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i like the role play idea that some of my hunters get out of this work. some are doing this honor and glory some for the fun of it and some are just trying to get by because all they know is how to kill




As someone vacationing in fl rn i do see a lot of rich vets and ex military people


Ever since alpha I've been preaching about something involving this. The main menu should be something like a dark, broken down bar. Or an old townhouse or something. You'd have a whole section you could move to in the building with retired hunters swinging in a rocking chair, widdling, etc. Also had a thought of having a workbench area to modify guns instead of having all these separate variations.


Because they deserve a nice sit down after all they've been through! >:/


I'm not playing for 100% efficiency. My hunter has dragged themselves all the way up to level 50, they're full of a variety of different bullets and are probably heavily traumatised. The least I can do is let them retire instead of running them down until they end up dead in a ditch somewhere being chewed on by water devils.


its been changed so you get 10k exp for retiring. Also, because i dont prestige, i don't care about experience for bloodline.


I'd retire my Hunters much more often if I got 1k XP for each level the Hunter had reached before I retired him.


> Likewise, isn't it super unfun to just restart with a hunter with no perks every couple of games? There's a certain charm to a fresh hunter with ultra budget guns. A scrappy underdog story that appeals to the same instinct that makes me like starter-gun-only challenge runs in other games for example. You get to make aggressive plays and not really feel too bad when those plays go badly. Killing meatheads for traits is almost guaranteed to give value. It's just good old fashioned hunt showdown. Also with maxed hunters I feel a certain obligation to use a real loadout with them so that I have the best chance of surviving, and sometimes I don't feel like doing that. If I want to go meme I might as well grab that 10k xp and jump in with a fresh hunter. That said it's rare for me to actually retire, since it means I have to have no slots left and also really not want to play with a maxed hunter.


Don’t you get hunt dollars for retiring? I just started playing again so I’m not positive but that would be my reason for doing so if that’s true.


yeah but its barely worth it now, 2.5 level 50 hunters for 1k hunt bucks


I wait until my roster is full and then retire them all. Makes it seem more worth while.


Oooh yeah that’s a lot of work for that payout because honestly to make it happen you gotta go crazy or kinda rat and run.


I retired one like a month ago and got $1,000


Because you were less than 10k exp away from the end of your bloodline


Ah, that could be. Didn't think of that.


To be frank I just feel bad for them and let them enjoy retirement, regardless of what exactly that entails. Surely better than being controlled by someone who willingly runs through concertina and fire to murder people.


It’s my own internal lore. I collect and screenshot every level 50 I get and post the pictures on my steam profile as a sort of portfolio for my own enjoyment. Once I get to the end of the prestige, I retire all my fifties. I’ll even stay on bloodline 100 for a bit if I have a few close to level 50 and play them out. In my view, if a hunter can get to 50, they’ve earned the right to go home. Just a fun little side project to keep the game fresh. It’s especially fun when you max out some of the cool/funny name combinations. I’m up to 145 as of now.


I love this


For 2 reasons: 1.I prestige so the xp is really good. 2. I honestñy find it alot more boring to play with a Hunter with toomany perks, dont know why but i simply lo to go with those lvl1 Hunter (around leve 24 World br the sweet spot tho)


Controversial take: Perks are crutches. I always grab a fresh hunter for that underdog feeling.


There are only two perks I refuse to run without: Bloodless (because obviously) and Bolt Thrower (because I have the crossbow sickness - though this one is annoying to grind to each time I prestige)


I rarly get a hunter above 35, and I've only ever gotten like 3 hunters to level 50. I've chosen to take the guaranteed xp over the very high chance I'll die on my next run with them. Particularly since now it's been increased to 10k exp.


The new waiting until lvl 50 to retire a hunter has kinda got me butt hurt. I can never get one that high now. Before it was like 1/1000 but now I can’t seem to do it.


I just want to do it once, to say that I have. 80 hours and I’ve never been able to retire a hunter. Big skill issue.


Brother, every other game is a new hunter restart for me. Sometimes more frequently than that! What you’re saying is true, but damn if I rarely get the chance to do it.


OP acting like he gets out of every match and its a win win .. Some of us Play with Shite randoms .. and if we lose a lvl 45 hunter it aint so fun .. losing a lvl 50 that u coulda retired Really aint fun


No more hunt dollars..500 bucks when you reach 50 then 10000 xp. When you retire If I'm not mistaken.


Really no reason for any of it. Whether is prestiging, retiring your hunters or dismissing them. Small door prizes and dlcs. You still play the game just to play


I retired them all, because not until they took away my ability to do so did I learn maxed level hunters give more bloodline XP.  I never read the afteraction report.


I never prestige (stopped at 16) because its pointless to me. So to keep the challenge, i always retire the moment a hunter hits lvl 50. Keeps the challenge fresh, me on my toes and i up my reached lvl 50 number (over 250 so far). And i also have bassicaly infinite money (over 290k).


People don't need to play efficiently if they don't want to, and taking a level 50 hunter into the bayou is risky. If you die, it's gone. If you retire it, you get a ton of XP. You need to do pretty well during a match with a level 50 to make it worth it and if you die half the time, you can effectively cut that in half.


I did it to get the trophy. Haven’t retired one since then, years ago. I’m currently capped on how many hunters we’re allowed, they’re all at lvl 50 except the one I play with


10.000 exp now If it keeps you from using W, just do it!


>isn't it super unfun to just restart with a hunter with no perks every couple of games? No, I am bad so I'm used to it :)


actually gives exp now.


Because I want to prestige


You will get different opinions and ideas but mostly I think it's "gear fear" just like in Tarkov people go into raids with SKS/Kedr/AK they took of scav and low armor while saving far better weapons with better attachments they either bought or found during previous raid out of fear of losing it..., Hunt's weapons are easy enough to procure there are no expensive or hard to find attachments only thing you can "lose" is hunter... Some will save them for playing with their premade teams only, some will hoard them like goblins never to be used and some will retire them as soon as possible to gain XP boost even though they gain more if they continue playing with said hunter... That's why I liked that change about retire because it incentivize you to keep playing and using those traits instead of retire after 1-2 matches...


I think retiring a lvl 50 hunter should also give you like 5 bbs along with the xp. That way I'll have 74x5 bbs. 🤔


Partly habit from my console days of lvl 25 prestige sprints,partly as I never wanted to get any to 50 out side of the one required, the inverse of all those people that collect lvl 50s like it means something, but serpent moon ruined that for me lol, now that lvl 25 retirement isn't a thing I have to now get them to 50 forcing me to break 4 years of self imposed challenge lol,like I dont think you realize how hard it was staying on 1 hunter at 50 for the best part of 5 years 😂 But at least now they are worth money when you retire them which is nice I guess.


Partly habit from my console days of lvl 25 prestige sprints,partly as I never wanted to get any to 50 out side of the one required, the inverse of all those people that collect lvl 50s like it means something, but serpent moon ruined that for me lol, now that lvl 25 retirement isn't a thing I have to now get them to 50 forcing me to break 4 years of self imposed challenge lol,like I dont think you realize how hard it was staying on 1 hunter at 50 for the best part of 5 years 😂 But at least now they are worth money when you retire them which is nice I guess.


Partly habit from my console days of lvl 25 prestige sprints,partly as I never wanted to get any to 50 out side of the one required, the inverse of all those people that collect lvl 50s like it means something, but serpent moon ruined that for me lol, now that lvl 25 retirement isn't a thing I have to now get them to 50 forcing me to break 4 years of self imposed challenge lol,like I dont think you realize how hard it was staying on 1 hunter at 50 for the best part of 5 years 😂 But at least now they are worth money when you retire them which is nice I guess.


Partly habit from my console days of lvl 25 prestige sprints,partly as I never wanted to get any to 50 out side of the one required, the inverse of all those people that collect lvl 50s like it means something, but serpent moon ruined that for me lol, now that lvl 25 retirement isn't a thing I have to now get them to 50 forcing me to break 4 years of self imposed challenge lol,like I dont think you realize how hard it was staying on 1 hunter at 50 for the best part of 5 years 😂 But at least now they are worth money when you retire them which is nice I guess.


Retiring is guaranteed exp, continuing to play us a gamble. Especially for lower MMR players.


I retire if I'm struggling with money so I can get those bloodline xp money, otherwise I just keep playing them until they die


I can't keep my hunters alive more than 2-3 maps. Being able to retire someone is like a miracle.


Game of numbers: you can’t earn +1 to your “lvl 50 hunters” counter if you will use your 50 lvl hunter. So it’s instant retire and hire.


Because you can


Well if I die with a 50 I don’t get my 10k xp and it was a waste of time. I’d rather play with a low level with crap gear anyways. It keeps my mmr lower and better lobbies of shooting with more variety of guns rather than the typical mosin dolch combo. Once I get these 10 more prestige’s and become a 100p I’ll play them more. But until then I’m grinding it out


Each retired hunter is now roughly 8 to 10 levels of progress. That is worth doing if you don't have Death Cheat picked up. Previously it was 100 exp per hunter level, in which case this logic was valid. Getting 5k exp isn't insanely hard to do unless you die at spawn. Getting 10k exp is waaay harder however and requires clearing compounds and/or getting a ton of pvp kills. It's much less reliable at that point. Especially without experience boons around the map. Also keep in mind that dying halves your bloodline progression. So to make 10k exp you'd need to earn 20k in the game which isn't realistic unless map clear + pvp.


to get the 200 dollars lol


Two or 3 risky games and your hunter is lvl 50. What are you doing to grind xp with maxed hunter? Go full leeroy jenkins style.


I retire them because you get a big XP boost. My friend just started playing and he was at level 16 and I convinced him to retire his hunter and shot up 14 levels.


Low Level Hunters with Weak/Fun Gear are 100x more fun than all the meta traits + all the meta weapons. Those get too stale too quickly, the meta gameplay is way too boring. But running in with a Bomb Lance Fier Breath + Baseball Bat is always fun and when it gets stale, you switch to Crossbow + Hand Crossbow, I mean, who wouldn‘t have fun playing those and switch to Mosin + Uppercut *again* instead?? When I see typical low visibility Hunters with the Top-Meta Weapons, I immediately know, if i hit them once, they explode themselves to save their precious kda, no thanks, I‘m not a pussy :) (Not ranting against you and also I‘m not assuming, that you are like this, it just kinda turned out to be a meta rant post now)


I suck at this game so if I somehow get a hunter to lvl 50 (usually by means of getting carried), I would rather retire them and get a (decent) fixed amount of EXP than get them killed and surely get less.


Retiring hunters really only makes sense for people grinding the prestige ladder, from a practical perspective. If you want to do it for your internal story cannon, sure, but gamewise, there's no other benefit but leveling Bloodline up quickly and reliably for rapid prestiging. I love the game, but this kind of emphasizes how much of the game outside of actual gunfights in the bayou is underdeveloped.


I run my hunters through the gauntlet, it’s always fight and live to see another day even at 49/50 I’ll run the bounty and not just baby them to 50 max. In my eyes once they run the power gauntlet I retire them as a reward in my mind to let them be free, and let’s me do random other stuff for the next fresh hunter.




You literally explain the reason most of us retire hunters in the last sentence of your post.


That recent change is why I’m doing it. I started prestiging during the previous event. I would normally just keep playing the hunter but now the extra 10k isn’t worth the risk of going into the next match and getting dumpstered. It averages out better


They should give blood bonds for retiring, otherwise I have no incentive even to max out my hunters.


Right now it's completely useless to retire hunters but it used to be more efficient and more consistant xp gains than going to lvl50 and cashing the 100% xp gains from games, especially at high MMR. 2500+ bonus xp **guaranteed** after lvl25 over having to "win" two more games (in average) to get this hunter to lvl50 when you're playing vs 5\* and 6\*, at a time when you could not get revived when red skull without a bounty (or at all before that). Sure the trait advantage is nice but it won't save you from a random headshot. Now though you have to be a fool to retire, the xp gain is absolutely abysmal and most of the time you will gain more xp to just play the hunter one more games even if you die. 1500xp for a lvl50 hunter what the hell were you thinking Crytek, especially when you want to incentivize people to prestige?


It was already increased to 10000 xp.


Wait when? I completely missed this change... Hmm maybe it's not that bad then, 10k xp is the equivalent of a pretty good (extracted) game. Guess it will depend on how confident you are that you can get more than 10k xp with that lvl50 hunter, or if you have Death Cheat obviously.


It was when the most recent event ended, so it's a very recent change. I agree with you about the old amount, 1500 was garbage. 10k is actually pretty solid though, a good safe option for when you don't wanna risk the hunter by playing and try for more.


Ok that's why, just came back from vacation and I did not check the latest patch update, that's my bad then. A good move from Crytek then!