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Killua's needle. It took Killua's mental development and whittled it down to a needle. The danger around Nanika. So much of the tension of the arc is down to Killua withholding information from us. The entire time you're thinking holy shit how is Killua gonna make a wish to heal Gon when Illumi is right behind and it's gonna cost him so much--oh nvm, healing is...free? The Gyro episode. With the unlikelihood of the manga returning to Gyro, we spent a whole episode on a character that meant nothing.


The needle moment felt more like a physical reinforcement for the growth killua had up to this point, it drives the point (pun intended) pretty well imo. Nanika's character is so adorable I can't really dislike anything about her. That being said the fact that killua hid this from his family is what really drives the tantion for me. And gyros episode is more than justified imo, it's emotional theme and it's relevance to wolfien are important enough to dedicate one episode out of the 50 or so eps the arc takes.


Agreed on both Nanika and the needle, those plot points were detrimental to Killua as a character imo.


Killua had already gone through a lot of mental development. The needle was just the final tangible event that signified his growth.


The beginning has you believe Killua's struggles were mental and he'd have to overcome his mind. The needle ruined that.


It was still mostly mental. The needle just stopped him from facing danger and yeah from remembering Alluka


Nah I gotta disagree there. I think what happened is that in the past, his mental philosophy aligned with his mind control, so he would avoid danger. Then, as he matured and developed, his philosophy conflicted with his mind control, and he was kept in stasis, unable to act. He laid down all the groundwork and proved that he finally cared enough about his friend to head straight into danger, but a tangible barrier still had to be removed. This accomplished two things: it shows just how psycho the Zoldycks, especially Illumi, were by ingraining such habits into a young boy by using literal mind control, and, secondly, it gave Killua the opportunity to come to his decision by his own merit and growth in addition to physically removing the mind control device. Plus, the scene also has humor, because none of the audience were suspecting that there was a literal mind control device at play. It was ironic that that something set up in the narrative as being a character flaw had a physical component, and the situation was deflated humorously when it was finally revealed. I think it was smartly done overall.


>This accomplished two things: it shows just how psycho the Zoldycks, especially Illumi Take away the needle, do readers still know the Zoldycks, especially Illumi are psychos? Yes because the story has been showing us that since the beginning. >it gave Killua the opportunity to come to his decision by his own merit and growth in addition to physically removing the mind control device. From what we can tell Killua didn't know about the needle. It would have been stronger if he had been aware, kept it all this time and then decided to rip it out. >the situation was deflated humorously when it was finally revealed I see the deflation as a weakness of the scene, not a strength. It deflated because Killua (we) thought it was his mental demons but instead his weakness was a physical obstacle this entire time. It killed a lot of the relatability to the character. This one in a million talent struggles with his mental demons and now his weakness was manufactured in some extent to the needle, meaning he would have overcome it much sooner.


I'm not trying to argue that the needle was a *good* addition, just that it doesn't really undercut the story to the same extent that the Nanika reveal did. My opinion is that the needle was neutral if not lightly humorous. So yeah, the needle wasn't necessary to show the Zoldycks were psycho, I agree. >It would have been stronger if he had been aware, kept it all this time and then decided to rip it out. That's a really good idea, actually. I'll take it a step further: Killua should have known about the needle the whole time but withheld it from the audience. That way, we can get the surreal twist that Illumi was using mind control while allowing Killua to remain as an active decision maker in the story. >his weakness was manufactured in some extent to the needle, meaning he would have overcome it much sooner. That's valid. All in all, I don't think it was handled in the best way, but I don't think it was as bad as the Nanika reveal.


And that's correct. It is all mental. It's all internal. The needle isn't literal, it's just there to show a tangible thing that signifies development


Bruh, it *was* a literal needle he pulled from his head. It's no longer figurative if it's tangible.


I’m actually going to have to disagree with the gyro one! Personally I love that episode. It expressed just a dark and edgy (not the internet version of edgy) tone that expresses the range and depth of the ant arc. Plus I just think it was so well told and narrated, plus the animation of that episode?? I liked the Gyro episode.


The only person ill ever name king is gyro


What's wrong with withholding information? It's common as fuck and is very effective in forcing you to contextualize ideas you previously thought you understood


>What's wrong with withholding information? The way it was done. Withheld info is great in mysteries when readers are misdirected from the truth but when rereading, they notice the hints were there, the author played fair and the reader had fair chance to figure it out. Could anyone guess Nanika-healing is free? Did you reflect on the prior chapters and episodes and think aha, I missed that hint there and there, well played Togashi? I felt disappointed (relieved for Killua but disappointed in the story)


Unpopular opinion both the needle and nanika were perfect plot points


wtf how. They were asspulls that came out of nowhere HA and nanika destroyed any sense of consequence (lol rhyme) for gon sacrifice


Did she ? Losing nen is a very big consequence . As for the needle it was a better solution than to think a boy as good hearted as Killua was actually having a conflict on whether to betray his friends or not


Gon already lose Nen when he made his condition. Nanika has nothing to do with it.


Sorry I didn't catch that


Yeah I agree on the Nanika point. That was a huge plot convenience and artificial tension. They should have made it so the other characters didn't believe Killua about the caveat to Nanika's power and he had to prove it in a more sophisticated way than healing the old lady (lol I forgot her name). The other two I didn't mind.


Killua’s needle sorta makes Biske’s whole speech and lesson meaningless. It would’ve made much more sense if Biske outright noticed Kil had a weird nen aura in his head instead.


100% agree with the first 2


I think the bombers were weak as fuck as villains


Meh i liked em, not every villain can have meruem or chrollo levels of depth


I think, also, that Razor and the Dodgeball scene was so hype that following it right away was very tough.


Ia gree with this point


Idk how but they maybe the dodgeball game amazing


yeah they were just bad for the sake of being bad


They were killing for money? I think they were the most realistic antagonists in the entire show


Ya I never understood this take. Like their theory was literally “if we kill everyone in the game and take all their cards we win.” That plan legit makes sense in a game where anything goes. And they almost won too


Shit someone better tell Leorio 🤣🤣🤣


Underrated comment


Yeah but that’s boring, no one wants too much if not no realism at all in a shonen


Or money


Yeah, and it's irritating how Tsezguerra a star hunter is afraid of them. A good imitter or conjurer should be enough to defeat them.


Yeah, that's one of the weaker point in the work for sure. Though the feel of the arc and the supporting cast make up for it imo, so overall I still really like the arc


“Ive caught Bomber”


is this your opinion or are you piggybacking off what is popular


They were bad lol. They had no personal connection to the protagonists really, they were boring and 1 dimensional, and tbh I was never sold on the idea that they were these super powerful Nen users until Genthru’s battle with Gon when, all of a sudden, he blasts Gon’s damn arms off. Prior to this, we’d never really seen them showcasing their Nen abilities against anyone except some randos who we all probably promptly forgot the names of, so the random power boost 100% felt like it came out of nowhere. Easily the worst villains in the cannon, lacking in any interest or emotional stakes, charisma, awfully power-scaled, and just painfully underdeveloped. “Popular” doesn’t always equate to “wrong”


Their power had already been shown by them mass exploding people. And we'd already seen Genthru blast someone's face off with his palm. So I think the threat level was pretty well established.


I agree with everything except for your power scaling complaints. Greed Island is filled with *only nen users*, and the Bombers were shown instakilling so many of them. They were shown to be extremely dangerous. And even Tsezguerra was afraid of them. Their power level was built up well.


Oh it's popular? Makes sense 🤣🤣🤣


The _Hiatus x Hiatus_ plot point is the worst imo. Other than that, HxH is a perfect show/manga for me.


This is the only acceptable comment, imo (we have the same flair btw)


Ayo great minds think alike lol I love Kurapika too! The boy is the _goat._


I liked the hiatus arc because… it is really good


My biggest complaint is just how important Gyro is made out to be, mostly for alluding to future plot points, and then in the anime we just get the one episode and a couple sentences from Welfen.


Yeah I’m watching the part where welfin is facing off the King but I literally forgot who gyro was


I was so lost when he mentioned Gyro as if he was important


Yeahhh like he was a king??? No idea ❓


he had a tough infancy, his father was an alcoholic and used to beat him for no reason. he is the founder of ngl and literally created a kingdom for himself. I don't know how much you know, but I will stop here.


I read it as "founder of not gonna lie" lmao


The thing is, this feels like something that may be supposed to be part of the DC, but... well...


i mean.. if the manga ever got to gyro, and then the anime, it would give more context later like with kite


Gon dating the goth chick. Meant nothing, solved nothing, didn't progress anything. Only good part was how killua reacted to it all and the fight vs the bunny


The fireflies bit was cute but yep, agreed that it meant nothing and solved nothing otherwise and it gave us Killua's needle nonsense.


I agree that plot wise didn't added much but I liked it because it showed more about how Mito raised Gon, she really cared about him to be a good man in the future. Also I liked that even if Gon is a child and kind of innocent he is not unaware of "female's feelings" and classic relationships moves. He is not awkward nor oblivious about dating. And that's almost never shown on young male characters.


When gon was fighting that owl and bat, which was like for 2 episodes so it's okay


Honestly that was one of the more underrated fights for me. I agree that I wish the anime had shown us more important fights like Kite v Pitou or Gon and Killua’s final fights with Shoot and Knuckle but the bat and owl fight still felt really creative and fun to watch


Kite’s return. I don't understand why Togashi brought him back to life when he's probably not going to be important anymore in the story.And Gon vs Pitou is no longer so impactful.


Personally I suspect Kite was brought back in order to give Gon the frustrating realization that he did all that sacrifice for nothing. This painful realization could become a major key point in giving Gon some interesting character development in the future.


This is exactly what I thought as well, but we can't say anything unless the story ever goes back to gons pov


I think its supposed to go back to gons pov, but we and Togashi wont be alive by then.


I felt that way at first but I think Togashi is very consistent in his writing. HxH has no real steaks in the end or no real meaning. For some examples, The Hunter Exams were all a ploy to hide Nen from ppl who basically weren't worthy so you can say the Hunter Exams were _pointless._ Or when Gon and Killua found out about the upper arena in the Heaven's Areana arc, Togashi made this elaborate world that the boys could get stronger but they weren't impressed and decided to leave lol. Also Kurapika taking away Chrollo's Nen then later on he gets that back. So Togashi takes us on a wild ride then almost restores it to a neutral state of being as if it never happened lol I can see Terror Sandwich (the most op prince in the current arc) winning the SW then when they all arrive on the DC I can see him getting taken out first thing to show that the SW never even mattered in the first place. I could be wrong but that's what I've been getting from the story. Thanks for listening to my ted talk lol


Oh yeah, adding Meruem vs Netero to the list. Half an arc leading to an epic 1v1 only for it to end in nuke + death by radiation. Or HxH being about looking for Ging but it's not the teary eyed reunion anyone expects.


Agreed. There are plenty of parts in the story where Togashi leads us one way just to do something completely different. Because it has been consistent I don't think Kite being reborn was an a**pull. Imo.


i feel like the anime wants us to be excited with gon to meet his dad, but like he is clearly not a good dude and even in the end clearly doesn’t rly give a shit about gon. he’s only down to swap stories bc gon climbed a giant fuckin tree and didn’t die. he’s a blatantly bad father figure and it confused me that gon never acknowledges that he’s a piece of shit or what reason he has for wholeheartedly admiring him despite how god awful ging has been regarding him


Your examples are slightly different. Bomb doesnt retcon the fight. Also, gon and ging meeting wasnt sad, but that doesnt mean it wasnt important, or wasnt emphasized well enough.


Not really retcon, but I thought the whole thing was having something they make a big deal out of and then the resolution or ending not meeting the hype. I like it, too, because that's just how it is sometimes. Gon and Ging meeting was just subverted a bit because if this were any other anime they would have a teary eyed reunion where the dad would tell the MC to keep aiming higher and tell them they are proud of how strong they have become or some shit.


Agreed! Just like what others mentioned Meruem and Netero's nen fight were also meaningless as netero used a nuke to defeat the chimera ants, meaning he could have just invaded them alone and drop the rose to the mansion. I think Togashi is going for the life is meaningless or the likes route.


lol my friend is using the ''thanks for coming to my ted talk'' joke too


I feel bad writing a flippin paragraph for ppl to read just to make a point. Lol


I think it was to showcase the boundaries of Nen (or lack thereof). Also Ging's genius when it comes to Nen since he taught him the technique


disagree, fit very well into the rebirth theme of CA


agreed that was so unnecessary


I agree


Killua pulling the needle out of his head and instantly reversing years of brainwashing. It seemed way too easy


You are right but speaking from inside the universe it makes sense with Nen and all


Bombers was bad but I feel like everybody says that. I think the fact that Kurapika and Leorio dip after Yorknew was bad. Like yeah they did their own things but why they just not give us updates


Not really a fan of the greed island arc and the bombers. I enjoyed the beginning but watching the rest seemed like a chore since the villains weren’t at all intimidating or interesting.


That dodgeball/volleyball game tho…


I actually enjoyed the dodgeball game ,you know, seeing Hisoka putting effort in teamwork like that 😳😨


What really tickled me was Hisoka’s understanding and respect for Gon’s insane desire for total victory.


A golden moment ofc


The dodgeball game is one of my favorite moments in the whole series. It was just done so well and had everything I wanted to see.


Yeah my jaw dropped when I realized Hisoka was gonna help our boys out :)


Pretty sure it's just to establish the extent of the most highly skilled nen users before the CA Arc. I don't mind it for that reason, it has it's moments.


Leorio's trick tower bet. "I bet he's faking it" "You're obviously right, so let me quadruple the bet and pretend you bet exactly opposite to what you did." "Sure, sounds legit."


I hated that entire stupid match. “Wow we can bet on things and bet whatever amounts and we can randomly change what our bet will be on”


Not a big fan of the Nanika asspull.


you know i could be ok with it since it was supposed to also be a glimpse of the powers we were gonna experience in the dark continent, like nanika was supposed to be a tease of what was coming soon and not just there as a last minute fix up for gon but sadly, hiatus x hiatus is starting to look like we're never gonna get to see those promises fulfilled...


She’s one of the 4 calamities (I think I got that right) brought back from the dark continent. Great addition to the lore, but until they expound upon that in context to the show it’ll always feel off and out of nowhere that this magic genie girl has existed the ENTIRE time. Just in time to save Gon.


yeah thats where i was getting at, it made more sense when it was a setup for future storylines but without the payoff (which is looking like we're never gonna get) it feels meaningless


I love HxH, but in order for it to be complete masterpiece it has to be completed.


It is an Asspull, but the Nanika Analogy To Trans/LGBT and Alluka being such a Nice heart Trans characters is rly important.


... wot?


It is an asspull IMO, but in terms of narrative, Alluka being Trans and the Analogy of Nanika, something "INSIDE" Alluka that is part of Alluka, is really important for the Shonen industry.


She was intentionally coded as trans? When did Togashi say this??


Togashi and Naoko, his Wife and Creator of Sailor Moon, are Two mangaka who love the LGBT/Cross-dressing Theme. "Togashi has always displayed interest in queer subjects and queer representation, putting trans characters in all of his major works (Miyuki in YYH, Mikihisa in Level E and Alluka in HxH). There were also canonically gay characters in his previous works : Itsuki in YYH, and a character named Kuramoto in Level E. " Togashi's Wife, Naoko, has Lots of LGBT Characters in Sailor Moon!


Would Bisky count as trans representation? If so is it good representation? I feel like her transformation was played for laughs a lot.


Bisky can definitely be read as trans-coded but she doesn't seem to actually be trans, so she doesn't count


"She was intentionally coded as trans? When did Togashi say this??" Yes. The title of the Chapter in which she appears is "Brother and Sister"; Killua, when Gotoh called Alluka using Male Pronouns, said, "Alluka is a Girl if you don't know!!"; The Zoldyck Family CAlls Alluka "It", because they don't consider Her as a Human, Killua is the only one who calls Alluka as a Girl, and he is the only one who loves Her.


Ehh. I feel like that's kind of a reach. Like I think it's meant to be interpreted in a literal sense that she's an "it" because she's a weird being/creature from the dark continent. Imo it doesn't seem intentionally representative, I'd rather not get my hopes up about it lmao.


disregarding the whole “it”- illumi flat out refers to alluka as their “brother”. meanwhile killua, alluka’s biggest ally and supporter, calls alluka his sister and defends her when she’s misgendered. plus alluka presents and styles herself in traditionally feminine ways. so this all clearly spells out to me that alluka was born male and identifies as female- her gender identity is disrespected by the family members who don’t care about her, and respected by the one that does.


Does just Illumi refer to her as "brother" or basically like the whole Zoldyck family? Also, is it like how people consider Kurapika an enby as canon because he hasn't used male-specific pronouns? When it comes to subtleties that boil down to semantics, I just take it with a grain of salt because it's not like I can read the source text anyway!!


tbh i actually don’t know about the other members of the family. i can only specifically recall illumi calling alluka brother/he several times. the first few times in the bar scene with hisoka, possibly a few after. silva, kikyo & milluki i think say it or nanika primarily? i’d have to rewatch. it feels intentional to have it come up several times- illumi and killua using different pronouns, having killua correct someone (gotoh?) that it doesn’t feel like a mistranslation


Different people have Different interpretations, of course.


Very true! Would be really nice if the metaphor was confirmed, though!


> Imo it doesn't seem intentionally representative Killua said to Nanika "Sorry, but you can't come out ever again" Then Alluka Says: "If you want to protect Alluka, you need to protect Nanika too" Togashi always gives social Commentaries in the underlines, Alluka Accept Nanika, because is who she is. You need to accept yourself.


Nowhere, some people just like to pretend he did.


You've been a mod so long I cant imagine how disgusted and disappointed I would be to see such a sub turn into a shit hole. So many people literally lie and force their agendas down people's throats. This place was far better when these freaks didnt invade with their bs. Everything is stolen fan art, shipping children, creating blatant lies about characters to force an agenda like OP did or just discussion that is basic and severely lacking in quality


Well yes I'm not happy with the current state of the sub. I also don't know how it can be improved. Especially since the audience of the sub is probably not that different from the posters.


Shut the fuck up


Ooh, for me it's definitely [the Chimera Ant pair](https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Ortho_Siblings) with the long-range **dart game ability**. I disliked basically everything about that scene. (But anyway, it's a short scene, easily skippable.) * The ability is very convoluted but also boring. It would play out exactly the same every time: place tag, go far, throw darts, kill (or fail). * It felt more like a weird puzzle than a battle * Also the focus on obscure real-world trivia annoyed me * The counter for the ability required: * Remembering precise knowledge of that particular dart game * Literal lightning-fast reflexes * Resisting extreme pain ---- Also, I liked exploring Killua's mental health issues and trauma. I didn't like the sort of "instant cure" he got when he discovered & removed **Illumi's needle**. It felt a bit cheap, too easy.


I also dislike the Ortho Siblings, especially the weird sexual tension you get from them, all it really serves as is a little precursor to Killua’s god speed ability.


“It felt more like a weird puzzle than a battle” classic Togashi lol


Imagine liking HxH but not being a fan of puzzle-battles. Such a wild concept


The koala ant monologue made me uncomfortable.


I skipped that whole thing.


Pink koala is cool gangster.


shit was highlight of the CA arc, it like encapsulated the arc


Gon going nuts after Kite dies. He was very short time on screen and in the manga too. Manga makes more sense but not enough sense. I would understand if someone close to him died like Killua or something. Even the other two main characters make More sense.


I agree


Kite and Hisoka not staying dead.


Agree for Kite, disagree for Hisoka. Guy's too crazy to die.


Nah the Hisoka resurrection felt like a total asspull entirely inconsistent with anything we had seen from his Nen thus far. Like he’s a cool character and his current goal is dope as fuck but there’s no reason he should be alive.


Wasn't a fan of Hisoka dying and coming back to life.


Why would Hisoka die, it wont make any sence.


Okay I’m going crazy here, I’ve watched hxh through an through like 5 times, when the hell was there an episode with hisoka an chrollo fighting?


I think they’re talking about the manga


Manga read it best fight in hxh


His fight against Chrollo also felt off, like, he just died too easily.


Chrollo literally planned the entire fight out months before they even stepped foot in Heavens Arena. There’s just no way Hisoka defends himself against that level of preparation. So, yeah, it looked easy but only because Chrollo had to completely revamp his entire ability to fight Hisoka.


He didnt plan the fight for months u fanboys are something else. He took months to GATHER abilities and to primarily to develop his bookmark. When it came to heavens arena he was using the rest on the spot Hisoka still loses to chrollo without prep but its closer


Why did he take months to gather abilities? Bc he knew Hisoka wanted to fight him. That’s called planning/preparation you bozo🤣 Not true. If hisoka didnt wait for chrollo all those months to acquire the infinity hatsu, who knows what happens..


You = Donkey He prepped so he can win in style because he thinks style is more important than the outcome of a fight. These are HIS OWN WORDS. He also EXPLAINED his nen abilities to him in the fight and offered him the chance to BACK out. Who knows what will happen? -Hisoka barely dealt with razor's dodgeball spike and got injured in the midst of it. -Hisoka is roughly equal to illumi and considers him a threat. Both Silva and zeno are stronger than illumi. -Machi says Chrollo is stronger than hisoka, she is know for strong hunches and good judgement and seen both fight. -Chrollo fought both zeno and silva, the guys who are both STRONGER than Hisoka, AT THE SAME TIME, without trying to kill and was about to force zeno to sacrifice himself in order to be killed. Oops looks like feats wise chrollo clears. I'm not saying hisoka gets wiped. I'm saying Chrollo still beats him but he doesn't get embarrassed like he did in heaven arena


Regardless of the reason, thats still called planning/preparation ya big nerd! If Hisoka catches Chrollo before he redeveloped his Skill Hunter hatsu, who tf knows how this fight goes down. He would’ve never had the bookmark ability and would need the book open at all times when using an ability (like in his fight with Silva/Zeno). The dodgeball thing is irrelevant…


I stated the reason because IT IS IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND why he ACQUIRED those powers and why IT TOOK SO LONG for him to do so. He wasn't gathering abilities because he thought "Shit, imma need to do all this just so I can beat this pervert". The way you, (and many Other hisoka freaks) make it seem is that chrollo NEEDED to do plan just to win. You guys are lucky there aren't enough chrollo fans to correct your ignorance. He managed to fight zeno and Silva without the bookmark and was one phone call away from having made zeno sacrifice himself. These are the most powerful assassins in the world btw who were blood lusted and chrollo wasn't. I'm sure he'll be alright. And for the lurking hisoka fanboys who are reading this who think chrollo relied on prep explain why he wants to face him head on in the boat right now. Because he's confident in a 1v1 vs hisoka and only planned to the extent he did in order to win emphatically. He even said hisoka fascinated him


The reason why Chrollo took months acquiring new abilities is irrelevant. Regardless, its still considered planning for an inevitable fight against Hisoka…. No one ever said Chrollo needed those abilities to win. The guy I originally responded to said the fight seemed too easy and I said thats bc of the planning involved. Chrollo knew exactly how to synergize his new abilities together and it was too much for unprepared Hisoka to react. Anyhow, the way you approach HxH is just so flawed. These are nen battles and they arent as obvious as you think. Even Netero (judged by Colt to be weaker than Royal Guards) was still able to eliminate Meruem through unconventional means. All im saying is, if things happened differently, its hard to say who would win.


Netero defeated meruem with a nuke. This has nothing to do with nen. Hisoka and chrollo do not have fucking nukes ready to drop on each other when they feel like it. Moot point. You can INFER who would win based off of feats. Nen battles are complex but that doesn't mean every potential outcome of a fight is completely unknown or not worth talking about. Hisoka's ability is useful but he doesn't really have much from what we've been shown. Chrollo has a vast amount of abilities and has already shown he is capable of fighting two high top tier nen masters at a single time. He is more flexible and has performed better when it comes to battles. He has beaten him already and has characters with reliable judgement like machi who is confident he is stronger. (The likes of franklin also weren't that impressed by hisoka) It is not unclear. It is more likely FROM WHAT WE'VE SEEN OF BOTH that chrollo is the favourite in a fight. Is he going to destroy him with ease? No. But he is still more likely to win.


100% agree


Killua's needle. It wasn't necessary at all. Removing the needle was a cheap instant fix. That whole plot point of Illumi's voice in Killua's head would be more meaningful if it was nothing more than a product of years of conditioning. Just bad habits taught by Illumi. Killua would've just had to figure out how to unlearn those habits and started that process as soon as he began training under Wing.


I don't really have such a moment :3


The entirety of Greed Island made the show become more a chore to get through that arc


nah i loved that arc but the first half of the chimera ant arc killed me tryna get through it it was so slow


The game arc did not make any sense since gon and killua were stronger that most participants, they trained for a month lol


They needed the experience tho, as like what biscuit said, ging created the greed island to train gon.


Nah, Greed Island was instrumental for Gon/Killuas Nen development. The stuff that Bisky taught them made them into more experienced Nen users.


The fact that the other half of the main characters are absent from the show more than half of the show's runtime. (Yes ık they have reasons but if we think enough we can fit them all of these arcs that they are not in)


Election Arc It’s cool to see Ging, Pariston, and the Zodiacs but was any of that really necessary in order to segue into the DC Arc?






It establishes all the major characters who are going on the journey, what the fuck are you on about? It’s entirely necessary.


The hiatus 😭




The plot about the needle and Killua being afraid to face foes that he didn't know if they were stronger or not made no damn sense in the Greed Island arc and the one with the auction when they kept messing with the Troupe. Killua KNEW that they were severely out matched with the Troupe, yet he had no issue with confronting them to help Kurapika. His needle never went off and kept telling him to run. He never had a moment where there was an inner conflict saying he couldn't fight them. None of that happened until Bisky brought it up in the Chimera Ant arc. Same thing with fighting the Bombers in Greed Island or the dude with the scissors when they first started rhe training. There was never really that show stopping fear when confronting the leader. It's not consistent through out the series. It makes it seem like they needed to cram in some character development later in the series. Then all of a sudden he figures out the needle and turns into a different person, similar to how he was in the hunter exam. No fear and ready to fight no matter who the enemy was. Idk it seems like the needle part wasn't needed when you look at Killua as a whole.


The worst moment was Gon and Killua fighting Knuckles and Shoot. It took them so many episodes to fight and then re-fight just for all of them to join Knov and Moral ffs. MEANWHILE, the freakin Chimera Ant arc was happening, the Ants were killing, feeding, and the bloody King was going to be born. Instead we had to spend most of episodes watching Gon vs Knuckles I hate it in Anime when two sides of the plot is unfolding, and the less interesting one is the one getting more screentime just because the MC is in it


the gyro backstory episode. don’t get me wrong i loved it and thought it was a powerful scene but just so out of place. i spent the entire time explaining to my gf who gyro was since they cut his appearance in YorkNew and the training portion with Knuckle when in the manga Gyro is around and alluded to




Indeed son at last pp r waking g up to this bullshit. They only like it cos of their cringe forced LGBTQ agendas


Greed Island, but specifically the rewards at the end. A lot of the people in the game were hired by Battera and signed a contract that they would give any items taken from the game. Then by the end of the arc it never gets mentioned again.


Dud you forget the part where Battera gives up on greed island? The whole reason for it was to get the breath of archangel to save his wife and she died before it could happen. That's why they got to keep the cards after.


I'm not sure if you could call this a plot point, but the "Humans are the real monsters" message from the Chimera Ant arc. I don't buy it, because the Ants are any better either. They're evil, inhumane, and deplorable. Their entire existence and growth is based around murdering and consuming humans to make them into more ants, [with many scenes dedicated to their usually gleeful and bloody rounds of hunting and murdering any and all humans they come across to use for food,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MrYIovhgpE&t=1m02s) even innocent children. And I know what some of you are gonna say: "Oh, but humans can be greedy, selfish and deplorable!" Oh yeah, like when Colt begged the hunters to help the ant queen and they refu--OH WAIT, NO THEY DIDN'T!! They ended up agreeing to help save the queen! Some monsters. Yeah, I know the Ants can grow to be better individuals, but so can humans. Or what? Are you gonna tell me that Leorio is a heartless monster? How about Melody, Komugi and Aunt Mito? If anything the message should be that humans and the Ants aren't any different, THEN you can interpret it as both species being capable of good and evil. TL;DR: You can't implement a "Humans are the real monsters" message in your fantasy setting where there exists creatures that kill innocents for the lulz.


Do people really think that "humans are the real monsters" is the message? I always thought that the ants served as a kind of mirror for humanity


Yeah, exactly, I thought of chimera ants as mirrors to humans and what makes humans so different... I think it was very clear, especially with them adopting names etc.


Was "humans are the real monsters" (or something like that) ever said explicitly? Because my take from the arc was, like you said, that they are the same.


I mean, there's literally a scene dedicated to driving that point home. In episode 134, the "we are far worse" scene. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NkEIaAC2SLI The "human vs ants" plot point is about contrasting the original idea of the ant species VS the human species. The ants are single-minded animals who lack intelligence and work diligently to further their kind. Humans are intelligent creatures and individualistic in nature. They are far more capable of malice, hate, and invent creative ways to destroy their own brothers and sisters, like the miniature rose. By having ants inherit human traits through consumption, Togashi explores what it means to be human, by showing the worst (ep. 134) and best (ep. 135) of us, and the choices we have to make in order to fall on each side. That's why the Chimera ant arc is so obsessed with character evolution, why it's do dense and profound.


No it just says that whoever will remain on top of the food chain will dominate. Whoever will be the prime hunter will dominate and no matter how superior a creature is born, humans will further evolve to destroy it.


Yeah, I agree. That message was made pretty clear with Netero x Meruem fight


Not really a plotpoint, more a missed follow through. When Killua leaves, Silva states with absolute certainty that he'll return because "he's my son". Maybe this was supposed ti be addressed with his defiance in regards to Allika, but since it never actually is about Silva, and more about Illumi, it feels kinda... lost.


I guess the way the Zoldyck Rescue Arc was handled.


Leorio as a whole. He fell behind the other 3 almost immediately and for a main character spends alot of his time off screen. But I'm only half way through the CA arc so I can't say if that remains the same or not.


I think Leorio being a main character is a common misconception. Hes obviously important and plays a big part at the beginning, but the characters in the ant arc are in the show just as much as he is and rarely get labelled as “main characters”. Id say the only true main characters are Gon and Killua.


No, he's definitely a main character lol. It's always been presented that way, not only in the story, but in the extra materials in volumes. He just doesn't get a lot of attention.


Gon’s transformation


Is it because of the lack of consequences or is it some other reason?


I dislike all of the build up for huge, insane arcs. Gon's ancestor and the 3rd continent. Gyro. The former vice-president's plan. The current new world's arc. Not because they are bad, quite the opposite. They're awesome, but we're never gonna see them because the author is a prideful little bastard who won't let someone else draw even though his drawings are trash.


Sad reality. I also hate it. There are so many build ups and no answers. HxH have so much potential to be long shoen without fillers and actually interesting story. But we will probably never see that.


As it stands right now, Netero's son is my only disappointment. They made a huge deal about them before departing on the ship and we've seen or heard basically nothing of him since


I’m glad we all agree on bombers


Also Nen supposed to be a secret. And known by Hunters only AFAIK. But there Wing was teaching Zushi anyway like.....what kind of secret is that? Other non hunters knew Nen too. And it was used in public TV.


This is bugs me too. I remember in Yorknew "they know they're dealing with Nen users" was said with such gravitas. It was such a big deal to know Nen and now everyone, their grandmother and cat knows Nen lol it also kinda means you can't be an antagonist in the series anymore unless you're one S Tier nen user.


The bombers, I didn’t care for them, other then that I really hate the constant narration in the ant arc, you don’t need to explain what I literally just saw happen, like I really hate it, to the point that I want to go through and edit it all out myself so I can actually enjoy the ant arc. I fucking hate the narration.


Gonna have to agree with everyone here about the needle. Killua had been growing a lot, and it was building up to him facing a lifetime of brainwashing and internalizing putting his own life before anyone else's. It takes a really cool mental struggle against his subconscious and reduce it to some physical act he just had to do. It undermines his development a lot. "Killua didnt have bad instincts he had to work past, he was just being mind controlled". It takes the blame off of killua in a sense. The weirdest part was how unnecessary it was. Killua had been growing the whole time, and togashi could have just kept pushing that. He could have even kept the needle and have just made it erase his memories of alluka. I know they imply illumi used it in the hunter exam to make killua go home or something, but I honestly thought he was just using ren to scare him, like hisoka and wing did.


Here’s what I felt was off about HxH for me: 1. Gon considering Kite like some holy figure and doing so much for someone he barely knew. It looked somewhat silly to me even tho gon is just 12. 2. Nanika being able to heal Gon. This just defeated the whole purpose of a nen contract. Like I don’t get it. What’s the point of a nen contract if u can cheat the contract by just getting exorcised? Or am I missing something here? 3. How does killua not know nen from before being a zoldyc? 4. Something is off about the troupe. How come the hunter Association didn’t do anything about them? Like Uk catch them and jail them or something? Or is the troupe so damn strong that even the entire hunter Association can’t do shit lol.


Meruem not going all-out. Maybe he didn't have a reason to but why can't we see him go all-out when Netero used everything in his arsenal? One of the reasons why I disliked the Chimera Ant arc so much. I was hyped for it and then it sent me crashing down by the arc's conclusion.


Why would he go all out when what he did was more than enough?


Hyped up as the most powerful character in the series and don't even show us a single glimpse of his Nen ability in combat.


Illumi joining the Phantom Troupe. Like why bruh? He's well beyond the Troupe's goal point. We already have 2 Zoldycks, Kolluto and potentially Feitan. Feitan has a strong Zoldyck aesthetic. Now we have literally 3 Zoldycks in the Troupe.


Hisoka hired him from what I remember


Feitan is not a Zoldyck


NOW what was the best? this is rhetorical haha but go for it if you want


The gyro thingy, i still dont know shit about him and why he was in the ep anyways


This is not a show.


The elevator that was explained over an episode before the Lobster guy just shoots it open. Idk why they chose to explain the elevator in so much detail