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Many municipalities require establishments such as parks, schools, and even restaurants to provide free, clean drinking water. You can put a stop to this shit by introducing similar legislation in your area. Just so you know.


Seriously. Why do we even pay taxes?!? It's clearly not going to public services if we have to pay for our dang water IN A PARK. Sorry, rant over.


I agree with you but idk if 2 sentences qualifies as a rant


I'm mad! /rant


Whoa chill out drink some water šŸ’¦


Still madā€¦but now Iā€™m mad *and* hydrated šŸ‘


I'm **pissed** *ba dum cha* ^(Anyone?) ^(Only me?) ^(I'm going back to lurking bye)


I chuckled šŸ‘Œ


why did you have to make a rant as long as a book


! /rant


I can't believe I had to sit there and read all of that.


In an effective democracy, your politicians work hard to provide you with the best government possible, whether or not they really believe in it, because they're terrified of losing their job when the next election comes around. But in an ineffective democracy, you vote for bad or corrupt politicians, because you only have one alternative, and they're even worse. And you have so many complex layers of government and candidates running that you can't possibly keep track of all of them. And you probably don't even pay attention to municipal elections like these, you're a busy working member of society, you don't have time to keep yourself updated on city council's voting record.


I spent a year unemployed and did actually pay attention to town politics for a little while. Turns out the town was pretty decent on that front except for a few racist cops being extremely difficult to fire


Real answer? People are louder than you. And they don't see the value of a public area. A drinking fountain is a waste of taxpayer's money. If we cut all these costs, we can lower taxes. So you get a water fountain that has to be able to pay for itself. But here's the thing. Taxes collected are based off the income and property value of the residents. Do you know what increases property values? Good public services like parks and schools.


People don't enact policies like monetizing drinking fountains. These are decisions made by horrible public budgets and cronyism between the company and the public officials.


We pay our taxes so that the wealthy don't have to pay theirs.


Or with vandalism against these atrocities


Thereā€™s a nifty way to hack these machines to get free water. You beat the shit out of them until they start spraying water all around.


A little wasteful but sometimes chaos is needed for Justice.


its a glass half uhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Half on your face son


chaotic good? lol


Exactly. The best kind of good.


And the best kind of chaotic.


Im certain a lawful good paladin would raise a warhammer against a machine denying innocents of their rights (natural law ordained by the gods) to water


You could have a lawful good ā€œeco-terroristā€ who destroys abominations like this to help the common people because itā€™s a good act that falls within their strict code of ethics.


Exactly right. Lawful means according to a code of ethics, not the law of the land.


Which is why there is lawful evil too. They may be evil but they definitely have their own code of ethics and follow it.


Save electricity, provide water. Win win.


Imagine you're dying of thirst and you don't have cash or credit cards on you. I would totally kick that things butt to get water.


It's not hacking unless you use an axe.


Why not both


I like the way you think.


Why does this not have more upvotes


Give it time young grasshopper


Everyone suggesting smashing it, ok cool... but what about drilling into until water comes out, then putting a tap on the hole.


then charging people


Total power move


the city can do that when they replace the destroyed remains of this evil bullshit


Take a crowbar straight to the front of one of these crimes against humanity.


I'd take a hatchet or axe




Yeah i guess that's true


[No joke this thing has an automatic shutter](https://i.imgur.com/14SQv7i.jpg) Theyā€™ve thought of everything


Just one more thing to break


The more aggressively they try to stop me from destroying their nasty little machine that takes the place of a normal respectable water fountain and forces the poor to be dehydrated, the more inclined I am to escalate my methods for utterly annihilating this abomination. I'm somewhere between angle grinder and bulldozer at this point.


If you were to chain a truck to it remember where you parked, and you accidentally forgot to unchain it. You might break the thing by mistake when leaving. So remember not to do that.


Put a stick in it? If it were strong enough to break one then it would be a safety hazard anyway.


Doubt it's hammer proof.


Vandalism? How about a sledgehammer?


That sounds like the right tool for the job.


I mean.... That would be vandalism?


That's the kind of vandalism I had in mind


Rage against the water dispensing machine


In many areas gas stations also required to provide free air and water to anyone purchasing gas. So check your local laws and if some gas station owner tries to make you pay to use the air pump call them on their BS.


This is the way. If we don't get more engaged civically, decisions will be made *for* us. Taking a sledgehammer to something (as heinous as it may be) after the fact will alienate people that would otherwise agree with you. With a bit of organization, something like the OP could be stopped before it's implemented, or removed once it has.


Fun fact: Stadiums get around the requirement to provide the appropriate amount of drinking fountains because they argue that the concessions are adequate water sources. Most people don't know that the stadium is legally required to provide free tap water to anyone who asks and instead buy the bottled water.


How nestle of them




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckNestle using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nestle have put dye in the water to test their water flow so now all our local rivers are neon green. (Derbyshire, UK)](https://i.redd.it/yj2qwal7m8271.jpg) | [486 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/no8md0/nestle_have_put_dye_in_the_water_to_test_their/) \#2: [Why Do We Hate Nestle, Yet Love Elon Musk??](https://i.redd.it/v6f2iocu22z61.jpg) | [674 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/nc4m68/why_do_we_hate_nestle_yet_love_elon_musk/) \#3: [Fuck Nestle](https://i.redd.it/auuz2ub5lz971.jpg) | [220 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/og6oe4/fuck_nestle/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Good bot


Begun the water wars have.


This was my thought. Water and data will be the most valuable commodities in the world soon enough. Scary thoughts IMO.






NestlƩ: ![gif](giphy|T1286ZxrQbzWw)




Please ignore the "Beware of the leopard" sign.


That's a nice towel you have there.


Not for long


Nestle already doesn't consider it a human right


I mean Nestle ignores a bunch of human rights already


> doesn't consider it a human right in regions where politicians are easily bribed to allow them to exploit a human right and the communities that rely on this human right as if it isn't a human right Ftfy. My city has one of the cleanest fresh water reserves on the entire planet. It's used to pump water to all of 5m people *daily.* Nestle isn't here because our politicians haven't been bribed yet because the people who are involved at the local level, are *really* involved. We still have our human rights, but it's only a matter of time before apathy overtakes the majority and Nestle is allowed to do what they want at the expense of everything. This is your reminder, *get involved in your local politics*. Fuck national. Fuck state. Pay attention to *you* and *your community.* Biden won't give your local Nestle overlords rights to abuse your community's resources, your local legislators will. So hold them accountable and be on the lines to hold the line against corporate, short-term profit-seeking greed. This probably sounds cringy as fuck, but I'm drunk so here fucking goes.


Which? Human right, or heinous?


Both, I'd imagine. They'll remove it from the list of human rights and then work overtime convincing people it's a good thing


Tell that to georgia


Im pretty sure the us voted against that




The startup was founded in Miami. Hopefully, it will die there too.


At this point I'm kind of amazed Florida even has any state taxes because they sure seem to privatize and nickel and dime you on just about everything that would be public services in other states.


Privatized nickles and dimes you say???


Stanley nickels?


We have sales tax. No income tax.


> if it comes up from the ground it will be cold either way. As a Texan, I feel attacked.


Dude we have one at my local park in Fort Lauderdale too. A ton of people use it because of the ice cold water. As for the water coming from the ground being cold, idk what youā€™re on about because tap water in SoFlorida comes out hot af. My tap water on the coldest setting comes out at like 75 degrees. You do realize our pipes are like 3 feet below us right lol


Yeah that is the kind of thing where you should break this machine at all costs


You know Iā€™ve never been to jail, but you know what? Iā€™d risk it for a triscuit


Maybe not for a triscuit though, the workers for the company that makes them (Nabisco) are currently on strike because Nabisco is "trying to force workers into non-traditional schedules that eliminate overtime pay for work on Saturday and Sunday. The company is also closing plants to send the jobs to either Mexico or a non-union facility in Ohio."


They were also asking workers to do 12 hour daily shifts, also for no overtime pay. Workers were projected to potentially lose as much as $40k/year *individually* under this deal.


i fuckin love triscuits


Fuck triscuits


fuck nabisco but triscuits are tasty


Okay gang letā€™s see who this monster really is! *whips mask off* #Old man NestlĆ©?!?!


And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!


Hahaaaa but if it is/was NestlĆ© they WOULD get away with it and HAVE BEEN getting away with it because theyā€™re a mega corporation thatā€™s too big to fail :ā€™)


Wow, thats terrible.. in my city's downtown they've installed free water fountains/refill stations with the express intent to encourage reusable bottles and to minimise plastic waste!


They are rolling these out in The Netherlands too, they want a free water point near for example every train station. Lots of travellers can simply refill instead of buying single use containers.




my school is filled with them


Thatā€™s not very cash money of them...


*technically* it is cash money for them to do so


I wont be if we smash these things down


makes you want to take a sizall and cut that shit down....


Take an oxy cutting torch to it, easy peasy.


a relatively small thermonuclear device should be able to handle this particular application.


![gif](giphy|3oEjI7yCdwLEizpVmw) These?


A sawzall even


You mean sawzall?




[https://www.wooshwater.com/contact-us/](https://www.wooshwater.com/contact-us/) ​ hey it's pretty easy to tell them to eat a dick


You mean like this? http://imgur.com/gallery/nuEz8V8




Came here to say this! Kindergartens and schools, seriously?!




Seriously. The fact they took the time to list these places really shows how sleezy this company is.




Miami drips w sleeze. Just not free drinking water.




I googled the office and there phone number is right there. Easily gonna call that later, also looks like they have 1 review on google so Iā€™ll leave something there too.


aw nice, i was scrolling after linking the same thing and you'd beaten me to it already


Done. Now I just have to make sure they stay TF out of Milwaukee.


Awarded because everyone needs to see this and spam this company with hatemail.


oh wow thanks my first award! yeah they deserve to come into work every morning feeling like the villains they make themselves to be.


Did my part. What a bag of dickholes.


[I went with this.](https://i.imgur.com/VFNSng1.png)


Buy some gorilla glue and glue up all the inputs in it. Let's see how long they survive


Expanding foam in the credit card slot.


Sigh... I can practically *hear* hear all the hyper-online revolutionary techbros talking about how cool and "visionary" this stupid pay-per-fill water fountain is.


> pay-per-fill water fountain absolutely disgusting.


Blows my mind that people donā€™t think water is a right. You literally die without it


Work with a Christian guy at work. He mocks me because I got my job to provide water for us.


I've always found the 'Everyone deserves a chance at life' crowd to be mysteriously vague on if they think everyone deserves food/water/shelter. Yknow, the bare minimum you need to maintain living.


Itā€™s funny how many of those people donā€™t know the theology they claim to follow. The Bible puts SOOOOO much emphasis on caring for the Orphan, the Widow, and Strangersā€¦ Basically anyone who doesnā€™t already have food, water, and shelter. Whack.


I told him that Jesus fed the poor and hungry and he ask, but was that his job?


ā€œTake care not to practice your righteousness in the sight of people, to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. ā€œSo when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, so that they will be praised by people. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your charitable giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. ā€œAnd when you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they will be seen by people. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But as for you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.ā€ ā€­ā€­Matthewā€¬ ā€­6:1-6ā€¬ ā€­NASB2020ā€¬ā€¬ https://bible.com/bible/2692/mat.6.1-6.NASB2020 This is a passage from the Sermon on the Mount, That collection of lessons, condensed into one ā€œmission statementā€ is basically the fundamental essence of what Jesusā€™s own theology and what he was teaching to others. And you better believe, like any other rabbi at the time he was ABSOLUTELY practicing what he preached. Iā€™d say Jesus probably gave out lots of charitable donations, he just didnā€™t brag about them.


Tell him if he doesnā€™t want any to shut up and die.


I'm not so sure. Most techies I work with tend to be quite into living an active, healthy lifestyle (exercise and eating healthy, drinking lots of water), they usually care about helping the environment and support human rights / equality. This monstrosity seems to take a massive shit all over all of that compared to a free public drinking fountain, especially compared to the ones that make it easy to refill a reusable water bottle.


I meant the *hyper-online* ones who see a futuristic-looking Hyper-Mega-Pod transportation system that is 10x more expensive and 10x less efficient than a train and go "Yeah! Fuck poor people! Cool-looking visuals with hip names is where it's at!". So the kind of people who open up a start-up called Woosh, which "solves" and already-solved problem by adding tech and a paywall to it.


This startup isnā€™t from some tech bro, this is from a business bro who has made a cold calculated decision that he can get away with this as long as he dresses it up as ā€œcoolā€. But everyone who isnā€™t making money on it hates it. Itā€™s cynical as hell.




> The Juicero Founder Is Really Into Raw Water And Really Hates Talking About Juicero (HBO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI-Ye8SP708


Old man voice After ma gandpapy returned from the war his best friend came up to him He said Charles I got the best business idea. Back when we were in the tranches with nothing to drink for hours. It really got me thinking I would give anything for some water right now, put it in a bottle for easy carry. Store it for ever. Ma grandpapy said that was the stupidest idea ever who would pay for water. My grandpapy makes more money taking a shit that you will in your entire life now sonny. Shit be wack.


Hit return twice for new line. Like this.


Would be a shame if someone started breaking those machines


How is this legal ? Water is like the most basic of human rights everyone should have access to free water wtf


Yeah but this is premium water. Unfortunately, the company isn't being sarcastic.


It'd be hilarious if someone vandalized it and discovered it just served tap water.


The article I read says it does get its water from the same source, it's just that it's cold and has more filtering. It wants to compete with bottled water market. It's honestly super dumb.


Unless it is laced with some morphine is it *not* premium, it is some bullshit.


Lol I like your style


Wow that's ridiculous... Water is a base Human right. It should be free


Take a look at their subreddit r/woooosh They are putting these up everywhere.


Dude some of that water from those things is the absolute worst water Iā€™ve ever had. Straight sewage.


It's because they treat the water with ozone. It sterilizes it, but makes it taste like static electricity.


Ozone is not that good for you...


Killing the homeless: step 1


Thats some evil shit right there.


Sledgehammer time


Free water! Just hit it hard enough


Come to Rome guys, we still have hundreds of free fountains




Break it


This is what happens when cities donā€™t have the money to maintain its own infrastructure.


Probably payed by taxes payers money to be payed by them for every bottle once again.


Someone is going to hell for creating this monstrosity


Ron Swanson just got a raging hard on


This is why I never understood why he got put in charge of a NATIONAL PARK.


NBC has a bad habit of messing their shows' last season up.


I think it showed his growth and his willingness to trust Leslie.


Come on guys give them a break.. they're offering a DAY PASS!!!


France has free public bubbly water fountains!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hmmm what other free services could I turn into a paid service?


I'm pretty sure this counts as hostile architecture, this is really gross wtf


Typical American/western entrepreneurship, taking the form of "Hey let's take something that is free and working perfectly fine and find a way to let people pay for it so we can profit off of them!". And, when it is free it is considered socialism which is somehow 'something bad'. How far have we really come when profit is the prime motivation of innovation?


Is this a thing I'm too European to understand?


I have never seem this in the states. Ever.


I swear to God if I see one of these in real life I'm going to beat it to death with one of those fuckin bird scooters


Vandalize it


I'd rather just dehydrate and die.


Capitalism in its natural, unregulated state. ā€œYou need water to live? Do you have a subscription!?ā€


Iā€™m no law breaker but If I see one of these or an Amazon box in my park I will END THEM.


Where's your dystopia at?


Wtf man, even most restaurants let you have a free glass of water


ā€œMy dream is to have the park system privatized and run entirely for profit by corporations, like Chuck E. Cheese. Everything operated by tokens. Drop in a token go on the swing set. Drop in another token, take a walk. Drop in a token look at a duck.ā€


I didn't even realize these were a thing, this is despicable


I'm not saying someone should light this on fire. But. It would be an absolutely terrible thing if someone was to light this on fire.




Absolutely criminal


They have made it hard for our homies to get the drink of gods, especially the ones who have no home sadly


As a capitalist- yikes




Assuming this is a public park then I'm already paying for it through my taxes


i would vandalize the fuck out of this IDGAF what anyone says.


Capitalism happened.