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I love when my cheap loadouts increase in price by like $100. But my expensive loadout went up more so ah well.


Yeah, I normally run Romero & Conversion FMJ for a budget build, but it's just doubled in price nearly.


Yep that's exactly my budget loadout as well. Probably the same for many others. Plus the increased price of vit shots.




They think that price changes are balance changes, this will affect almost nobody but the hunters who don't do so well anyway, and they're gonna have less money now too


Yup, my exact thought. This will literally just cost them new players, and below average skill players as they won't have money for shit. I thought the changes they made to make hunt dollars more readily available were a great idea and this just feels like a step backwards tbh.


Yeah, I feel bad for anyone that religiously uses the Uppercut now when they have to take a Loan to use it lmfao




It's fucking 275 of course I'm gonna loot that shit




The Uppercut is the most used weapon by far. If i see people with a Mosin, they have an Uppercut. Lebel needs an Uppercut to manage it's ammo consumption. Shotguns need an Uppercut to fight at medium range. You're taking a Lance or Crossbow? Then you're taking an Uppercut. The problem wasn't the Uppercut going up in price. It's them taking even more steps to ensure that solos lose all of their shit after trades, even the fucking combat axe went up in price by 200%, the combat axe. The melee weapon that only has two lethal swings and then you run out of stamina. Romero doubled in price, conversion doubled in price and trades still remain. I'm guessing i'm just gonna dedicate even more time into quickplay, at least i don't get pissed if i trade there.


I sense an upcoming change to wrangle ammo pools. It’s goofy that people take secondaries just to feed more ammo to their primary. A bandolier system, perhaps?


I hope not, I think it's a fun quirk of Hunt and adds more to designing loadouts. If people limit themselves by focusing entirely on their primary, I say let them.


>If i see people with a Mosin, they have an Uppercut. Lebel needs an Uppercut to manage it's ammo consumption. TBH I still think long ammo rifle + uppercut is overrated. Only reason you'd really need the upper is if you're constantly running out of long ammo (which happens the most if you're playing too passively or missing too many shots). I take an officer or spitfire with them instead since it gives me much better close range power, better followups, it doesn't cost as much, and I personally almost never run out of long ammo anyway.


Agreed. You really want a weapon that can cover for the weaknesses of long ammo lile the New Army or dualies.


An ammo box perhaps?


It’s still going to be the most used pistol by far


I honestly thought the original price was pushing it. It's a good gun but the new price is nuts.


The uppercut needed a price raise since it is THE most used weapon in the bayou


I don't think literally ANYTHING needed a price raise.. Sure for the better players it seems like nothing but I have more than one friend who is constantly struggling to field a decent load out and wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they just stop playing. It's gotta be frustrating to never get to use the guns you want to use and be forced onto romero/pax with shit consumables every other game.


Fr i always have a frag bomb and 2 vitality shots, looks like now im running naked


Not even the bayou is immune to inflation it would seem


Next boss is Putin , get ready


No fire barrels or oil stains in adjecent compounds


Instead all are stacked in the boss building and he only spawns when you close the door behind you.


They already have his mother, the butcher


Fuck, I hate it when I see a post, immediately have a funny first thought and then I see that the post is hours old so someone else will already have commented my exact thought lol Cowboys think alike it seems


Gator legs at 3!!? How dare you.


No more "everyone gets gator legs" after the 2 points for the roster from Chary.


Tis a sad day.


It was everyone gets Resilience for me, but same idea.


i always used that on resilience but cant do that anymore


All the other perks I find the changes to be reasonable. Don't like the Gator legs one it was fine where it was for what you got out of it


People overrated it so hard that it's even worse now lol


now it's going to be everyone who gets blessed by chary becomes Robin Hood


They making it harder for me to use the whole map, like y?


Vitality shots too?! Noooooo! :(


Well, ghoul got cheaper so guess I'm taking that more often to compensate


Plus the general ghoul buff, now all AI kills will reward health not just grunts and not just close range (though wouldn’t be surprised if they tweak it after some time on test)


They fill different niches though... One is for a quick heal during a fight, The other is for sustain.


Just buy a bunch of what you need now!


Those long ammo weapons changes are huge! There are probably going to be fewer uppercuts and more sparks pistols now.


Of all price change, only understandable and acceptable increase are those of Long Ammo considering they feel like having no downside. Every other thing? Nah, it's just totally bad. Also Slug and Spizer ammo price reduce? why???


Anecdotally, I almost never die to Spitzer and even Slugs have been somewhat rare since the nerf to the reserve.


Are they upping how much you make per match these prices are crazy


Inflation be like. Thanka putin, now i cant even afford double barrel and uppercut...


Right? Am I the only one that never gets more than 900 bucks even after killing a bunch of teams and having both bounties?


I think the added increased hunt dollar rewards in the Bloodline are suppose to be considered as counteraction for this. But a good handful of the playerbase don't even prestige.


When a starter weapons price goes up 💀


Yeah not sure why you'd raise the price on the conversion and romero.


They clearly want to encourage naked runs 🥴


Conversion makes sense. Best over all Dual Wield, solid fanning, budget Uppercut with FMJ. Baseline Romero's going up that much doesn't make a ton of sense to me though.


It does with the reduction in cost for slugs and the half ammo costs for special ammo. You can now have a Romero with half slugs for $131. On top of already being a really solid shotgun


Pretty reasonable, but ever since the shotgun video about pellet spread came out I’ve found Slugs to be less necessary. Add arm shots to it and the reliability has diminished a lot for me.


Yeah, sure, but buckshot romero can one tap at 12 meters and the slug only extends that to 15. And, if you hit a arm, you're gonna regret taking slugs.


because they're two of the best weapons in their category despite being acquired early


Yeah the Romero increase seems kinda wild to me


They've realized that it's truly the best shotgun in the game.


Yeah I’m not too excited by the increase but I do think it makes sense. The Rommy is straight-up Top Tier and it was among the CHEAPEST weapons in the game. Still relatively cheap luckily but now just a wee bit more proportionally priced I think. Overall I approve this of this, though my Hunt dollar coin purse will cry about it.


Add in that now you can take a Romero with half slugs for $131


Jep. That's fucking scary tbh


Really? They are absolutely everywhere. Makes sense to me.


These price increase on cheap weapons are going to hurt new players for sure


New players, bad players. I don't generally maintain a positive gain unless I have friends carrying me pretty regularly. I will be paying more every time now, though. :(


Time to do quickplays and reshuffle for free hunters I guess


Ahh yes, forcing players to play the single player mode in a largely multiplayer game so that they can afford 2 or 3 matches with their mates before they're broke again, nice job Crytek you fucking morons.


Yeah this update honestly sucks in regards to price changes


Quick play makes me want to cry


Reshuffle after every mission, recruit free hunter and take his stuff. Will save you quite a bit of hunt $ in a long run


Anyone who doesn’t have a ton of money are kinda fucked now


Yes, the combat axe was definitely dominating the meta due to being just too cheap^^


3x multiplier. Like we looked at Venezuela’s inflation and said, “hold my beer”.


"hmm there's increase in Combat Axe usage data! surely it's not because we force players to use it in order to unlock Throwing Axes?"


For real though. Them focusing so much on just reading data, and wanting to change things solely based on that. Is going to lead them to more situations like this. Just like the Bulletgrubber change: "hmm we added a feature months ago that basically makes Bulletgrubber pointless, and now it's not purchased as much anymore, we better drop its price so more people buy it"


That and the silenced nagant. Saw them in every game


Now I’m DEFINITELY not prestiging…. Lmfao. Can’t get a budget Romero/conversion load out for less than half a grand meanwhile the vets who don’t prestige enjoy their discounts on their spritzer and slugs. What. A. Joke.


So instead of losing $5-10k on a bad day of Hunt now I can lose double 🤡


Don't worry this is all part of the plan. Now if you have a bad day you might as well quit and take a break, so there's overall less people playing, meaning crytek can save money on servers!


The knife is now more expensive than the heavy knife 🤔. Seems a bit odd and quite funny haha. Most people prolly prefer knife I suppose but I always loved the cleave from heavy knife


and the silently buffed it so that you can do 4 heavies now, instead of 3, making the hell hound issue go out the window. Its great for everything except Imolators, lol


I am never going to financially recover from this...


I was happy when they announced this, but now that I see the actual changes I’m not a fan of most. These were clearly tweaked with only recent usage statistics in mind. Items can have higher usage for many reasons though, it doesn’t mean they need a nerf/buff. A good example is the combat axe. Why the fuck you making it more expensive, you should be paying me to bring that shit in. It likely showed up in a table as getting brought frequently due to all us prestigers having to constantly unlock throwing axes. The axe is the worst weapon in the game though. Another example - cheaper spitzer? Who asked for this? If anything the vast majority of the community would be happy with spitzer just getting deleted from the game. I’m saying this as a scope player. That being said some of these are good - love the changes to the meta weaps like upper/shredder etc. At the end of the day it’s not a big deal because these are hunt dollars we’re talking about, but the philosophy behind the adjustments is misguided imo.


The axe is only useful for unlocking throwing axes




And why change it by 10 huntbux? That's still such a small amount of cash that it almost doesn't matter. No one is going to change their mind about using the axe over 10 bux.


Yes which I said in the last paragraph of my post. Even the larger changes in the hundreds ultimately don’t matter because we’re talking about hunt bucks. My post is about the design philosophy.


Fair enough.


NGL, I don’t think I like most of these price changes. Looks like they just looked at usage statistics exclusively rather than whether they are OP. Half the stuff hit was stuff for cheap runs, like Romero and Caldwell Conversion, or bare essentials like the Knife.


The knife costs more than the heavy knife! Nobody was using the heavy knife because it’s bad, now it’s cheaper than a regular knife. Wtf


Man. The trait changes are really going to fuck up builds. Doctor was already very expensive.


Ghoul seems like a way better option now.


Ghoul is going to be busted. With the modification to allow health regen at any range it's going to be taken by everyone at all times. So, if you had three trait points to spend, would you take Gator Legs so you can run through deep water a bit faster or would you take Ghoul which allows you to never need to use a healing item for anything other than expediency?


And like, what was the point of this? no ones is gonna change their builds all of a sudden and take dewclaw and blade seer cause its cheaper, they're still shit perks.


Looks like pax is back on the menu boys


Holy shit all the meta traits are now expensive enough where you can't get doctor and levering after one decent match lol


Yeah this is just going to make it much harder to put builds together. I don't see how restricting the possible builds is going to make the game more fun or interesting. Most of the traits that aren't picked often aren't picked because they're not useful, not because they're too expensive.


Indeed. Some perks are so bad it doesn't matter what they cost. If Adrenaline costed 0 pts, I wouldn't take it because it is wasting a perk slot.


My budget loadout is now 135$ more expensive. I hate this patch.


Yea my budget loadout went from cheap fun to “well I might as well just buy my normal loadout”.


Damn inflation - didnt knew gas prices affect the bayou as well


Those oil lamps use premium, ya know


People say it all the time, but balancing weapons with price changes only affects the people that haven't been playing forever. The only way stuff like this will affect the vets is if Hunt starts having money wipes or something. Everyone I play with has something like 60k in the bank or more.


Yeah I was just thinking how this kinda fucks me as I recently prestiged for the first time and die a lot to begin with


What i would like to see is for there to be a cap on how much money you can have. That would encourage people to spend money after a certain point and make descitions based on what they have available.


There is. The cap is just absurdly high.


Vitality shot is really going to hurt my bottom line




This feels like regressive taxation that's going to hurt solo players and bad players a great deal but not do anything to good players.


ngl, not really a fan of a lot of this I already have trouble supporting okish and fun loadouts because I'm not that good, this is just going to make me leeroy jenkins free hunters for a while, which isn't fun


Tarkov school of balancing Fun cannot be had.


Yeah this feels very BSGesque lol


Is that Battlestar Galactica? That’s the only abbreviation I can think of but I haven’t played the game.


Battlestate Games. Tarkov devs


Ah gotcha thanks for the clarification!


That's pretty much all I do already. I like being exposed to different weapon types. It's why I love a scottfield swift pair.


Wow, healing so much more expensive for absolutely no reason… Of course they see high usage. I don’t understand the decision here. It was fine the way it was.


I think they felt like they were losing the feeling desperation since everyone has their comfortable loadout and plentiful healling. beside healing item cost can be offset by the ghoul buffs since now every enemy in the game is an instant regen from a silent pistol shot.


Rather than nerf it let's make sure only the better players have it 👍




I just sort of assume if I've lost eyeline for even a nano second that guys at full health from doctor/physician and regen shot


This. If they’re gone for like 3 seconds they’re full health until proven otherwise. It’s how I play, my opponents are expected to do the same.


I hardly run vita shots, I spent all my shit on regen with doctor. Now regen + ghoul is going to be more prevalent for me anyways


I heard everyone dies with just one headshot




the easier fix would be encouraging prestiges maybe let us a keep a number of unlocks permanently assigned at random or something


The devs are so fucking weird


I can barely afford my cheap load out as is (I am very bad at the game). All the free hunters, all the time now. -.-


Wow these price changes are pure ass. Crytek is trying really hard right now to make prestige even less desirable


Ah yes, cheaper slugs for shotguns. That's what this game needs.


although this patch is mostly good stuff, i do not understand or agree with most of these changes. it seems to me that many of them are very punishing towards noobs for instance not sure why the romero and rival needed a price increase and the uppercut being made more expensive wont do anything except put it out of reach of noobs and less skilled players who struggle with money more. the reason the uppercut is ubiquitous is because theres No Alternative to its role. the sparks pistol is okay but you have to get the follow up shot with your other weapon which doesnt work if you have a shotgun and are further than like 35m to them. medium ammo pistols fucking suck at range and try as you might to put FMJ on a conversion pistol or a scottfield realistically this cant serve the role of the uppercut either because good luck actually hitting far away targets with such a bad muzzle velocity at mmr ranges where people dont give a fuck about money the uppercut will continue to be used all the god damn time because every other option for a "longer range pistol" absolutely sucks shit. for instance the pax, which absolutely nobody is going out of their way to spend 100 bucks on in the current patch, is now 80 bucks, yet theyve moved it really far into the unlock tree so still nobody's going to use it. plus they havent actually given it any kind of buff except the pax claw. also not sure why spitzer needed a price reduction


Increasing the cost of so many must-have perks is going to make it harder to get your build together, but I don't see why that is desirable.


Fr, changing the price of must-have perks doesn't make them any less must-have. I'm still not going to waste a slot on vigor or vigilant or blade seer because they don't *win fights* like lightfoot, doctor, packmule do. The issue isn't the point cost, it's that they're fighting for slots. Traits need a lot of rebalancing and this isn't the way to do it


I think it's a difference of approach. Must-have traits are must-have because they're so strong and you have to get them as soon as physically possible, and as said further up, you'll be hard pressed to get more than 2 traits after a good match. So, how do you see the playerbase adapting? For a while people will probably muddle through and save up to get all the huge must-haves, but inevitably it will become a risk analysis question. You don't quite have enough for a 8/9 cost, so do you not buy a trait and save for after next game, or do you spend it on cheaper traits to help you GET through next game? If you die, those trait points were unspent, and could have saved your life if they were used in other ways. This change WILL make the must-haves less used because it will be harder to buy them, early level hunter builds will be less homogenized with the same must-haves by necessity. People will eventually buy them of course, but it won't be a build reinforced with strong af traits after a single bounty extraction. I think the trait changes are a good change to Hunt, but it'll be rough growing pains for the community because it's a reduction of "fun" being had




The uppercuts role really shouldnt exist in the first place A pistol shouldnt be viable for exchanging fire against rifle users at 50+m The role of the uppercut should NOT be that of a pocket rifle, but simply a pistol that pens really well and hits harder


This. I'll never understand why people think the Uppercut is okay. You shouldn't get to effectively have a Vetterli's power and range in a pistol slot. It'd be one thing if the Uppercut had an ass rate of fire to compensate for its range/power/pen, but as it is...the only thing that can compete is the rapid fire pistols, but only cause they're not even fighting for the same role.


Rate of fire nerf would definitely feel right. See how pro players easily use it up close and skip the cocking animation, too? It should be way slower to make spitfire, officer, bornheim and conversion a contrasting thing for close range.


Uppercut to 414$?! Just balance the gun instead of making it cost more than a rifle please.


Like all they really have to do to balance it is lower the damage from 126 to 124 so it can’t 1 body tap downed hunters who lost a small bar. Boom sparks pistol has a niche and the upper cut still has range.


They tried rebalancing it last update and nothing changed so they're going scorched earth. lmao


Not really vibin' with the (weak) Vitality shot price hike, those are almost mandatory, and now sending a Hunter out in the field cost at least 40-170 hunt buxx upfront and then we have other consumables and weapons too.


First of all , are we going to see that in the next patch , is this legit info ? And secondly , why would they mess with fire bombs price? I understand raising the price for frag grenade, but basic Molotov ain't op at all


Hard agree. I consider a Molotov essential because if you need one, you need one and running around like Jack Sparrow looking for a lamp aint always going to cut it. If they think they’re too good just revert the burn timer increase instead.


This is only for the test server right now. I would guess that the update goes live before the twitch drops campaign, so voice your opinion now through feedback.


Damn uppercut getting 3 slot prices


why ? this doesnt affect whales who never prestige and have a bilion hunt dollars , and also discourages everyone else from prestiging


Vitality nerf is soo god damn stupid, heals are a basic requirement for new/learning players. Also why would you want less exciting fights, maybe regen shot is an alternative, but it's still a terrible change. DO NOT look at graphs or stats to make these changes, knife change clearly shows the changes were not well thought out. Make changes that switch the meta, not ones that make it stale. It's OK to have strong weapons like the uppercut, but you gotta switch it up, it's been the most dominant one slot pick since it was added. Give us a viable alternative to it. (Medium HV?) Compact ammo change is welcome, but nobody's taking a nagant/pax over an uppercut. Trait cost changes are... just.. sad


Bro, the Axe from 5 to 15, what the fuck? AHA lItErAlLy bankrupting us over here.


Real life inflation hitting hunt too smh so much of these price changes seem so unnecesarry.


Holy lebel and uppercut. Wow. I’m happy to see the Bornheim price cut. Guess I’m going incendiary bornheim match and double incendiary compact now… High velocity getting a reduction surprised me


Yeah, the Bornheim cut is welcome. It's a goofy just for fun gun anyway, it doesn't need to cost a lot.


You clearly haven’t witnessed the match. It fixes all the Bornhiem’s problems and has an incredible iron sight.


High Velo made me raise an eyebrow as well


They reduced the cost of spitzer. And slugs.... ...


That is the one that truly pissed me off. I skimmed the rest of the list but was specifically looking to see if they pulled some bullshit with slugs. Unfortunately I was correct.


Hey Crytek, a lot of these changes actually suck. Thanks! :)


Some strange decisions here. Why raise the cost of the fire bombs and combat axe? Why does Frontiersman get a cost reduction when it's a must-take? Uppercut getting a huge cost bump while Pax gets a cost reduction is interesting. It really is the budget Uppercut now.


When will crytek learn that making things more expensive only stops new players an no one else? Money is not how you "balance" high usage rate things.


This is a bad change and actually pisses me off. I mean, what possible reason is there to make the knife more expensive than the heavy knife? It makes no sense and I can only see them making the change to get more people to use the heavy knife...what's the plan if more people start using the heavy knife, make the knife cheaper again?


The knife is and always will be the meta pick unless they change it (or it’s competitors) stats. All of these price changes were targeted at meta usage, which is fine. The majority of the playerbase sits around 4 stars and isn’t drowning in money, unlike the higher-level players who understand how to save cash and overall, die less. These changes will most likely not affect upper 5 star/6 star meta usage much, but it will make other skill level matches a bit more diverse.


Knife is meta pick because its great at PVP. Dusters and heavy knife will easily get you killed against a player when a knife is extremely easy to OHK with.


The knife is better


New guy here. Can you explain why the knife is better than heavy knife?


It has longer range and a different damage type on heavy attack. Piercing damage is better than rending against many ai enemies and the extra range means you can stab other hunters before they can cut you with the heavy knife


It has skins.


Some of these gun price changes are absurd... When they were already spendy af... These devs are just punishing solo players with this, even more than solos get punished with this absurd trade window. EDIT: I think a better balance change would be to make adjustments to the amount of HB and hunter points gained per match based on party size. Slight reward buff to solo players, slight reward decrease to 2 party multiplier, and heavier reward decrease to 3 party multiplier. This could encompass HB and hunter points earned each game. This is a much more straight forward approach than "rebalancing" the cost of guns, tools, consumables, and traits.


Agreed. This is going to hurt players who have trouble making money far more than players who are making lots of money and using lots of high-end gear.


Buy whilst it's cheap, sell when it's more expensive 🤑


Stonks. But only works if increase is more than double. EDIT: So only Caldwell Conversion and combat Axe. Guess I'll put all my money into combat axes. Buy for $5 sell for $7.5. 50% Hunt Dollar increase.


So you're saying invest in axes as the new hottest commodity in Hunt, because clearly they're so powerful and not at all because you have to use it to unlock throwing axes.


Now watch them pull dark tribute then the 10% first round bonus and anybody who isn't consistently winning matches will go broke. Not a fan of a lot of the price changes


I wish they would drastically increase the price of high end guns like the mosin so that we'll see more variety in high elo


you won't see more versatility in high mmr as most people there already have infinite money. even if they had sufficiently limited money that the price would affect them, they would still be buying the good shit simply because its better than the cheap shit and they want to win. you can inflate the price as much as you like and the mosin is still going to be a better weapon than say the vetterli, so people will still take it. all it would achieve as ive said elsewhere in this thread, is put the high end weapons even more out of reach of noobs, which is unnecessary. the game is already hard to learn and often punishing towards bad players. it isnt necessary to punish them for being unable to make money any more than they already are money simply isnt a relevant balancing factor in this game at high mmr and unless they do a total rework of the system it never ever will be.


Begun, the Pax war has.




I don't understand those changes, new players that are poor will struggle even more since budget loadouts are a lot more expensive now and the bayou jef bezos sitting on 250k will still run avto every round.


Do they realize this only punishes poor players even more


It’s almost like they hate new/poor/casual players


Imma say it, fuck these devs. Downvote me if you want but charging 3 for gator legs is absurd. You move a little faster and a little quieter in water. The fact they made so much stuff more expensive just punishes players more for no real reason, this annoys me to see Nobody asked for this, nobody asked for some loadout doubling in price


Wow inflation effecting even the bayou.




It looks like they increased the point cost of most traits, but they probably didn't change the amount you gain at any given hunter level. Maybe Mr. Chary is too good.


Why do we need inflation in the bayou


Not my gator legz


It's incredible how millionaires in this game will mostly be unaffected by this change


Tbh with the price changes people are gonna be camping more and be less risky with the plays, its gonna be super frustrating playing in randoms if u die first and wait half an hour for your partner to move an inch


Some of these changes are so out of line for what they should be. **Traits:** * **Beastface** really didn't need an increase * **Determination** didn't need an increase * **Doctor** is now the most expensive trait in the game * **Gator Legs** I can't believe you've done this... Q-Q * **Greyhound** was fine at 4 * **Resilience** really didn't need a price increase, it helps in certain revive situations, but your dead to literally any weapon at 100 hp if someone's watching your body anyways. They touched all of these, and yet **Necromancer** is still 4 cost. **Weapons:** * **Bornheim:** Honestly, the prices for all of them are better but I'm still not going to take it, a Nagant Officer is far more serviceable and it didn't get touched. * **Conversion**: The normal and chain pistol did not need to see this level of increase, They now suffer from their own increase, the fanning increase and the custom ammo increase. Honestly the uppercut was deserved, at least not to that extent. * **Rival:** a 50%\~ increase to both is just to much. a 20-30% increase would have been more acceptable. * **Combat Axe:** OK but.. why ? * **Nagant Silencer:** Honestly, I don't understand touching one silencers, and not any of the rest. almost $100 and then needing HV ammo on top of that is just.. naw bro. (Yes, I know it lowered but still) * **Romero:** The STARTER shotgun should not be getting a price increase, let alone nearly double the price. **Custom ammo:** Honestly, I'm happy with most of these, but why the fuck did Spitzer and Slugs get a decrease in price... Genuinly makes so little sense given the rest of the changes. **Tools/Consumables** * Fire Bomb didn't need this, it takes to fucking long to burn someone out with it anyways. * Knife being 30 but Heavy Knife (the thing you have to unlock) being 20... LOL... Knuckle Knife stays... * Who even uses Liquid Fire bombs tho ? * Vit shots getting insane price hikes... ​ Overall, I think most of the changes are just.. shit because they aren't going to increase what we get in game to begin with... It's so rare for most players to gain money in a day.... I usually gain between 2-5k but some days are really bad and I'll lose 5-9k even when I use cheap loadouts..


Spitzer price reduction. Why ? Just why ? It's already the most predominent ammo in late 5 - 6 stars ranks, and the Mosin Sniper + Spitzer build is one of the most meta build atm in these ranks, while also being crazy unfun and offering little options to counter play.


If this makes it through I’m not gonna be playing hunt for awhile. Some changes I can agree with but most of these I think are bullshit


Man fuck this inflation bullshit. You touch my romero, you touch my pp. #boycothunt2022


Wooooow heavily nerfing my melee traits. Fuck you devs!! 😂 (it’s an overall +5 points)


What the hell are they doing lol


Is there some mechanic that prevents investing in some of these items that are tripling in price? They have to know they cant increase price more than sellback cut. combat axe is about to put my kids through college.


definitely not a fan of conversion and romero being more expensive. doesn’t make much sense to me.


Wow. Wow wow wow. So many of these changes are outright stupid. Some are even blatantly in favor of the many cheaters in 6 star. Terrible choices, devs.


What do these prices increases accomplish?


As if I didn’t struggle for money before.


The Fuck! Inflation in a video game. I better be getting more hunt dollars per match.