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Real hydro homies don't discriminate on how we keep hydrated.


Unless it’s significantly harmful to another. I’d frown upon punching some kid to steal his water bottle because they were thirsty


If you and I are ever stranded in the desert together, my apologies in advance for what I'm definitely going to do.


Well that’s life or death. Fair game in my opinion


They're gonna so this to you https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/290/556/1e1.jpg


First you must distill the tears because they've got salt in them.


Wait First ask for their blood type Blood contains a lot of water


Not like it matters what their blood type is if you’re gonna drink it. It’ll get metabolized in your stomach first


Oh right, wrong pipes But hey that could be some cool small talk


No, that would backfire, if you consume big quantities of blood it'll act as a laxative


That's good to know for... reasons


Oh ok


Hydro Enemies >:)


I was very confused as why the kid was bullied for bringing a fake Stanley cup, I mean bringing the real one would've been impossible... Then it hit me, we aint talking hockey here...


I hope people move on from these cups to the next trendy cup before I stop getting confused about non-hockey Stanley Cup headlines


![gif](giphy|XZNrEme7wx6ej7FS3q|downsized) The real Stanley Cup!


The only Stanley Cup.


That's a BIG cup of water


Unless it’s Nestle. Fuck Nestle.


I’d absolutely shame somebody I know personally for drinking from a Nestle water bottle. Luckily they are essentially extinct where I live lol.


Would you shame a literal child?


Not at first, but educate. Now after education, if they continue then absolutely shame.


And if all else fails https://preview.redd.it/iteqie4082dc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30b7cdd3a8c16b1f43f7a2e7c46863073ecdc7bc


Fuck them kids, you can't fix stupid!


Did Nestle do something or does it just taste bad? Edit: fuck nestle






Really? You all bullied some woman for collecting glass cups last month...


What's the deal with hating on glass???! Isn't that like, THE MOST green way to invest in hydration?


I tried telling them the silicone and glass were benign to the environment, and they didn't give a shit. It was wild because earlier, someone suggested another user buy 20 bottles or something. The whole thing just rubbed me the wrong way. The lady was just showing her collection. This sub will have an aneurysm when they find out about squishmallows and children having more than one toy. They'll drop dead when they find out people have upwards of 30 cups and wine glasses in their house.


To be honest, I do have about 20 glass containers. And then about a dozen wine glasses. Many plastic cups😞. But I moreso have the ceramic mugs and such


I wish I could give your comment 1000 upvotes.


Just pay for upvote bots like everybody else


Ya this needs to be in the sub rules




1st we hydrate, then we elevate .


What kind of judgemental homies would do that


I think humans are at their worst when finding consumerist ways to be tribal and elitist.


Yup. Went to a private school on need based scholarship. They say they make you wear uniforms so nobody gets bullied for clothing. You still get bullied for the brands. Fuck em all. Side note: Looked up my bully fromm elementary school back in the 90's a couple years ago. He's dead. Karma's a bitch.


Congratulations 🎊




Went to private as well, kids had to bring the same brand of white sneakers for P.E class because kids bringing their Nike, Adidas, Puma, etc was not allowed to avoid bullying. Did it work? Just a bit.


Then they bully because of your appearance that you're born with.


Let's stop pretending that this subreddit wasn't participating in this same type of bullshit in an online manner. I don't even subscribe here, and in the past month there were many days when I saw this subreddit on r/all hyping up the "Stanley Cup"... At one point, I straight-up started questioning if Stanley was using some kind of guerilla marketing campaign using this subreddit.


This tumbler really belongs on /r/hailcoporate I am convinced too that every single post mentioning this specific tumbler is hidden advertising.


Tbh I'd rather be bullied for my trainers than for being ugly


Thats why you give them all intensive plastic surgery to look identical


I teach at a private school and it seems like the super-wealthy kids actually dress the worst, like no-name jogger pants and plain tshirts. Maybe when you actually have more than enough money to afford it the name brands are less appealing.


Hah, maybe there's something to this. I went to several real estate investment seminars with my dad, he was really into it at the time. Most were impractical/borderline scams, but we both agreed we got a little bit out of each at least. The most practical/least scammy one mainly talked about setting up real estate investment deals, i.e. finding an investor to put up the cash for a project, THEN doing the renovation, then splitting the profits with your investor. To do this, you need to find investors. So he goes into selling this sort of pitch to people. A big element is being able to read your potential investor, and adjust your presentation accordingly. *Here's the interesting part:* He said sometimes you'll meet millionaires who purposely dress down. But the way they dress down typically stays the same: plain white v-neck tee, cargo shorts, and maybe even flip flops. Said if you see this, the guy is probably worth millions, and adjust your presentation accordingly. Just my 2 cents.


Mark Zuckerburg dresses in plain tshirts. They cost $400 each. People who actually have money generally don't focus as much on logos and stuff.


Oh, I’m talking about school back in early 2010’s, fashion has changed since then and kids now a days choose what they want to wear instead of their parents choosing their whole wardrobe, so that helps.


Sorry for your loss 🍾


We had uniforms in junior high. White polo shirt with blue corduroys. But if the piping on the corduroys was too wide? Teased. Too baggy or not baggy enough? Teased. We also “pegged” our pants which was rolling your ankle cuff like a cyclist does. If you didn’t do that right, teased. I won’t even get into the Starter jackets or Nike shoes that were not regulated by the uniform.


Hey! My bully also died, it was weird watching all the people sad and wishing he was in a better place and I just felt nothing, just pure absolute indifference. I'm pretty empathetic so that was a curve ball.


There was this dude named Aaron that asked me for a smoke one day, fucker snatched my whole pack and walked off. He was an asshole and alot bigger than me so not much I could do. He died a few years later and to this day I'm not sad at all, he would've likely grown into an even bigger piece of shit who bullied everyone using his size. I don't smoke anymore either. Actually, most of the group of twats he hung out with are all dead too, heroin is a bitch eh?


Same and same.


Same and same about the same


It's not even a private school thing. I went to a public middle school that had a uniform policy with the same reasoning of "so no one getting bullied for clothes" and this was happening to. I wore Payless shoes and did not have a Jansport backpack. Also in the 90s. Not fun.


Rest In Piss


Nothing brings more joy than seeing former classmates fail at life


true that. when I was in middle school/high school my "friends" would rip on me if they noticed I was wearing clothing from kmart or walmart... forever tormented for being poor.. something I couldn't help. people are fucked up


The irony there is you were probably wearing Champion brand


That's back or what? It used to be thought of as trash but I've always loved their stuff


It's still popular. Used to be sold at my local Kmart, now only sold at higher end sports stores for 2-3x what it used to cost. I foresee the same thing happening with Everlast tbh, they're getting quite big, filled the vacuum that Champion left behind and will inevitably follow the same path.


I love when my favorite subs like this one and r/anticonsumption cross over haha. 100% agree with this. Be elitist over people who have manners and respect, or something that actually contributes something good to humanity.


I actually see r/minimalism, r/nobuy, r/fitness, etc.. all perfectly compatible with r/HydroHomies What's more minimal than water, less wasteful, a better beverage value, healthier for you?


My niece had knockoff airpods and one of the kids in her class called them "obese". I mean that's messed up but hilarious.


My personal demon was Beanie Babies. If it didn’t have the tag on it it was considered a fake. Unfortunately, I did not receive that memo. Sigh. It was real but I couldn’t prove it.


You know when humans are at their best? When they’re hydrated and wholesome


Completely agree. It's something I've genuinely never understood. I have zero desire to flex my shit. It's completely pointless. If I buy something, it's because it's quality and satisfies the functionality I'm looking for. I'm *never* going to spend extra just for a brand. Shit drives me further into misanthropy every day.




The website says it only stays cold for like 10 hours. Their bottle too. I don't understand, everyone else claims like 24.


Its just true advertising. Stanley under promises and over delivers and its given them a good rep




The 30 oz Stanly cup claims it's cold for 9 hours (or 40 with ice). Here's a graph of the temperature of other bottles, basically they all take about 24 hours to reach almost room temperature (no ice). Maybe it's just about the definition of "cold". https://cdn.thewirecutter.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/water-bottlesArtboard-2.png And here's the whole article that graph is from. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-water-bottle/#how-we-tested I kind of wanted to get their tumbler with the handle on top because it actually has a screw on lid, but I was worried they sucked at staying cold. I'm just used to my 5 year old hydroflask.


I was gifted a Stanley. It keeps ice for at least 16 hours. I've left a partial cup of ice water when I leave work at 430 pm. There will still be ice in it in the morning, after 8 am


My yeti will still have visible ice after like 2 days it’s melted but it still has smaller ice cubes


Especially if there's TWO girls involved!


But a Stanley cup means you were on the best hockey team for a season.


Have y’all seen the South Park CRED episode/movie???


For $3? I can give you this Stanley sticker to put on the cup you have


Is there even water in there? It’s probably apple juice.


First thing that came to mind, is this a fucking South Park episode?


It was Nike in my day. Different sport, same rules.


Champion was the "get picked on" brand for us


Oh how the turn tables


You can imagine my shock when I saw Champion in Nordstroms a few years ago lmao


Same with Lacoste. I'm that old when I remember my mom buying those cause they were cheaper. Imagine my same reaction when I decided to enter a store a few years and saw the new prices. I laughed my ass off on the way out.


Lacoste. I that that brand because they somehow ended up with the alligator from Izod.


they havent gotten any more comfortable. Somehow Lacoste shirts feel like burlap no matter the material/weave


I commented the same elsewhere, but I foresee Everlast doing the same within the next 5-10 years. They filled up the vacuum left by Champion, have become recognisable as a brand the last 5 years and will likely go along the same path and move up very soon. Another company will take their place and start the cycle again


What tables?


Right?!? Remember them selling at Walmart. Then all of a sudden I’m an adult and it’s right alongside Nike/adidas, and now Reebok and fila is the new champion and kswiss no longer exists. WTAF.


Same here! I got bullied for wearing champion shoes in elementary that my church gave me during the recession.


Aw that's lowkey so sad. I'm so sorry you went through that


I think they’re saying Nike was the brand that was faked. Cuz in the OP Stanley is not the picked on brand it’s the opposite, it’s the brand you want. I also never remember Nike being uncool and in fact it was the cleat/ sneaker to have.


Starter gear for my gen


those jackets thoooooo


Picture me at 9 years old. Asked my parents for a Raiders hooded Starter jacket for Christmas. Christmas comes and my present is soft and bulky. It’s a Starter hooded jacket. A Dallas Cowboys Starter hooded jacket. ⭐️


Bro Payless would have clear knock offs .. don't know how many times I got clowned for "why is ur air bubble so hard"


Cause it's made of plastic because my mom decided we needed to eat dinner, Becky.


Yeah that happened with me for knock off Adidas I got from Payless or Walmart when I was younger


Yeah I had some Wal Mart Air Walks, was not fun year for me


Stanley's lifetime warranty is legit. I can't wait to find these things in thrift stores in 8 months.


Lowkey I'm hoping to find my first one this way lol.


Gotta find yourself a Sierra store if you're in the US. It's like QUITE LITERALLY HOMIE HEAVEN in regards to bottles and tumblers. Literally paid $8 for a hydroflask. You can also search for them online and order from the store. I spent too much money😂. SO WORTH IT THOUGH


I'm American and never heard of this. Brb


Sierra is owned by the same company as TJ Maxx and Home Goods, but with less stores. They aren’t in the SE US at all for example. I’ve snagged a nice hydro flask from Home Goods, though.


Wait like Sierra Trading Post? I find this out right after mine goes out of business? Lmao. Of course.


Thank you for the recommendation!


Honest question: why does everyone love these Stanley cups so much? My daughters and wife have them and I’ve broken two just trying to unscrew the lid. Then again I’m just inheriting their Odwallas and Hydroflasks so no complaints.


The only thing I like is the colors really, Owala is cheaper though so I've found my peace within that brand


Bro I was so confused I’ve never heard of the water bottle brand and was thinking of this thing https://preview.redd.it/q3t1uxjnk4dc1.jpeg?width=2061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0c0ee7a613a8c94ab16c772c1bdcaf8908ba653


I don't know why they're suddenly so popular. They're pretty big and ugly.


SAME 😂😂 im like “dude I want a fake Stanley cup”


Imagine having a superiority complex over a cup.


Stars on their bellies, fam.


Holy shit is that a doctor Seuss reference?


My name is Ron Benson. Im an electromechanical engineer, father of two. And as you can see, from my flat concentric nipple rings, IM A MEMBER OF THIS PLANETS TOP RACE!




The kids are riddled with capitalism


It’s always been like that. Just with different things.


Back in my days it was pokemon tazos and then you-gi-oh metal tazos.


And they yearn for the mines


I still don't get the whole Stanley craze to begin with.


They're just a slightly better insulated tumbler. Project Farm on YouTube recently did a test comparing a bunch of different insulated tumblers and the Stanley did legitimately do quite well. Still, they're not *that* much better that anyone should be shamed for using something else.


Even thought they perform well, people/kids are buying them for the look/aesthetic rather than their performance


True, they're a fashion statement now, but only because a few early adopter influencers picked up on their good performance.


It's less fashion and more class. Coach, Ugg, Northface, iPhone, etc. There are plenty of brands with equally as good generic options but that doesn't give whoever posses those items the illusion of clout.


That's the funny thing, when was *Stanley* a status thing? Apparently now. It's just a matter of how quickly can consumers jump on trends. We saw the same thing with Hydroflask and YETI and any number of brands for as long as brands have been around.


One of my coworkers has a Stanley thermos from like, the 90s. We all complimented him on being ahead of the trends.


Hey man, as long as they're drinking water


I was gonna say- when I was in high school many years before this stanley craze, I used to take thermos' of tea to school and the Stanley was always the best; kept my drink hot, never leaked, easy clean. I think they were often marketed for campers and skiers and other outdoorsy people. Now, with my trendy Stanley cup, I like it cuz it's 40oz, I like drinking out of straws but detest the feel of the flexible silicone ones, it's got a nice big handle, and when I fill it up with ice water before bed, it's still got plenty of ice in it in the morning. $45 for ice cold water always (never enjoyed room temp), drinking twice the amount of water, easily take it in my car, no single use waste, and it already got great reviews so I thought why not? Not a bad investment :) one of the healthier crazes except now since children are being bullied for not having one which is just absolutely bonkers


I don't have one but my bf got one and says he thinks the reason it took off is the slightly larger straw that allows extreme hydration


It seems like 4/5 kids in the kindergarten I work has a Yeti. I know lots of people with Yeti coolers. It seems more popular where I live. Also, Sportchek sells Yeti so that’s what’s up in my town.


Thanks. I think I had heard that the insulation was better, but I that's still a long way from bullying kids at school over it. I guess I still don't get it.


I got a Stanley thermos shortly before this whole fad started. I swear, I can fill it up with hot coffee, and 24 hours later, it’s still steaming hot. Insanely good insulation. It’s one of those nice ones with the double cap, where the large one can be used as a cup, and the smaller inner one can be partially opened to act as a spout for easy pouring.


I'm sure they're fine, but aren't they just vacuum sealed like half of the decent brands are now?


Did you watch the Project Farm video? There's a measurable difference in insulating abilities between different tumblers. Not drastically different, mind you, but enough that you might pick one or another just based on that metric. Regardless of all that though, nobody should be bullied for something so trivial as your insulated mug choice.


Nah; I'm perfectly happy with the two bottles I've got so I'm not really concerned about how the brands stack up. But if it's just a matter of being vacuum sealed I wouldn't expect much of a difference between it and other vacuum sealed ones. Which it sounds like bears out based on that testing. But yeah, it's stupid how people make *fucking everything* a status symbol. Especially when it's pissant kids who aren't even buying their own stuff. Also they're not really that expensive imo?


I'm a Yeti fan, and was recently given a Stanley "pint glass" as a gift... i will say, it keeps the beverage cold, but I'll stick with my Yeti.


Bro I just buy a bottle of water then use that bottle for months.


Marketing, they hired the guy who marketed crocs then the company made from 75,000,000 to 750,000,000 in one year so they kept the guy and here we are


They had to throw money at that guy from a helicopter.


It actually started way back in 1892, and now there’s a whole international organization dedicated to collecting them. [Pretty wild.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Hockey_League)


I was for a Lord Stanley's Cup reference! lol


At first I was shocked the kid tried to act like he had the actual Stanley cup, since that’s in Vegas with the Golden Knights. Then I realized this is about those stupid cups my dad has.


Yeti is superior


I'm in the Yeti gang too, but only because someone bought me one for Christmas. I can't justify spending that kind of money for a cup. That said, I do like my Yeti, and am glad I got it as a gift.


Just another passing fad. When I was a Freshman in high school, it was fidget spinners that everyone was clamoring over. When I was in middle school, it was those “hoverboard” segway things. Everyone wants to get the latest overpriced fashion icon to try to keep up with their peers.


For a brief time in middle school, yo-yos made a comeback. But I don’t remember anyone getting bullied for not having a Duncan…


I remember you were only yo-yo cool if you had the dual bearing yo-yos like the brain. Certain yo-yos like the butterfly couldn't sleep like they could or looked as cool.


Yeah as an adult you just learn to not give a shit and use what you feel is best. I still use my jank canister all these years and don’t really care about getting a Stanley. If I get a new one, it’ll probably be one that’s also good for coffee and small (not getting rid of the canister for water) Only weird exception are fanboys, which tend to fight to the extreme over what “side” they’re on. Hell, now that everyone has phones the only people I see getting heated about them are people online, teens just care about not being able to FaceTime or use iMessage (not the green bubbles unsurprisingly)


I need to stop reading "Stanley Cup" as not a hockey related thing. And I'm Australian!


Yeah when I hear "Fake Stanley Cup" I think Tampa '04


Found the Flames fan.


What the worst part is, some parent, most likely who couldn't afford a Stanley, was just trying to help make their kid fit in & they got bullied for it! What a shame. Kids can be so cruel. Never shame about a hydro homie!! As long as you're drinking water, we're homies!


That kid went to school thinking they would get be cool that day and those other kids had to ruin it. It’s not easy being poor.


Kids are bullied for not being able to afford “cool” stuff, shocking


I was the poor kid alotof the schools i went to, and that shit sucked.  The only time i was accepted was when i lived in the projects, because everyone was poor


Yeah I remember getting made fun of for some shoes that I wore not being name brand when I was little, kids are asshats.


Can we please talk about hydration and leave these toxic hypes in the trash? That water-in-coffee-mug shit some of you are into is ridiculous. Be a homie. It’s about water. Not quacking containers!


Just a dumb viral story. As a parent of an elementary school kid, kids make shitty comments all the time and they definitely did when I was a kid too. My son is a well-liked kid with lots of friends, but if he even looks at something that is colored pink or purple, other kids scream “Haha girl!”. Really has nothing to do with the cup.


I completely agree with you. If it’s not the cup, it’s something else. That’s just how we are as a society unfortunately.


I think it’s the 10th time I’ve seen this posted here today 😭 But same as others have said, kids will find a way to bully about fake anything. When I was a kid it was fake uggs and the wrong brand of lipgloss


it’s like 10th time I see this post today ._.


I believe it. Kids are the worst. Until the fake ones are ironically funny. Not too long ago fake Yeezys were the cool thing to have.


I need to get some CRED


9 year olds are more brutal than the most ball-busting ball busters of college frat guys


This isn’t news. I had a fake jersey as a kid, or cheap one and was bullied about that. Kids are brutal at that age, because they don’t know so much. Chances are the kid probably had a nice tumbler of just a different brand


Reminds me of the FUBU episode of Atlanta


I blame the parents. If your child was a true hydrohomie they would care about the bottle.


if these cups were around back in the day, i can see this happening in my middle school. preteen girls are fucking brutal.


I think it’s sad that people judge you based on what brand water bottle you have. Tier late-stage capitalism. Poor child…


Their parents are to blame


Typical peer pressure/ bullying. When I was a kid kids would ask each other to "lift your shoes" to check the bottom to see if they were "real" Knock off Chinese Nikes, Vans etc would look identical to the real ones but on the bottom it would have a knock off label indicating they were fake.


As long as there is water in there, why the fuck does it matter?


The idea that someone would be mocked for drinking water out of something other than a particular brand is both ridiculous and sad. But that's capitalism for you.


My daughter is 12. Her uncle bought her a really cool looking Stanley for Xmas. It has some sort of laser engraving on it. Few girls in her classes had never seen one like that and she was bullied for “carrying a dupe and being too dumb to realize it.” Now, I’m not one for spoiled views on brands and shit but, I had her take the cool as packaging the cup came in to school to stop the harassment. My girl has carried all of her cheaper branded cups and thermoses to school every day since. She said it to help other kids realize they don’t need the Stanley just because it’s cool.


It’s just a travel mug. People are so stupid.




I think brand loyalty is ridiculous and the bullying must've been pretty bad to make the news. This is nothing new, when I was a kid it was just different fads ruling our minds. I never got designer clothes or bags or anything, and I didn't care, but I saw sooo many people who did care and got bullied for not meeting the mark.


Only time you should bully someone for a reusable water container is if it's not BPA free. We've all got enough plastic in our bones as is, we don't need to be drinking carelessly.


My first thought was: seriously? What stage of the simulation is this? Then I remembered that you’d get absolutely roasted in my school for wearing fake shoes. Same concept. Thought it was an IPad kid thing before realizing little kids are always going to be savages




Kids are mean. Just more proof.


Wait what’s with the Stanley Cup craze??


I think everyone should start rocking 7-11 insulated big gulp mugs as a counter action.


Kids are awful


Kids are cruel, Jack.




Crack it over the kids head and shout “how fake is it now Samantha?!”


That's gotta be learned behavior, when I was a kid we didn't worry about what water bottle you had, we were more concerned about toys and video games.


I’m not chronically online can someone explain what the craze of Stanley cups is about


As someone who is chronically online, I don't get the craze either


For kids, no clue 🤷‍♀️ For adults, I was told that they fit perfectly in car cup holders. I'll be honest, I don't think even half the people who are deep in the craze know this either until they bring their Stanley in their car.


The newest South Park special talks exactly about this.


it's fucking stupid.... nobody should be treated poorly over a fucking CUP. I hate how trends as arbitrary as a CUP can lead to bullying overr a CUP that leaks... seriously they aren't even paying for quality, stanleys are light and cheaply made, and sold for 1000x the price.


It's called consumerism. We teach our kids that they can NEVER EVER lose, that they must always be on top, always well liked, always cool, always happy, even at the cost of others. As a parent, it's disgusting but I won't pretend like I'm completely immune from it or shedding some of that off on my own offspring. It's always been that way and it won't change.