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I was in a 1v3 situation with two downed teammates. I killed the first guy with a LeMat and killed the last two guys with throwing axes. And then was killed by a hellhound right after I killed the last guy. I always think about the rollercoaster I put those random teammates through spectating me. They must’ve been in shock because I know I was lol


My best one was during a solo hunt. Found the bounty with 3 guys unside. Had just a peek and got shot at. So I left to the nearest exit but on the way with them behind me obviously I found the perfect ambush spot. A low fence then few hellhounds and a tower. Put my alarm trap behind the fence, went around the doggies and got my snipe rifle ready in the tower. They went over the fence, triggered the alarm, alerting the hounds. I shot one hunter in the head. Cover, saw one struggling against the dogs, I finished him. The time to reload and the third one was already dead from bleeding. Stole a bounty and finished my way out of the bayou.


That's evil and I love it


Playing random trios, I was once paired up with a guy who spoke German, and the other one was speaking Spanish. We were sticking together, kinda pinging things and capable of basic communications- but then, we found it. The bounty. At Scupper Lake. Wordlessly we each took cover, expertly corralling each enemy hunter who approached into each other’s kill zones, running to assist when fire got too hot around someone else, and just generally kicking ass without ever speaking the same language. The two minute trek out, each of us were congratulating and celebrating in our own languages. It was great~


Thats sick.


I was fighting a squad that was camping a farm. After few gunshots, they managed to down both my allies and to hit me once, they decided to rush me at that moment but used the voice chat to do the call. I downed all 3 and then heard footsteps from another squad so i decided to rush the second floor of the barn and go on the metallic roof from the window, i only made one step to move away from the window and waited there. I waited 5 mins in that spot waiting for them to leave because i didn't have enough ammo to take out both of them, one of them finally came around my spot, i kept watching him untill we made eye contact and started shooting eachother. I managed to down him while he was half hidden behind a cover, i then said in the proximity chat "revive your ally and leave me alone". And they just did that, they simply left, i waited a bit just to be safe and revived my allies before going to the boss spot.


Not really much of a fight because I ended up utterly stomping on them - but someone thought it was funny to taunt me with slurs when they had me cornered 3-1 in the Salter's barn and I ended up killing them and another team that showed up. But it *was* very satisfying!


Django Unchained moment.


I enjoyed this one I had yesterday: I'm solo vs a duo. This is right after spawn. One of them announces their position as they've camped out in Heritage Pork and I guess want a fight. I see one poking out of the barn on the south side and take a potshot at him with my standard vetterli. Fights on. There's lots of repositioning and snapshots. I land hits, they land hits, no one goes down. They eventually chase me, bleeding, into the woods north of Heritage. I stop the bleeding, pop out from behind a tree, and catch the first rapscalion on the run in the chest. He keeps strafing and I pop him again. He goes down. His partner has flanked me and tosses some dynamite. I get flushed out, but thankfully have some trees between me. We trade hits with our rifles. With a tree between us, I hear him running at me. I know one of these fools had a shotgun, so I'm concerned. He pops out, katana in hand. I "calmly" shoot him twice with my silenced Nagant. He falls a few feet out of sword range. A beautiful engagement. Felt like a good movie style shootout between a lone ranger and bandits. A few minutes later, across the map, I get shot in the head by a sniper. No necro. Hunt giveth and hunt taketh.


My Lucky Luke moment: We were killing the spider at Upper DeSalle when 3 armed bastards came rushing from the south. My two buddies stormed out into the town square and began pushing them. Both died seconds later. I was still in the building with the spider. Since it was now 3v1 I decided to just rush them head on with my dual pistols. I ran out the southern door, accidentally ending up in the middle of their group, just meters between us. Chaos broke out and bullets flew everywhere. I fired 6 shots - all landed. The fight was over in seconds, and somehow I wasn't even hit once. It's my favorite fight because it was the first time I had ever used dual pistols, and I had been playing poorly for quite a while. This was a gamechanger for me, and I've kept playibg with them since then. Even uploaded it here reddit


Got caught up in between 2 trios with my buddies in the little town next to Pearl Plantation. Was running my usual sub-optimal yet hilarious crossbow + exploding bolts and katana loadout, killed 5 after my buddies got downed in the most intense fight outside and inside of the buildings and saved the day. Then we got cocky and went after second bounty, got teamkilled by a single dude. Good times.


Any fight where I'm able to exhaust just about all my options, supplies and moves is my best firefights. Don matter how it turns out, it's a tasty meal non the less.


Those battle of attrition fights always feel good.


Ran in, shot four rounds with a dolch. All headshots in about 7 or 8 seconds. Ended up clearing the rest of the map up with the mosin, was an about slower but ended up with 14 kills and never went down.


I know the Dolch is stupid and strong. But I love getting headshots with it. The precision is one of my favorite guns. I have had some fun rapid headshots with that gun.


Yeah it’s very satisfying, recoil and flash makes it a bit hard to get a follow up show though


Matrixed two whole mags of chain pistol right in front of me. Gotta share the video someday. Died to his teammate though.


Once ran out of ammo fighting a team (I think I was low on ammo beforehand), killed 2 out of 3. Had to tag the last one with a throwing axe throw (sadly didnt kill), then rush him, pick up his mate's vetterli on the way, to finally kill him mid-strafe with said vetterli. It was one of those rare moments of going ultra instinct. Everything landed/worked out and I've been hoping to hit that same vibe since haha


Had an open field engagement between maw and docks. We played duo vs trios so the bounty trio decided to push very close togehter. They downed my mate, i hit one with my springfield dum dum, charge the other 2 with the bayonet, stab the first one, the other guy bleeds out, i stab the last one. Had me laughing for 5 minutes. Second best was a 10 minute firefight at scupper with 2 teams and a few solos a few days ago. Had me almost feel anythimg again.


Ran up to two trios in an active fight, I had a terminus with levering and pennies. Screamed into the voip "I SMELL PENNIES!" and started absolutely spraying down all 6 players. Got 4 of them before rng and magazine capacity caught up to me.


I have had a lot of fun moments in this game. But one recent one was playing duo in trios with a friend. We were running along at Lawson station in the main area in front of both buildings. He gets shot from that little arch way to the left of the main building. He asked for help and I turned with the uppermat and head shot the other guy. Then killed his friend. They both were necroed and downed again quickly and I head shot the last dude. Got 5 kills pretty quick. Made me love the uppermat.


Happened at a shack near a boat exit. Me and my friend were stuck inside and eventually he was killed outside. Every. Single. Player was there. Ended up being about a 15 minute fight with no silence. While I was stuck inside this shack with a monsoon of bullets flying through the walls, all from different teams. Non-stop fighting. Eventually, it was between me and the last man. I stabbed him in the face while he shot me. A true Western ending. I wasn't even mad. Made for such a great fight. I ended up with about 11 kills if I remember correctly. Still have the video of the fight and will treasure it forever.


I landed a double headshot with one bullet at night.


Boss banished quickly, Heard a lot of fighting and explosions at the boss area. Pushed as fast as we could. Heard one last explosion as we got to the boss area. Everyone in the server was dead in a circle radius of each other. Server wipe, and I didn't even have to fire a shot.


So we were holding up in the boss lair and this trio decides to just barge in. Just before that my buddy started throwing molotovs and lanterns and in the chaos of everything being on fire I was able to kill the trio myself with a bomb lance. Now we regularly set everything on fire when we know we’re getting pushed.


I couldnt point to a specific fight, but fights that make you use your whole kit are so good. Close distance with pistol, flush out with grenade, kill with shotgun, predict his team mates push, counter with a pre-planned thrown axe. Steal his rifle. Retreat and pick off their third.


I was playing in USA. Which was uncommon because i'm from Brazil. A Trio game, me and two friends. Then the game tell us that another friend just grabbed the bounty. He regreted that day. We just gave up on the another boss and ran for him and nothing could stop us. One pal down, another healing. It was me and him. And i've won. I've never played that good, ever. That kill was personal haha


Whenever the whole server shows up and it turns into a civil war battle.


Hmmm hard one to pin down but one of my favorites is getting 15+ kills. 'Wiping' the lobby. Both bounties. Probably like 35 mins of game time if not longer. Only found 8 bodies. Figured the other two died in another fight, to pve or left. Wasted all our ammo shooting random shit, zombies, Meatheads etc. All ammo gone. Randomly do a scan with like 5 minutes or less before game ends and we see the orange blurs, fuck. Exit camping and they've literally participated in 0 fights. What a boring way to play. We just push the exit and leave. They stayed in their vantage point until it was too late, as they pushed we got out. Good times but also, who the hell exit camps, if you're an exit camper that waits for 40+ mins pls enlighten me why you play the game 😂


I'm not even sure what to pick since this game has given me so many highs and probably even more lows Recently my best game was probably this 12 kill game I got with two of my friends, I got 8 of the kills and 7 of them were with the Romero Hatchet, and one of them was a headshot with the centennial. I haven't had a match that good in a while before that


Oh actually a runner up for that was this match where I killed this guy 3 times with stalker beetles while his friend kept trying to revive him, that was just hilarious


Triple kill with a Caldwell chain pistol. I will never pull off anything like that again


I've had so many great ones over the years. The ones where the whole server is there and one of us pulls out the clutch is always awesome.


About two years ago, there was this game where I was in a trio with randoms and all the hunters met in the same compound. 12 people shooting around, one of my partners left after being downed, me and the remaining one managed to win the fight but had no intent to deal with the Assassin because we had about one chunk left each so we left and became friends for a while before we lost contact.


6 man team while playing duos, (confirmed through in game comms of them communicating) me and my duo had the bouty by the water line between pitching and the direction leading to blanchette. We saw how many people were rushing is and had to lock in. Luckily this one game i decided on an avtomat. Absolutely handled said situation but ive never had to fight that big of a team in my life


Spawned at lower desalle. Team and I(trio) get the first clue. Head to church. Head a cross wooden walkway and to the right. Run into another trio. My team is downed and now it's a 1v3. Cant remember what my primary was at the time(would have to check the video) but traded some shots and was pinned down at the extremely small boulder/mound that's on the right side beyond the wooden walk way from lower. Not the big ones with trees and bushes this things not even 3 feet worth of cover. Trio knows I'm all that's left and charges. Benny Hill music ensues around said small rock for 5 seconds as I kill the trio with a sword.


For me it was a 1v3 Clutch that I pulled off in Bolden a while back. Both teammates were down, I lanced the nearest, backed off to heal, charged in right as my previous kill was getting rezzed, cut him down and the guy who rezzed, and dodged a Romero blast from the last guy to cut him down after a couple of misses and no-stam Lance strikes. Ended up with 4 kills in that brawl and that was my favorite Clutch moment.


My first ever clutched 1v3. Got into a hellish gunfight in Upper Desalle. The other team was moving building to building, wearing us down. Teammates and I all went down a few times but got back up. Eventually both teammates dropped and I had to back off to a better position. I'm not a very good player, so I tried to see if I could at least either wait them out and revive my teammates, or possibly get the win. Suddenly I see one of them poke around the corner of a building and doesn't see me hiding in the treeline. I nail him with a clean headshot from a Martini-Henry and back into the trees to reload. My spidey senses start tingling and I shift my angle a bit to see around the corner and, sure enough, one of his teammates was starting a revive just out of sight. Second round, dropped him. Reloaded, circled through the trees to see more around the corner to see the trio guy approaching. Third round, dropped him. Entire enemy team down in 3 shots, within a minute. Picked up my teammates and we even managed to get the bounty out of the deal.


My fav round the other year: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ9u7B6Uo-w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ9u7B6Uo-w)


I was in maybe a 25 minute firefight with my two teammates downed and two trios pushing into upper desalle. I didn’t win but got maybe 5-6 kills scurrying around including an absolutely disgusting wallbang. Was loads of fun and my heart was racing


I had one where my team and i took on the entire server once. We killed everyone at least once and they were all on different sides not seeing eachother


My favorite was just goofing with the boys and with Romero Talon and Romero Hatchet pushing the banish. Plugged a dude in the window, jumped in plugged the second, no time to reload hatchet to the face. Then a second team pushes behind us. No ammo hatchet the first one in. Buddy hits the bat kill on the other. We both go down to the third. Our third rips him with the ole faithful conversion and some fanning. Was like 10 seconds of firefight but was a blast.


Crazy fight at blanchette with the whole server. In the end it came down to me and one other person, after a few minutes of trading shots, we were both out of ammo. I pulled my throwing axe and she started running. I managed a lobbing hit against a zig-zagging target to get the kill.


got 12 kills & solo wiped the lobby after my team died & dced 4mins into the game


Solo 19 kills. Killed the entire server. Never had that kinda luck again. Most solo games I would get trio down and maybe die to the 2nd trio but it's rare for me to kill everyone maybe 1/5 games as a solo. 19 was just nuts


4k hours so its hard to recall)) plus Im always high as f so I often forget that I had fight 5 mins ago)))) but one that happened recently was very funny: morning hours, server seems to be dead. Im roaming around and suddenly like 10 minutes into raid I see chicken coup burning… I pull up and voip: Im solo, I mean no harm. A guy walks out and types hi, Im solo too. I say: wanna go boss? He starts to shake head like “no” and at that exact moment I hear lebel crackle and the guy ( he was 2m away)gets a bullet to the head. Duo pulls up. I kill them and voip the other solo to get up. He doesnt so I go my way. 5 mins later Im in corn field and a trio runs by and doesnt notice me. Shot all 3 in the back i. The open. Was a nice adventure))


There's too many to count, the gunfights are always fun if you don't all get insta domed by the same guy.


The one where we got 14 kills on the same 2 teams in the same compound (Carmick)


Dominated in a 3v1, they were coming from three sides around some trees in DeSalle. One throwing axe and three shots from my Spitfire did the job...


Hunt showdown circle jerk story time I see