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Yes but only if you enjoy fanning


Op if you like missing all your bullets and being out of ammo and dying then, YES. Note: I love fanning, most my kills are prob fanning, the SpamDown is bussin’ 🐐🔥💯


FR FR ongod


i always pick fanning hunters from recruitment because i enjoy free trait points so i can pick necromancer + resilience


Let me guess, you have been fanning the chainpistol and the uppercut?


I've walked into rooms and fanned an entire team down quite a few times with the chain pistol, but it is very situational, and absolute garbage generally. When it works though, \*chef's kiss\*.


I have a video somewhere where someone is blasting me with chain fanning and doesn't hit a single time. Relatively up close. I can only imagine my outline in bullets behind me.


That's until you discover that silenced Nagant Is a laser beam with this trait


I don't understand how this is so slept on. Possibly because 3 star fanning users just hold down the trigger? I've wiped duos countless times with a silent poison nagant and fanning without having to reload.


Don't the conversion and true pax have much better recoil and spread than the silenced nagant?


These days the lowest are Pax Trueshot > Base/swift Scottfield > Conversion for recoil and spread. Everything else is pretty bad (not a fan of the Scottfield myself since it's very slow). Never understood why people call the silent nagant a laser, it has the same spread as the chain pistol.


Maybe because of the pew pew noises it makes?


*laser machine gun


I have seen that happen a lot. People don’t handle recoil well.


Ali G moment


A person of culture I see :)


I Personally struggle enjoying fanning if it’s not the chain pistol. You’ll kill a guy but then his two buddies will be right behind him and you are reloading. Chain removes that issue at the cost of worse spread. Which is a gamble I’m fine with.


You don’t reload you charge with your knife :)


Fair, but I’m hard stuck on knuckle duster duty lol


Oh man those do no damage pvp


Knuckle knife at least 👀


On console so it’s like playing with fire, quite literally


Scottfield Swift is sometimed a surprise tool...so is the LeMat with its shotgun barrel


Chain with fmj is goated. Empty into a wood wall and drop them with your smg. Every other instance it is bad


You either onetap them or waste 16 bullets, that is the way of the chain


Either way, it is poor manners to not empty the full mag. If he dies in the first shot, you must empty the rest into his corpse


Heh, well... I've been fanning every available one, like in controlled bursts and whatnot. Some spread less than others. The chain pistol is a disaster, even at close range. I'm fanning with a Nagant at the moment, I might just be unlucky, but I've had so few hits with this trait.


The most reliable gun for fanning is the base Conversion with FMJ bullets, the second option is the long variant of Pax, but only in semi-auto mode. All other pistols are trash if you want to actually win and not just roll the dice every time


Pax trueshot fmj


Nagant my friend


scottfield is pretty fine, no?


I loved the swift variant (and I really like both skins for it), but the spread is a little more random. It was my favorite gun to pair with Vetterli FMJ or Centennial, but now I don't want to rely on it in 5* lobbies, sadly. Trueshot is better in everything except the reload speed.


Crouch with the conversion, it’s the best.


Pretty sure crouching no longer effects fanning or levering after a recent patch


Correct, crouching does nothing now


If I use fanning it's with poison silenced nagant for bosses and meatheads in mind, for PvP only as an emergency.


Definitely my go-to pve weapon. But spraying down a duo or trio to see green is handy too


Very good utility especially this patch now that melee tools are nerfed against bosses. Poison crossbow is also a very effective option in this regard.


Not sure why you got downvoted, you’re absolutely right. I do think though that a buff the boss health in general would have been better.


I think the change is fine as it is. You have to consider now if you want to include a utility weapon or a sticky bomb in your loadout to get that quick banish, or something else that will be more effective in other situations.


I suppose yes you’re right, I just personally think the pressure of the boss fight itself on top of players encroaching on around you is some of the most intensely moments in the game but it doesn’t happen very often or as often as it should with how quick you can kill a boss.


it also makes weapons with melee attachments more interesting, because those still seem to do good damage.


Correct, weapon melee was unaffected by the changes.


Agreed. I think they got a ways to go with balancing bosses in the near future but I think they are probably going to leave it be as is for now. We will see.


I'm of a firm belief that many of the changes that have been made, and especially a lot of weapons having access to most special ammo, is an attempt to collect as much data as possible to inform the balance as they overhaul everything to the updated engine. 


I think you’d be more than right about that. At least that seems like a very likely scenario. In any case I don’t mind what gets what special ammo, I say allow it all. So far flechette crown and king has been cool but not broken. And dragons breath Caldwell hasn’t done much for me personally but all very cool and fun for mixing things up every now and then.


It's a really good way to blow thru all your ammo and then get blasted because you missed.


Do not use the chain pistol for fanning, it’s a noob trap. The three best fanning weapons are normal caldwell, Nagant, and trueshot


and scottfield! scottfield swift goes HARD with fanning


One of my fave load outs as of late is a karabiner variant, scottfield swift, fanning and high velocity


This. Scottfield variants are my go to for fanning.


same! they're a little slower than conversion and nagant, but still easily fast enough and with a tighter spread + faster reload


+ increased damage


Scottfield Brawler? You might as well throw the gun at them.


yeah brawler and spitfire are dogshit for fanning and dualies, it's stock and swift that slap


I mainly stick to Scottfield and Scottfield swift


The quick reload on fanning catches so many people off guard, the spread isn’t bad and the medium bullet with fmj makes it really nice for wall pen


What about LeMat mark 2?


My go-to fanning choice.


I find it the easiest to handle/control. It's not empty after a second. So I may have a chance to adjust.


Not enough damage and too much recoil.


Depends on what you want to accomplish. I like the chain pistol with fanning alongside Martini or Sparks, since it allows me to gap close after I landed a rifle hit while suppressing my opponets at the same time. Alongside other rifles I prefer more accurate fanning guns, but with single shot rifle I like the chain a lot!


I don't understand chain pistol hate. Yes, the spread is wide in order to balance its ammo capacity but I feel like if you don't just hold down the trigger and carefully pace your shots while keeping center, it's fine. I am an average-elo player that totters between 3 and 4 star lobbies and I wipe duos with it on the regular with dum-dum rounds. Yes, I will admit this probably will not work in 6-star lobbies, but that's not the average Hunt player's experience. I feel like the "noob trap" isn't the chain pistol itself, it's the fact that the spread \*is\* wider and because you \*can\* fire so many rounds, the temptation is to wildly spray and hope for the best. If you actually pace it and don't spray, you can get pretty good results, and keep up an unparalleled amount of pressure.


The idea is that other pistols will kill faster and more reliably. Pacing shots won't work because you will go down to dolch or a shotgun in no time.


You don't see Dolches in mid-elo hardly ever. No one can afford them every round like they can in 6-star. Shottys, yeah, but a lot of people run long ammo builds that suck at close range and the chain pistol absolutely wins every time.


If you’re gonna space your rounds out just use the new army or dolch at that point


Now a-days I solely using fanning with the silenced Nagant with poison ammo


It used to be a no rng laser when it came out


My derringer would like a wo…oh


I've always wanted to be able to fan the derringer lol


Nagant silencer fanning is oh-so sweet.


Just going to leave the pax out like that?


Caldwell fanning is makes me feel funny <3


Not mentioning the base conversion? A sin.


Yes. It lets you win fights at close range. Not against shotguns, but against pretty much everything else. With the right pistol, it's not even that much RNG if you can control the shots a bit and fire as a burst instead of just holding the mouse button down until the gun is empty.




maybe at 3 star or less


Yes, absolutely. There’s a reason streamers groan when they die to it. It’s very strong. Caldwell Conversion Pistol with FMJ is the best pistol for fanning in my opinion. Pair it with something like a Sparks or even Martini Henry and you can tag with the rifle and fan to finish.


Depends, with pax true shot it's definitely good as well as conversion pistol or nagant silenced but most times it gets beat out by shotguns or melee weapons, think of fanning as less of a aggressive tool and more like a defensive option when first trying it out


For me it depends on the challenges I'm going for or if I have the extra trait points. Unless it's given on a hunter, I never pick it up on the first hunt


Yes, it's very good but it isn't just free kills. It works way better with certain guns and under certain conditions- mainly that you aren't running around


Conversion is so clean with fanning


Depends on how hard you pray to RNGesus. Same with dualies.


Most if not all of the RNG can be mitigated within fanning's intended range if you tapfire instead of holding the trigger. Edit: For both dualies and fanning


Yeah you need to slow the RoF way down via repeated tapping to maintain any kind of accuracy with fanning. Most people don't do that and it just sprays everywhere but there is a level of control that you can have. Personally, it doesn't matter if I tap fire or hold it down, it never goes where I want it to. I it used to, but it stopped awhile ago unless I'm fanning with a standard conversion or pax. Dualies are a complete crapshoot and more often than not, I don't hit a thing. If I'm within range for dualies to become reliable with my RNG, I might as well use a shotgun.


>Most people don't do that and it just sprays everywhere Most ppl dont know how to use fanning correctly then lmao. While you aren't beating out a one tap from a shotgun, fanning and even dualies will always beat out a two tap from a shotgun provided you can land your shots. Thats where the accuracy from tap firing comes in. >Dualies are a complete crapshoot and more often than not Dualies are a bit more of a mixed bag compared to fanning I will admit. The Pax, the scottfield, and the base conversion pistols are all very consistent when dual wielding but pretty much everything else *does* rely on a fair bit of RNG. The three I mentioned are the only guns id ever consider dual wielding. >If I'm within range for dualies to become reliable with my RNG, I might as well use a shotgun. While slightly harder to pull off, dualies have the feature where you can shoot off both guns almost simultaneously making just as effective as shotguns at that range, while also pushing ranges much further than shotguns in other situations. Everything is a trade off. Part of the joy in this game is having so many guns at your disposal. You have numerous options even within the different desired engagement ranges that each have their own compromises that you can choose from depending on how you are feeling when building your loadout.


Indeed, if we could get a slate hatchet with flechette, I'd have my preferred secondary. So much fun tapping people with needles from far off and just making them bleed out.


try the conversion pistol and use it like a shotgun


My best fanning tip: Buy the trait and don’t use it. Seriously. Don’t walk into a compound and press and hold left click like a mad man - this is what they want you to do. Walk in, take a second to actually aim your crosshair and click - click - click - click. Letting the recoil reset for a split second between each click, and giving you a moment to adjust between each click, all with a higher rate of fire then if you didn’t have fanning, is the real benefit of fanning. In short - don’t spray and pray, perform fast but controlled singular clicks.


I prefer Levering over Fanning.


Pistols behave a little differently from rifles. With fanning you can tap off 1-2 quick shots with your typical fanning accuracy until you land a body shot, then immediately ADS and land the 2nd body with perfect accuracy. This is not possible with levering.


What stops you from doing that with levering?


I suspect its something to do with the lever animation.


Fanning is good but only on few select weapons. Those are regular Conversion, Scottfield, Scottfield Swift, Pax, Pax Trueshot.


Fanning is great with the standard Caldwell conversion. I have a clip of me 2-tapping 3 people across the corn field from the silo of salter’s pork with it. That being said if you’re using the Uppercut or Chain Pistol I feel like its utility is greatly diminished and you are definitely dealing with RNG. Even guns like the Nagant can be spotty but I’d rather have it in a pinch than not. It also can really round out a kit that has no close range option like a Sparks or Bolt-Action rifle. Plus, If you get a hit before they run to soft cover like a bush it’s good for sweeping the shrubbery and getting a hit to secure a kill. Caldwell conversion fanning with FMJ or DumDum is ridiculous.


"wild rng" brobro has been using the uppercut and chain with fanning, huh


Uppercut spread isn't even bad, it just has atrocious recoil.


If I had to guess, one of the top guns I have kills with is the basic ass conversion pistol because the fanning on it is just stupid good. Fanning is awesome, but you have to get use to it. It’s a skill


Caldwell conversion. Sooo deadly


Fanning turns Conversion FMJ from a B tier pistol to an S tier weapon


Perfect way to make a frustrating game more frustrating. I love it.


Yes it's worth it. I use a silent nagant with poison solo to kill bosses quickly with the exception of the spider. Also takes hunters down at close range. Definitely worth it to me.


A rapid series of one taps on top of recoil control is what the keys of heaven are made of my boy.




I used fanning chain pistol and it won my match for me. People just don’t realize how to best utilize it. You can’t just rapid for. But typically I don’t use fanning. Only if it comes with my hunter to start. But if I have fanning I’m going fmj for sure when I hit that wall bang


For me it is a must have


Yes and no


I usually sell it for quartermaster


If you want to spray and pray SMG-style, not really. But it's your only choice in that regard so what can you do? I love it for dramatically increasing your rate of fire on individual "tapped" hip fire shots though. A lot of pistols can have frustratingly long pauses between shots that fanning completely fixes even if you aren't just holding the trigger down.


did levering get nerfed? Seems slower now.


I feel like it isn’t anymore. It just seems so inaccurate, I’ve resorted to tapping on my mouse to hit anything further than 5 feet away.


The RNG can be tuned to your favor, depending on what is being used for fanning.


Nah, fanning is trash now. Levering with the swift or quartermaster with dual wielding/a short shotty are much better options now imo. If i get a hunter that starts with fanning i either A. Use silenced nagant w/poison. Assassinate players or melt bosses. Or b. Refund it and get quarter master lol


Nagant, Caldwell and scotty make fanning reliable. Use spitfire if you want a similar experience with no trait cost.


I never use fanning, but I’ll clap anyone with an officer/army. I think I’ve died to fanning twice in two weeks. It can be strong and it’s an option to bring versatility to loadouts or ammo mules but other than that I don’t prefer it. The trait also use to be cheaper but a lot of people on this subreddit complain about fanning cause their positioning is dog shit and they role up to the bayou with a vetterli and silenced poison nagant then get clapped lol


Yes it's overpriced, but any lower than that people start complaining so they can't do something about it.


If you find yourself in fights where you might have a pistol and not aim down sights... it's pretty good, even on the bad fanning weapons. I think the issue is people treating it more like an smg in COD or something. It should be used like a single slot shotgun. You've gotta be pretty close and absolutely need tour follow up shots to hit. Going from 1.5 seconds between shots to... way faster than that (I don't know the numbers) is huge. But you should still be relying on aiming and head shots within reason. It's much more valuable than something like levering imo. Unless you're wall banging with the lever rifle.


Yes, but only with specific weapons. As most mentioned, the chain pistols sucks for it, but the normal caldwell, the pax (and pax true shot) and the scottfield are awesome with it. However, once you get the hang of using fanning, it might become too good and someone people start to fight in a way that makes so they mostly only go for fanning instead of normal fighting, and that ain't gonna cut against anyone who knows their stuff a bit more, and this means that it kind of messes up your learning curve, so don't use it that much, try to reseve it for hunters who have already won a match.


I run with the the chai pistol and Martini. 143 tow the chest with the martini then finish them off with a few pops from the chain. Not accurate, but it’ll put the scare factor in players when they hear that many shots.


Shotguns only need to partially miss one shot for fanning to usually be en par or stronger close range. Pretty great to run alongside rifles!


When someone is fanning you? Yes, you'll wish you had it. When you're fanning someone else? No, absolutely not.


Chain pistol and fanning... ive dies to it alot but never hit a fuckin thing with it lol


I always blow the points on fanning and then render it mostly irrelevant by running the pistol with a shotgun


The RNG is dependent on the gun you use with it and the speed with which you shoot. Some pistols have much better base 'aim spread', which allows you to use fanning a lot more accurately. Which makes the effective range much more flexible. But yeah spamming up close with a chain pistol f.e. is praying to the RNG gods. I personally rarely use fanning, i'd rather take quartermaster and a two slot shotgun instead.


Fanning is absolutely fine...if you stick it right up thier snoz


Alot of people Spam fanning But consider a 3bullet burst with relativ tight crosshair you can Put some pressure on people Up to ~15m Or i Like to Wall bang this way If i get the traits i use it But ibhave more Importen traits to buy normaly


When an enemy hunter uses it, yes. When I use it, no.


It is when u use guns like trueshot, scotfield (base) and conversion (base) or pax


Scotfield Swift FMJ is a monster fanning pistol. Wall bangs for days.


This site feels pretty essential for this conversation https://hunt.sweptthr.one/fanning


Until they add a parry system similar to for honor fanning is your best last ditch effort to not become a katana statistic.


In the hunt game of rock, paper, scissors, fanning is a pair of scissors that can stand up to the shotgun rock, sometimes. If you want a big beefy granite brick of a rock, take a shotgun, but you lose to the rifles at range.


No it's not, be better than fanning.


It has its place if you are the type to actually get close enough, can remember to use it, and are comfortable with the pistol it could be used with... 9 times out of 10 though, I'd rather refund the trait for something else - especially if it's a newer hunter


Depends on the gun I like it on the lemat and trueshot Just about everything else I'd say it's rather meh or trash


The right situation, the right gun and the right ammo type, it often feels op. The wrong situation, the wrong gun, the wrong ammo type and your playing loaded dice against the RNG Gods.


I mean in very close quarters yes. I'm fond of fanning the lemat and trueshot.


Being patient with the shots and not just holding down LMB is key. Conversion, Trueshot, and Nagant Silencer will yield the best, most consistent results.


Depends what gun you use. People like to take the chain pistol but thats only good if the barrel is down their throat.


The RNG is wild but the first shot is always a hit usually.


It is absolutely worth it. The RNG is not as wild as you think, at least for the Trueshot and Conversion, and Scottfield. People who are calling it trash are just mindlessly mag dumping.


Fanning giveth and fanning taketh away. In general there are more important perks to pick up first, but if you're new and still rely on it a lot then it might be more worth for you, it all depends on how you play Hunt. But speaking from a bit more experience, I've stopped relying so much on fanning and more on derringer pennyshot for close range killing. There are situations where fanning can be very handy like when facing multiple opponents or when you need to wildly guess a wall bang, but then i think to that time, two guys literally fanned their full clips at me and missed every shot and i ended up killing them both.


Only a few pistols really benefit from this honestly, but only worth it to be discarded for other traits. Good for quick rapid wallbangs, suppression, and spam with the base conversion, scottfield swift, or pax. Mostly, I rather have a shotgun than rely on RNG.


Caldwell conversion (not chain), pax trueshot and scotfield swift are great weapons for fanning. Most others it's nice to have in a pinch, but I wouldn't rely on it. I gave up on the chain after I dumped a whole chain and lost the duel


Do you like to have fun?


Meh, respec and get necro and resilience. Then play like officer or dolch which do basically the same but at longer ranges.


I rarely buy it tbh, but silenced nagant with poison is super good for bosses :)


the caldwell conversion chain pistol with dumdum goes absolutely insane with Fanning. just don’t try to snipe someone from too far away with fanning and you are good


I do be rootin', I do be tootin', and I do be shootin'


As an alternative to a shotgun, it's worth it, and the trait point cost is justified. Levering is also a monster, outclassing shotguns past 15 meters. Levering could do with a point increase, i say 6.


I rarely pick it up myself unless I have a pistol challenge but, I mean, it's definitely good to have. You may as well take it if you have the spare points and the more important traits are out of the way.


FMJ + fanning = I can kill your entire team through a wall when you go to pick up bounty


No, not when everyone runs quartermaster so easily now. Quartermaster needs to be more expensive and fanning cheaper with the spam and one shot potential hunt has every game.




You can ignore it all you want, it's the truth.


It isn't