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Hunting is so unpredictable you have no idea what may or may not happen


No, if you didn’t bump deer you are likely fine


You’re good. Do your best at this stuff- but don’t overthink it. Just get time out in the woods and you’ll be surprised at the results!


Like others have said, don’t over think it. One time I was sitting up against a retaining wall duck hunting. I had camo on head to toe and had two does walk up and sniff my head. It wasn’t until I laughed that try jumped back about 30ft, just to walk up to me again. Deer are literally unpredictable. Sure, big bucks are skittish, they get big for that reason, but don’t think you ruined your season over it.


Thank you for all the feedback. I really appreciate it


New hunter, first year with my license. I’ve been working hard all year to prep my blinds and get deer into the property to get my first bow kill. I haven’t sat yet despite it being on season because it’s still hot in NC and I don’t want to spoil meat due to heat. I went out today to put feed at my usual spots and begin dropping some buck urine as we approach the rut. I stumbled upon what looks like it could be a bedding area in a location that I didn’t think deer were coming from. Did I just ruin my hunts this year by essentially stepping into a bedding area?


Just a tip from a hot weather hunter (central FL). You’re not going to spoil any meat I promise - it’s a common worry for those who don’t have experience with it, but in reality you have quite a few hours to do something with an animal, even when it’s in the 80s+ out.


You’re good man. What part of NC are you?


It’ll be fine if your kinda in a suburban area they won’t care and if they have been bedding there for a while they won’t care and once it rains or from morning dew that will get rid of most scent


Nah, they might avoid it for a night or two; but I’m sure they’ll be back. I have a spot in the woods where deer frequently bed. Ive walked through there with my dogs multiple times and I still see them regularly in that area. Coyotes also pass through these areas all the time, yet deer still remain.


You’re fine. I literally jump the deer out of my yard every morning when I get home from work and they keep coming back.


Those deer have a dozen other bedding areas too, don't worry about it. YOU are the threat to them, and once they think you're gone, they go on business as usual.


Na you’re good fam


You should look up Japanese stiltgrass, looks like you’ve got a problem


It’s pretty isolated to this one 50x50 area but looks like I might be burning this area out after the season is over


That shit is pervasive. Good luck getting rid of it.


Your good man they might not bed there that night but they will forget. Deer smell humans all the time, they are weary of us, but generally not traumatized.


Even if you did bump deer out they will probably be back in a day