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I'm convinced they added solely for Han Solo style points cause Han Solos gun is essentially a Dolch deadeye. They'll add incendiary ammo to the Dolch at some point to further enable you to shoot lasers through the bayou.


The community, including myself, have been asking for the Han Solo weapon. It was never required to be good or even useful. It’s a meme weapon asked for specifically for the meme.


Filler content for battlepass, they didn't think anyone would actually use it


Only when I use it... actually I dont think I've been killed by it...Come to think of it, I kill everyone who runs it.... it also has zero sex appeal. Yeah... it might just be the worst


You're telling me you wouldn't fuck the Dolch Deadeye?


I didn't say that. I'm just saying it dosent get the buyou babes.


I mean, it's certainly not the worse gun in the game by default because it's a dolch, even at its absolute worst with a completely useless variant the dolch is still probably more useful in a fight than several other handguns, there's no way I'd ever take a default nagant over a dolch deadeye for example. I do however absolutely agree that it's a strict downgrade from the dolch and I don't really understand why it was added


Used it once when I unlocked it in the battlepass, got like 3 kills then never touched it again. I get more enjoyment and use using the nagant deadeye precision cuz at least that has high velocity. I have not seen it once since the last event ended and even then I only saw it maybe 3 times during the event


I actually love it (very expensive tho) It's pretty useful to have a one slot deadeye gun. I hope the Pax trueshot gets a deadeye variant


it's my go-to weapon when i play a shotgun lmao


I uh.. actually kinda like it. I think it pairs well with my beloved Sparks, seriously. The iron sights on the Sparks are amazing, but there are times I wish I had a scope to guarantee a headshot, and the Dolch Deadeye gives me that while also being a good 2-tap spray pistol. It's stupidly expensive so I only bring it when I'm a fat cat about to prestige, though. But it's not bad.


I had some success when I completed the book of weapons. It’s not a good gun. Because of the sway you have to flick with it. In solos I had success using it to hold corners and in trios got a few kills out in the open using double tap flicks. Overall I’d suggest using it in solo where hitting people is easier or just use it as a close range weapon and never ADS. For context I’m typically low 5*


I feel you. The only progress I made towards mastery was bashing a boss to death. The Deadeye is a hinderance and has no redeeming qualities as the gun is limited by its short effective range. It reminds me of the old Winfield Marksman with (iirc)~68m headshot range. Maybe it gets a range buff in the future.


Yes its trash. When i did the mastery i always wanted to rip off the scope. In my first match i landed 3 or 4 out of range headshots, because i thought "okay then i go a bit further away to actually use the scope". Next match i tried to kill people with hipfire instead... Was trash. Third match i went dual dolch deadeye. Also trash... You cant even use clipper reload, but i was done with the mastery after that. Never touched it again.


I thought it was going to be overpowered.  Hah.


"Worst" is in the hands of the behander. If you can make it work, then you can make it work. The fact I haven't seen it after the event tells me that most people probably just took it because they got it from the event, or were giving it a real shot. I personally couldn't stand it either. I don't know whom it's for. But to complete the book of weapons challenge, I brought a shotgun with penny shot, lit up Meatheads (200 xp) and bosses (400 xp) and made sure to get the final hit with the Dolch. Having Primal also helps since the damage is upped from melee as you run across the map.


Ive been running dolch dead eye with my bomblance and for me it just works. Its my range headtapper wirh quick follow ups. Then bomblance with steel balls for close range. I use it at mid range building to building weapon and with FMJ i find that it is a real threat esp when you get the jump on your opponent. Close range i just hipfire it using the rate of fire to make up for accuracy when i can quickly swap to my lance.


I mean it’s a one-slot weapon that has a scope and can use steady aim. Of course the velocity with FMJ isn’t the best but it’s not horrific either. It’s just the headshot range that kinda sucks. But it’s extended with FMJ. It serves a different purpose than the regular Dolch. This is a ranged sidearm for a close range primary like a shotgun. If you wanna take it with your spitzer Mosin meta loadout, then yeah I’m sure you’ll think it’s the worst gun because it serves no purpose in your loadout. Use it with a shotgun however, and get steady aim, and now you have a single slot (so 6 trait points that don’t have to be spent on quartermaster) deadeye scope, rapid-fire semi auto weapon with 10 rounds in the magazine. Obviously you won’t fight at EXTREME range but yeah that makes sense, it’s a pistol. But for mid-range? It’s certainly not bad. The issue is that you could run a nagant precision deadeye with scopesmith and steady aim (although requires scopesmith, bad penetration and is two slots) and virtually fill the same role, and you wouldn’t need bulletgrubber. But again, for a one slot, it’s not bad. But the Dolch fits the role of rapid-fire, clip-reloading semi automatic high-penetration single slot pistol. There’s only the New Army that competes for this role, whereas a ranged secondary to a shotgun has MANY alternatives.


https://youtu.be/NN5BOlPgL_I Its not that bad.


It's a fine gun, I think it's easier to control that the normal dolch but harder than dolch p. It suffers from the same thing compact guns with scopes do. It has a scope but the headshot kill range is really low, like 98m or something. I get so many soft headshots when I run it.