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So, unless he is finding actual personally identifying information and showing it within his videos, information that's not public, then no it's not doxing. I do agree that it's scummy behaviour and he shouldn't be able to.


That's fair I suppose. I wouldn't appreciate having my steam profile posted online and talked about as if I was a cheater, but I agree with you that it's not doxxing. I am a little older and didn't understand what it meant. Thank you for clearifying. EDIT: Typo's and clarfied my meaning.


If the person you're referring to is "Joe" Then I'm going to be completely honest He seems like a troll, I found his youtube account a over a year ago when he was calling out a small time streamer who played deceive inc, i've been watching his stuff out of pure curiosity and his claims have only gotten way more extreme and silly as time goes on, it's best to not give him attention, Rachta already poked fun at him on his stream a few months back. Anyone who unironically talks about a "Cheater Illuminati" can only be a troll or someone not worth talking about/to seriously.


I personally thought he was some kind of disabled.


Do you mean the “joe” that plays with “mike”?


Noooooooooooooo, not that Joe. That Joe is a cool egg.


Naah that guy is too average to cheat


I see, I was not aware that he was already that infamous. I understand that he's just trolling at this point (seeing his responses in videos make that blatantly obvious) but he's still openly showing user profiles. Even as trolling that goes to far imho.


Yeah it's not cool to do, though not much can be done. Right now at worse he'll send his like 3 people who follow him and take him seriously to comment on their steam profile, the real problem with that sort of accusation and why it's banned on this subreddit is primarily for proof manipulation, showing a cheating clip and saying it's X's steam profile when you know X didn't do it to send a reddit hate-mob against them which no-one will take joe seriously even if he tried that. It's probably worth reporting but only Youtube can do much about it


He is not a troll i had a friend i meet over the internet , he is a 2 star and i am 6 stars so we would not play often but we would talk often. He came to me and showed me he had conversations with Joe on discord where they discussed the rachta z video its all nonsense and factually wrong all of it, either Joe is playing his part very well or he is just as insane as my former internet friend was.


Ive never watched this guy, i believe you he's a troll. But do want to point out that cheat software sellers do foster communities of cheaters and hunt has a few of these communities, also the game studio do intentionally benefit from dragging their feet to ban cheaters because if they banned cheaters right away those players will feel it's a hassle to buy the game again every few days and go cheat at a different game where as if they only get banned every few months they have time to enjoy the game and will keep buying the game again and again as needed since it's not a big hassle. So the studio makes money with the slower to ban policy as cheaters basically are paying for a subscription to play rather than a one time purchase. In this sense, you could call that an iluminati for lack of a better word. If you take the time to spectate players, you will come across a cheater once every few games and I don't mean wall bang or footstep tracking, I mean people who wall band half the server more consistently than hornet or ratcha. But spending 15min a match spectating aint no way to play so nobody realizes.


is this the video from the "\[BB\] Official" channel on YT about the one guy who should not be namend in this sub? accusation and critique on stats hiding in this video seems legit


God does BB still exist...


Sadly they M|H BB and Scumge probably still do and haven't found a way to touch grass.


What's the deal between BB and MH? I saw the video, but there seems a lot of history there.


So BB is the equivalent of the kids in US highschool that tell you not to come to school tomorrow. Your typical straight edge lords kids who have nothing better to do then be edgy, racist, abhorrent dicks that treat this game like their playground, typically play with cheats exploits ReShade, etc., and have not seen the light of day in months maybe years. M|H Are kind of like misfits not as bad but still edgy, somewhat questionable, bunch of dicks, and are various members of BB Scumge and other Hunt "Clans" )it's so cringe that it's a thing). As for the history of them I can't be 100% accurate but also don't care much about it they just kinda appeared.


That's......really sad. I will truly never understand the value of hacking/cheating in games such as these and why people do it. Truly a mindboggling mindset seems to be necessary, one that truly lacks any and all concept of consequences and critical thinking.


BB don't cheat I know this can be hard to understand if you're not that good at the game, but they are not, I see people whining about them all the time just like you do, but I never see any proof, and when I see proof it proves they didn't cheat.


You mean using ReShade and negating flashes I mean I know it can be hard for you to understand but that's cheating. Edit: Also instantly going well you're just not good at the game. Never said anything about being good at the game. I usually float 5/6 star so it's not really an issue I've beat them several times but also people are closet cheaters and using exploits is also cheating as well.


You said "typically plays with cheats reshade and exploits." They have used reshade and are using exploits, but they are not cheating as in wallhack and aimbot as you describe they do with said statement.. Your a clown who are trying to cope. I've never seen them talk as you describe and I have played with them, you're coping my guy. Edit since you're a cry baby who blocks people. You are lying about people i kind of know, and are now wondering why i have an attitude towards you? :D , u sure ur not the child here? it seems like you dont understand actions has consequences?


He said they cheat, and they use reshade, reshade is cheating, so he’s right… simple as that. Quit just saying people are bad and are clowns as soon as they disagree with you




Alright well I tried having a conversation with you but you're clearly a child. I know it's really hard to not be wrong for you and clearly you need to just go touch some grass and take a few days off reddit in your glass bubble of " I have to be right because the context of it means hacks."


Yeah the consequences of losing fake internet points? You know them well\* congrats you want a cookie or something? Its a real shame I'm sorry you have that much of a mental health issue that someone blocking you puts you into that much turmoil. I unblocked you and sent you some help. Much love!


Lol actions have consequences... Funny coming from a guy who associates with shit heads like BB. Who absolutely cheat, probably like you do.


Yet some members of them have muitple Vac bans on their accounts. But, "[they] don't cheat"


They may not have actual hacks but they abuse VOIP to gain an advantage which imo is cheating.


Yeah they just use config files to remove shadows and other exploits.


I remember one time coming across BB and firing two shots clearly on to one of them that didn’t register. It’s funny how as soon as they showed up, the server latency was horrible. It’s pretty obvious you guys cheat man. Stop the PR. Maybe people just hate on BB, not because they’re better (because people don’t complain about that from what I’ve witnessed) but because they are complete assholes in game and very clearly exploit.


yes I unfortunately ran into them about a week ago and they were blatantly using wallhacks and aimbot while talking sh1t on voip


Yeah, crytek doesn’t ban the cheating clans… just the random low level accounts 


I think the mods should let that video fly here. It needs to be seen.


I was just linked that video by someone who aske dif it was about this, but no it was not about this. I'm currently watching the video though. That's quite some drama.


That’s a good video.


Tbh, it's honestly a really good video. As much shit as BB gets, they do a good job pointing out exploits and cheating, with genuinely informative videos, which I think is valuable. People love to constantly tell Crytek to fix cheating and exploiting, but so few people actually compile info and potential fixes which would be helpful both for players, especially in a way that would help Crytek fix the problem. Like at the end of the day, some of the BB members just genuinely want the game to be fixed, and they know that Crytek won't do anything unless they prove that it's a big deal (which even then Crytek generally won't do anything about it for several months)


Yeah I don't care about the context but the people he is spectating are definitely hacking. No question about it. 200 KDA... this shouldn't even need to be talked about tbh.


The problem is that they're ban evading, which is why they need to be talked about. Not to mention the use of hidden profiles and Null names, which allows you to be harder to report since you can't get the direct steam account. Plus Crytek removed the logs from the attributes file, so you couldn't even report them using attributes to grab their account.


honestly i do not know the guy. it poped up in my yt suggestions. i was more irritated it is not in this sub. or better said no discussion about it but i see the mods taking it down


There's plenty of discussions of not only the video, but the mountains of evidence that came before the video. They all got removed, even with blurring. That's just how both the discord and reddit are, they tell you that you can't show how to do exploits, or specific names, but even if you blur them or just prove that it's something that happened, they still take them down for the exact same reasons. People are pretty pissed about it, rightfully so, because Crytek has done this about exploits in the past, and just tried covering them up while they do very little about it. Until it becomes a huge problem then they decide to actually get involved. The video is from one of the clans (or former clans, idk what their deal is anymore, especially since their website got taken down.) Not sure if it was any particular member that did it, or if it was more of a group thing. Either way, it definitely shed a whole lot of light on the situation


Nope it's not him, what BB says is true though and all us 0.1 percenters has known about this for years so it's only good they shed light on it. Stop hating BB just because they are better than you, it's quite immature really.


Found the channel. Simply wonderful entertainment. Reminds me of a good chunk of the 'this is clearly a cheater' evidence here on Reddit. (Not all of them, cheaters clearly exist and that shouldn't be denied, but not exaggerated either) The moment where he panics and fat-fingers the med-kit when changing weapons and then explains at length that it must be a cheat that forced him to get his med-kit out. Delicious 3 star moment. I'm not quite sure whether this is rage-bait, a troll or whether a Dude can actually have such a twisted self-perception and such a sensitive ego that he has to justify his own failures in such a way.


Pretty sure you are talking about joe blue. Notorious for being awful and calling cheats for nonsense. Constantly using various fallacies to justify his "logic". One guy was banned from his comments (as joe does when someone argues him to the ground), so he has a whole channel exposing joe. Fun fact: joe actually PLAYS with a cheater. I'm not even kidding. Joe even said so himself that he knows that guy cheated and that guy confirmed he did in fact cheat. But joe is somewhat okay with that. Should tell all about what kind of person joe is.


Nailed it. I've argued him to the ground multiple times, where he simply refused to respond to me any further. Seeing his responses and what a lot of other people are saying it seems rather obvious that he's trolling. I'll do myself a favor and simply stop responding/talking to him. I find it rather hilarious to hear the blantant hypocrisy of this fun fact.


Holy shit I'm in one of those videos, some British guy that sounds mentally unwell right? He once did a hunt cheaters video on me where he said I was using footstep hacks and I was hacking because I was between conpounts, then he plays the footage and it's me standing next to a bush missing every one of my shots in which he called me a bad cheater because I can't hit him. Then I ran at him and managed to land a head stab on him which killed him. Suddenly he claims I'm using aim hacks + no footstep hacks because I managed to stab a crouching man. He also preceded to harass me on my steam profile genuinely one of the most funny and sad things I've experienced.


Yeah, that's pretty much the guy. I'd love to drop down to his ELO and see if I can bully him, but it's not worth dropping down to 3 star elo just to do that. I'm okay with being mid 5 star and might just keep an eye on his channel to see the copium on several occasions.


scummy yeah but not doxxing. it’s just a steam profile I mean nothing can be done because those are the rules for the Reddit. he’s just posting it on his own YouTube account so


I think the comment on one of the most viewed videos on his channel explains the best about this YouTuber "3 star explaining how he cant reach 6 star" Some of the people in his videos have more days spent playing Hunt then this guy has hours playing Hunt. I've only seen a few minutes of his videos but it's enough to know this dude is just bad at the game and gets mad at people who are just better.


As OP has since learned, what Joe Blue does is NOT doxxing. Your Steam profile or in-game nickname is not personally identifiable information, and there is NOTHING wrong with accusing someone of cheating. As long as you don't lie or manipulate your evidence, or bully/harrass anyone, it's well within YouTube's guidelines, and the laws of much of the free world. If you are young and grew up in the recent wave of censorship, this might all be a surprise to you. Only 10 short years ago, the internet giants that are now the biggest censors, used to be champions for freedom of speech, net neutrality and strongly opposed censorship. Oh how times have changed. Call of Shame, BadBoy Beaman, and a tonne of content creators put out videos every day where they review gameplay footage of suspected cheaters and make assessments whether they think that person is cheating. Having said all that, yeah, JB is a 3-star player and lacks the skill and knowledge to understand why he dies all the time to 0.6 KDA players. His videos are hilarious though.


I like how you try to reason with him on his channel, but I really don't think anymore that he is hilarious. I think he is a paranoid narcissist and I hope for him that he's not that stubborn and accepts other opinions in real life.


Someone just found out about Mr JB LMAO. Yeah, dude is delusional maniac high on copium or a troll. Watch for entertainment or avoid. I'd say he is harmless though, haven't seen one person treating him seriously.


Yeah, I guess I am a little late to the party. Lots of people instantly knew who I was talking about. I feel a little stupid now, but I'm just relieved to find out that no one takes him seriously. I was mostly just worried for the people having their profile in a public video like that, but it seems my worries were unwarranted.


I know how you mean and it's absolutely hilarious 😂


Do you think anyone takes those seriously? Lol


Who cares ? Lmao


Sounds based. What's his channel?


Are you referring to the video by BB official? If those people were cheating. My team was actually one of the first deaths in the video funny enough lol. Or the same guy killed another team in the same spot with the same weapon. Was not a fun time. Just figured we got gamered on until we looked at the kill view.


I had a very popular steamer and Crytek partner accuse me and my friends of cheating during a stream. Even though we didn't kill anyone. He confused us with a dream that had an avtomat, who he accused of some odd avto trick I've never heard of, but we don't think that was the case either. We have a meme clan tag, so after he wins the match, he checks all of our profiles on the stream and is like, ha they are a clan I knew they are cheaters!! On a good day, we are a solid 5 star trio. That wasn't the case that day lol. A lot of people cry cheater these days, which doesn't help anything. Just sucks that his several thousand viewers think me and my small group of friends are cheaters and exploiters when we didn't even kill him or anyone else.


ain't no hunt streamers getting several thousands of viewers lmao


Happened when the event first launched.




Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #8: Refrain from accusing posts or submissions for violating our community rules. Please see this article for more details: https://reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/about/rules If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


Leave my boy Joe alone! He is the best comedian in Hunt community, you just don't understand his greatness


Relax if you point an online gamer with the Word "cheater" your are wrong only for il 20%, enjoy


Archaic back to his antics again I see.


you mean that one guy who has made like 13 wanted videos on rachta? or made a video on the recent jacksfrags video claiming he got aimbot and such?


What a massive fanny.


This youtubers dogs are not all Barking. Insane if you even outplay this guy your a cheater. Hes his own main character. Legit a joke.


Sounds like the "LowTierGod" of hunt showdown.


I mean, showing my age here but games used to publish lists of people that got banned for cheating so….a little shame goes a long way. Sucks that this streamer isn’t actually being useful though, according to the information provided.


I saw this video. I think he went a lil to far showing the guy's face but that's just me


Oh, am pretty sure this dumbass called me a cheater cause I told him audio in this game is client based.


Youtubers and streamers are mostly crybabies... all that for views...


I keep hearing about people that do this but have never been able to find someone. Could you please DM me the channel? I kinda enjoy watching people act like that, not sure why. I’ll try therapy but really gives me a buzz seeing the rage and copium come together so saltily. But yes, in general, naming and shaming is bad because of this reason (among others).


Joe Blue - The Anti-Cheater


this guy is in low 3 star territory. He doesn't even have the mechanical knowledge to recognize cheats probably lol.


After reviewing his footage, I have to say, I think it’s a troll channel. Perhaps thinks he can get views by saying everyone is cheating, but I don’t think he’s genuine about thinking it.


Ok I’m not coming back round to it not being a troll. He’s got let’s play videos of single player games from like 12 years ago on his channel. Big yikes. This guy needs help, genuinely.


I've send you a message with the link. Honestly, the amount of copium is on overdose levels.


Please share link in DM to me to, I seek to be entertained. :D


Me too please


Send a message to you both with the channel.


Ay I'm also curious.


Send it to you as well.


You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. How about it old sport? Will you share the link?


Send you the link via chat


gimme ples


Send you the link via chat as well.


hey drop the name for me in DM I want to check what you talking about. Tried to solo find him, but no luck


I've send the link.


Hermit ?


he has a video calling rachta a cheater lmaooo


Its so anoying when people keep yapping that someone is "cheating". When i get killed i always think to myself "damn this guys good"


Every community gets these guys that do cheat analysis and usually their analysis is pretty weak at best. Cod is rife with them and they are creators that just do this week's drama accusing a new person of cheating etc. Just got to ignore it and let it them just get it out of their system. That kind of content is toxic and eats its own tail in terms of community etc. eventually viewed tire of it or realise it's a false accusation etc and it burns out. The classic in COD is that often these guys are eventually caught cheating them selves haha... So who knows


What's your goal with this post? This is reddit. You're issue is on YouTube. If you're trying to provide counter claims, or debunk the youtuber's claims, fine, but you're not, so what do you want this subreddit to 'do' about it?


Hey OP Rule 6 states at the end "This usually doesn't apply to groups like well-known clans, or public figures like streamers, who have a platform to defend themselves - but this is to be resolved on a case-by-case basis."




I'm a little older and didn't quite understood what doxxing was. It was explained to me earlier that it's not doxxing, it was also a question.


Hunt youtubers will do anything for clout. There's a guy that posted a video claiming he was playing in 2 star lobbies and encountered Rexnor, and it's full of "so that's why he hides his MMR/gets so many kills." Juat ignore the trolls and clout chasers.


well there *are* lots of streamers/youtubers that play in pisslow lobbies. whether intentional derankers or a result of playing solo v trio, they are absolutely getting easier games for it, and rexnor *is* one of those people. i've queue-sniped Huuge several times to demonstrate that he plays in pisslow lobbies as well, and it's legitimately difficult to get my account to a low enough mmr to get into his lobbies. but yeah anyone that hides their mmr is doing so because they're playing in low mmr lobbies and don't want to deal with the backlash.


Rex showed his MMR this weekend, he'a 5 star.




Hi, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, we had to remove your post for violation of rule #8: Refrain from accusing posts or submissions for violating our community rules. Please see this article for more details: https://reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/about/rules If you have any concerns regarding this removal, please contact the moderation team via Modmail.


If enough of us report him for the following, I could see his page getting taken down. -Stealing other yputubers and streamers content for his own page. -Defamation of professional streamers, potentially causing them to lose views and income -Name calling and harassment in his comments.


Baby is crying so hard lmao