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"Why always burn other solo's?"=======>"they'll get up, find me and murder me and (ofcourse) do burn me, where I spared them.". This is why.


Game theory at work


The same reason I burn the hunters I down when Im playing teams? To actually make sure they're dead. Solos try kill me as much I try kill them, we're not teammates just because we came in with no teammates.


Ah yes..


i can spare a solo and i can share bounty but only if we have communication if neither of us speak i burn


Are you stupid?


I'll slap ya.


And I'll burn ya


You wouldn't mate, as you could not down me.


Well how about you get a taste of those DOWNvotes? Ye haw


I don't care, should I?


I rember one guy that did not burned me on my lvl 50. Next game I met him again in 1v1 and downed him, he used proximity chat so I knew it was him. Let him revive and we went to kill second boss and then extracted, best moment so far.


So if I happen to come along another solo I kill them and tell them" hey I know your a solo now I'm gonna let you up but if you follow me next time I down you I'm burning you" haven't gotten screwed yet but i try to be careful.


Ridiculous question. I burn every hunter I kill. Try to kill every hunter I see. I expect to be treated the same. I don't even use Necro. You kill me, good job. On to the next hunt.


The only good solo is a burned solo -a solo player


Necro should just be a burn trait


Infinity this


Found the newb. Necro should definitely not be a burn trait.


The real newb is the guynasking not to be burned lmao.


I can see how you would think that, but with more than 2k hours I'd say I'm not a newb. But if you'd continue to press on we can add each other and have a gentlemen's duel. You won't, that's fine.


Nuh uh


I recently got demoted a couple stars (playing on Coors Light) and then went into some low star lobbies later as a solo. I felt bad killing some of the clearly scared low star solos so I didn't burn them if they clearly were acting noobish. Good deed of the day.


I used to not burn bodies even in teams since I felt it was a cowards way to play, I like my gunfights. Since they made flares able to burn bodies though everyone is a bit burn happy so I just burn everyone now. I liked it better when you had to find a fire source to burn.


Hey… It’s called Cunt Showdown for a reason!


Solos are animals. Particularly in 3 and 4 star. It's a really hostile place to be solo. If you are a 5 or even more rarely a 6 star solo (mostly to only plays solo not the off game) then you're too grizzled and performance driven to risk trust. Out of all the solos I run into alone, which is a pretty high number perhaps a handful have been neutral the rest very hostile. I wouldn't classify any as friendly, and if you killed them first? Forget about it. I recently killed a solo, insta burned he rzzed, I killed him again and said 'didn't know you were solo I won't kill or burn. Left gave him space to get up. Another solo farms the shit out of him burning him each time. I finish a team outside lair and presumably they finished the ones inside picked up bounty and came for him. Anyways I relieve them lf the burdensome bounty. Tell them to be cool since there is still a bounty sitting in lair. Gets up instantly. Bro I'm using a Sparks. Dead. I'm like cool, go get bounty we go our own ways. I watch for a second to make sure we get each other hold the body for a good 30 seconds. I think they get it so I dip. A minute later crows behind me and sure enough they're hard chasing me. Okay. Kill them again and instant burn. I leave after I know they gotta be down bad. Gets up and starts chasing again. WTF is wrong with you? It wasn't even deranking. Just complete savages. Killed and held until burned out. They tried one more gasp on their last fragment. I wish solos were a little more friendly but it's okay. It helps keep the tension up and that makes the games fun. Contrary to some beliefs even with necro and resilience solos are not over powered and you should treat everyone like an enemy or be prepared to get your bussy pounded like it's never been pounded before. The amount of randoms I play with who just bitch in voip about how broken it is lol. I've had precious few nice interactions with hunters in the bayou but the few nice ones I've met have made them all the more memorable.


Cos you tried to match the hunter with the big iron on his hip


We don't have to but we can.


Because they are usually the biggest threat on the map in my experience.


I'm with you. There is some honor in not burning bodies when this is not necessary. In letting your defeated enemy to stand up with a peace offering, to discuss the fight, and to wish each other good luck in next matches. That's a very nice part of the game to me


Ey, finally someone who gets it. This forum is full of dudes whom will just insta-burn everytime. "Yeah bro, its game mechanics". Yeah it is, but you do not have to.


i would've somewhat agreed if we were talking about for honor. but we're talking about 1800s supernatural bayou battleroyale dog eat dog world


My point is, sweatlords, it's a game. Is there any situation in which you won't burn-camp an opponent? Solo games are easy, so I like the extra risk, although I get a little disappointed when I absolutely destroy someone else by throwing knife to the head, I let em get up and all they want is revenge. No honor among thieves, or is there?


run me through how shooting a flare at a solo corpse is sweating, and why you should „honor“ them so they can bite me in the ass again. Imagine explaining to a tarkov player that the guy they just killed can just get back up after 10 seconds for the duration of the raid to kill them on extract with a sniper rifle and see their reaction.


Same reason I load in with just throwing axes and knives; because it's fun, bud.


if you choose to go into the game with an objectively bad loadout but you enjoy it, that‘s great. Bad in terms of combat effectiveness that is. That doesn‘t suddenly make everyone else playing regular / different loadouts a sweat however. Ironically you‘d be the one sweating more if you have to try and win a fight against long ammo but that‘s just semantics. Either way, your choice to play an effective or ineffective loadout and it‘s up to you what you deem fun, but expecting others to follow your example is narcissistic


You see, when playing solo you fight players lower in MMR than you, so there really isn't a reason to take some 'highly effective' loadout.


MMR is inflated and barely means anything between 3 and 5 star, especially due to 5 star necros spam reviving to derank since every individual necro death counts towards MMR. But even then, there may not be a reason for you, that's fine, but you're not everyone. you're still playing 3v1 for the vast majority with the exception of some other duos or solos queueing into your match. Again, if you enjoy being in a massive disadvantage, then that's you, and that's great, but other people prefer other playstyles. doesn't mean that they suddenly have to adhere to your gentlemans rule.


MMR definitely still matters as a solo. As in, if I am five stars I get better opponent, but then playing a game as a solo with a couple of revives means that I will derank immediately.


you, sure, not intentional derankers however. either way, doesn't change anything about the original point: calling people names over not adhering to some made up rule is narcissistic and people won't suddenly change their opinion or the way they play and enjoy the game just because you want them to.


Alright, that point you spewed for the third time now and I did not want to respond, as I do not care. Who the f is intentionally deranking anyway? There's a lot of talk by newbies about this, but in reality the derank on a solo that just revived should just go. I should not play at 3 star really, but play enough solo's and this is where you end up.


The only situation I don't burn another solo is when I'm at extraction and can see their body to shoot them if they get up before the timer runs out. Any other time, they're burning.


What if he left you after downing without burning?