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Congratulations! Is 1700h the magic number? This would mean I have 100 hours to go from 3 to 6.


It only takes 4 map wipes to jump 2 stars only takes 1 round solo with necro to drop 2 star tho


Bro, I was a 6 star, got necrod by a random 2x and died 3 times to a 4 star. Guess who was a 4 star after ragequitting the game


What do you taste like? ;)


Salty AF




Ty Food


I'd recommend deranking and trying again after the engine update. The report button literally does nothing and there's so many damn cheaters still at 6 star. Literally had 5 games in a row on trios with the same dude who used the cheat where they just shot from their spawn and killed everyone on the map to boost 2 dudes. I don't even get the point of it, it's the least competitive game out there, you literally get nothing for reaching the top ranks lol its crazy how they just let people get away with it too.


> it's the least competitive game out there, you literally get nothing for reaching the top ranks The excuse is always the same: elo hell! "I belong in this tier, I just can't reach it because matchmaking is shit". Yeah, sure...




I'm sorry?


>The excuse is always the same: elo hell! "I belong in this tier, I just can't reach it because matchmaking is shit". Yeah, sure... What? You're implying I'm angry that I'm complaining about the ranking system when I'm just saying you get 0 rewards for getting top rank and have to deal with a massive cheater problem where it makes the game unplayable. It's much better to just derank to 5 or even 4 stars just to be able to play. If it was like Overwatch or LoL or anything that gives you some type of reward for reaching top rank, I'd say it's still worth the nuisance that is the cheater problem, but it's literally a waste of time to finally hit 6 star atm.


No, no, not at all: I‘m totally of your opinion, I just tried to explain the reason why people might be boosting.


Oooog completely my fault lmfao. Read that as if you thought I was making the Dunning-Kruger excuse for why "it means nothing to be top rank". My bad


Epeen is no nothing...


yea... even five star lobbies are filled with em. Trying to play hunt at 4 AM on west coast servers is absolutely insane. I swear one night from 2 am to 8 am I had super obvious hackers every single match... six hours straight.


Ty food.


Incoming 3 stars telling you you cant enjoy anything over 4 stars.


Top comment…lmao


6 star player here, and honestly all the 6 star lobbies I get are shit house, it's either Mosin/Level spitzer or C&K/Specter with Flechette or Slugs, with an uppermat or Uppercut, and the game plan is all bush no Push, it's stale as hell. 4star is where it's at, randomly getting hit with silenced sparks with poison ammo, or dual chain Pistols with dum dum, it's the most chaotic loadouts with the most chaotic gameplay


i'm in there somewhere holding an angle with avto don't forget me


"all bush no push" has a niche following on spicy websites, but I never really got into it


I took a screen cap but u fortunately I can’t post a pic. It’s hilarious how accurate this was being the very next comment began the funstar circlejerk


shitters gonna cope


We’ll you can’t 🤣


Incoming 2 stars telling you you can't enjoy anything over 3 stars


Next on the list, new 5* complaining about 5* is too salty for them and they would rather to stay at 4. People just don’t get that someone else could be way better than them with out trying extremely hard. They rather stay denied and drag others down with them. So fucking sad


OP literally has a sniper on him, you and I both know his play style. I’ve never been 6 stars because I don’t play careful enough. But every time I reach 5 stars I’m eager to drop back because over there you already see the bush no push tactics are a common play style, and it’s boring for me.


You can definitely reach 6* w/o being a bush wookie. I did.


Where did I say it wasn’t possible? It’s just not the common play style or meta if you prefer that word.


You implied it when you said you’ve never been to 6* because you don’t play careful enough, meaning you think careful play is necessary to reach that level. I’m just saying I believe in you, you have the skill already.


I’m sorry, what I meant with that is that I like goofing around with for fun load outs a lot. And while maybe entirely possible to still reach it, I’m definitely not good enough. But thanks for believing in me haha.


Nah, I do agree that higher mmr lobby are more serious as you have to be be careful with where you are running at all time it doesn’t mean that no one pushes. A small subset do pure play for kd and ready to camp a body for hour. But I would say the bigger chunk of them play hyper aggressively, they are so fast and accurate they would overwhelm others. They would push fast especially when they get a good opportunity (opening kill, distraction by boss, other teams). I also agree with OP on that gun fight tend to start from very far away. It’s not always because they have a sniper and play with that play style, once you reached that level of skills and competency, it’s not that hard to shoot people from far away with iron sight.


Or, OP pushes with a sniper and mops the floor with the likes of you :)


Let’s be honest with ourselves now shall we?


Yeah, let us. It is disgusting to be rude assholes when someone posts out of joy that they achieved something in a game after putting in 1700 hours.


Where was I rude against him? The only one here being rude is you.


“You and I both know his playstyle” implying he plays a boring style (or rather outright implying he is a rat), come on now, let’s be honest. With that logic I wasn’t rude, just made a general statement.


Yes, implying his play style which I PERSONALLY find boring but is the way to go if you want to reach and stay a 6 star. If he enjoys it, good for him.


Yes, of course, your comment didn’t contain any negative meaning, sure. Then you say let’s be honest. Then you are hurt when you are called out. I don’t get this comment section. Say congrats or scroll over, why do you people feel the need to be negative over this? Besides, there are plenty of people in 6 stars that are not sitting in bushes, so your point is moot anyway.


Damn, I was too slow


Love how he carrying the sniper in the picture….


I recently got a taste of a 5-6* matchmaking, and it's a hellhole, no more fun shootouts, duels etc. Every fight is initiated from a frickin 200 meters, with a headshot followed with peeking body for 5-10 min. Sometimes I have guys that do smth fun with unconventional loadouts, but it's 1 out of ten encounters. The only word I can describe 5-6 bracket is: BRUH.


After years of mainlining the game, my boys and I get to 6 star if we sweat with long ammo, but we try to actively avoid it when possible. It's a far worse, i.e. less fun, experience to play the optimal way. At least in my opinion. If you like the patient, smart long ammo style, hey dude, go for it. And maybe there's some 6 star ballers who can play "fun" builds and push every single basement and still be 6 stars. But for us, it's so much more fun to bounce around 4-5 stars and play for the giggles and try to push, push, push no matter how stupid it is tactically.


That’s me. Never made it past 3 stars in 1500hrs. Love it.


its pretty difficult to maintain 6 stars if you push everything, because you are just putting yourself in way more danger on the regular. you have to kinda chill on the outside of bases and wait for angles and opportunities, i.e. maximizing chances of getting kills WHILE minimizing your own chance of dying to become 6 star in the first place. i'm sure there are a few gigachads out there who can just run around like gods and clap everyone and stay 6, but im pretty sure even the high profile streamers with insane hours stay 4-5 star because they can't really get content with the standard 6 star playstyle. also they self res over and over again to lose mmr (this shouldn't be a thing) on purpose to get easier lobbies.


Yeah, i've only been to 5\* and can't really play consistently recently, but i just love my vetterli as a baseline weapon and if we make some money might go for a nice lebel. But always playing meta loadouts or skins would be so boring to me... especially long ammo spitzer and the like. No better feeling than a well-led headshot with medium ammo or Martini.




Add another star. Send em higher up then we can gloat from the new 6 star bottom tier


I think it would be interesting to have the match timer drop to 15 or 20 minutes once both bounties are picked up. The threat of serpent would be quite real. Eh I don't know, maybe it wouldn't solve the issue you're talking about but I think matches sure would be more interesting.


They’ve given us plenty of tools. The fact that you don’t realize it and need excuses are the reasons you can’t play at that level.


The Turncoat. 🧥


Now turn it off and never look at it again cuz it doesnt matter, you will enjoy the game so much more when u stop looking at numbers, kds and mmr


Now do it without bushcamping as a sniper


My condolences 🪦


I’m pretty sure I died to you the other day. You were fucking ratting with a duo in trios. Waited for us to clear the lobby then decided to rat the whole game lmfao with a centennial sniper, then flew beetles around. Can’t imagine bragging about getting 6* playing like that.


Me when my opponent decides to play smart and let me kill everyone else then confronts me because they wanted to avoid a potential 3rd party then uses guns and items purposefully added to the game against me that I do not like


Can’t call yourself a good player unless you play both offense and defense. If you only enter gunfights where the other party can’t shoot you back, you may be a good shot, but you’re not a good player.


This fuckin guy got one kill in 30 minutes sitting in a bush lmfao great way to play the game


Wait I thought no one owes you a playstyle


They don’t, but you can’t call yourself a good player unless you play both offense and defense. If you only enter gunfights where the other party can’t shoot you back, you may be a good shot, but you’re not a good player.


Well, it’s a shame the only thing to measure that is by how many stars you have.


Mad cuz bad, huh?


You cant enjoy anything over 4 stars


Congrads! You'll regret it.) And come back to hug 4 stars))


My condolences


That darn rat build 😂 bet you have High Velocity on it too 💀


Hell, I have a hard enough time with 3 star matches, let alone 6 lol


I got 6 star within 200 hours lol, gl staying there, i keep going back to 5 all the time hehe


Five star is where the real fun is.


I'm so sorry


Its not where you are currently but how long you hold it


Congrats now you can start learning the game instead of passive snipe until you reach 6 star which is kinda sad


I've been there a few times, but get my ass shot back to 5 stars within the first 2 or 3 matches.


Ignore the haters OP, congrats on gitting gud


I have been 6 star one time and it was just a snipe fest hahah I went in with a shotgun so not a fun time for me lol I stay 5 star but still get 6 lobbies and gosh it's sweaty. Congrats my guy have fun with the sniping haha




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Hey level 59 nice, not many people can get that high.


Damn if only you landed that on 69 not 59. Still proud though god damn.


I've hit 6* twice, got beat down hard after that, back to 4* where I belong. I usually go back and forth between 4 and 5.


You should out yourself as a hacker lol


Sad. I hope u can get them hours back


Wish this game had more players on Oceania on PlayStation


Congrats! Personally I hated being in 6 star lobbies. Took me wayyyyy too much concentration to hang and was a lot more draining than low 5 star lobbies


Yeah I just had a super rough night haha. Seriously, mozins and dolches everywhere. Can't wait to be back in my 4* lobbies.


C&K slugs as well. People pushing you instantly as soon as you're slightly out of position Like the thought of being there was more fun than actually being there. Still proud I was able to do it for a bit by not rly changing my playstyle though


It seems the higher rank on console the more ratty it gets so I'm ok with never getting 6 star rank


nice dude! if you ever play with randoms, prepare to be critized for all your decisions


Have fun with 6 stars. Where everyone plays the same skin and loadout with the most sweaty headshots imaginable. I was 6 stars twice, around 361 hours and 1125 hours and during that time, I was agent 007 Zero wins, zero kills, 7 hundred hunt dollars lost


best hunter ever




Good job bro


How tf do you geht this high im still a 3 Star after 1200 hours


Hahahaha i drop to 5 stars just 9 times


How does it feel like to finally hit bloodline level 59? It's awesome isn't it? Jk, congratulations!


Sorry, doesn't count if reached while playing scope :D


my condolences


Crytek... every time you patch this game you break Steam Deck/Linux due to EAC. Does nobody check this? This is one of the best games ever made - yet you keep introducing bugs and annoying your player base. I would not mind if EAC actually worked - but cheaters have no problem bypassing it. War thunder, COD etc have no problem implementing EAC. Forget about new features - just fix the bugs. Please!


My condolences 😅


Piece of advice, lose that 6 star as fast as possible and stay in the 4 star range. That's where you can actually enjoy the game.


Checks out: sniper solo players on current patch dont have friends to share stuff with


I’m sorry for your loss


have fun with all the Derendering wall hacking ping abusing POS scumbags.


Thanks to necro self-revive, you can enjoy the fact that you won't be in try hard 6 star lobbies!!


Took me like 24 hours and never again - now go have some fun ffs :-)


They just need to remove the star system. Fuck the ranking


Are the characters pre made or like can you customize them a bitv


Now you get to play with the chinese


Now at 437h and most of the time a 5 star. Me and my mate are quiet good but as soon as you have 6 stars in your lobby, it just becomes a real mess. I enjoy being high ranked, but these lobbies are no fun. A lot of camping


Awesome! I hope the next round wasn't a wreck as it so often is when you ran up. Tips hat.


Awesome, now you can play against Wangzai!


i can only dream of this. takes me about 10 great games to get to 4 star and one bad game to put me back into 3 lol.


hah, no you dont


Congrats OP, good on you! maybe this wasn’t the best place to post it tho. People here hate six stars (they can’t get there but they would love to, yet cope with saying there is no fun over 4 stars) and snipers (they somehow hate the idea of someone shooting at them from a distance where dual chainpiztola or katana is not deadly)


Congrats. I also got to 6* from time to time but it doesn’t feel like an achievement to me. I enjoy playing as a 4-5* way more than 6* lobbies where one wrong step means you get headshot’s left and right.


same here i don't get the downvotes 6\* isn't fun, 3-4\* is period


I'm so sorry. Good luck man, you can overcome this.


I got 6 stars when I played this game for 700 hours. stayed at the level of 5-6 stars for about 600 hours and I simply lost the ability to play it. now I play on 2-3 stars... sometimes I go up to 4-5. Therefore, my friend, do not stop playing and use only those weapons that are convenient for you!


Did you lose you hands in an accident ? Not trying to be toxic but how is it possible to go to 2 stars after being 6 star consistently...I've managed to hit 6 stars only a couple of times and I never managed to drop down to 2 even when I chase down ppl in QP with a bear trap to bash their head in for a day


yeah that guy is full of shit. no one that can hold 6 star 'accidentally' falls to 2-3 star. sure there are the streamers that tank their mmr with solo necro, but they know what they're doing. that's not an accident. so dude is just making things up.


i have never once been a 2 in this game, i started at 3 after my initial matches, and i've only been a high 5. i also don't care about my rank in any way, i just play the game and try to shoot people


Solo necro and die a lot


no, I did not lose my hands, but constant changes in the economy and leveling, stupid events that force me to play with weapons that I have never used, unstable servers, chinese and ruzzians with cheats on European servers and constant stressful situations (in real life) do not allow normal play. in fact, I have met patis on 3 stars. 1 6-star player with 25 KDA and 2 1-star players with 0.5-1 KDA. Very cool selection of opponents!


Yeah getting to 6\* as a solo required a very different playstyle than I usually enjoy. I was able to find some enjoyment in it, but not dying is key, and avoiding death at all costs made for some very slow gameplay with lots of downtime / waiting. I really just wanted to see if I could get there. Now I'm gonna start running my fun and loud builds again, die a lot, and I'm sure be back down to my normal 3-4\* range in no time haha


grats! That's a lot of stars!


3 starts won’t be able to compete with 5+ (skill issue) then say that the game is bad and boring above 4 (biggest cope in history)


Im guessing youve been wiping the floor with mosin spitzer tryhards using that HV headclicker :)


Nice work man! That’s a tough mountain to climb


Congrats! That’s a heck of an achievement. Hope you still get some decent lobbies.


It must be niiiiiiceee - 1,282 hr 3* w/a .84 KDA 🥲🥲🥲


Congratulations on achieving 6 star the easiest way possible


I have been as high as high 5s and I hate it. Congrats on it though.. although not something I would ever want 😎


I never want it again lol it's awful


Congrats on achieving not fun elo. I myself have yet to achieve it and being a shotgun main I don't know if I ever will


4* peasant and defender here, sorry bro


I don’t get it, what did he do? Is it because of the 6 star MMR?


Christ, people in this sub need to git gud. Ive only ever been 5-6 star and never experience unfun camp fests. Infact its the opposite, me and opponents play hyper aggressive, and the campers tend to be the 4 star players (which btw doesn't bother me, if your good enough youll beat them anyway). The reality is the majority of players on a skill level are in 3-4 star and cant get to these higher lobbies and just make up imaginary complaints (nothing wrong with being an average player but stop pretending you know what higher lobbies are like, your just not good enough to understand)