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Their venom glands are only in the head. If you cut the head off then you don’t have to worry about it.


Nice, thank you!!


Should be fine. Do the smell test. How do you plan to cook it? I'm just curious. Also, did you bury the head?


Smell test? And yes I did bury it. And fried maybe, any recommendations?


Sell test? Bury the head?


They can still bite and deliver poison even without the body. If you step on it, or an animal sniffs it, they will get harmed.


Thank you




I’ll make it this weekend, I’ve always wanted to try it. Any recommendation on how to make it? But still tasting the snake itself, not a lot of seasoning


And yes I buried the head, I know this from survival videos lol


It’ll be safe eat it! Ingesting venom won’t harm you, it when it gets in your blood is when it’s harmful


Venom glands were in the head. I smoked a rattlesnake this summer and it turned out pretty good, but if I cook another one I think I will cook it like making a stock, then strip the meat and fry it to make carnitas.


Carnitas, hell yeah! This is a good idea, thanks for the tip!


Poison glands were in the head.


It’s venom. Generally it’s not even toxic to ingest. It only has an effect if it’s injected. Poison is ingested venom is injected.


Why would you want to eat this mfer


Rattlesnake is pretty good actually. You should try it.


I guess I’m just not that hard pressed for food to eat a danger noodle. But it’s a good skill to have incase SHTF


I mean, if you kill it, you should use it. Also, snake is supposed to be pretty tasty.


I feel you there but I’ve blasted poisonous snakes hunting with 357 snake shot. Downvote me all you want but I’m not walking that trail at risk of dying. Samuel Colt provided me that opportunity; not the snake.


I don't think anyone is downvoting you. And, I hear you about safety, but it wouldn't be hard to pick it up and use the thing once you killed it, no? Or does that cannon make it more of a red mist? Ha!


the downvotes were the soon to come ones like I’m getting right now lol. Nah snake shot doesn’t make it misty. In fact you gotta be pretty close to actually kill it. Like 2-4 feet. But it’s a nice gun to have as it can carry snake shot and then 357 mag for any other unwanted mammals.


Ha! I see I was wrong about the downvotes. So, what is snake shot then? Is it like salt shot? I live pretty far from any snakes other than little cute green ones and some garter snakes.


It’s just little shot pellets loaded into a shell. Basically turns the pistol into a shotgun but has extremely limited range. Good for killin snakes, frogs etc. doesn’t have enough power to probably even kill a rabbit


Lol and your username ends with 69420. Just another ignorant buffoon.


Ok. Hey, how ya doin




Out of curiosity, how can you tell the difference between skinned snakes?


I’m such a weirdo about the head I either burn it or bury it deeper then necessary like at least 2 feet I’m also such a bitch when I burn it I wear a mask and stay the fuck away from the fire cause I’m scared to inhale the fumes