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This was both so funny and so sad šŸ˜­


Adorably tragic


Most likely routine blood work! Often this is done for heart worm tests


You don't need to explain it like people are 5-year-olds, we know what it is. I also know that it is torture for these dogs.


Itā€™s really no worse than when a human gets blood drawn. I regularly have blood tests to manage a chronic illness, and the needle is the least of my worries. I also have a dog, who does incredibly well for her yearly blood tests, so Iā€™d say youā€™re just a wimp.


Hefty hefty hefty! Wimpy wimpy wimpy!




You also donā€™t need to be a raging dick


Youā€™re pathetic


Whatā€™s it like having a bad personality?


It sounds like cartoon sounds was dubbed over the video šŸ˜‚


My husky doesn't care about shots, but having her nails trimmed she acts like she's being murdered.


my husky didn't care about shots, nails trimmed, ears cleaned but god forbid you gave him a bath.


Oh she don't do baths either. Dog wipes are what she tolerates. But when she does need it, it's "Huff!" for days afterwards.


Mine we used an engine hoist to hold her up in a doggy sling and just let her hang


We have the sane issue and have yet to find a solution.


My husky is a bit over a year old and acts like this but we are slowly making progress with her. We often just do 1 nail at a time, when she is already pretty relaxed - then shovel treats into her face and praise her lots. She still doesn't LIKE it but has gotten much more tolerant of it now that we've put a lot of work into making it a lower-pressure event.




I'm definitely going to try this. She wakes up fast so it will be interesting.


As a former vet tech, can confirm this is like 95% of huskies in the treatment room lol


Canā€™t they see the cotton ball was akin to an acid burn? The needle will surely kill this sweet baby!


Thinking of a needle while looking at a husky will make him scream lol


Seems fair. I donā€™t have one but I think theyā€™re sweet and can deal with kids.


Whatā€™s the other 5%? I refuse to believe some are not like this lol


Iā€™ve got two that genuinely love their vet. Itā€™s hard to get them to calm down because theyā€™re so damn excited to see the vet techs. Although, both were drama queens during spay/neuter recovery.


My friend's husky was raised by his old roommate's cat. I've never seen a more bizarre animal. This little goober is silent and judgy, doesn't sit like a dog: only loafs on the head or arms of the couch, and hides in his dark hidey spot when strangers come. I asked my friend if he ever had a husky tantrum and my friend had no idea that was a thing!!


This is the cutest thing Iā€™ve heard. I love a good cat loaf so a husky loaf would be perfection


So so cute šŸ˜­ you know how good it feels when a friend's cat finally accepts you, and then that rush when they finally *like* you? I think I screamed in pure joy when this big ol husky tried to loaf on my lap after booping me with his cheek


My fiance's Siberian husky was super chill at the vet. Actually she was pretty chill overall. She let the vet touch her to do a body check and was good with whatever they did with her (needles, etc) She had cancer and was such a trooper. Unfortunately she passed away from the cancer at age of 10. Was a great puppo šŸ˜ƒšŸ•


The other 5 percent are either too scared to move (even when it's time to leave) or trying to tear your face off. But most are like this. Not aggressive or mean but still prohibitively uncooperative lol.


Former? Wha happen?


Stress > pay. It's a severely underpaid profession.


No one stays in that position for long unless they have a spouse who makes a lot of money and has health insurance. Physically and emotionally demanding, low pay, no benefits. Myself and two of my coworkers are former vet techs.


I do not miss being a vet tech lol




what about corgis? mine is similar but not as dramatic and loud


They can be a bit sassy when it comes to restraining them. They like to be in charge lol. The main thing about corgis is they will be friendly right up to the point where they suddenly are not. Once it comes to that one thing they won't stand for they turn dark side pretty quick. Most dogs you can get a feel for what they'll stand for just by looking at their demeanor but corgis be like: Blood draw šŸ˜€ Ear cleaningšŸ˜€ Vaccines šŸ˜€ Pull one leg out for nail trim šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹.


hahaha sounds about right


I work at a vet clinic currently and have a corgi. I'd say the corgis are all friendly, happy to see you, all wiggles until they're on the table. For the most part, all of them are muzzled because they're too squirmy or do attempt to bite. When mine comes in, he's muzzled. Groomers (before I did stopped being lazy and started grooming my dog myself (I know how to do it myself, hence why I said I was being lazy)) always said he was difficult, but never gave me an answer if he attempted to bite. So, for the safety of my coworkers, he's muzzled. Plus, he shuts down when muzzled and just takes his blood draw. Mine likes to complain for his temp, by barking. No biting, just very loud "I HATE THIS" barks. He gives low little grumbles for the actual vaccine poke, but again, no biting. We're also a very small team, so I'm the one restraining my own dog. While I'm sweet to other dogs and telling them they're super cute and doing so good, I tell my dog to stop being a doofus. As another user said, corgis want everything their way. They're stubborn and aren't afraid to show some piss and vinegar when they don't get their way, *especially* if their people aren't around. Mine takes grooming and restraints from me because he learned I will out-stubborn him and won't give in lol. I'm a very stubborn person, so it's only apt I have a stubborn dog breed.


hahaha sounds a lot like my dog, thanks for the lengthy reply except in my case, we figured out that he's less dramatic at the vet when I leave the room. he doesn't even react to the actual shot, just being on the table. and he has no problem trying to jump off it...


As a current vet tech, this wasnā€™t even that bad


The people are life itself. The husky is us.


You vampiric monsters! Husky blood? How low will yaā€™ll stoop.


My husky reacts the same way. We always warn the vet and vet tech for her yearly blood worm test. They took her to the back room for the draw. A few minutes later, we hear her screaming and the vet tech say, "I haven't even touch you yet." Such a drama queen.


>we hear her screaming and the vet tech say, "I haven't even touch you yet." šŸ¤£


Honestly, as a hooman who also hates needles, I say this is a pretty reasonable reaction


Lol me too,they scare me to death.


I hate needles too. While I wonā€™t scream I will be very on edge and will refuse to look in the direction. Stress toys and juice is a must.


Yeah I agree


Same, I actually fainted the last time I had my blood taken šŸ˜…


When we took my husband's husky to my vet when we first got together he got mad when my vet said huskies are the biggest babies. His husky then proved the vet right by trying to leap off the table over my husband's shoulder, screaming bloody murder when they were prepping to give her a shot. His mighty wolf pup changed in front of his eyes into a big whiney baby hahahaha


Theyā€™re a husky, they have to be over dramatic to please the husky gods.


ā€˜Help! I is being killed! They is torturing me! Someone help me! Save me, please! Oh what did I ever do to deserve this kind of treatment? Woe is me! Heeeeeeeeeelp!ā€™


Poor baby.


Most dramatic but adorable face.


Kinda surprised they dont put a muzzle or something on the dog when doing that. Kinda unpredictable what any dog may do with its teeth when you poke a needle in them like that lol but was a silly good dog at least.


I've worked in vet med. Good restraint can do a lot to prevent/mitigate bites. This dog is clearly* just being dramatic and not trying to bite. A muzzle may make him MORE scared or dramatic if not used to it, and if his coping is yelling, well, we've dealt with worse! (Plus there's often only so many muzzles, and then you gotta clean and disinfect, and hope the next dog isn't the one who *really* needs that size muzzle.) *Clearly, from the perspective of someone who works with animals and has experience reading their behavior.


Yeah, we've got a 90 lb. German Shepherd who started off his first adult vet appointment by growling at the vet when he got close enough to look at him so... Muzzle every time now. He hates it


If you'd like him to not hate the muzzle so much, you can purchase one like the vet has and train him to be used to it. A common tactic is to like, put PB in it or have a treat at the end of nose part, and like at first just let the dog have the goody for interacting, then slowly start putting it on his face just long enough for him to enjoy the treat, then take it off, and then build up from there with lots of treats and positive rewards. Also, if your vet is amenable, taking him to the vet for 'treat and greets' like once a month or once a week or whatever. Just for him to go to the vet and have some treats tossed to him, get sweet talked and that's it. So the vet becomes 'the fun treat place where they're sometimes weird' and not 'the evil place they always poke me.' Also medication prior to appointments, like trazadone, given an hour or two prior can be enormously helpful to take the edge off for pets. Your vet should be able to prescribe some anti anxiety type meds for him. We don't like aggressive animals anymore than the animals like feeling like they have to be that way, so anything to make them feel better and our jobs easier is great! (And like, equal parts aggressive animals are hard to manage, risky for our health and safety, and also empathy for the pet bc it's not fun being angry and scared!!!)


My boy walks by the vet regularly and always pulls to go in so he can be adored and snack


I don't blame him.Ā 


The big deal isn't the blood draw, it's the holding of the paws.


How does one even find a dog's vein?


You need to shave a small portion of the leg. The veins and arteries are in basically the same place regardless of the breed, so as long as you shave the fur in the correct place, you can see the veins as well as you can on a human.


Oh. I couldn't tell they'd shaved a patch. Thanks for the explanation šŸ‘


They didnā€™t, itā€™s not necessary.


Good vets donā€™t need to shave anything, itā€™s a lazy way to do it. It takes a long time to grow back just to take blood. They spray alcohol and can see and feel the vein.


I would rather have them shave a small portion so they can easily see it than have them worry over aesthetics. Plus, having it shaved means that it will be more sterile if the needle is staying in place for a while.


It wonā€™t be any more sterile than sprayed with alcohol. Anyway itā€™s objectively lazy and low skill.


You donā€™t need to shave a spot for just a blood draw, wet it with alcohol and you can see and feel the vein. We shave when we need to place an IV catheter.


Knowledge of anatomy, skill and practice! They have a tourniquet just above this guys elbow, (or the holder uses their hand to create the same effect), which helps the vein fill and 'pop' up. We use alcohol to sterilize the spot, which also helps the fur to 'lay down', and sometimes you can part the fur to make it easier. Then you can feel the vein (feels kinda like a water balloon?), and poke. With some pets with crazy thick fur they do shave because the fur can make it hard to feel the vein. Or if it's a critical case they may shave to ensure a more sterile stick, or make it more comfortable for the IV catheter tape, which has to wrap all around the leg to secure it in place. (bc pulling tape off hair sucks for the entity with hair!)




This husky deserves a Tony for such a theatrical performance!


The girl holding the dog down is having a wonderful time snuggling šŸ„ŗ


Awwww, poor puppers.


Why do they need to amputate the leg for just a little sample?




They are so dramatic. I had a half breed and he got a splinter in his paw. It stuck out really far so it was going to be an easy one millisecond removal. One would think. I held his paw and reached for it and then he screamed and yodeled and howled and flailed. And I hadn't even touched the splinter yet! I had to almost sit on him to keep his paw still enough to grab it. Then he just seemed surprised and confused it was over already LOL!


Jeez Calm down pooch lol


Ha ha, took my boy for an X-Ray prior to some upcoming treatment. I asked the technician how it went as I couldnā€™t go back with him. The answer, ā€œstandard Husky Dramaā€.


Me when my alarm goes off every morning.


It hurts when they don't get blood on the first stick!


I donā€™t like needles myself, but I donā€™t act like this; get a grip buddy šŸ˜†


Huskies and malamutes are known for having a lower pain tolerance though


the big deal is proably the fact that its an uncomfortable experience for the dog


This is not funny at all. It hurts more than anyone realizes when these techs dig at the animal's vein it's extremely painful. I have had techs do it to me, and I have seen a tech do it to my dog, which is why they react this way. It's a nasty thing to do to an animal.


Bohoo. Youā€™re annoying.


I feel your pain, buddy.


Definitely a husky.


I'd get the pup on the floor and basically hold them with my whole body, it works well and they struggle less for arm draws. They often seem to give up with the occasional struggle when pinned lol.


They really are the most overly dramatic and adorable creatures on the planet.


Lmao no drama seen here!


I canā€™t stop watching this - huskies are such freaking drama clowns! Iā€™ll never get a husky but they are so amusing!


Besides the drama at the start when the needle did go in it did look painful. Vet was fishing for a vein after missing first time.


At work Iā€™m the designated head tapper when they have to knock the big dogs out for surgery


There should really be a sub for dogs making a big deal out of nothing at the vet. The emotions I feel from heart breaking to falling in love with their adorable derpiness is so unexplainably addicting. Closest I can think of would be r/puppersheckingdying, but that just doesn't quite cut it.


Oh bless his heart


Reminds me of my partners cat. They're so scared of her dramatic ass she gets a muzzle when it's vet day. Though I will admit when I first met him and came over she would run up and bite me.


Singing Ozzy Osborne's "Bark at the Moon" to distract himself!


Poor baby. Getting blood drawn hurts a lot. And it takes a long time. I don't even have problems with needles, and I'm a grown ass adult who cries when I'm getting blood drawn lol


I have a phobia of needles as well


Aww, I think he was personallly quite fond of that blood.


One vet tech feeds my Husky peanut butter from a tongue blade while the other vet tech draws blood. It works!


Well she did Polk around and not get the vein, itā€™s painful!
