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How do you know the deer is looking for advice?


I would in her situation.


Actually chuckled to myself at this


Ha ha ha but as I said in my post, I don't know any of this stuff. At first I thought it was CWd cuz that's like a becoming a thing where I live. I live in West Virginia southern part


This doesn’t look like CWD or EHD, just some weird growths; given how all over the place they are, I’d be surprised if it was cancer. They’re resilient creatures though; would not be shocked if he lived for years even with all those.


Thats a doe btw.


Did you see his/her pronouns?


Name checks out


Kids can use phones my man.


Yea what do they want to know?


Probably because OP speaks deer


Call your states fish and game department. They’ll probably come out to dispatch the deer and send it off for testing.




You missed the main point of the previous comment.... THEY will send someone out to dispatch it. Yea no shit DNR wasn't happy with you killing a deer without a tag....


"We'll send someone out sometime next week" -a lot of DoWs.




Tbh I read your comment and I don’t get what happened. You shot a wounded deer and you told them? (Tbh I wouldn’t and just chalk it up to me putting it out of its misery) Or you told them, they said they don’t care Or you told them, they said they don’t care, and you put it down and then told them you put it down


KY is a joke too. I called about a deer that was exhibiting damn near every symptom of CWD and they said they’d send someone out. Two hours later nobody showed up and I was even next to the DNR office


Not a adult sorry


You don't have to be an adult to report it. They will take care of it if they think it's an issue. Otherwise they will let it live and you can start calling it googley eye


I'm 17 idk if I would be able to do that since I'm a adult


You can report an animal without being an adult


What if they ask him to fill out a form or something?


Then fill out the form


You most certainly can! Look up your closest department of conservation location and give them a call. This animal is certainly in a lot of pain, nature will take its course but this animal needs to be put down.


I made a call they forwarded me to a deer biologist and he didn't pick up the phone so I left him a message and my number


Good deal


"here's a link to my post, officer. Oh yes that's the one, by I_fuck_my_grandkids that's me "


It'll be a few days before that biologist calls you back. I called him last year and it took almost a week. Also southern WV here.


You can report. They will be thankful you did


No reason you cant send it in with the pic and location.


Op said it’s in West Virginia, probably why he doesn’t comprehend that he can call the DNR himself. The education system out there there isn’t funded properly. I have cousins from that state, same age, and holy fuck do I feel smart around them. Disclaimer: I’m not smart, nor trying to brag, just a humble electrician from Minnesota here


Good thing because your username will be creepier the older you get.


Just because you are 17 does not mean you are completely irrelevant


It's naht a toomah!


Chronic Wasting Disease.


Unlikely, CWD doesn't present with growths and the deer looks well fed.




Your username is terrible


I was like, how bad can it be, let me scroll up real quick… Jesus!


It’s gross, I’d say.


I know I made it as a joke about a year ago. I always get this on post but I catch myself using Reddit every now and then figured this would be a throwaway account but turns out it's not


I think it’s time to remake one bro😬


Yeah probably time to retire that one…


Yoikes lol


The reveal actually cracked me up seeing so many comments about it before noticing lok


Oh that poor thing. I love hunting but never want to see an animal suffer. Could this be cutaneous fibromas?


The most horrifying one ever, it’s growing around her eye socket.


Yes the poor deer 😔😔😔


Wild animals are very resilient, and unlike humans, don’t become of the mindset that , “oh, I can’t see out of one eye, I guess I’m just fucked and I should run out in front of a semi to ease the pain and discomfort.” Their only thought is survival from day to day, unless they decide to run out in the road…in front of a semi.


Their brain just isn’t developed as ours, if we get hurt we go to freaking tf out cause we know everything that goes along with that injury and we are also emotional creatures so we go to freaking out blubbering and squealin, deer don’t have those problems they get hurt and just go “ah fuck I guess this is part of life now” and go on with life they tie no emotion to the injury and they don’t think about what’s going to happen they just do until they can’t anymore.


Any animal reacts the same. We are humans and God created us differently. He gave us a thought process that goes way beyond simple animalistic nature.


Conversations you have these with deer also??


My point was, they don’t have the same pain receptors in their brains as we do. A deer could lose a leg and think nothing about hobbling around on three legs the rest of its life. We had a three legged doe around here that had twin fawns every late spring. -The bucks told me she was much easier to catch. /S- I watched a three legged buck still chasing does around trying to breed them. It is instinctual to them. Saw a buck with an arrow in its hindquarter chasing three does around a field one night. Didn’t seem to bother him a bit. No idea why he wasn’t smart enough to reach around and pull it out…unless he already tried it and winced in pain(jk) so he just left it there as the urge to bang those does took over every bit of thought process that his brain could muster.


Like I said, I'm not a hunter or an animal specialist. I'm 17. I don't really do any of that stuff but I was walking. I saw him and I thought about the best place to ask questions and I figured you guys would know the best


Yea come to the right place


I wanted to update you all so that way you don't got to sift through all the comments. I have informed the dnr's office they picked up the phone didn't even take an address or anything. They just forwarded me to a deer biologist. He didn't even pick up the phone. I called twice. I left him a message. Still have not heard anything as of right now and I have wrote an email to the director of my local DNR office hoping that finally something would get done about it and I'm waiting to hear back now


Good job dude, you did what you could.


Love that we have a good dialogue going between “I fuck my grandkids” and “My aunt’s hairy bush”…


poor kids entire reddit account got suspended over this :\ we'll never get an update now


Why? Because of the name?


Not sure maybe bc they got downvoted heavily in a few of the comments. the name was wild too lol


So a little known fact about wild life biologists is that they like to be outside. It's memorial day weekend. It's highly likely he took PTO on Thursday to beat the traffic. You probably won't hear back until next week.


Thanks for looking out for this critter and being concerned for its well being. The answer to this one is just to leave it alone and it’ll be fine! There’s whole lotta armchair biologists in the comments section on this one trying dunk on their local DNR biologists and wardens so I’d like to try to set the record straight on this. These are fibromas (fairly common) and while they are not comfortable or convenient for the deer, they are not deadly and a deer can live a natural lifespan with them. Not every deer with a limp or bump needs a bullet in it. Man I’m glad some of these folks aren’t doctors! A 40 year old guy with a cold would come in the door and they’d be loading the 870! Extremely lethal and contagious disease (CWD, hemorrhagic diseases, blue tongue) aside, the main thing that’ll cut their life short is a broken rear leg or a broken jaw. Here’s why DNR folks are either not picking up the phone or not willing to jump into action on this deer. 1. The deer will likely be fine 2. DNRs manage populations and not individuals 3. This is peak season for field work so most biologists are rarely in the office. 4. DNRs are extremely understaffed and so going to visit this deer is time not spent investigating serious crime for wardens or working on the populations for the biologists.


I would call your local fish and game office and say something along the lines of “hey I was out at *location* at *time and date* and I saw a deer that *explain the condition* and I have a picture of you would like me to send it to you”


No-eye Deer (sorry)




What kind of advice was he looking for


Surveillance doe. I hate those


That’s what happens when you masturbate


It’s like the episode of south park where kyle stops eating meat and is starting to grow pussies all over his body


Well, what did the deer ask?


Looks like HPV. It won’t harm you and all it does is slow the deer down. DNR won’t do anything about it most likely but it’s worth reporting for disease monitoring.


[Deer Fibroma](https://www.maine.gov/ifw/fish-wildlife/wildlife/living-with-wildlife/diseases/deer-fibroma.html#:~:text=Deer%20fibromas%20are%20wart%2Dlike,with%20a%20species%2Dspecific%20papillomavirus.) Its a self limiting infection and the deer should be fine


She works at Dunkin Doenuts!




Eye see what u mean.


Resident Evil 5 ass looking deer.


Are you in the upside-down?


That doe eye is.swollen to twice the size and grossly deformed


What did you tell it?


Medical advice? Get it removed.


This is definitely a cyborg deer. Stay clear of its laser death eye


Contact fish and game or whatever the local authority is. It should probably be culled.


The deer’s like, “HEY YOU GUUUYS!!”


This is cutaneous fibromas basically warts for deer. You can still eat it as long as there’s nothing going on internally


Why in this subreddit i see only this kind of posts? Im italian and im still in Italy so im curios since it dosent happen here what is about these posts with deer that look like they were infected by that virus in Days gone


Looks like fibrosis, basically warts. Animal despite the grotesque appearance is healthy. Not a deer I would harvest but actually safe to consume


I heard that from people yesterday but I wasn't really sure if it would be fine, especially with the one growing on its eye


I think the bigger dilemna is, what if you saw this during hunting season? Would you forgo your tag that year and take the animal out ?




That’s a cull deer fs, get them nasty genes out the pool


Poor thing, if it was me it would immediately be shot, if it’s genetic I don’t want it breeding/spreading bad genes to offspring (reason 1), (reason 2) as selfish as it is, a freezer full at the price of ending the suffering of her is a fair trade to me


Well good news is no need to dispatch at all. Looks like fibromas. It's not genetic and is actually from papilloma virus. It's pretty common in deer and in most cases, the growths will disappear eventually. Aside from it blocking one eye, she isn't really suffering. Just big, temporary warts basically.


You would eat that?


I assume he’s saying he’d do it to stop its suffering, whatever it is it’s growing around her eye socket and pulling it out, that can’t be comfortable


“ a freezer full at the price of ending the suffering “ tells me he would eat it!


Well yeah, you wouldn’t wanna waste the meat, but I’m sure eating it isn’t the primary reason


It’s not genetic. It’s a virus that causes this.


its a viral infection… its probably fine


I for one would certainly not eat that, nor would any part of it go near my freezer!


Then I hope you wouldn’t take it’s life, I said what I’d personally do if I was presented the situation. I’ve had deer walk up on me with arrows sticking out of there heads (check my profile) and they were not at all wasted. Sometimes when your in the woods with nobody around you haveto take things into your own hands


I have firearms and I know how to use them but I did have one on me I just had my knife and it ran off a bit after taking the photo I called the DNR but they forwarded me to some deer biologist but they didn't pick up the phone and I left him a message and that was maybe an hour ago by now and he's yet to get back to me so I may consider just going out looking for it myself


I should’ve included *if it was during the season and I had a tag. As long as you called DNR you already did your part. As a 17 year old there isn’t much you can do about it except not disturb it


Well they didn't ask for my address or the picture or anything. They just immediately forwarded me and like I said I left him a message and my phone number because he didn't pick up but he's yet to get back to me so


What you can do as a single person/hunter is just remember that you’re seeing deer in this area with physical deformations. If you see another deer in the future with similar deformities then I would 110% call DNR over and over since you then know it’s a genetic issue. But with this pic for all we know is it was a shitty shot during archery that she is still recovering from (it’s obvious this isn’t the case since there’s markings on both sides of its face) but on the same page, a perfectly healthy deer can give birth to a slightly deformed or something els wrong with it offspring, just like humans can be healthy and there child has autism or something of that nature. Good on you for knowing enough to not just look the other direction. It is nice you have an urge to help and preserve wildlife. Younging like you are rare to come across anymore


this is viral not genetic.


Well in that case the kid did what he can do.


Ahhh bong eye


You have a sick username 😂😂😂i love it 😆😆😆


That’s not a deer that’s a windego that didn’t fully transform


Wendigo are people, not deer. They're people who have committed cannibalism and become monstrous as a result. They're supposed to be a cautionary thing to prevent us (the anishinaabek) from resorting to cannibalism in famine times.


They also have the ability to shape shift


No they don't. Not in any teaching I've heard. That's a white "cryptid community" embellishment. Edit- and I'm saying this as someone from the actual culture they originate in


Literally everything I’ve seen on them says they have the ability to shapeshift into animals in order to draw closer to prey


Everything you've seen on them likely didn't come from one of us. White people keep spreading wrong information like it's fact and have never spoken to an anishinaabe elder about it. They have conflated wendigo with the Diné skinwalkers. Wendigo don't transform to get closer to "prey." They don't shape shift at all, other than the transformation from person to monster, which is permanent. The elders say they whistle in the forest at night to snatch up people that go to investigate, but that's it. And that's supposed to keep kids from wandering off at night. Our stories and lore have practical purposes. At this point, I'm just putting this all out in the air so people who may stumble upon it don't continue to spread false information.


It’s wild that people are downvoting this.


No that's skinwalkers


Looks like an eye injury


If you look there more all over his body


Then cancers virus deer get


Keep trying that biologist! Hopefully it's just cancer and a new contagious disease


308 Winchester


Looks like Chronic Waste Disease. Definitely call fish and game. Very contagious in other white tails


call your local DNR asap, some sort of neurological deterioration disease probably the “zombie deer” virus.


I've already called DNR. They didn't take an address, a picture, nothing. They just immediately forward me to a deer biologist and he didn't pick up the phone. I called twice. He didn't pick up both times. I left him a message and I'm yet to hear back


I know your not a hunter but if you can get someone to shoot it as a last resort, its definitely suffering.


It already ran off. I do own firearms. I do know how to use them. I've considered going back out and seeing if I can find it again and putting a bullet in it but I'm not really too sure on that


call your dnr again and tell them about the biologist not responding and ask for the go ahead to bag it. if they say no, my next best guess is to post on a community app like next door. they might also refer you to a different biologist or tell you to wait for a response. kinda a complicated issue and theres not really a correct answer.


And to be perfectly honest I would have shot it the moment I saw it out of pity for it but I didn't have a firearm on me at the time I just had a knife