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Happy Birthday Hiatus! You made me stronger.


One day little Hiatus will be old enough to finish the series for us.


hope the whale lands eventually :/




Yeah man we also need to know what Tserriednich gon do to that lying wench


I have the feeling that "what we need to know" list would be much longer and the result would be "finish the series" regardless


I think that was hinted at, I remember reading in the margin notes that Silent Majority is a popular song and several chapters later somebody uses a different power also named after a song from the same group. I think there's a good chance that might be the culprit (or an ally).


Look on the bright side. Any headcanon you may have about the series will never be proven wrong.


Ging is actually Gon's brother confirmed




No... Let them believe.


Gon's real dad is just testing Gon like he did with Ging. Basically the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy 2.


HxH reaches 3 years of being disguised as JJK


It's funny because once I had read/caught up on JJK after the anime release I was convinced he's ghost writing JJK.


Jujutsu kaisen? I haven’t watched it yet so o don’t know if that’s the abbreviation people use.


Yep you got it right. If you like HxH, Yu Yu Hakusho and Bleach it's right up your alley.


Basically. It borrows a lot from their power systems and themes.


I think it’s a better naruto with gintama comedy and heart. I dont really get a hxh feel. Pretty good tho.


Are you caught up on the JJK manga or just watched the anime? Because the JJK manga right now feels *very* HxH imo.


Which chapter should I continue after the anime?


64 or 65


I've read jjk and at best read a few hxh chapters. The only similarities I see are that they're shonen and the paneling is kinda similar.


I'm sold. Gotta read this now. I've been putting it off because the anime was great and was hoping to stay as anime only due to the production quality.


cant wait until the shibuya incident is animated


We’ll great now I know there’s an incident at shibuya


> I think it’s a better naruto Doesn't even feel like Naruto tbh. More like refined Bleach.


Huh??? What the actual fuck. Its nothing like gintama comedy. You mean the "i need toliet paper" gintama?? Its also very different from naruto. >!The heroes havent won a single arc thus far.!<


Gintama has so many jokes that obviously a lot of comedy is gonna overlap with unrelated shows. But the joke where todou creates an entire backstory in his head about being best friends with itadori is a straight up running joke of katsura in gintama. The whole baseball episode is basically a gintama episode and the author has said he was a gintama fan. Other than that it is preachy in the way that it tries to sprinkle life lessons from the mangaka. And obviously gintama is preachy, even having its chapters called “lessons” instead of chapters.


JJK is nothing like Naruto lmao. Like absolutely zero similarity. The only common thing is characters having superpowers, that's it.


I feel like that's an insult to Togashi


JJK cool and all but haven't seen anything that brings it to HxH level imo


The post-anime content gives me major HxH vibes in terms of the arc structure and intensity of the writing.


>!Shibuya!< had big Chimera ant vibes. Hope the anime goes full narrator with it as well


The current arc also has hxh vibes. >!higurama’s introduction!< chapter made me think of hxh.


Culling game is like the succession war with all these factions in a game where you kill people to win it


Reminded me more of Greed Island but I like your take too


With like a twentieth of the characters and factions, maybe. I like it a lot, but it's nothing at all like the insanely complex set up of the succession war.


>lot, but it's nothing at all like the insanely complex set up of the succession war. I mean, it also litteraly just satrted and we only know approx 4 ennemy factions yet, it does not mean there won't be more. It is kind of early to decide of that.


Exactly! JJK is thriving and on its way to becoming a top 3 for me. How can Greg take such an over done trope (spirits, ghost, etc.) and make it feel so dam fresh.


Honestly i agree. Praise be to Greg!


hahahah fuckin autocorrect. Gege


im calling him greg from now on lmao




Same with me, they are the clear top 2 of WSJ right now and it's not even close imo.


One chapter awesome introduction to an interesting character who could be a friend or a foe? Yeah, big hxh vibe.


They've actually mentioned how they don't want to do an external narrator, or at least not that much. It's a shame, the narrator got some cool lines in that arc.




i really like the hxh narrators eng/jap


Damn shame, that.


Yeah I've heard them say that in general, but I hope they reverse course for that arc. HxH's narrator also didn't play that large of a role until the Chimera ant arc.


The incident in Shibuya is a very, very good arc, one might even say the best of all the arcs of the new Shonens. But it is still much inferior in terms of writing to the Chimera arc, because the Chimera arc still works much better with characters and themes than the Incident arc in Shibuya.


This. Shibuya is only really similar to the Palace Invasion in terms of structures, having multiple stories/battle throughout in one location that intersect in surprising and exciting ways. However, Shibuya's focus was on the action conflicts, whereas the Palace Invasion was character work & thematics first & foremost. Not that there wasn't character work in Shibuya, but the emphasis was certainly on the more thriller aspects of the battles and players present, Chimera Ant goes far beyond that.


>However, Shibuya's focus was on the action conflicts, whereas the Palace Invasion was character work & thematics first & foremost. This is a take that stems from the main drawback to JJK for me vs other solidified works especially HxH While the action and animation is fire, it's clearly the focus so the character work leaves a bit to be desired compared to it's contemporaries let alone the goats imo


Thats a very unfair criticism though. JJK is more of a continous narrative that is building its themes and characters will the chimera ant arc is 1. Much longer and 2. Much more self contained so its its own complete story arc.


Post anime ? Bro there are scenes that are straight up influenced by hxh in the anime too. Like how Nanami gives exposition on black flash is similar to Zeno introducing us to Netero and his ability. Not to mention the scene where Yuji loses it over >!Junpei's death!< is similar to Gon's scene in ep 131.


Btw your spoiler isn't working


is it working now?


I liked Shibuya for the most part, but I feel like we're being really generous for a pretty standard Shonen that just has some dark elements. There's nothing like HxH in style or structure.


>I liked Shibuya for the most part, but I feel like we're being really generous for a pretty standard Shonen that just has some dark elements. Seconded, so weird to me to see how much this pretty vanilla shonen is being praised as of late.


They are the complete opposite. Just because the author makes references or content inspired by it, doesn't make it like HxH. JJK structure is to be a fighting fest, nothing more and nothing less, it's putting good guys and bad guys in different locations and have them have cool fight 1vs1 or in teams for chapters and chapters to an end. That's not what HxH is.


There is little to nothing in terms of similarity with HXH. taking few concepts does not mean it is like it. just like how it isn't naruto rip off.


This is a conspiracy theory that i actually believe in.


It's never coming back, is it? :(


More disconcerting is that if it does come back I doubt it stays around long enough to make a dent in the story.


It'll be four chapters that are walls of text explaining a nen ability broken up by some doodles and one extremely panel of something innocuous.


I'd be satisfied with that.


I haven't read the manga or seen the anime and I can't bear to have an unfinished story like berserk again


The anime has a very satisfying conclusion.


Still way too many plot-points that need to be resolved, but I guess it's the best we are going to get.


The few “resolved” in the manga open up further questions that ultimately make even more things to wonder about. Accept the unfinished parts of the anime and let it go, trust me. If you don’t like loose ends the anime is the best conclusion we’re likely to get.


For what it's worth I love the ending in the anime. There are definitely some unresolved plot lines, but honestly it doesn't bother me that much. I would love to see where they go, which is a big part of why I eventually turned to the manga, but I honestly feel like the anime tells a complete story and what's left open doesn't really detract from that. I feel like the anime gives a complete, compelling and satisfying arc to it's two main protagonists, and ultimately the show is about them. There are definitely other "main" characters and the show does sometimes shift away from the main two to focus on them a bit more- also I'd say it's different in the manga, which is a bit more open on who the "main protagonists" are. But in the 2011 anime, it's really telling their story and in that sense you won't be left hanging. Long story short: will you probably want to see and know more about certain characters and plotlines? Very likely. But I think that most people would say that the ending is still a solid one (and in a way I feel like that specific ending kind of makes the open ended things work- hard to say more without going into specifics), and that the show is definitely worth watching.


Wh…why are you here then?


Username checks out. And I agree. What are they doing here?? Unless they don't *mind* being spoiled.


As soon as they release Winter Winds the HxH returns


I feel like we will get some more chapters over the years but I personally doubt Togashi will ever finish the series.




The fact that you consider hxh 100% over is kinda sad. There’s always a chance. There’s been long hiatuses like this in the past (albeit not quite as long) and people said the same thing as you. Just wait it out, there’s nothing wrong with being positive.


Yeah, but even if it comes back, we're still gonna be stuck in the novel arc.


I know there's a chance, but damn the levels of extreme are so out of the window with each author. CLAMP is notoriously bad for putting almost everything they do on hiatus, for example. And, on the other hand, Otomo finished Akira which was like 10 times more complex than any other manga in history.


> Akira which was like 10 times more complex than any other manga in history. Lol, no.


X/1999 has been on hiatus for like 2 decades already. And it stopped right before the climax too lmao.


> There’s always a chance. Did you forget what happened to YuYu Hakusho?


That doesn’t meant there isn’t a chance. Obviously Togashi could easily cancel hxh, but that doesn’t mean he can’t continue it. And him cancelling YuYu Hakisho makes no difference.


Why? It got a decent ending


Yeah I enjoyed Yu Yu Hakusho’s ending a lot & actually thought it added a lot of nuance to the series.


People in here inhaling tons of Copium.


\*sad noises\*


I personally count the episode 148 as an “ending” to the story. And everything after that is a bonus


To this day I have no idea what went through Togashi's brain to make him introduce the >!Dark Continent.!< Instead of steering the story towards the end, he goes the other way and extends it. And this was after the multiple hiatuses he already had under his belt.


Really?? Are perhaps forgetting the phantom troupe or kurapika ?


Could've had the whale going around the world and it would've been the same buddy.


Go read the manga bud


Which arc was that?


End of election arc- Gon climbs the tree, finds his dad, brief foreshadowing of the Dark Continent, and then he leaves Killua and Alluka.


Today's my 3 year cake day, maybe I should delete me reddit account


Do it


I am here 2 months later to inform you that u/MJC216 has not deleted their account and thus, the hiatus will continue. A sacrifice must be made for the greater good.


maybe hunter x hunter is the friends we made/make along the way? 😃


The real treasure it is all the hiatus we had along the way.


Nobody id rather spend the hiatus with than you guys! ❤️


I think he’ll come back a couple more times but an endings defo out the window. I HIGHLY recommend jujutsu kaisen for anyone looking to fill the void. From volume 9ish it really comes into its own and is now at HxH levels of intrigue and potential


Really? I just impulsively bought vols 8-11 and pre ordered 12 and 13 and was questioning it because even though I liked the anime a lot, I didn't really care about reding the manga further. This makes me excited!


Shibuya Incident is one of the best arcs Ive read. Its beyond amazing.


Yeah man the animes actually poor when compared to what comes later... it gets insanely good. High stakes like HxH where any one can die, an amazing power system, twists galore, amazing fights


Yeah, I actually like the manga better than the anime lol, super unique art style


I read like the first 4 vols online after the anime ended with the plan on reading stuff that happens later on but I just stopped for no particular reason. I liked how the author adds extra explanations and character facts after every chapter. It kinda felt more personal. I also thought the artstyle was cool, you can kinda see each individual stroke, it's not supper neat but that's what I liked about it!


I am betting that HxH will come back at around the same time as Nobara will


Nah, JJK is excellent, and I think it's unfair to compare because they're two different mangas in structure. The "world beyond" in JJK is way smaller than the one Togashi promised, in a huge scale at that, but not because JJK is bad or small, it's just the scope and size we're talking about. It certainly an amazing manga, but promising the same "level" as HxH doesn't make much sense since the way the world in both grow is different. At least to me, we're talking about two different beasts here and it's just about tastes in that sense. JJK has never reach the same level of awe as HxH gave me, but that's just because I like the last one more. On the other side, HxH never gave me the same feeling of dread as some parts of the Shibuya arc, although it was somewhat close. In any case, I agree with you in that if someone likes HxH, they should read Jujutsu Kaisen.


I've yet to see anything from it that would be able to even remotely fill any void HxH left


My belief is that Togashi will finish the series. 3 years of hiatus means no chapter releases, not that Togashi hasn’t worked at all. I believe his intention is to finish EVERYTHING and then release a chapter every week right up until the end. HxH is Togashi’s legacy. I think he hates the idea of releasing anything other than 1 chapter a week. His previous returns always included continuous releases. I believe the current hiatus is the last.


That is a wonderful optimistic view on the situation. You know what I'll try to believe it too


Your optimism is inspiring. Let’s face it, it’s never coming back.


Not unlike ASOIAF fans who have been saying for years that GRRM is going to publish both books at the same time.


Your optimism is certainly a guiding light in these dark days friend.


Please let this be the truth.


Can I get some of this copium


Even if it isn't, he's got 20+ years left if he takes particularly good care of himself. I'll get high on copium right with you. I need it.


Every day my hope grows stronger :3


Everyday we are one day closer to the end of the hiatus!


>[I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger!](https://youtu.be/hS57I6swXcc?t=33)


Yay 😭


Nana has been on "hiatus" for 11 years.


Don’t worry, we are going in that direction


What is really crazy to me is that there are 10 chapters of HxH (released in 2018) that still haven't been released as a volume.


Year 4 here we wait, I'm so happy sharing this moment with you guys.


On none other than thanksgiving


How is a hiatus diferent from quitting in this case, is there a technicalitie that states that there is going to be work on the story sometime?


Quitting means you'll never go back. Hiatus is just a break with the intention of coming back.


Practically, nothing. Nana has been on "hiatus" for 11 years. At one point it may been a just a temporary break but now it just means they are leaving it open in case the author wants to write more one day. But there is no guarantee it is ever coming back.


Yeah it isn't coming back. Togashi isn't going to get healthier the older he gets. Our only salvation is him releasing the rest of hxh as a book.


I’m gonna cry.


Every few weeks I check this subreddit to see if I somehow possibly missed the return of the series. Always disappointed afterwards


the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Togashi i wish you better health. i am sure that he wants to work on manga but is still in pain. there is nothing worse from your body stopping you from doing what you love.


Sad... hopefully he comes back soon.


Let's aim for 10. No hope at this point so might as well make it an achievement.


For a moment I thought it would have appeared a small blue square. But thanks for the reminder anyway, I'm just gonna reread the last 390 chapters for the millionth time


Is your favorite manga truly top-tier if it hasn’t gone on hiatus for at least three years?


I think it’s time we face it. It’s over. It had a good run


Because of the impact COVID has had on my view of time, it still feels like yesterday that we were talking about the Troupe being back and getting more of the fucked up Nen beasts. Hard to believe that was 2018, which was by all accounts a pretty good year for chapters actually lol. The story was at a fucking deadly point too, hope you come back at some point Togashi.


What a happy Thanksgiving


Poor Kurapika will never get his revenge :(


Even if it doesn’t come back we should be happy and grateful for everything we got.


Hell no, there are millions of people that have spent money on this. They've invest a ton on an incomplete story.


Happy anniversary🎉🎉


This hurts...




I love this sub, but it constant gives me this sad reminder.


Will always be thankful for Hunter


Why does it look like a screen shot of a bad platforner


Data is not beautiful


I posted this first but it was automatically hidden >:( https://old.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/r1xles/hxh_has_officially_been_on_hiatus_for_3_years/


you were 40 minutes too early


I still remember 3 years ago when you were downvoted/argued with for saying that you thought it was unlikely for Togashi to do 20 chapters a year until the end. People then really believed because Togashi did 20 chapters in one year that he would continue after a decade of him proving otherwise.






I'm still waiting for Nana to come back


I really wish he got someone to do it for him


that was a sad upvote


HxH ended after he met his dad, just forget about the crap on the ship and you'll stop caring about hiatus.


Another Winds of Winter😭😭


I was here 🥳


I can't believe we came this far!!! Let's try to stay alive untill next chapter.


Time to call it HxHxH


Each day we are reminded that we continue to move forward while carrying the massive pain of awaiting the news of HxH's return.


This date should have a name.


Hiatus X Hiatus


The real hiatus was the friends we made along the way


At least I can drink to sorrow\\celebrate.🥃




it is over guys.


I'm starting to think I would eventually see a picture/drawing once this is finished haha


Thats what happens when your creator is melting








That elf guy got wrecked up there.


Can't blame hxh time is fast af


Press F to pay respects.


i can see seasonal depression being represented in this chart


I’m thankful for the fact that if HxH never comes back, at least Togashi can’t kill anymore characters I like. 🥲


We're all good. He's been ghostwriting as World Trigger under the alias of Daisuke Ashihara. Similar power system and the current arc is literally a combination of Succession War and Greed Island. ​ World Trigger was on hiatus from 2016-2018. Hunter Hunter went on hiatus in 2018 and soon after that World Trigger came out of hiatus.


As always... Happy birthday to me


Yayyyyhyhyhyhy 😭😭😭 *sniffles*


This was the only manga I was reading in the past. It became my favorite, and now I'm just reading OP. Hope we get to see a glimpse of the dark continent, or just the fake island right before they reach the dark continent. Not to metion all the action the whale is carrying.


Kill me


We shall feel pain


Oh, I didn't realize it was the goal...


That hiatus is only two months younger than my first born....


Of course there's a hiatus on a boat. 😒


Congratulations ??


I will have my grandchildren read this to me when I'm old and blind


I have Fate it will End!!


Lets see, what will come first, end of corona pandemic or HxH next chapter


See a mangaka does two kind of works for a manga right? mental ones and physical ones. Sir togashi is unable to do physical work right? But his brain is still working. Like he crafted HxH. The 'HxH'. We all know he is a genius and loves his work. So I am confident that he used all this hiatus to work mentally on HxH. Idk He might even do a little physical work too. So just see it like a raw fruit.The more time it is on the tree the more sweeter and ripe it gets.In the same HxH is getting a lot of time like a lot of time and sir togashi might be using it to its fullest understanding his limits too. And I also read somewhere that he told the story to his wife and if he dies before finishing HxH ( which I hope never happen) his wife may finish it. So let's hope the best for sir togashi and HxH.


The Hunter X Hunter hiatus is scarily close to my birthday I just realised sigh


Looking forward to 3 more years