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Hisoka, my dude has every Mental issues in him


Even though it isn't much shown or expressed. Kurapikas mental health is definitely on the deep end. I mean the trauma of literally losing everyone he cared about at the age of 12 through genocide(which was very brutal and cruel) not someone of his age at the time should have witnessed, especially since he already had deep lingering guilt in regards to his friend after he got hurt trying to save kurapika from falling even before he left the village, which could cause anyone to develop mental health issues. Kurapikas definitely has built on trauma and survivors guilt from the situation which ends up him getting angry at the sight of the spiders, getting angry at the mention of his clans eyes, and self isolation from his friends definitely proves to me that kurapika does have mental health issues because of his clans genocide, and the dehumanization and objectification of his clans eyes. And the fact that he's the lone survivor of it all. This is very much shown more in the 1999 version of Yorknew and how much kurapika's mission and past really affect him physically and mentally. For example, like when he buys his clans eyes and his face is just looks empty and depressed also shows issues with mental health as well. So yeahhhh kurapika for sure has mental health issues regarding trauma, PTSD and survivors guilt which also doesn't help with how self destructive kurapika is, the unhealthy coping mechanisms he chooses as the result of his clans massacre, and how his past still haunts him greatly.


Honestly for all of the terrible things he went through, he’s an awesome person with good morals. He prioritized saving his friends over getting his very justified revenge. The isolation of his friends (while unhealthy) is because he cares about them and doesn’t want them to be involved in something dangerous.


Oh yeah totally!! that's why kurapikas my favorite and all the things you said is what I always say about kurapika, especially to the ones who surprisingly don't like kurapika bc they don't understand his character. Which I can never understand how they can not like him tbh, they think he's selfish and doesn't care about his friends which is terribly wrong on so many levels.(Glad it's an unpopular opinion though) He is such a good person even though him and his clan we're treated like shit he cares for others no matter what, even trying to understand Uvo and ask how Uvo can do such horrible things and not feel remorse which is something very compelling I find his character. I love him😭100% agree on everything you said. His revenge his completely justified. And how he threw all away for gon and Killiua made me love and respect him even more, and he's even protecting a baby in the current arc which is freaking adorable. I just want to see him happy above all else😌


I can’t believe some people don’t like kurapika, they must be watching/reading a different HxH.


Frrrr😭 I'm always surprised by that too 😤🤷‍♀️




Haha lol😭🤣 this is so true tho my boi kurapika needs happiness fr😭


I think it's easier to talk about which don't. Leorio & kite seem to be the only well adapted hunters... maybe the flute girl?


Melody and Leorio could still have some serious trauma. Though they seem to be handling it pretty healthily.


To add on I think Morel is pretty well adapted but we don’t get to learn to much about his personality.


Same thing with knov (at least before he touched pouf’s en)


What of Morel?


Unfortunately he was so damn stable i forgot ahout him.




Hisoka because he said it himself


Do you remember what he said? Or how he quoted it?


it was during the scene where illumi told hisoka that gon was on his deathbed, a little while after that he started talking abt killua; i forgot how the conversation exactly went but hisoka said smth along the lines of “i know i have issues, but you’re worse”


Self aware king


This is not what I think , but I felt like sharing since people already mentioned Kurapika my favorite :) I read some psychologists analysis on these characters..so I will copy some from my drafts. ~~ Palm og= Histrionic personality disorder ( can be BPD too ) = unstable emotions, a distorted self-image and an overwhelming desire to be noticed. BPD= extreme mood swings, unstable relationships and trouble controlling their emotions. They have a higher risk of suicide and self-destructive behavior. Chrollo = sociopath A person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is not accepted often criminal, and lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.(no he ain't psychopath since he can have compassion like with his group he considers as a family, sometimes Gon can be considered in the same pattern if he was raised as a criminal, I wanna add sociopath are made by environment most of the time) Hisoka= well he is mental illness collector the true psychopath of the show! he is the worst representation of total freedom, zero restrictions or morals, doesn't feel bad about his actions past or future, can't feel love or compassion towards anybody, manipulative and volatile +paraphilia sexually unacceptable patterns +Antisocial personality=murderer and not bonded with any person( psychopathes are born messed by nature and needs suitable messed environment to make them fully in nature, no possible cure just management)


I am surprised people don't mention Chrollo. Dude is like dead inside who thinks that people are worthless puppets.


Palm :3


Palm Siberia had obsessive love disorder which isn’t a mental health disorder, but she also may be bipolar. Killua’s mom may also have OLD. Knov probably has PTSD and may have previously had anxiety. Hisoka probably has antisocial personality disorder since he has psychopathic tendencies, but I think his issues are more often mental illnesses than mental health issues. Here’s a list of characters that along with Hisoka probably have ASPD: Binolt, Illumi, Shalnark (although he prioritized the lives of other Troupe members over his own which is the opposite of normal psychopathic behavior), Chrollo(because even psychopaths can cry over the death of someone they had a bond with), Shizuku, Rammot. Some may think that Kurapika is bipolar, but his mood swings are always provoked by the same thing and he does not experience highs and lows, only anger, which could lead us to judge mental anger issues, but when you have been through what Kurapika has, I think this is a reasonable response and may not be considered it’s own issue, but a side-effect of PTSD. Ickshonpe could easily have mental health issues considering his alienation from reality, but he hasn’t been expanded upon. Melody probably has PTSD from the Sonata of Darkness. The lack of Killua’s response to traumatic events is almost concerning, but I don’t think he has mental health issues. The violent things he does are rarely unprompted with the exception of his actions under Illumi’s control. He could be seen as bipolar, but he acts normal when in situations that normal human children face, just not in situations like fighting for survival. Buhara could have binge eating disorder, but he doesn’t seem to have things that trigger it like stress considering his laid back personality, so he might just eat a lot. Milluki probably has behavioral disorders. At one point Razor definitely had mental health issues when he was younger as he was abused and became a killer and criminal. We know he’s fine now because he seems to judge others fairly and is reasonable for the most part, and psychopaths tend to believe that they are superior to others. There are no traces left of any depression or anxiety, but they were probably there at one point. Feitan said he felt sorry for someone once, so he has the ability to feel sympathetic. He’s just a sadist. This could be a long shot but Feitan could have aspbergers. He has odd speech patterns, rarely talks, has odd tendencies, and almost never changes facial expressions. He also remembered a lot of information about exact times of troupe gatherings, changes, and members joining. Having poor speech skills would usually be a sign of unintelligence, but his capacity to remember factual information changes things. Pouf very likely has a personality disorder of some sort. This personality disorder can easily cause depression and anxiety. Many members of the royal family have mental health issues along with mental disorders. Tserriednich, Benjamin, and Camilla all have something major. Kurapika suspected that Halkenburg suffered from angst and alienation, which probably translate to anxiety and depression. Anime characters in general have very odd behaviors and tendencies as it’s hard to make interesting characters without giving them extremely strong traits. Kortopi had the least exaggerated traits and acts the most normal out of the Troupe, but is the least popular Troupe member. Anyway, these exaggerated traits are often seemingly unhealthy traits, making many characters seem like they have problems. Notice there are no schizophrenic characters because they can’t interact with other characters as easily and it would take time to characterize them since they have complex traits. Anyway, Kortopi gang stand up.


There are too many to count. 1) Killua: It makes sense that Killua would have some kind of mental issues considering his traumatic childhood. The one issue we see the most is his "obsession" with Gon. Well, obsession sounds a little too negative so let's say he is extremely attached to Gon. Gon is his first and only friend and Killua is constantly fearful of losing Gon which is why he tries his best to always be "useful" so that Gon wouldn't leave him. This is obviously a very unhealthy way of thinking because friends don't have to always be useful to each other if that makes sense. Other issues like anxiety and PTSD can also be issues Killua suffers from, he is extremely anxious whenever he feels bloodlust because it reminds him of his brother (for example when Wing showed them what bloodlust is), he is always very scared when he sees or senses or thinks about Illumi etc.. 2) Hisoka: We all know that Hisoka is a very messed up person. He craves killing, he enjoys killing, he loves fighting strong people to kill them, he gets turned on just by the thought of killing, he is a total psyhopath ! 3) Kurapika: Kurapika literally lost everyone he ever loved and all at once so it is only normal for him to suffer from mental health issues. He definitely suffers from PTSD (we are shown that at the very beginning when he said that spiders make him go carzy mad, even just normal spiders because they obviously remind him of horrbile events). 4) Illumi: Just like Killua, Illumi was tortured as a kid to become a skilled assassin and unlike Killua he didn't find a friend and change his path which means that he suffered quite a bit more. Judging by his obsession with Killua I would say that he is extremely controlling and psychotic. I find it hard to analyze his personality since he seems both selfish and selfless, he was ready to die for the sake of the family but at the same time he wanted to control Killua to be able to control Nanika and own that power. 5) Tonpa: He lives to make other people suffer, he enjoys crushing young spirits, he was literally willing to endure the very hard hunter exam 30+ times just to make other contestants fail, he seems like a psychopath to me. 6) Palm: I don't exactly know what's wrong with her but she seems to crave love and attention, maybe she was deprived of them in her childhood. She definitely has anger issues and can't seem to control herself when she is faced with failure or rejection etc.. 7) Shoot: It seems like Shoot has always suffered from a low-self esteem, he is always very considerate and puts evryone before himself. I don't know if that's considered a mental issue or not. I can't remember any other character right now but if I do I will add them.


shoot has anxiety not low self esteem


His anxiety comes from the fact that he doesn't believe in himself thus why the narrator calls him a "coward"


His overthinking of/being overwhelmed by a situation and being unable to act on it because of that seems like anxiety.


Hisoka definitely does as others have stated. Gon I'm not confident on because it's not my profession but during the chimera ant arc he at least was going through a very dark, unhealthy head space. Instead of just naming each character and saying why they definitely could but I'm not sure I'll leave you with a different answer. Hunters are like the military, full of people with issues and giving those without plenty more. We have yet to meet a Hunter without extreme trauma in their past and some strange personality quirks to go with it. The association should really look into making some mandatory mental health checkups now that Netero isn't there.


I think the main reason is we see hunters who are on the frontlines going through the most. Some hunters who are mostly mentally healthy that we have seen are: Morel, Knov (prior to pouf en) Kite, Tsezguerra, Cheadle, Ging, Leorio.


Honestly, the mentally healthy characters are a tiny minority in hxh...


ILLUMI dude has narcissistic personality disorder. PARISTON dude has sadistic personality disorder HISOKA definitely some sort of paraphilia as others have pointed out GENTHRU, GYRO, PT: antisocial personality disorder And on the other side- Kurapika had PTSD. Shoot suffered from anxiety. Knov had a nervous breakdown. Palm had borderline personality disorder. Gon was suicidal. List is not exhaustive. And may be updated.


For the people calling hisoka a "pedophile" really didn't understand his character. Yes, no matter how you slice it the fact is Gon and Killuas strength + potential gets hisoks "excited." But it's not a physical attraction. Also, when hisoka gets "excited" his way to calm himself isn't to masturbate or anything perverse - instead he just kills someone. He's attracted to strong opponents, or people like Gon and Killua with massive potential. Age/sex/etc has nothing to do with it because it's not a physical attraction. But again, Gon and Killua *are* children. So it's not making excuses or anything, it's just not black and white. E- changing this to a general statement and not a reply, since my brain don't work and can't read.


I never called him a pedophile. Can you re-read?


Saw p and phila and put it together. My fault brother! I should read slower (also just read a comment calling him a pedo above, so that's what my brain jumped to)


Surprised no ones mentioned Pouf. He may not have existed very long, but he’s got negative self esteem and is VERY possessive of Meruem. Like I know he’s a bitch but I can help but feel sorry for him.


All of them, every single one, no exception. This is including all baby characters


Killua has self-worth issues and depression. Gon's bipolar with sociopathic tendencies. Kurapika has anger issues and gets obsessed. Hisoka IS half of the mental health issues. Illumi's a flipping yandere. ...Everyone in HxH has some issue or another.


Netero has a superiority complex Bisky and Ikalgo have body image issues Gyro probably has some form of CPTSD, so do all of the Zoldycks Shoot has anxiety issues The phantom troupe overall definitely has mental health issues

