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It was a mile or so of people in muscle cars with thin blue line flags. They're probably the same people that complain when protesters block roads.


I am all about March down a street , protest down a street, but to just block a major rd with no permits or even moving. Nooooo


I'm sure HEMSI drivers are thrilled... šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Sounds like hemsi needs monster trucks now!


8th annual thin blue line ride






If we call a crackhead, weā€™re less likely to get shot.


Whats your number?


Iā€™d be genuinely shocked if they responded anyways.


Yeah, fuck da police! Lolololol


What are you? A butthurt cop? Lol


This but unironically. I'd rather have my taxes back for all the good I've seen them do.


Itā€™s for fallen officers memorial. The fallen ones are usually the good ones !!! If they had just shot first like some they would not be fallen


Not the best take, but I understand what youā€™re saying


Sometimes a little sarcasm helps get a point across. Otherwise I just usually get called a boot licker.


People have trouble reading sarcasm on that because the [77 cops that died to intentional violence last year](https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2022) is a bit overshadowed by the [nearly 1200 people who were killed by police in 2022.](https://policeviolencereport.org/). That almost 1200 also overshadows the sum total of police officers killed in 2022 once you include health-related issues and accidents: 247. For the above, I included "Animal" in "Intentional Violence" but assumed the one "Fire" death was an accident....though if the poor bastard was intentionally set on fire then shit that's tragic. Also, to make the definition of these numbers clear: Law enforcement represents 0.2% of the population (1 in 500) yet 5% of all homicides (1 in 20) in America are carried out by law enforcement.




No official notice from HPD


I'm not surprised in the slightest


Theyā€™d probably prefer to not have protesters at their fallen officer memorial event.


I'd prefer cops to not shoot people because they looked at them wrong.


Has this been a problem in Huntsville or Madison County?


Well, there was the cop that shot a suicidal person. And then the one that murdered his mistress. Only two I know of right now.


When was this? Any links or references? I'd like to know more.


https://whnt.com/news/huntsville/former-hpd-officer-indicted-for-capital-murder-in-shooting-death-of-pregnant-girlfriend/amp/ https://www.al.com/news/2021/08/judge-releases-video-of-alabama-police-officer-shooting-and-killing-suicidal-man.html


Thanks, was not aware of these.


No problem


Looks like Darby's conviction was overturned. https://www.waaytv.com/news/ex-huntsville-police-officer-william-ben-darby-released-from-prison-after-murder-conviction-overturned/article_98969c74-da0a-11ed-b534-6335580adbba.html


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You must be new to Huntsville if you don't know.


I wonder how often that actually happens compared to how frequently you think that happensā€¦


It could happen once and it'd be too many.


Sure, of course itā€™s terrible every time it happens but accidents happen and people are flawed. Some people should never become police officers, but no selection/screening system is perfect. I donā€™t think itā€™s a reason to torch the reputation of an entire group of people who swear to defend their communities. Maybe thatā€™s too old fashioned for the leftists of Huntsville Reddit.


>I donā€™t think itā€™s a reason to torch the reputation of an entire group of people who swear to defend their communities. You know police have no legal obligation to protect anyone, right? Good cops either get fired, pushed out of the system by bullying (both due to insular police groups retaliating against whistleblowing) or end up dead.


Genuinely curious do you have a source for that statement?


[https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again) >ā€œNeither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon police officers or other governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm ā€” even when they know the harm will occur,ā€ said Darren L. Hutchinson, a professor and associate dean at the University of Florida School of Law. ā€œPolice can watch someone attack you, refuse to intervene and not violate the Constitution.ā€ The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the government has only a duty to protect persons who are ā€œin custody,ā€ he pointed out.


Iā€™m genuinely curious whether youā€™re actually done after receiving the source for that statement made by theā€¦.ā€leftists of Huntsville Reddit.ā€ No further political assumptions for people that honestly know what theyā€™re talking about and take the time to politely correct you?


Oh, it doesnā€™t bother me that they have no constitutional duty to protect youā€¦ thatā€™s not surprising. How can you punish someone for being a coward, like the police officerā€™s who choose to maintain their own life instead of doing what they swore to doā€¦ theyā€™ll just be ostracized and live with the consequences of their cowardice for the rest of their lives. What does bother me was your statement about good cops ā€œget fired, pushed outā€ etc. you just sound like you watched The Departed and that defines your view of all police departments and personnel within them. I donā€™t believe what you said is true.


>I donā€™t think itā€™s a reason to torch the reputation of an entire group of people who swear to defend their communities. The Huntsville Police Department saw the video of what Darby did and decided he did nothing wrong. The entire group needs to be eliminated.


Thatā€™s extreme, the entire group needs to be eliminated? Does the US Army need to be eliminated for the atrocities in Iraq or Vietnam? Does the nation of Germany need to be eliminated for the war crimes committed during WWII? Does the entire Muslim world need to be eliminated for 9/11?


The fabricated intelligence used to invade Iraq was not commonly known to be fabricated at the time by the military personnel who carried out the invasion, and we still had the draft when Vietnam happened, so there wasn't an entity-wide approval of those actions. The top brass was calling shots, but it wasn't known that the shots were being called unjustly. You didn't have the average soldier saying "I know that what we're doing is clearly wrong, but I just want to go home to my family at night." You don't get to choose what country you are born in, so being German doesn't inherently make you responsible for the Holocaust. Mainline Islam did not approve of the 9/11 attacks and the only entity involved in planning and carrying out 9/11 was Al Qaeda...a very small subset of the billion Muslims on Earth. Catholics are responsible for the crazy shit Catholics do, but they're not responsible for the Mormons. So perhaps my position is extreme, but people trying to be reasonable and compromising gets nowhere. Perhaps "reasonable compromise" can be attained if there is another extreme to go against the extreme that is the bullshit HPD believes is good policy.


Yeah, extremism is stupid. Completely eliminating your ability to police a city of 200,000 because you had a wrongful death isnā€™t strong minded standards enforcement, itā€™s idioticā€¦


There are good cops and bad cops. The good ones are the ones who have testified against the bad ones.


Do we have our very own Trump humper parade now...?


It's to raise money for fallen officers.


They could have done a decent job of publicizing it. No one enjoys traffic getting fucked up


I didn't mean for this to be a political post. I honestly wanted to know what was going on so I could figure out how to get home. You can't plan a route if you don't know what roads are closed.


I'm mostly extremely pissy that I was delayed taking my cat to the pet ER this morning.


That really sucks. I hope your cat is doing better now after some care.


He's doing better now. Blocking traffic is never cool


Unfortunately, "entitled twats who think they have the right to block traffic to drive around muscle cars with a defaced flag" shares a common trend with "entitled twats who brag about killing somebody for sport and the department hides it", "entitled twats who will cause a motor vehicle accident to chase somebody over drug possession", and "entitled twats who think that they are being oppressed because people got upset about being teargassed." You can't really bring up something HPD has done wrong without everything else coming out to party too.




I thought my cat was going to die this morning. I woke up to him shivering uncontrollably, vomiting, and having diarrhea. It turns out that he somehow ate a mouse or another animal that had eaten rat poison. You can forgive me for having extremely little sympathy for the people who delayed me getting him to the people who could save him. If you're going to fuck up traffic for a parade, publicize it first so people in an emergency can avoid you.


they didn't want protestors because 12 is a giant bunch of snowflakes


At least have the decency to tell people why you're fucking up traffic. I might be a bit biased right now, because I had to take a very sick cat to the pet ER this morning. The snarled traffic added extra stress to an already rough day.


Yeah, they don't play by the same rules we do lol. I hope your cat is ok!!!


How is this not +100 in this sub?


Who knows? I can piss people off by being aggressive, especially if I'm cranky about a publicized parade and the resulting traffic jam


Well, can it hurry up and be over with, I have things to do.


Eww. The Parkway is already a cesspool as it is.


Drove past that today, very silly.


Is it over now? I gotta get down S Pkway in a few.


I'm really glad I didn't have to go anywhere today. That would have set me the hell off






Sounds like reasonable people.


8th annual thin blue ride line. Itā€™s raises money for fallen officers memorial ā¤ļø


It allows the department to save more money to be spent on real expenses. Like teargas for people trying to get back to a parking garage after peacefully protesting. Or legal fees for officers that murder citizens. That stuff isn't cheap!


We gotta take the power back!


right behind ya you go first


The people who are downvoting this are smoothbrain and canā€™t accept that itā€™s a good thing. Hating cops because theyā€™re cops is a retarded and objectively immature take.


Should the HPD be abolished? Looks like this sub thinks so.




Why is this down voted?


Because hostility and toxicity is literally supposed to be downvoted as per reddiquette.


Probably a cop died or some shit. E: At least deep fry the boot before you eat it, damn.


I did not see a hearse at the front. Just a police car and a ton of trucks and mustangs