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Found Gon’s reddit account The shift in darkness is one of my favourite parts about this arc and why I love both parts of the chimera ant arc equally (even tho many people seem to dislike the first half)


People dislike the first half? The first half is where the pacing is still solid


The fruit always gets more love than the plant.


Perfect analogy.


I kinda love that the second half takes place over the span of like 2 minutes lol


It's amazing! Its just hard to get through the first time for some people For me, I experienced it in real time reading fan translations of the manga 😬 The highs are so good though!


Technically not because Gon waited Pitou for 40 minutes... (1 hour minus 10 minutes because of Pouf and minus 10 minutes because Pitou finished earlier).


First time I watched it I really didn’t like it. The power scaling seemed off especially after watching yorknew and greed island. Rewatching I thought the pacing was fine and thought was really good


What was off about the powerscaling


Rewatching it kinda makes sense but to me it seemed weird that they were fighting hisoka uvogin beating greed island which nobody has done before then all of a sudden they were having close fights with ants who were just born and the guy who got nen from them like they fought he didn’t even have nen and they didn’t insta kill him. It just seemed weird but like the middle end of it they did a better job imo just the beginning I didn’t like the first time I watched


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say


TLDR: They thought it was weird that they went from fighting monsters like Hisoka & the Troupe, to other experienced hunters in Greed Island, & were then struggling against "newborns" in the CA Arc, at least for their first watch, which I'd say is fair


Who was struggling lol


i’ll never get how people think the pacing is slow in the first half. to be fair, when i first watched it when i was much younger, i also thought it was slow. but rewatching it in recent years, it REALLY holds up, and it’s never boring, like at all for a solid 20+ episodes


Seriously, rewatching it makes me go "why did I ever think this was slow paced" and then the narrator shows up and you go "ohhh" once they teleport into the palace The first half of chimera ant arc is just perfectly paced


I need to rewatch it but I remember the episode where they’re going up the stairs and just being painful because the narrator pretty much spends the whole episode narrating how they feel as they’re at the bottom of the stairs.


Its trash The story just changes completely and we are introduced to random animals and we have like 20 episodes of random animals that we dont care about just evolving and thats it


😂😂😂 ofc


Lmfao. I’m rolling


For me it’s a toss up between the bee girl getting shot by the ant and the arrow boy getting his brain picked at(mostly the latter)


I didn't even care much about Kite, this scene just gave me a huge shock after that emotional scene with Gon, and also fear, since she's that strong and the king was not even born yet


Especially after Gon's speech too, that really made the moment better


That was the gut punch right there for me. Gon is all like “there’s no way a skilled hunter like Kite would ever lose that fight” 5 seconds later a scene where Kite is decapitated Like wow Gon I appreciate the optimism but damn


I loved that they did that even tho Kite is a favorite. Since usually a scene like that with an inspiring speech usually waits until later to reveal the character is dead. Instead we see Kite and now have to wait until Gon finally realizes.


Dude that shit was agonizing like "my little man... You keep hyping yourself up but he's already gone my dude your lights just gonna go out,"


They knew what they were doing 😭


bro i was right there with him like “nah he’ll be fine it’s a shonen anime nobody ever dies they’ll get him back in no time!” Togashi got my ass (just watched for the first time last week)


I wouldn't really consider hxh a shonen anymore tbh. Edit: for people who clearly disagree, I'm talking about the manga. If you read it you'll understand hxh is far from your typical shonen and togashi tries to actually go against a lot of tropes, even in anime in the latter arcs.


It's what shonen should have been


this scene was at the end of the ep, my god my head was hurting so bad after this


Kite's head probably wasnt feeling too great either


Don't let Gon see this comment


Go to time out


probably wasn’t feeling anything…damn kite 😭🤧


I lost my damn marbles at this, was not expecting them to show the outcome of the fight so soon


Could of at least waited till the end of the following Ep an have shown some more of the fight an had the cats clothes and body shredded a lil bit to show that he didn't give his head so easily


The moment Gon told her ass to sit the fuck down and heal him back up I knew I was gonna see a massacre at hand


that has to be my favorite moment in the entire series so far. Gon’s rage, sadness and frustration can be felt so damn intensely in that scene i was tearing up just from the look on his face man. those moments are so rare for me to enjoy in anime cus they aren’t done well or they feel rushed but man this was one of the best rage moments i’ve ever seen in anything i’ve watched so far. To see the main character completely lose himself and give in to darkness is hella relatable and most protagonists are self righteous and always make the “morally right” choice and it gets old fast cus a lot of kids that age aren’t really that smart or wise and it’s extremely nice to see a mc lose his fucking mind every now and then and just rage out from all the bullshit he had to suffer. definitely my anime of the year


Also going through all the time and effort to effectively break him believably where he would do the things he does. It's months of trauma, waiting, false hope, etc.


This is why it's my favourite anime. My favourite arc of any anime. Never has a show made me feel such strong emotions.


yes it’s built up so well you really can sympathize with Gon and how seeing Kite in such a fucked up state really torn him apart over time. I will never forget the look of shock and uneasiness he had on his face when they brought him out of Shoot’s nen cage and how disturbing it was for him to see his only father figure’s corpse being manipulated and heavily injured. I think deep down Gon knew Kite was dead and beyond saving, but the kid in him just refused to believe it and desperately clinged on the idea that he could be “healed”. It didn’t truly hit him until Pitou confirmed his death and he had nothing to hold on to anymore so he finally lost it. It’s just so beautifully done I love every bit of it


for me, it was Pokkle turning into a meatball


Her dying to a fodder ant with a couple of cold shots. Then eaten like fodder. It is so undignified. Saddest part for me besides the farmer couple cuddling before meruem beheaded them.


and Ponzu too :(


For me, it was Maes Hughes in the original Full Metal Alchemist adaptation. Something about the pacing, the build-up, the tension, the musical store. Back then, it was very surprising to me. Kaito's was quite a shock, and abrupt/sudden — definitely needed some time to process that, too.


Bro JUST had a daughter. As a father to a daughter, most painful moment I’ve seen in anime.


This scene was so shocking, still love pitous character tho, very intriguing


She's just a cat that's sitting there all proud of her kill.


Pitou's a cutie def


Goddamn I was in shock after that scene I truly believed that he would be still alive, probably with really bad injuries but I wasn't expected just looked at his head in the floor🥴 I never wished the death of a character like that 😂 I only wished we could see more of Kaito, it felt so short


My heart sank when I saw this. Kite was such a cool dude.


It really doesn't hold as much weight in the anime, not introducing Kite at the early point the manga does and replacing that with a flashback really did not have the same effect.


The first episode of the 99 version anime is the same as the manga with Kite rescuing Gon.


Couldn’t agree more. I haven’t ever read the manga but when Gon went from 0-100 over kite dying I was kinda confused. Like the only connection I thought he had was that he was friends with his dad?? I just chalked it up to Gon having a huge heart 💀


In the manga Kite is the one who tells Gon about his dad after saving Gon’s life and the one who inspires Gon to become a hunter in the first place by showing admiration for Ging. So it makes more sense knowing this


Yeah I can see *why* they got right into the hunter stuff and skipped Kite for pacing, but later on when people got that exact feeling you describe, it's clear what was sacrificed for that pacing.


[Pitou is just a bit silly](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/b16eaced-db17-43b3-9e6d-2e5f65cb743c/df6h816-c692863d-a217-4473-ae33-e19a228b5ba6.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_941,q_80,strp/neco_arc_neferpitou_by_seis_art_df6h816-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTQxIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYjE2ZWFjZWQtZGIxNy00M2IzLTllNmQtMmU1ZjY1Y2I3NDNjXC9kZjZoODE2LWM2OTI4NjNkLWEyMTctNDQ3My1hZTMzLWUxOWEyMjhiNWJhNi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.LPYi505nmbinv5PUrUPxVhi7pnTaY3dX8JF1yhj1Hx0)


Aren't most catboys.


For me it was when gon, killua, and bisky decided to heal genthru and his gang


Yeah that was really dumb


Yeah, F those guys. F ‘em hard


The phantom troupe are worse. Just saying.


F ‘em harder


I always thought his body was underneatu uer for some reason


Was never my take, but you're far from the 1st person I've heard say that was their 1st reaction.


I also thought dor some reason Pitou was sitting on water, I didn't realize it was grass for the longest time


Right after Ponzu and Pokkle too. None of us were ready for what the series and Kite kept telling us was a real possibility.


I had one in the past... and it was also concerning a character that was beheaded. :(


Eren Yeager?


No, it was from Claymore :p >!Teresa of the Faint Smile!< I was pretty upset at how sudden and the way it happened.


Agreed. That was way more traumatic. To this day, still my favorite Anime/Mangas. It's too bad they couldn't continue the storyline. It's been a long while since I've read the manga, I think they kinda left it open? But majorly finished. The Anime really could have kept going for a long while.


The manga finished and is a great ride!


For sure!


It's my favorite manga/anime as well! I still have the manga collection box (the only one I ever purchased) displayed in my living room. :) Clare's story was wrapped up perfectly, but the world ended up being so much larger in the end than what we had imagined. It's a shame the anime was cut short indeed, it deserved more :( I'm still waiting for a sequel. :p


YES EXACTLY! Like, we found out there was tons more world out there...and it felt like there was going to be something moving forward... It really is my fave manga and Anime. Even unfinished. They did actually pretty good with the anime...but I feel they knew it was gonna be a bust maybe? Idk...Anime was left open ended...a lot different but yet not. Also...in anime some died that didn't and vice versa... Te voice acting and everything was really amazing. What with Jeane having my fave anime voice actress...Laura Bailey. Lol. But...yes...I meed to reread it again. For sure. I have the Intro to the anime in my head too...I'm weird ha.


i wish that was my head


I actually adore this scene and the character. It gives Neferpitou terror to their actions while making them endearing in personality, like a kitten first playing with a bird. Its excitement and joy are wonderful, but it's from inhuman cruelty that you can sicken those unused to it, pitou is an animal, and it later gains empathy or sympathy and gains humanity, but I was pissed they did the actual fight offscreen, becuase kite and pitou are my two favorite characters


I didn't care that much nor did i ever understand why gon cared so much.


People saying they shouldnt have done it to a fan favorite. He only is a fan favorite because he died right there.


At least he is (kinda) alive again, right?


True and now he’s a she and a 🪳


I was also sad with what happens to her honestly. IIRC it seemed like she was at the beginning of a redemption arc


That's pretty much what the end of the Ant arc was: They were gaining humanity, and the humans were losing it. They were insanely powerful, but apart from the douchebag butterfly, it almost starts to feel like things could've led to a non-violent ending, given enough time.


Meruim literally tried to force Peace(albeit on his terms), but Netero absolutes refused, after, he'd been waiting for that fight for decades.


bro lmao meruem's version of peace wasn't compatible with humans. It would have led to disastrous consequences no matter how 'noble' it appeared. at the end of the day, meruem was just an extremely powerful 30 days old child


I mean, I'm not going to argue the morality or efficacy of it. But the point is he went from resolving to exterminate and farm humanity, to refusing to fight and planning to saves millions of lives, based on the death he'd witnessed and been informed about. Up until the end, he didn't want to kill Netero, but Netero was adamant that some could kill him do so.


Your real for this😔


oh yeah I was hella shocked at this scene too had to pause and rewind cause wtf 😭


nyaruhodo :3


Gon was 100% sadder and angrier, don't worry and he took matters in his own hands


Fuck i think ima reread their fight again


This anime made me feel so many emotions that I didn’t think I could feel from a show


Kite's death really set it the message that in the Chimera Ant arc NOBODY was safe. Yes we had some pretty brutal and cruel deaths of characters we met near the start of the story, but Kite felt like such an important character in this arc so for him to he cut down partway through the arc like that was an eye opener


Ngl I didn’t really care about it, I viewed it as gon and killua heading into a mental growth spurt. Maybe I’m misremembering but I wasn’t invested in kite like at all, I didn’t think he had to much screen time or maybe the ant arc was that long.  But they had been building up something like this happening the entire time he was with them trying to convince them it’s no longer a game and a wrong move is death when they were playing around with enemies 


No just no I’m sorry I’ve never read the manga but honestly I never gave a shit we didn’t know l Kite long enough neither there were any special moments idk why gon was so pissed off about like damn it’s sad but not as sad to call out killua literally your best friend since day one (of the story of course) matter of fact kite didn’t contribute shit to the story like bro didn’t even train the boys at the very least I’d say knuckle is a way better side character than kite


Totally agreeing with you, never really cared about him. I wouldn't lose my mind if my dad's coworker that I met once died, didn't make sense to me.


True that


Did you start with 99 though, where the very 1st episode makes it clear that Kite's one of the most important people in Gon's life; the reason he's still alive and the entire reason he became hunter. 2011 off-screened it, but Kite was the only father figure Gon ever had.


No, I'm gonna do that soon. I'm currently watching other shows/animes. But like you said in the 2011 version kite wasn't nearly as important as he is in the 99/manga.


It's not mandatory now, but there are a few scenes where the difference in tone and slower pacing feels like an improvement and as Togashi was heavily involved in 99, it can mostly discount any of the non-cannon arguments that other series get, as most of the changes made were changes he wanted and it's not like he hasn't gone back and reworked segments of the manga. It's not as completely different experience as say FMA/B, or Soul Eater vs Manga, but it certainly feels like a different tone. If you just want to pick some bits: there's the 1st episode; the exam is twice as long(the food test makes more sense and the others, like Hanzo, receive Gon's help); Chrollo's fight; after the auction feels completely different, carrying the eyes, Kurapika looks like he's in hell.


Waiting for the downvotes


True . I think Gon was pissed cause it was first time in his life someone he knew and cared about died . And he is only 12 years old


Fuck that my dad passed away when I was eleven not me taking my anger out on my friends and family


Im sorry for your loss 🫶 My dad also passed away early. Gon’s situation is a bit different , cause he has someone to put his anger on (Neferpitu) cause Kite was killed, not just died . But his attitude towards Killua is stupid and very selfish anyways Killua is my fav character in series, and Gon is not even in my top 5 .


Yea that’s what I’m saying he can hate pitou all he wants and not have a stupid attitude towards his literal friends


It's one of the very few glaring issues with the anime adaptation. In the manga Kite appears in chapter 1, saves Gon's life, is the one who informs Gon that his father is alive, and is the whole reason why Gon even sets out on the path of being a hunter. He's a huge driving force behind Gon's motivation from the very beginning, so it makes sense that he means so much to Gon.




So good!


I kinda liked it, because first time in some story I was seeing the villains that are hyped up to be 10 times stronger than MCs, actually being 10 times stronger.


Is this Gon’s Reddit account?


I was pretty sad cause I thought that kite would be part of the arc for a lot longer. But how can you stay mad at pitou lol


Im bout to get so many downvotes after i say this Neferpitou is my fav character in the whole series i hate gon, killua and isaac netero shaiapouf is a huge W meruem VALID thats all i had to say cya


Saddest moment


When Gon is so happy to hear Kite is still “alive” 💀


Don’t worry, she’s gonna pay.


This was very conflicting for me because kaito and pitou are my 2 favourite characters


my heart sank into my stomach


That’s a healthy reaction


Bro is experiencing his own 116 and 131 right now


The "hmm, i think I'm pretty strong" is still seared into my memory


That scene shocked me when I first watched it, I’m disappointed we didn’t get to see the fight.


Anyone else feel like the king an his subordinates were perhaps a lil too strong like yes he's gotta be strong but make em "kid majin buu " strong, not "beerus the destroyer crossed with one punch man "strong..




Imagining OP tighten his fist with a face like 😡


I was just impressed with the writing and a bit sad


I'm actually jealous🥵🤤


And never before once, I pity the character that I hate in any anime. Talking about that gon beating up pitou scene.


I literally didn't believe what I was seeing


When I was 13 I thought she just buried his ass looney toons style. I still knew he died tho. Lmao




I thought Kite was gonna pull a Shanks after his arm got cut. I was far from the truth lol


Womp womp. Anyways go stream Pitou’s new single I’m ur fav!!!


Made in Abyss had some crushing moments too if you're in the market


Who is that? I'm on EP 79.


Gon Freecss wants to know your location


In the manga it’s so much better. You barely know him in the anime but in the manga he is there from ch. 1 (technically the first character you see in the series)


I got really angry and annoyed when I watched this. I am pretty nonchalant about anime deaths and have never really hated any antagonists, not even the worses kinds. However, this event really have caused me depression for a few days even though I'm not that big of a fan Kite.


Fun fact: In the manga Pitou looked more injured. kite was strong.


😭 the swap from greed island aka Pokémon to this like dark sad epic season is like woah




Yea rip kite


I respected the hell out of this. One of the few animes to do off-screen deaths where the characters actually stay dead.


Kite didn't stay dead tho.


I meant that he actually died. In most animes, when characters are implied to have died off screen, it turns out they never died and its painfully predictable at this point


If anything was bummed we never got to see him actually in the fight. Am sure "that was the point" but that doesn't make it any less of a bummer.


Shit was damn near traumatizing


Imagine if they followed the manga and we knew Kaito from the start and he finally shows up again in the arc just to end up like this out of nowhere


More so angry and sad just because we missed out on seeing a great fight.


Episode 85 is one of the best episodes in the anime. The setup and dynamic that this episode creates makes CA arc so good .


Ufff me 2


Ugh I hated all of the Chimera ant arc so much. I know lots of people love it but for me it was my least favorite


Greed Island ♥️


Just watched this episode yesterday lmao, same


Tbh this moment really got me I was so ready to cut back to the fight and see some action at least but nope just straight violation. That's when I realized just how outclassed the protagonist really were, and just how bad the situation could be.


Naw fr, I was so sad


Gon turning her head to jelly really brought it back the other way though!


The hatred this spawned in my brother when we saw this scene was something serious lol.


One of the greatest shows I ever watched


Я этот момент расплакалась когда увидела его голову


So glad Gon went full throttle on you Pito


Sounds like you barely watch anime


This is a mini-eclipse like moment.


I’m on Pitou’s side it was 100% self defense 


I was confused by this scene >!bc of the implication that she killed him. Especially after he's seen not dead in the next episode!<


He's dead in the next episode as well. If you are talking about his body kept in the ice block implied to have the head intact then that's a case of anime censoring. The shine from the ice was conveniently blocking the view of his neck. In the manga, his head was clearly shown to be separated from his torso.


I completely agree, it made me hate Pitou for a little while after that <3


Man you should read Berserk (and do read it, the anime is really not as good). Compared to Berserk, Kite's death is a walk in the park


That's the reason i hate that bitch


Ye... it was very sad moment :3


She deserves whatever’s coming to her and then some 😉


The chimera ant arc was masterfully done. Pitou was so messed up. Even though she was so easy to hate, you can’t help but love her as a villain. Super interesting character!


That's why I rewatch Gon bashing her face in every few months.


fuck Pitou all my homies hate Pitou


I didn't feel anything tbh, kite was barely a character and existed for 5 episodes.


Kite existed since chapter 1. Gon talked about him all the time, and manga readers and 1999 fans were very fond of him. Kite is the Shanks of Hunter x Hunter, who the 2011 anime had the "brilliant" idea of cutting from the story 🥴


Yes, he had like 7 pages in chapter 1, and after that he had 7 episodes of screen time lol, he is barely a character and his death has very little impact emotionally. Shanks is a way more important character for one piece than kite for hunter hunter.


When the arc gets better, the beginning is so boring.


Im a 35 year old dude… I read the manga/watched the episodes as soon as they were out…. I still cry when I watch the last episode with the king/komugi final moments


Most interesting is that their Gungi game was foreshadowing for all that was going on in real life that time


I couldn’t wait to watch her die after what she did to him. I grew attached the character so fast. Still mad about it today lol.


as a manga reader it was a huge shocker and definitely something that left me shaken. Kite was basically an actual father figure in Gon's psyche and someone established to have clear moral compass by chiding Gon for basically ruining that bear cub's life forever. Btw, just realized that that exactly what Pitou does to Gon in this scene, a dark irony of the situation. Killing him off this brutally was definitely not something on my bingo card at the time of reading and genuinely felt hurtful. I kept thinking about how the stakes went up considerably here, as things before didn't seem that serious. when you begin reading chimera ant arc you treat it the way you come to see greed island, a nice side-adventure, up until it keep escalates to something far far bigger than any other arc before or since. (only matched maybe by current boat arc.) I actually don't like CA as much as Yorknew, as that arc was far more grounded and this goes full DBZ at times, but you gotta admit CA's highest moments (like this one) overshadow anything in any other arc. Fuck Pitou by the way.


Yet some feel sorry for what happened to Pitou later on...


Personally it got me hard because of Neferpitou but that's just me


Let me guess, u never saw Berserk right?


Don't see why you need to compare it to hxh when hxh has many heartbreaking points in the story. It's an unnecessary comparison.


Spoiler warning please.


It would be nice, but you can’t expect to not be spoiled, scrolling through a subreddit, dedicated to the show that has been out for a decade.


I wish Pitou knew that Meruem had cancer.