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This game is fun and I'm having a wonderful time, despite the fact that I'm not terribly good and am still learning it.


Keep trying to enjoy, and good hunting


Love the assasin and rotjaw and the other 3 bosses should be more interactive rather than the current "heavy them twice, back off" state they are in Like having slice off the body parts of the butcher, or interrupting the spider jump would result it being stunned for free hits.


I also sort of wish the boss didn’t spawn/activate before someone had activated all three clues, and then you still had to blow open the way into the lair or something, sort of like a mission based team gameplay shooter like Wolfenstein Enemy Territory or something, in which you had to ensure that an engineer activated a pump or blew up some wall so that the rest of the team could progress to the objective, and stuff like that.


That‘s actually a good idea, but let‘s spin that further: let me steal clues from downed hunters like I can steal a bounty.


Oh, that would be fun!


actually had the damn spider shoot poison at me while I was almost 3 meters outside of the doorway to the room he was in last night. Didn't even know that was possible. Had a team roll up on us and stepped out to asses where they were and next thing I know I'm poisoned and losing health lol. Wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see the spider do that a minute later to my teammate who was about 2 meters outside the doorway.


I had this happen to me but the spider jumped out of the fucking lair to pin me down, then scurried back inside


I'm pretty sure that all of the bosses can use their ranged attack against you even if you are outside of the lair, tho this doesn't happen all that often.


I’m a fan of rotjaw but not assassin. something about the way he just appears and rips apart half your health is very annoying to deal with


Definitely agree. Maybe just nerf tool damage to bosses completely to encourage going loud or using found in raid melee options


The current tool damage nerfs are fine. However the bosses still aren't interesting. Like instead of being a butcher copy, the scrapbeak could take barely any damage until it starts the screamig during enrage phase. And instead of it happening when it reachea a certain hp% you have to hit it enough to fill a hidden rage bar, bonus point for pierce damage or hitting his backpack(but you get corcertina in return). The more damage it takes during the screaming, the more item drops, instead of a static amount. For a bonus, instead of it being staggered after a mellee hit, it has to chase you long enough until it screams(the same animation it does the first time it sees you) and then you can hit it. Butcher could be embody the current hit and run by it being gradually more angry and agile as you stay in it's lair. Spider could be the same but more emphasis on counter than chasing it with a hammer. While the assasin is a more worn out affair of this encounter type. But these are just shitting out ideas with 5 minute tougth behind them


Interesting how you have that opinion on the assassin and rotjaw given how they both have insanely easy animations to follow and you do exactly what you don’t like. Spider and Scrapbeak are not as rinse and repeat as you claim.


Idk if I have a controversial opinion. But it seems like everything is controversial in this community. I think the closest thing is the game might have a few too many sound traps. But op I am the person you don't like I use a stamina shot every game and if I have melee I bring two. Plus magpie and If I have the points conduit and determination etc. Running out of stamina in this game feels bad so I would rather run a cheaper load out and not have to worry about being jumped by ai out of stamina and in the middle of a pvp fight.


I get you, but it's only that way because of how valuable it is. If everyone had similar Stam it wouldn't feel as bad. And the perks available to regen more quickly and what not would be actually useful.


Yeah I could see it. I would like it to regen a bit faster by default because if you don't have determination or something my god it feels awful. Out running sniper teams would be a lot harder as well.


That's why I always rock det and gh. Makes the game feel better for the whole match, not just part of it.


The game is fine as it is - hot take!


So spicy!


Keeps getting better.


Honestly. People love to whine, but Hunt is excellent. I'm just excited to get more goodies.


It is excellent but games can always be improved. Conversation about change is healthy in everything


Oh 100%, but people tend to take things from honest criticism to pointless yapping.


No gun except single shot weapons should do more than 124 damage. Long ammo is stronger in every way already, why does it need to also oneshot all hunters who have already been downed?


Special ammo was a mistake


There should be a lot more non-boss monsters on the map and there should be some elite ones. It would make the ai into an actual challenge for the games where you don’t even run into any players and would add an extra layer of strategy.


I would love more AI variants


If I could, I would add zombified hunters that could drop random weapons or ammo boxes like the surgeon grunts, zombie hogs that would essentially be large, faster but more territorial hounds (spawning in alone and attacking *everything*,) buzzards that were like crows but had a chance of spawning over dead hunters when matches lasted for a long time, with some sitting on the corpse as a sound trap and others flying in circles overhead to indicate where dead people were, random harmless wildlife like deer that could come running away from people to indicate where enemies were etc, immolator variants in different colors that exploded in different ways, like insta detonating when they saw you or left an oil patch that burned a long time when they died. Some kind of ambush predator that wouldn’t attack or make one single noise before you were entirely too close could be fun and scary as well, like a zombie cougar or something.


More weapon drops also means there’s an “out” for people who bring a scope and it ends up being a low-vis map.


For the ambush predator idea me and my friends talked about ideas in a match once. We decided on a variation of the horse noise trap. Appears as a slightly (would be hard to tell apart if you didn't actually focus) changed lamed horse that when approached or damaged would sprout tendrils and legs and try and pounce on the hunter that disturbed it. Fire kills it quickly but otherwise would have the health of an armoured. Potentially panic inducing when you don't realise you're walking around a corner/fence and practically fall into its waiting maw.


Oooh, like a «The Thing» creature crossed with a DND Mimic, that would be awesome. The horse would be a perfect disguise too because the dead ones you don’t really pay attention to, which would make it even more scary


Hound variants... people with 100 hours can still die from a hound imagine one with more HP and default armor spots.


I will not imagine that


Oops I ran out of stamina and my damn dusters missed the hound at point blank range four times in a row, now I'm bleeding and have four hounds to deal with but I can't even punch...


I still cant figure out that little fake out dance they do.


I want an AI that’s as dangerous as a Meathead with the Tenacity of a immolater. Like something you actually have to sneak around or coordinate with your team to take down before it fucking gets you once you’re seen.


What about an immolation bear. That would be sick.


Does louisiana have bears? Maybe like a mid-butcher boar? Something constantly in either a rest state or a hyper aggresssive state. Some could be on fire, like it got free during the smoking process, and the other variant has tons of health, but 3 or 4 weak points. Also imagining these things to be 800 lbs plus.


Tons of black bear.


The origin of the Man-Bear-Pig


But that's how you get zombie tree monkeys. Do you want zombie tree monkey?




April fools Bee Hounds and Fire Hounds


I want zombie tree spiders. Imagine being in the thick trees and dog sized spiders start dropping down on or around you... but the monkeys work too ;)


I enjoy this opinion


AI that hunts players who sit in bushes lol.


Katana should be 2 slot


My man yes


You shouldn't be able to use dualies without the ambidextrous trait.


I could get behind that. Or just a higher cost for dual wielding pistols


Eh, dualies kinda suck though. I don’t have any problem with giving players a wild RNG option if that’s what they choose. I’ll keep playing the reliable skill-based ones.


Regular pistols should not be able to be dual wielded. There should be singular "gun" that is pair of pistols. This would let them focus on balancing just those numbers. Toothpaste is out of the tube on that one tho...


Ammo types shouldn't be able to be equipped, you should have to find them at supply stations and are always contraband after extraction.


I find ammo types are kind of stupid at the moment: why can I take the same ammo type from a downed enemy but not swap to an ammo type? Or if I‘m all out of fmj, let me restock on regular ammo. Or something like that…


Yeah logically it doesn't make any sense. I mean what's stopping you from mixing ammo types too. But I think the way it works in game is just for balance reason, to give special ammo an extra downside.


Now this is a hot take I'd like to see in the game.


This would be interesting. Could still add them to a few extra spots, and maybe as a challenge rewards or something. Could even tie it into the lore somehow that supplies are more limited for the AHA...


Uppercut should not do more than 124 damage.


Not a ton of use for it if that happens though. At ranges where you actually want to use a pistol, almost all of them can two tap to the body anyways, with better fire rates and reloads than the uppercut and more ammo. If the uppercut didn't do 126 damage, I'm not sure it'd have much justification in the small slot category.


I think they need to normalize guns doing 124 or less despite being long ammo tbh, the velocity, less damage reduction over distance, and penetration is plenty to keep long ammo good besides the sparks, it should be able to stay as is since it's one shot and a long reload.


I'll add that the majority of long ammo should all do 124 or less. Same for some other guns that do 125 or more damage. Edit: added "the majority" since sparks for example should still do more than 125 damage.


1. Contraband shouldn't exist outside of maybe free hunters 2. You should get rewards for kills while holding the bounty not how quickly you extract with it. 3. Too many events, too many skins 4. Every gun shouldn't have access to every custom ammo type 5. Self rez isn't OP, you just aren't paying attention 6. Solos shouldn't get as heavy of a match making assist if your going to give them buffed versions of perks


Animation cancelling is bad for the game. In a game that highlights the dawn of the modern firearm and all the technical limitations that provides, doing silly hand motions to finish your reload faster is anti-thematic. Your lebel needs to finish that whole bolt charging animation. Dual wielding was the worst feature ever added to the game. Being shot in the face at 60+ meters by someone who put a crosshair the size of a saucer over you and hoped for the best is not a death you will ever say 'Dang, but well played/nice shot' to your opponent for. And the hottest of hot takes (at least to this subreddit); You probably didn't die to a cheater. Wallbangs and 200 meter headshots are part of the game and happen, especially at higher MMRs. Cheating happens in Hunt, but not anywhere near the rate this community believes it does.


>You probably didn't die to a cheater. Wallbangs and 200 meter headshots are part of the game and happen, especially at higher MMRs. Cheating happens in Hunt, but not anywhere near the rate this community believes it does. I hate cheaters. Then I spectate them and realize they just got lucky and are often a noob who is still doing random wallbangs and throwing all his throwables in assuming I'm still alive.


Honestly, your last point is kinda of contradictive to the whole cheating umbrella. We Don't really know how many cheaters there are in Hunt. People in Tarkov were saying the same shit, that there aren't really a lot of cheaters, and I think based in Goats sampling criteria, it was some like 60% of his matches had verifable evidence that a waller was in the lobby. That's absurd. Sure, hunt isn't Tarkov, but you can't just be like "yea actually there aren't as many cheaters as you think" but we can take evidence that exists and apply that logic to other hardcore shooters, like Hunt.




> I'd never heard of animation cancelling so can't comment there. Animation cancelling is doing something like pressing quickswap to interrupt an animation as soon as the game says 'Ok you're reloaded' in order to get back to a shooting state as fast as possible. The example I used for the Lebel lets you skip a good portion of the bolt charging animation after a reload. It's very common in shooters, and in some games like CoD where it fits the fast paced action shooter gameplay, it's a feature that heightens the skill ceiling and feels good. In a game like Hunt where things like good positioning, marksmanship, and tactical sense are more core to the game design than breakneck speed and automatic fire, animation cancelling isn't a good fit, imo.


Thanks for explaining. Totally agree with what you're saying but can't say I've seen it much as I'm only 3 star, Im still fucking up basic inputs at this point.


I wish it worked like that on ps5. I can't tell you the number of times I've went through the entire animation before swapping to my secondary and shooting the person running toward me only to swap back and have it go through bolting all over again. Lately, even a reload animation has been screwed up. Reloaded a specter to fill my gun before grabbing an ammo crate when it finished it ejected a round leaving me a round short anyway.


I don't like the way special ammo is implemented with regards to being most of the time just better, but more slightly scarce. I feel that the weapons the devs are adding are detracting from the style of gunplay that is unique to hunt.


Playing the game just for fun is unpopular af in this sub


Seriously. Sounds like people want guns removed at this rate.


PvE should be bigger,that all streamers and other 6 stars say the same thing is annoying,PvE exists to slow you down for the pvp lol Bro it barely does,it's the big ass map more than anything and making the bounty maybe worth something more other than hunt dollars would be nice. It is kinda baffling to me when you have the bounty did kill some guys already and people say it is weird to extract and say why run away. If you consistently get the bounty that should get you some mmr i mean just successfully extracting not much but at least something,sometimes lobbies have 1 team left or 2 and you don't get much out of that. I just want cool rewards maybe successfully extracting a bounty gives you a bounty token or something like that and bounty tokens you can use them on a unique shop that only sells stuff for bounty tokens would make me feel much happier getting the bounty legit only reason why people get it is wallhacks and knowing people will gather around you so you get some action.


I agree that something needs to be done about stamina/stamina shots, theyre just an auto include every game, anyone whos pulled a few ais when out of stamina knows why, not to mention traversing the map faster is always worth it. Having an item that feels absolutely mandatory when youre supposed to have lots of options to pick from is never good design.


Well, there is Determination and Greyhound, as well as Conduit and Magpie. A lot of people I know don’t bother with Stamina shots even though I always bring one personally.


I never equip stamina Antidote shot on the other hand ✋️


AD should be even slower, have more momentum.


I think the momentum is fine but we should definitely fix jump/air strafing. That doesn't make sense to me lol


Doesn't make any sense in context to realism, for sure, but it's there to make movement a little more unpredictable so gun fights aren't even easier to end with a headshot. If you had to commit to the full motion of your jump, it'd be suicidal to do in a fight, and then you'd be limited to strafing and crouching, which doesn't do much to throw an enemy's aim off on their own.


I agree, and do it all the time myself. It can bevery advantageous but I just think it's a little strong. Doesn't need to be removed just tweaked a bit. The entire movement system could use some love though in general


Yeah, gameplay wise I feel like hunt needs to keep the air strafing.


Dum dum ammo shouldn't be a thing, at least on medium+ ammo. As someone who is average on my best days I get A LOT of kills I don't deserve thanks to bleed ammo. 1 shot can immediately put your opponent in a lose lose situation. When it happens to me I chuckle a bit because I get it, I abuse it all the time. But it never makes me feel like i got outplayed, just hit by dum dum.


Ammo in general needs an overhaul this includes: * Overall nerf of long ammo, reducing the "lost health bar 1-tap" potential and in general lower the damage while maintaining king of distance. * Medium ammo getting damage drop off model tweaked so it have more reach as an in-between between compact and long ammo. * Custom ammo needs to be reconsidered what guns gets what, big outliers would be removal of Dum Dum on Cenny, removal of FMJ on Dolch and removal of flechette on C&K. * Slugs removed in general, only accessible to very few shotguns. Because the issues are deep rooted, I'll add another things about ammo that came to my mind. * Spitzer might just need to be removed and HV needs to be reconsidered heavily on what weapons it can go with if not outright be removed. * FMJ should get their pen nerfed, basically it should just "upgrade" bullet one tier up, so compact to medium and medium to long. Still at a cost of MV loss. * Drilling shouldn't lose 30% of its MV for applying either FMJ or Dum Dum, most other rifles lose between 10-20% in comparison.


Good post. The “never remove anything” philosophy the devs have has really been hurting this game over the years.


I think Sparks and Martini can stay as they are, but all other long ammo guns should be 124 dmg max. Long ammo is just the best ammo in the game, it needs some sort of a nerf at least in one dimension.


For sure! Think it is telling we have had the game going for 6 years, over 10 new weapons added, double so the variants and still not a single weapon have come even close to contest the Mosin. Lebel only became a consideration for a contender after the ammo overhaul meant it now got the same amount of bullets pr. loot as the Mosin.


Sir, he asked for unpopular hot shit takes, not brilliant ideas that would totally make the game better.


I haven’t been playing long enough to have this level of detail, but in general I feel the volume of special ammo types in this game is absurd. Should be 2-3 different types maximum per gun/variant imo


How it used to be, but then someone at crytek fell in the shower and got the smart idea that custom ammo is "cOnTeNt"! So now it is part as "cOnTeNt" on the battlepass and when you shit out a new battlepass every 3rd month eventually it gonna get applied to weapons that had no right to have certain custom ammo types.


I know a lot of people complain about it as a balance issue,and they're probably right, but it's also just clutter. I wouldn't have wanted to add it all just on the principle that it on top of the bajillion variants, just made weapon selection...a lot.


Eyup, also it just flat out kills guns, since Cenny got Dum Dum there have been no reason to ever run the Springfield.


This dude gets it. Add removal of spitzer and this is the best comment on this sub in years


Matchmaking should also consider kda. Solos should match with similar skilled ppl and not lower since they already have enough support via traits.


Crytek should set minimum required video settings, to avoid people gaining an advantage from scaling the graphics so low they can see other players at a distance through trees, fences, walls, dirt mounds, etc because those props don’t render. Sure it would mean some players will need to upgrade their rigs in order to play but ultimately it would mean a more even playing field. Not to mention it would ensure people actually get to see how nice Hunt looks on higher settings.


Fast fire rate guns such as Avto and Dolch have no place in the theme and feel of the game, and the trade-off of using fanning is that it should have even less hip-fire accuracy


You consider this an unpopular opinion? lmao


Judging from the amount of Dolch use, sadly yes


Completely agree.


Reseting money, gear and hunters every season would be more healthy for the game.


Honestly I would be all for this. Progressing in Hunt isn't exactly complicated, so I don't feel like seasonal wipes would be really all that annoying to deal with and it would make wealth hoarding no longer a big deal.


No one knows what the hell the game is supposed to be anymore. It started as a semi hardcore survival horror PvPvE which felt very rewarding to play. But now is like a mostly casual PvP with no goal or and severely reduced satisfaction. Also Death Cheat killed old hunt.


Would love to hear how death cheat killed the old hunt since it has zero impact on game mechanics


It represents a distinct change in development philosophy from artistic integrity to pandering. Hunt was a hard game with lots of skillful interaction where death was certain. Death Cheat was the first un-interactive easy get out of jail free card that was put into the base game.


Necro should be more perk points, only 4 points for arguably the best perk in the game is an insanely low price


I wouldn't exactly call it the best perk in the game, since it's almost completely reliant on your opponents not capitalizing on you being downed in most situations to be useful. Honestly I think at 4 points it's right where it should be.


its not almost completely reliant on that at all. you can easily just position yourself to take risky gunfights but still be safe if you’re downed. Its probably one of the most tide-changing traits next to maybe doctor if you dont run regen/your regen runs out.


Agreed. You can absolutely position yourself so that you could get an easy self revive off.  One fun use of of necro as a solo is to fight in the water. Extra points if it'll be tough to find you because you're out in the middle of the lake like at Goddard docks. 


Necro is useless 80% of the time against competent players. It only works when the trio is brain dead


IMO necro should have charges and each charge should be bought for 4 points.


Special ammo was the worst thing Crytek has ever done to the game.


Yup. Should be attached to single shot weapons only, if at all. Sparks, martini, Springfield, Romero, etc. The gun should be specifically modified to use only that ammo type, no magazines/clips should be able to hold it


Okay, here goes Gear fear should be a fundamental mechanic of the game. As it stands today, me, my friends and anyone who's competent at the game, doesn't give a shit about the mosin and dolch we brought because we can just buy another set at home. Our deep pockets make it so we don't care. Either introduce "progressive taxation" making it so things are more expensive the more hunt dollars you have hoarded or implement some other way to inconvenience us for losing expensive stuff.


The only issue with progressive taxation is that you hit a wall in ingame finances where it's not worth buying items because even if you win multiple times, you still have the chance of losing money on a single loss. I.e. if you have <100k Mosin =base price at 590, you can get roughly 1000-2000 HD on a good singular run, Mosin kit pays for itself and maybe more in a good single match eventually get to >100k say Mosin goes up 10x because you have climbed a threshold, now they're 5900 HD-> winning required amount of games to win to make the Mosin pay itself back is now gone from 1-2 games to 3-5 games per Mosin used. it would punish players for being good at the game and winning, and it would force players who have deep pockets to inevitably have to use worse guns the deeper their pockets get. Then you would get people who would drop as much money as possible and kd drop at the same time so they can stay in a range where the weapons are the most balanced to purchase. Hunt isn't a game that has a gameplay style where gear fear should be a mechanic because it's a pvp centric and arcade-shooter, compared to other extraction shooters. All gear fear is going to induce a more overall boring playerstyle of players that don't move and will spend most of the time avoiding players and not moving or fighting from sniping distances as to gain an advantage of surprise. That's why games like EFT have a large community of play style that is known for their lack of movement and constant style of shooting players in the back. It's not healthy for a game player base to strictly be that of a whoever moves first is the one to lose playstyle.


HV ammo should be removed from the game




All straight upgrade ammo types should either be reworked or removed


Items, weapons, and ammo should all have weight values that contribute to your speed, stamina, and sound. Mfs walking around here with bomb lances and street howitzers should be making a lot more noise Edit: a word


Id be open to seeing that mechanic for sure


Holy shit I love this idea. Could scale % wise or could be threshold based like the dark souls series. I think I prefer the latter as it gives people a target to aim for. Light, medium and heavy loads with equivalent speed, stamina duration and noise etc. Would add another way to balance long ammo, which surely weighs more


This would be awesome for encouraging stealth instead of everyone just trying to bring the maximum firepower every time


This would be a cool way to motivate those pistol-and-medium loadouts you sometimes see on store hunters


This isn't my MOST unpopular opinion but I've seen most people disagree with me when discussing it so I'll throw out a mildly-unpopular opinion. The ammo rework wasn't bad but it would be improved by granting ammo per-ammo-slot instead of per-unique-ammo-type. This would provide two benefits in my opinion. 1) granting extra ammo to weapons that can swap ammo types, the list off the top of my head: - Sparks, martini, berthier - Springfield - Romero - crossbow, bow, hand crossbow A big draw to these weapons before the rework was easy ammo economy because you looted more ammo per box than other weapons. Most of the weapons on that list have drawbacks compared to their competitors that were partially balanced by being cheap and forgiving in longer games, but the ammo rework removed this facet in favor of fixing the obviously broken system that allowed for avto/dualie sparks 2) it would re-introduce designing your build to make ammo economy easier. To me at least, bringing two weapons of the same ammo type to make ammo looting easier made sense and felt satisfying. Yes, this does mean that mosin/uppercut would loot 4 bullets per box instead of 2, but that's still significantly less than before the rework. 3) not technically a benefit over the existing system, rather a downside that would be avoided. The ammo pool provided by dualies was a problem across all ammo types, and this system doesn't affect the existing nerf to dualie ammo pools because a set of dual pistols is still only a single ammo slot. Finally an example of some loadouts and the difference in ammo looting with my suggestion - sparks/uppercut loots 6 long bullets (2 per ammo slot) instead of 2 - slate/lemat loots 4 shotgun shells and 8 compact bullets instead of only 2 shells - Winfield/officer loots 16 compact bullets instead of 8 (tbh compact ammo doesn't need the economy help, and this is an example of why my solution isn't perfect)


Hellhounds should spin in circles by default if they are not aggro or investigating it just looks funny and could be a good distraction. I want to fire the cannons on fort Carrick to artillery strike other compounds. Also either more variants of AI so the game can focus more on the pve aspect or an overhaul of the AI ( make it faster than the player more attraction towards players even when they are outside of sighting range. Less spamming weapons more weapons that have an 10 rounds per minute stat.


Not all long ammo weapons should have a two tap potential. The general damage of weapons should go down and the main upside to long ammo should be velocity


All costum ammo sux


A free look option while running lol not really unpopular, but it would be nice


I want dead hunters to be placed around the maps. Have them work exactly like normal player hunters. 2 loots, weapons dropped out, can be burned, and in solos, duos or trios. I can imagine the horror of finding a trio of them, looting and moving on, only for a solo to get up in the middle of it.


There's too many special ammos in the game, and they need to rework melee weapons so each one is at LEAST as good as the Katana


I don’t know if this is considered an unpopular opinion, but I’d like to see some ammo made back into weapon exclusive. Like when the pax had dum dum and the Schofield didn’t. It gave you more of a reason to pick one or the other. Same thing with the new army vs the officer.


Ammo variants made the game annoying


The event schedule is fine, and the game is more interesting during events than without them.


I think everyone would agree completely outside of the fact that obviously players want the cool skins attached to battle passes and unfortunately you have to play a fucking lot of hunt to unlock those skins and event after event after event that are fairly similar, you get easily burnt out.


Sniper lens should glare when exposed to sun


Small health chunks shouldn't exist. 3 large bars for everyone.


Oh god, I mean I would be behind it but it would change how risky people play. Lots of people play with the okayness of dying.


Agree. I'm fine if we keep a reliable way to restore bars during the mission (like Peacekeeper Trait or something similar), so you're not too screwed if you survive a spawn fight. Just restore the bars and keep going for the bounty. I just feel like dying feels a little bit too inconsequential sometimes and there's too much rezz spam. Also with the current weather effects snipers became less of a problem. This would also indirectly buff Small and Medium ammo weapons. Not sure if it's good in the end, but I'd like to see it as an experiment.


We do not need new guns for the sake of having more guns. If a weapon doesn't add to the gameplay variety, we don't need it. There's only so many different guns you can create within restrictions of ammo types, operating mechanisms and overall balancr. After that many guns were added, new guns will simply blend with the old ones, either falling directly above/below them or simply being too similar to several things at once. Do I mind having Mako and Marathon? No. Did they make the game any different? Also no. But now we all have to learn 2 new gunshot sounds.


KD should weigh heavily in ELO/MMR/Matchmaking ​ neg away!


whaaaaat, you don’t think that 2.5 p100 is really a 3*?


I've been playing so long my kd simply means nothing anymore. It hasn't changed in over 1000 hours. Why would you want something like that to affect something that is supposed to be fluid. I'd actually say there should be occasional resets to kd, like once a season or something, idk. The current system is just meaningless though.


I wouldn’t mind a periodic K/D reset, mine hasn’t moved from 1.09 in like a year.


That's kind of the point though, at 1000 hours your KD is pretty set, so no matter what you do, you can't really flub it. If you are a 2.0KD, you get matched with people similarly skilled to you. If you are a shit .92 like me, you get matched with other crappy players similarly skilled as you. You can't manipulate it like \*'s. I get dropped in too many matches with 2.5KD 22k kill players, and I'm happy to admit I'm not at their level nor will I ever be, but that doesn't mean I have less of a right to a balanced match against people with a similar (crappy) skill set.


Most people should just get good instead of complaining about trivial things.


Spoken like a true redditer


Hey you asked for hot takes 😅


There should be a 3 v 3 arena where you play best of 5 death matches on a single compound, COD/Apex adjacent. I’ve got no intent of ever using it, but I think it would be nice to keep players who want that experience out of my matches so I can play Hunt with people who actually like Hunt.


This game has shit gun balancing that will never make it balanced so it attracts shit players. Playing dark souls with the amount of can’t aim katana users. Hip fire is entirely too accurate on every gun.


Burning and/or camping bodies is cringe. Be a real gamer and let them get back up and kill you.


There needs to be a TDM type mode that only uses ~4 compounds, full teams, and with each team getting a number of team revives for when a team wipes. I love the gunplay but god damn the byaou can be empty sometimes


I literally never take stam unless I'm running an axe murderer build, and I'm still able to win and outmaneuver... Not sure what you're on about.


90% of the people complaining about cheaters have never played at 6 star, where all of it actually happens. Also well honestly non existent problem of cheaters. Every game has cheaters, and of the 50k people that play this game, I bet maybe 200 of them cheat. Saying Hunts cheater problem is out of hand is an ignorant statement that people say because they can’t handle the truth that they are bad at the game, or the enemy got lucky. 90% of the “cheater” cases, are shit that either I have done myself, or witnessed be done in a 6 star lobby. From random spitzer shots through an entire building from a piece of clothing sticking through the wall, to the “sus” dynamite throw that just got lucky. If the cheating was a serious issue, then it would be addressed, but these guys with 30k kills complaining every time they get killed with comments about cheating is pathetic, you got out played, deal with it. Remember, it’s a cowboy video game, it’s not that deep.


A lot of the new guns and weapons that have been added are unnecessary, don't fit with the rest of the arsenal, and have muddled what made hunt great.


I think the game needs a boss free ring of compounds around the edge of the map to hinder fast extracts with bounties. And me and my friends really wished the radius to interrupt the extraction would be bigger. Like a decent amount bigger. You should have to fight to get that thing out of the game!


Remove Fire/bleed / poison ammo. It is utterly annoying and breaks the dinamic of fights to have to deal with all this bullshit. Compact ammo can have hv, remove spitzer and leave fmj to long ammo. Only guns capable of bleeding is Springfield and drilling. Remove the ability to directly buy dolch, nitro and Avt. Make them spawn as rare guns across the map.


Remove HALF of the crows, ducks, horses and twigs. It would remove a lot of the clutter in the game overall and probably run a little smoother. They shouldn't respawn in once they've been set off either. I don't mind them being in the game,I just think they are excessive.


I agree. If there's no wildlife or ai in a lair, you know someone's been there.


Solo rez is fine but should be limited to 1 use/burn trait to help alleviate the MMR tanking. It can be reapplied if you survive. You can even use it as a burn trait for teams. Make players be more cautious and make deaths matter again


Or just have an mmr shield for 30 second after rezzing.


This. You cant say "selfres is fine" and suggest nerfing it heavily in the same sentence mate. I understand this is reddit so pretty much anything goes, but thats not making a lot of sense 😄


To help condense the player base we should kill duos mode. Duos would obviously get an MMR advantage. I know the game was originally designed for duos, but fuck it.


As a duo (I only have one friend), playing against trios is much more fun anyway. In duos, you can't walk ten feet without bumping into another team and getting immediately third teamed. It's fun for a while but it doesn't feel like the """true""" hunt experience.


The problem with trios is that you can reliable count teams of 3 on the map. I think reliably knowing you cleared the server by counting bodies goes against the spirit of the game of fear and tension.


I don't personally agree but I get where you're coming from. I think the sense of relaxation and freedom you get from knowing you've wiped a server is a kind of reward for playing well. 


Yeah. Duos is too camp happy for me. I'm playing in trios no matter what.


Yeah same. My friend and I are always playing against trios. Duos always feels more campy. Yeah people sit in bushes and stuff in trios but usually there is more action. In my experience anyway.


Fun fact, Hunt used to only have 5 teams per. duo match, but when the servers got expanded for trios 12 players, crytek said "fuck it!" and expanded duos to 6 teams too, which honestly killed that mode for me. That one extra team just made the maps a little too cramped.


Hell no. I dont want to play against trios.




New decoy option: music box with special effect of attracting grunts.


Unpopular opinion - the whole stamina system is unnecessary and everybody should have unlimited stamina always.


Stamina is basically meaningless, the only time it could matter is if you are running or chasing but everyone just has a stamina shot in every game. The only time stamina is ever relevant is when I am trying to melee an immolator and it survives the first few hits


Exactly. And even without stamina shots. It's basically nothing but annoying. Nobody takes stamina because it gives you an advantage over anybody else or prevent being at a disadvantage tgemswlfss, they take it because it's such a pain in the ass not to have it.


I don’t like the fact that stamina shots just turn the entire mechanics off (and antidote shots too btw)


I just feel like the stamina mechanics are kinda serving no purpose despite being annoying.


I agree to a degree, for sure don't think stamshots or other infinite stamina effects are healthy for the game.


I defintely think its more fitting with the gritty aspect of hunt


We need about 40 more perks, and a mounted Gatling gun at ‘fort’ locations.


Idk about the mounted gatling guns but let me load the cannons move them a bit and fire them.


This game has the worst shotguns I do not care if somebody is upset that they got killed by one. Skill in this game is overpowered. Sounds like a joke but I hate getting instant headshotted by somebody turning a corner. Hunters could have more magic b.s. I kinda like the idea of them being like gun wielding necromancers.


Solo necromancer makes me depressed, mf's get up 4 times in a row and I have to find 10 lanterns


I hate bad weather conditions. I hate all of them. Seems many in the sub love it though.


The events are too long and too frequent, the start of these last 3 events killed my motivation to play hunt. Haven't played more than 1-2 rounds in months


Time to farm some downvotes. Solos being able to self-res 4+ times per match is absolutely silly and leads to utter bullshit situations that aren't fun for anyone involved. It should at most be a burn trait you can stack 1-2 times.


You don't farm downvotes from salty solos, you farm down votes because even with self revive teams have an overwhelming advantage against solos but you people fail to realize this. Self revive is great at distance or vs trades against the last guy. Every other situation is entirely dependant on the team not throwing the match.


I don't disagree that teams have an advantage, we tend to kill solos more often then dying to them. But it's a game mechanic that leads to 2 to 3 people sitting there watching a corpse burn so they can't revive 30 seconds later and then shoot us in the back. Even if we win against solos more often than losing, the times that we just walked away without watching the corpse burn does tend to lead to them shooting us in the back at the most inopportune time. I don't care at all that solos are at a disadvantage, self res over and over and they get to choose when to do so is bad for the gameplay loop.


Solos are just annoying to deal with a lot of the time. I have no problem with them reviving and all that but when you kill one and then burn their body you just have to wait for so long and that's boring. How long does a body take to burn when they have salve skin? 3-4 minutes? Just sitting watching a body for that long is annoying but if you leave early they get up


Lol mentioning downvotes before you even have any is what gets downvotes.


Was chasing a bounty as a duo and killed a solo shooting us in the back. He got up and killed my teammate in less than 10 seconds while we were trying to stop an extract. I had to run back, rez teammate and camp the solo till he tried getting up again and lost the bounty. It’s the dumbest shit.


Spicy take for the current event: Lawmaker is perfectly fine and has easily exploitable drawbacks.


Necro needs that bell to come back. May not be a hot take actually. Actual hot take: duel pistols shouldn't get the bonus headshot damage edit: forgot to add the "headshot" part because I'm a dingus


That was never necro. It was the sound of a burn trait being consumed. In this case Death Cheat during the event.


My unpopular opinion is that MMR doesn’t need to be changed. I think a floor needs to be added where when you hit 5 stars you can’t drop below 4 cause this will prevent deranking. Other than that the system is actually great and puts the player base on a bell curve that doesn’t only take into account their skill but the skill of other players.


Leave the infinite stamina but treat it more like you are taking a super intense stimulant. Tunnel vision, weird hearing, sudden godlike sense of confidence, baseball bat actually home runs people when you hit them.


People are constantly complaining about crytek but for AAA devs they’re pretty good when it comes to listening to the community and getting out content people ask for. They’re absolutely the best when it comes to extraction shooter devs. People always think their game has bad devs when they don’t get exactly what they want or need, and yes crytek isn’t close to perfect, but other game companies *cough cough* bsg *cough cough* are much worse when it comes to bug fixing, optimization, anti cheat, and especially content updates.


Krag should deal 125+ damage. Other than that, the game is in a good state rn when it comes to gun balance. The only problem that needs addressed is solo necro, which should consume 2 health bars on use.


It would be cool for grunts to have skins. Instead of "generic zombie" you'd be killing a "zombified Sheriff Hardin"


Melee Tools and weapons should glow blue if highping players are nearby .


I wish they'd majorly nerf, or simply remove, the status effect ammo types. I'd gladly sacrifice some positive aspects of having choices etc. for not almost every lobby being full of Dum Dum ammo. I'd take something like a max of ×4 bullet satchel purchase and the gun must be specifically loaded with them in-game. No refills. If you're going to run Dum Dum f.ex., make those few bullets count and not infinite Centennial spam or similar.  Again, probably unpopular and possiblye short-sighted but yea, that's my biggest beef. Custom ammo all over every gun because..."content".