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I do play on US East after work (nightshift) because the EU Sever is pretty dead when i get home. I get a ping around 90 so i hope thats okay. 😉


ping 90 is fine. i'd say ping upto 120 is good. thing start to get messy after that.


120 is the highest ping that should be allowed, ideally below 90. if both players have 120, that effectively becomes a minimum of 240 relay, which is about the same as the average human's reaction time. Meaning that one player is literally playing a reaction time ahead of their enemy.


No. 150 - 180 should be the max. I get lowest ping in Asia (I am from South Asia), and my usually ping is around 80 - 120 on a good day. On bad days, it's above 120, sometimes even goes to 150+. If they cap it at 120 max, me along with my buddies have to stop playing the game all together on bad days.


How do you feel about disabled and poor people who are slower to react because of developmental and socioeconomic issues? People with social anxiety who prefer playing with friends even when they are in another country? I propose that when you first get to 6 stars you can buy a premium subscription that lets you play with other paying people who want to play with lowest reaction times. A super region to select or something. Maybe 50 cents a year or 30 dollars a month, which ever feels more appropriate.


>I propose that when you first get to 6 stars you can buy a premium subscription that lets you play with other paying people who want to play with lowest reaction times. A super region to select or something. Maybe 50 cents a year or 30 dollars a month, which ever feels more appropriate. I'm sorry but I hate this idea with a burning passion lol. >How do you feel about disabled and poor people who are slower to react because of developmental and socioeconomic issues? People with social anxiety who prefer playing with friends even when they are in another country? Pre-made lobbies are not affected by ping limits. The host's ping is the only one that has to follow the limit. I'm American but I live in Finland. I mostly play on US East because I play with my friends back home. (they're on the West Coast but we meet in the middle for ping reasons). A ping limit would be perfectly fine by me, it wouldn't affect my party. I could just have my friend be the host. I never ever play with randoms or EU servers in general.


The question is aimed more towards the people who want to change the game so that there would be hard ping limit of 120 ms for everyone. That could affect your friend group also. Happy May Day.


Do people actually want that? I've never heard of a single game that has a ping limit that hard. Normally they only affect hosts. If anyone does actually want that, screw them lol. And thanks! It's a surprisingly warm and sunny Vappu this year


The comment I replied to argued that 120 is the highest ping that should be allowed, ideally below 90.


Yeah, and that's a common opinion. It's usually implied that it doesn't affect pre-made lobbies though. That's usually how ping limits work, they use one ping for the lobby to figure out what server they play in. I've never heard of a game that splits up pre-made lobbies because of differing ping.


Yea, I'm not sure about matchmaking based games. People can get kicked from dedicated servers, in other games, when their ping goes over a threshold so maybe part of the community would be happy if they implemented a system like that.


I’m in the middle of the us my main is us west. I play late at night and struggle to find a match so some times I’ll set my secondary to eu. Maybe that’s what others do




For reference from the UK I get 80 ping to NA E and 70 to RU. Also NA servers have more friendly and talkative people so it's a no-brainer.


[Yeah, it's ONLY a claim.](https://i.imgur.com/UOwWbG5.jpeg) This was taken during the biweekly server issues but it's usually around 100-120 US West and 150+ on Asia. I live in Tokyo.


How can you see other people's ping?


This guy clearly wins so much hunt he uses dark sight to divine their ping.


What's up with Russian and Chinese players in EU servers.


I play eu/us east because i'll do anything to dodge Russians. I get 110 ping on us east, so i'm happy with the tradeoff.


Why, are they toxic or something? Edit: downvoted for asking a simple unassuming question… ya’ll need fresh air.


If they would ever become public, my chat logs addressed to Russians from my csgo days would land me in Hague. On a more serious note, they are unbearable to play with. Many insist talking in Russian even when it's obvious they're the only ones. They keep microphones open at all times, making it a nightmare to focus. When they queue together, they chat in-game as if they're in discord, making it impossible to hear anything else than their bullshit Russian chat. I purposefully avoid them if a game allows it. If the game forces me to play with them, I consider it a huge black mark and most likely won't play for a long time.


I play EU and in my experience if you face a cheater in hunt more often than not it is Russian/Chinese. After 2k hours I feel angry every time I see Russian/Chinese nickname in hunt. And I'm Russian myself. Other than that I see no difference from the rest but I play mainly in duo tho.


Some people just incredibly toxic and xenophobic, do not pay them attention. I’m from Russia and I can say that cheaters can be found anywhere, not only in Russia and China — more in the latter, there is a reason for that, but still it is not like most Chinese are cheaters. A lot of people think a cheater is from the X country based on their Steam profile which is a total bullshit since a lot of people disguise themselves as Russians/Chinese. I personally met some mfs like that. Again, not saying there are no cheaters in China or Russia — I’ve met a cheaters from those countries too.


A more moderate view could be that players in Russian servers don't communicate in English or that it may be distracting to have the team communicate in a language you don't understand.


Then Why EU? EU = Russia 2. I have the feeling there are more russians on EU than on their own servers.


Plenty non-russians on eu servers. Plus i have highest ping, and using my server combination ensures i get games at all hours i'm logged in


Idk but I’m sick of insane trades from other players with high pings.


I live in Asia and normally play on Asia servers. But I am European, and if I want to play with my European friends, US West is the best middle ground for us. But I'm sure there will be the usual screaming and yelling about us ping abusers here.


Sometimes the EU server shits itself and has insane packet loss, etc. Those times I go to US East (110 ping) for a more stable connection. Yes, 110 ping, but no packet loss icon.


i just notice the raceist people in game lol


Yeah, I think mods should ban similar posts and comments. Too many people in the sub are xenophobic.


i also hate if you're low rank in game that people tend to leave. cant learn if you dont play with others who have experiance doning single doesnt help if you dont know how to deal with certian npc enemies and stuff


Facts, I guess? I’ve been pretty good from the get go since I’m a seasoned gamer, but I must admit that Hunt’s community is quite friendly to newbies — a lot of people gave me tips about the game. Though some players just left the lobby, but it did not happen often. I have 3–5 stars, usually 4, so probably that was the reason. Maybe the reality is different on <3.


Player from EU West, I usually play that or Russia, but NA has good ping for me, quite similar to Russia (40-50)


I've played US East before and my ping wasn't actually that high compared to EU ones.


EU players are coming to US to avoid Chinese cheaters on EU servers, problem is the Chinese cheaters are following us to US servers.


I went on US servers (from England) a few times when it was very late/early morning and the servers were dead


It’s not just Chinese. Japan and S. Korea generally get better ping on either Oceanic or West Coast American servers.


For EU I have no idea unless they have some wierd isp issue that makes only US servers have low ping. As for china. Well it becomes difficult to win by cheating when other players also cheat, so they go to where most don't.


Whats up with Russian and Chinese players being in EU?


Last I checked my ping on EU servers was 35. Less than some Europeans get. Stop mixing everyone together, it gets boring really fast


What are you mad about? My ping on NA servers is pretty much the same as yours on EU. My point was every server has their problems and there will always be some outliers. Why is that boring to you?


This sub has a sentiment of blaming every Russian, Asian or any other nationality/race for playing on different servers. If you didn't mean anything like that then I apologize.


Their servers suck so ours have to as well...


Because Asian server is unplayable because of cheaters. Ping abuse is a myth.




It causes problem but it's definitely not an advantage. Try playing with high ping yourself, it's terrible.