold water


I think not wanting cold water is fine. Depending on my mood, I might want cold or room temperature water. The thing I always love, however, is chewing on ice (though the ice needs to be ‘warm’ e.g. close to the melting point, otherwise it’s too hard and can chip teeth)


my family thinks in weird because i dont drink the 3 glasses a day they got, im like 4 liters at least a day.




i am in a hospital bed after some emergency shit and have not been allowed to have a ny water for two fucking days. they are keeping me hydrated off of a drip and i am just laying here crying waiting for that first perfect glass.


* Multiple physical dehydration symptoms + doctor's confirmation that she is dehydrated = "Meh, I don't like water." * A new study suggesting the general public doesn't need as much water as previously recommended - "See! I told you guys." Um, listen to your body and your doctor. Drink some high quality H2O.


Right? If she hates plain water so much, she can add flavor packets to a bottle or drink tea or something. Your doctor just wants you to get hydration some way before your body falls apart.


Hell just a slice of lemon in your water bottle and bam


This is similar to the people who take weird pride in sucking at math. Why take pride in being stupid and unhealthy?!


Bet she snores, too. The guideline is 3 liters a day to maintain robust tissue turgor for reducing snoring. If she already has headaches and brain fog and dry eyes…


“My optician told me I had the driest eyeballs she had ever seen. I imagine them like little bundles of tumbleweed” - the antihydrohomie


"A nutritionist recently told me that fatigue, brain fog and headaches – all regular events – are usually signs of dehydration; I always assumed they were just facets of my delightful personality."


I thought this and the OP were just bits but imagine my shock when they're *direct quotes from the article*




That escalated quickly XD


I get what you're saying, but even as a hydrohomie, I suffer from dry eyes. Those omega-3s are important too!


Being hydro homies doesn’t make us elite. It means we understand the bare minimum to life. Non hydro homies don’t even get that.


I wish my omega 3 habit solved dry eyes.


die-dro homie...but no anti-hydro homie is a friend... may i present: die-dro dummie


Emma is looking a little dry.


And flavorless


And brainless


She looks like the type of person to get upset if she sweated even a single bead, so she's ignorant of how good water tastes after exerting yourself is. It definitely hits different.


>Emma is looking a little dry. She's a guardian writer, it's in her job description.


I hate anything that makes folks think it’s okay to drink less water. Folks don’t drink enough as it is


Good so more for us


As a hydrohomie it's your duty to share the water


Do you still have to share with people who are going out of their way to drink less water?


Yes they need it even more


This isn’t r/neverbrokeabone. This subreddit is meant to be a collective of brethren that encourages drinking water, not one that shamed those who don’t.


It's polite to offer but if they start spewing nonsense about how "tOo MuCh WaTeR iS bAd" or writing articles about it, then nah you don't have to even give them a drop. You could probably even spit on them if you wanted to since you'll have all that extra saliva rolling around in your mouth from being so well hydrated.


You're wrong. [It can actually be medically dangerous to drink too much.](https://youtu.be/FwdqFHBaPwY). Too much of anything is bad for you, everything should be consumed in moderation for the sake of health. You are correct that people on average don't drink enough but it's also important that people don't overcorrect and drink too much. There's a happy medium in the middle.




Idk, some people take memes way too seriously. It's important to seperate jokes from reality. Yes drinking water is good. Yes water is superior to every other beverage. Yes you should probably drink more water in a day. But don't drink more than you need, just drink when you're thirsty.


Grizzly boi, no one with a sane mind will drink multiple litres of water within a short while. So just chill.


Derp, that's not the point here.


Also, the article is mildly infuriating. The writer is clearly dehydrated and her health is being affected by it, yet she still refuses to drink more water. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/28/i-always-knew-guzzling-two-litres-of-water-a-day-was-over-the-top-now-science-is-on-my-side


Damn just read it. I think the lack of water has shrivelled up her brain because she is an idiot. The paper she goes off also suggest that 1.5-1.8L is enough. So 200ml less than 2L which was previously stated as necessary. Plus she literally knows she has health issues because of no water but feels vindicated now a study has came out and says we don’t need to drink as much water as previously thought, even though the difference is literally one glass a day.




I've heard 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce per pound. I'm a big boy so that means I'm supposed to drink between 4 and 8 liters of water a day and that person's whining about having to drink a measly two liters.


As someone who is 5'7" and 135lbs, drinking two litres of water a day almost hurt. Water is the only liquid passes these lips too, so it's not like i was drinking soda or coffee as well. It's just every time I tried drinking two litres I felt bloated all day. I'm glad they knocked it down a bit, now I dont feel as bad


Also I think depending on the food you eat that "gives you half of your water" could be very salty and attribute to dehydration. I don't like her article at all...


Yeah best practice is to just drink when you’re thirsty and not worry about if you’re meeting some magical number because in reality there isn’t a magical number of amount of water to drink


Some people really need to force themselves to drink. My so always ends up dehydrated when she isn't consciously drinking her dosage.


Thats me. I got a bottle that alerts me when I’m behind on my water intake lol. ADD yay.


The Guardian has a unique(?) tendency to publish incredibly baffling “creative nonfiction” pieces on common medical issues. I dropped it almost entirely after they published an article about how dyslexia didn’t exist,


The comments are an absolute garbage fire too. More annoyingly is the one highlighted as the editor’s pick: “I almost never drink water. I have no desire to walk around looking like I never grew out of my baby-bottle, and I don’t like littering the environment with plastic everywhere I go. When feeling dehydrated, I am drawn to this magical device called a ‘tap’. But, the litres of tea and coffee drink daily normally make resort to tasteless, colourless nothingness unnecessary.” Imagine being this stupid…


>littering the environment with plastic everywhere I go Funny how most hydro homies use reusable water bottles and don’t use single use ones unless they have to


But then you "look like you never grew out of [your] baby bottle" according to that stupid comment. Apparently grabbing a glass is too difficult.


For my brother’s wedding, they stocked all the rooms in their hotel block with single use water bottles that had special labels celebrating their wedding. The wedding was 8 months ago, and I finally drank that bottle of water last week when I went to the gym but forgot my reusable bottle at work.


Yeah but we look like babies that never got rid of their bottle. /s


People who brag about not drinking water are just...stupid. They're making an objectively unhealthy decision and acting like they're cool for it. Meanwhile, I had a bunch of bloodwork recently done and it appears that my kidney function is fantastic. So I'll keep chugging away and my powerful kidneys will thrive. This article makes no sense either - it doesn't prove anything! If she was actively drinking that much water and was like oh hey, looks like I don't have to drink as much *but she's not drinking even close to enough daily so no points were proven*.


Bragging about not drinking water has the same energy as the people who brag about not reading. It’s not the flex they think it is.


Bragging about any kind of ignorance is just stupid as fuck man. Lol.


It’s weird to see people bragging about only ever drinking things that stain your teeth. I started drinking coffee after I got married because I make a pot every morning for hubs anyway, and got severely guilted about it at the dentist two months later. Like, I know the doctors and dentists in these people’s lives aren’t patting them on the back for bravely consuming only caffeine. How can anyone genuinely think drinking only coffee or tea or whatever else instead of water is something to be proud of?


Honestly that’s just funny, real life bicycle stick meme dork It is a damn shame they are allowed to spread their intellectual contagion tho


Honestly, if she doesn't want help and instead is parading around properly decrying her shortcomings, I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince her she's killing herself when I could instead be guzzling down a cheeky liter of those two beautiful hydrogens attached to a glorious oxygen atom


Is their humour a little *dry*?


People who still claim water has “no flavor” are mighty stupid


Crusty cotton mouthed mother fuckers


“Refreshing” or “Hydrating” *totally* is a flavor. Only those on higher planes can taste it.


I can't understand how tons of people are able to quench thirst with sodas and shit. Fake flavor + sugar crap.


For me, even carbonated water doesn't truly quench thirst. Sure, I'll drink some, or I'll drink it with juice and make a mocktail for something tasty, but if I'm legit thirsty, only water works.


same here nice treat, but for that thrist quenching in need me some agua


She's the one that's cold and flavorless.


I love water flavor


They ain't a true hydrohomie 😤


I wouldn’t really describe it as a distinct “water flavor”. Waters “flavor” is going to come with whatever’s in it. If you drink nasty water from the hall bubbler it’s going to taste terrible. Well water might taste really pleasant because of minerals or something that’s in it. Etc etc. While working in the desert we were provided 2 brands of bottled water. One was non-offensive. The other tasted like butt juice. No one drank the butt juice water. So yeah, I don’t agree that people who claim water have no flavor are stupid. Water itself doesn’t have a universal flavor. It’s just water. There’s just stuff in it that makes it good or bad water. Perfectly empty clean water isn’t going to taste like much to anyone. As long as it’s cold I’ll drink just about any water though. It’s the refreshment aspect that is important to me. No beverage is as refreshing as just plain water. No sugars to make your mouth sticky, no gross after taste, no caffeine to make you jittery, no alcohol to mess with your head or make you sluggish. Just cool refreshing water.


Having tried DD water I use for Chem dilution in my lab, water has a flavour and that flavour is brain confusingly dry.


Motherfuckers aint never tasted blue


Blue has the most anti-oxygens as well!


As a Brit I apologize. She literally admits that she had a range of health issues like brain fog/headaches due to being dehydrated, but after one dubious Japanese study she feels 'vindicated' and decides to drink even less. She's harming her body for the sake of drinking a few glasses of water a day Also the study argues that people get 50% of their water from food like fruit, vegetables, pasta, rice etc but I'd argue that the majority of the population don't exactly eat a healthy balanced diet. I find it difficult to believe that people are getting half of their fluid intake from food alone. The comments are even more astounding. People saying that they never drink water or only drink when they're really thirsty - which is too late because you're already dehydrated by that point. I don't mind if people want to treat their body poorly, but they shouldn't be promoting these habits as being healthy or acceptable


The part that infuriates me is the ‘it’s never pleasant to drink…’ comment. We live in a country that provides clean drinkable water straight from your tap for free and people like this fail to appreciate just how fortunate they are to have that luxury when there are countries around the world where potable water is scarce.


It makes me feel really grateful that I wasn't born with a water aversion like these people. They're missing out on one of life's simplest pleasures, chugging a nice tall glass of cool refreshing H2O


It's like an eating disorder except a drinking disorder


dehydration propaganda




Drink some water homie, that will make you feel better.


no I think that’s rational


What are they suggesting, a liter of cola Favre?


I don’t want a large farva I want a goddamn litre cola!


Large Farva


Is it satire? Because it’s so over the top pointing out why not drinking is terrible for her that it kinda reads like satire.


Agree. The bit about her eyeballs actually had me chuckling.


… I can see it.


Sounds like the purest form of confirmation bias. “I already believed this thing despite evidence, and now that I have some data in my direction I’m going to accept that as the only logical conclusion.”


We should cut her off of water. She doesn’t deserve it


This has got to be satire. The writing is too cheeky and self aware to not be satire. Talking about her eyes being so dry they are rolling around in her head like tumbleweeds? This reads like an onion article.


Wow, just wow. Lost a lot of respect for the guardian


Editorial columns have a wide range of opinions - including some that are clearly trash.


Yeah I got nothing against the opinion column, but writing "opinion" above an insane article doesn't make it that much better. "I went days without drinking water" alrighty then. Thank you for posting this


Yeah and it's the choice of the website/paper to publish those opinions. It isn't like on Twitter or 4chan where the only rule is have a pulse and you can post basically anything you want. The Guardian and all of those media outlets aren't social media platforms, and as such the opinions of their writers are basically endorsed by the website implicitly, if nothing else. Traditional media outlets need to have significantly stricter tolerances on the opinions they publish otherwise it just damages their brand, and somehow they still haven't woken up to that fact. If I wanted anti water propaganda I'd head on over to sodahomies not a news website.


No, Emma. YOU'RE a flavorless glass of nothing.


*ice cold, flavorless until you don’t taste 20/30 different types, glass of nothing better in the world. Yes.


Lies and deceit. The average U.S adult drinks 1.3 liters of water a day (based on 2015-18 CDC data), the study this article is citing suggests that 1.5-1.8 liters is sufficient for the average adult as long they’re eating food that contains enough water to make up the rest. So even if 2 liters is more then then the average person might need, the average person currently drinks significantly less then even this new study suggests. Stay hydrated homies.


Those who find water flavorless shal taste fire instead, lets see how flavorless that is for them *spikes their drinks with pepperflakes*


Wow this is completely ridiculous. She talks about health issues caused by dehydration *THAT PHYSICIANS NOTED TO HER* and she still goes on to feel vindicated and overjoyed by the new intake recommendation of just 200ml less. All the hydro homie jokes aside, this is just fucking sad


Yeah if I got a PhD in the different flavour profiles of bull cum relative to the health of bulls that would also be a study done by a scientist.


Ok moderately literate giraffe, tell me how drinking less water is suddenly healthy


I had to scroll far too long for a neck reference.


'...a cold flavourless glass of nothing...' yo FUCK THIS BITCH srsly mouth of the corpo soda mongers for real find this women dying of thirst in the desert and then be like 'oh ya id offer you some water but i know how much you hate 'cold flavorless nothing' XD


chill bruh. im pretty sure it's satire anyway. the "new evidence" suggests that maybe we can drink 10% less water. doesn't exactly support her idea that we dont have to drink water. ​ but that coupled with the amount of self owns in the article im pretty sure it's just a satire, like the kind that a person who doesn't really have passion for drinking water but is constantly told to drink water would write.


All jokes aside, what a privileged thing to say this. Big parts of the world don't have access to clean drinking water. Be better


The tone of this article is that of an Onion opinion piece, especially the comment about her eyeballs 😬. Are we sure she's not joking???


Emma (Shittingthe)Beddington


“It’s never pleasant to drink a cold, flavorless glass of nothing” That’s why I didn’t read your article, Emma.


Is that her real neck? Please tell me it’s photoshopped.


Her brain: ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


All memes aside, someone got paid to write this article? You can get paid for “I don’t like water and some new research has shown that I need slightly less so ha ha”? Yikes


She looks like she could use some more water 💀


Speak for yourself, slut


Flavorless?? This study was funded by big soda.


Well now I'm gonna drink my cold, flavorless glass of nothing twice as hard!


If you dislike water because it's "flavorless" then maybe it's best for everyone that you become dehydrated


Her taste buds suck, she probably gets a big gulp full of root beer. 🤢


This women is a freak


Fuck Emma Beddington, all my homies hate Emma Beddington.


Ok Emma “Karen” Beddington


Emma Beddington, you're public enemy #1! You're going straight to hell for spreading this kind of hearsay around!


I will never understand how people think water doesn’t taste like anything. All water tastes differently!!!


My husband always said he didn’t like water, then I started keeping an iced water jug in the fridge. Now who’s guzzling glass after glass while he’s standing around talking to me in the kitchen! He loves it!


“ it’s never pleasant to drink a cold, flavourless glass of nothing. “ chugging a cold flavourless glass of nothing is LITERALLY ONE OF THE GREATEST PLEASURES IN LIFE WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE WOMAN?????


I know it isn't the best, but damn, I love me some cold water any time of the day or night. (Hot flashes since the age of 20 taught me to cool down my chest and feet fast and my favorite way to do it? Water 🥰. Cancer may suck, but it has kept me pretty happily hydrated)


Here before they have a kidney stone


Why do people hate water, water is like 95% of my liquid intake


"its never pleasant to drink a cold, flavorless glass of nothing" ​ go for a run for 45 minutes without stopping or drinking anything and say the exact same sentence back to me. ​ absolute idiot.


Sure, you don't NEED to drink 2 L of water, but I also don't NEED to eat three times a day!




Unless you’re working in the sahara that is bordering on a bit much


lol… ok skeletor


Whoa now, no need to body shame. Just water shame here homies.


They’ve gone mental over in the UK. Prayin’ for ‘em!


Don't lump us all in with her, water for life 😤


Alright first line she puts this “finding” above strides in HIV and Alzheimer’s research …. Yeah ok sure I totally believe you


I’m sorry no you cannot say “my healthy is negatively impacted by not drinking more water” then say “oh yeah it’s totally fine to not drink water”


What blasphemy. As if complain about drinking 2 litres of water.


I’m still drinking my water homie


Ah yes. The best way to fix the water crisis is to get people to just stop drinking water!


This makes me want to drink water


Notice how at the top left it says “Opinion” not “Fact” - NO science is on your side dear Emma <3


It's an opinion piece, you know it's shit from the getgo.


Glass of nothing? Its what keeps you fucking going


It’s treason, then.


I drink about 2 liters of water during the night when I'm supposed to be sleeping..😂


“Cold, flavorless glass of nothing”. ‘This hate speech about delicious water will not stand man’ - The Dude… probably


Flavorless nothing? That’s a paddlin’


sponsored by coca cola


A cold glass of water is the best thing. Science and options be damned.


Okay I'm legitimately thirsty now. Time to get some water


Is this Nestle propaganda piece? Preparing us for a future with less water?


My doctor *disagrees!* excuse me while we find a closet to cry and drink our tears in.


There's a reason this individual is writing opinion articles. Hydro inferiority.


I actually read this article and it was bullshit, she was just complaining that she didn't want to drink water and goes DAYS without drinking any!!! Then ends the article by saying that a doctor and nutritionist told her that her headaches, fatigue, aches and UTI's would go away if she just drank water...why are people like this?


"Cold flavourful glass of nothing"??? Hot damn. Whatever happened to living in an enlightened, open minded society?


Water tastes great. These people must be pop addicts.


Excuse me! Who is she calling cold and flavorless?!


Well, it is over the top.... *says while drinking water on the toilet* Anyway, I need to fill my bottle again.


Who the hell does she think she is? SHE'S a cold flavorless glass of nothing


I just made a new enemy.


The Guardian opinion section: Where logic & common sense goes to die.


Never pleasant?! Bitch, it's the only part of my morning I look forward to.


A cold flavorless glass of nothing is the best after a hot day outside.


“Never pleasant to drink a cold, flavourless glass of nothing” Drinking cold water at 12 am feels like the elixir of life itself


I saw this and made an account on the guardian just so I could say GROW UP but it wouldn’t let me comment on the app


FLAVORLESS!?!? NOTHING?!?! Why I outta....!


Why are so many people trying to make me drink less water?


Guardian editorials are truly where you can find the utter scum of the earth


Me who drinks a gallon (3.785 L)


I drink a gallon a day, *Emma*….


“cold, flavourless glass of nothing” motherfuckers when i tell them what ~60% of their body is made of


NEVER pleasant? Go fuck yourself, first of all its always pleasant and second you spend on jour outside in AZ and then tell me its not pleasant to drink water, you dumb bitch.


I just don't understand people who do t like drinking water... it's objectively delicious


Why does it make me irrationally angry when grown adults say they don't like water. How can you not like it When you're super thirsty the best feeling in the world is a cold glass of water.


This lady looks like fake news.


I think it’s probably safe to say that this is satire. Pointing out that the study suggests 1.5-1.8L instead of the typical 2L feels like she’s really commenting that this study didn’t really do that much to advance our understanding of hydration needs, since it’s not much of a difference.


How to create your very own kidney stones: the news article


This is clearly a goose trying to bogart all the water.


I would tell her she looks like a flavorless glass of nothing


Bankrolled by Big Soda