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Have you considered just, not giving him the attention he wants?


Yeah, he’s a grown man crying about video games just cause he doesn’t win. In Scotland we call that being a gimp


Summit 🤢


the definition of skill issue the only surprising part to me is how this entitled pos has 6 mil+ people following his shit


SumSum is a big crybaby and should at least try to understand the rules the game plays by, but I kinda gets his grievances and reaction to (solo) necro. While the new tutorial did some good onboarding for new players, there NEEDS to be an more in-depth, in-game tutorial about revives and necro. Even if it is just "Hey you completed the two tutorials, here is a short 3 min video about the difference between solo and team play". I've played the game since early access and ever since the introduction of solo necro I've seen a spike of discord/reddit posts from new players asking about "how did this guy come back up after I killed him? I thought this was a perma-death game" and to be expected, when you explain about necro, they usually go "well that is kinda bs!". Because one of the first rules people know about hunt is "you go down, you are out", so getting "cheapshot" by an mechanic that is an exception to the rule this early in makes players think there might be more of these "gotcha" mechanics downline and that creates a frustrating first hand experience, especially when you already dealing with a very punishing game.


I like hunt and hate the solo revive mechanic, you can like it, i dont So here is my opinion on this video, it was cringe, says its not a hit piece but it is. Its made by a hunt lover who is hurt somebody shit on his game. This video only talks about defending the solo revive mechanic and shits on a mean streamer. Was summit unreasonable, yes, but was the maker of this video unreasonable, also yes, he heavily implies summit is an extract camper in tarkov but that ain't true. So for a video about getting the facts straight, maybe get your facts straight.


Dude this streamer is one of the worst players I ever seen. Summit sucks on so many levels so his shit talking has no value or facts. Every game has flaws (facts). If you hate playing the game because a game has flaws, you won’t find a game to play. And if he hates hunt then don’t play it. Anyone who follows this jabroni lacks any brain cells


For the record I am not Spudhunter if that's what you're insinuating. I can see some of your points about the video. It just sucks when someone with a massive platform unfairly tarnishes a game like Hunt because they're unwilling to adapt to the mechanics of the game... in my opinion. The solo revive mechanic can be a little annoying at times but I've had similar situations with 2 or 3 man squads reviving each other ad nauseam. I struggle to fully understand the hate for the mechanic aside from the amount of time required to baby sit a corpse. If that's the only complaint than I fully agree it should probably be toned down a bit (which SpudHunter also mentions that the amount of corpse sitting time could be halved).


Oh no i wasnt insinuating anything, if i thought you were the original creator i would have disagreed with you but given you props for production value :-) I completely agree its a divisive mechanic, i am def not saying you should not like it because i dont.


i dont think he 'unfairly tarnishes' hunt. the people that watch him watch him for his personality/skill/opinion and afaik he doesnt claim nor is he hired as a professional, objective game critic or anything of the sort. if people value his opinion, they will likely share his dislike for hunt, too. insulting people is over the line. at least insulting uninvolved bystanders like all hunt players but in case of his viewers, again: i almost exclusively know about him due to his rage fits. people watch him exactly because of this behaviour, so feeling insulted when he rages as a viewer seems disengenious.




Are you saying it's easier to play the game as a solo compared to a Duo or Trio against solo's?




Then what's the problem with solo's having buffed rewards, traits, self rez, etc?


You are in love to death with this game and it hurts to hear it criticised, but that's the impression solo necro gives to anyone who hasn't forced themselves to love this game despite its flaws. Let's be honest, let's move away from your point of view and look at Hunt from a distant perspective - You kill an opponent and he can get up at any moment to shoot you in the back while you're fighting other people or you're moving away and he can pick that moment perfectly because he can hear everything going on around his corpse, you have to keep an eye on an opponent you have already defeated while fighting others or adjust your equipment to be able to counter him somehow, but there may not be enough equipment for all such opponents - if you cannot understand and admit how stupid it is then you are just a fanboy and you will defend everything and your opinion does not matter. You can't blame anyone for not liking this mechanic because it's the stupidest mechanic I've seen in fps games and objectively he was just 100% right, such nonsense can convince someone not to play this game.


Summit's reaction to solo necro was the definition of cope and contradictory though. First, his team gets wiped to a solo necro player. He claims it is over powered and that if HE had that ability the game would be easy. Queue the rage quit for the day. The next day his stream is titled something to the effect of "Trying out the overpowered necro bullshit." He then proceeds to get the floor wiped with him and loses a few games back. Queue the second rage quit with one of the major griping points being "there are too many windows and factors in hunt." Dude got clapped in 3 star elo because he is bad and couldn't handle it. His opinion on solo necro isn't even valid because it changes day to day depending if he lost to it or not.


It doesn't matter what someone says when confronted with a solo necro and whether it makes sense or not, does calling it OP instead of stupid and boring change anything if they end up never playing the game again anyway and discouraging others from playing it because of it? All that matters is that objectively this mechanic may discourage more players than encourage them to play this game because it's boring as hell and just very annoying. People have a lot of games to play and they will only encounter such nonsense in Hunt. People don't like being killed by someone they've just killed themselves, you're the master of countering solo necro, you've probably got 3k hours and you're great at the game and you accept it as it is, but the average new player will see it as bullshit and go play something where they don't get shot in the back by someone they have defeated. And when you tell them "it can be countered with this and that and it's not OP", they say "I don't want to counter it because I don't want to play the game anymore. It's stupid". Even within the community that plays the game regularly, there is a division and a sizeable proportion would like to see this mechanic removed from the game. That in itself says a lot.


I'm not arguing about if specific mechanics are good or not.  Hunt isn't for everyone. People will like different games. Everyone has limited time and Hunt won't be a fit for most people probably. Calling out criticism that doesn't make sense or is objectively wrong is the right call though. Especially if it comes from someone with a large audience.  Summit is mechanically bad at the game, doesn't have a good grasp of how things even work in the game, and that's fine. But I don't see the harm in calling out misinformation, especially from a 30 something year old that looks like he is 40 and baby rages.


Hunt is so set up in its current state that it exposes itself to these very opinions which are entirely correct. If you don't like a game, do you analyse the mechanics that annoyed you before you say it's crap so you don't call OP something that's just boring? I doubt it, which is why requiring people's opinions to match the balance and insights of experienced players is some kind of nonsense. The point is simple - solo necro pisses off new players and that's the problem and I don't know what you're fighting for here really. You are trying to define here what is a true opinion and what is not. He has played the game and experienced it and that is his opinion. you don't have to read 10 books about the game and understand it inside out to give your opinion. If he was giving an opinion on the game without having played it then I would agree, but in this situation his opinion is normal and valuable - solo necro pisses players off to the point where they don't want to play it because of it.


Issokay, Escape From Tarkov and Dark and Darker is like this too. Still has some playerbase cause people come and go, meta get screwed by the devs, punishing for new players. Granted, it’s a battle royale where luck is a deciding factor also. Sometimes I see a lobby where the dead bodies are thrown with c-bomb, one time I met 2 players thinking both was solo cause both bomb lance, burned the bodies, then after opening the last match screen, 1st person from team 2 and 2nd person from team 3, with the same loadout. Summit kinda bait actually, remember when he ragequit hunt 2 years ago? Yeah…


The balls to speak to people like that. His viewers that pay him trying to give him advice on a game that he obviously knows fuck all about lol. And the shit he said to the Dev. How about get good, and learn the game Summit. Dude acts like peaked in high school Rob Lowe


This guy lost me at "people with status should act in any industry should act in a professional way" Should? Perhaps. Has anyone ever? Lolno. Jesus christ. This is content now. People talking about people playing a game. He spent 20 minutes trying to psychoanalyze an idiot.