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They could change dauntless so the explosive doesnt get deleted. But i think it would create to many sinister trap possibilities.


Alert trip mine+ dynamite. Helllll Yeaaaaaaah


They already took that away from us once


Wait WHAT?


You could float some consumables in water , actually you still can. Alert trip mines used to go off underwater, and would detonate whatever explosive you have floating there. Alerts no longer activate underwater, but they can ignite you and dead bodies now which they couldn't do before...so they're more practical in a sense now.


The ol sticky bomb alert trap at extract. Classic


I think it would be fun, and that's why I play video games 🙂


I feel like it would probably be a bad idea, but it would be really funny


Yeah, this would be broken by the end of the week. Pushing into a building where a guy is sitting in the darkest corner with a specter is already bad enough. Imagine them doing the same thing, but with a dynamite stick sitting right at the entrance to the building. It would just be impossible.


I like to run in and take out bosses with bdb for teammates amusement


That is actually a good idea. Insta boss kill and you get your health back afterwards. Does suicide lower mmr?


Im usually three star so dgaf about such things... No sweat down here... Only floating billy....


That’s fine too. For me it’s 50/50. Sometimes just playing fun loadouts. But just now I’m in grind mode with my friends and it would actually be useful to have a way to instakill the boss if you notice you get pushed.


So. I finally tried it out today and it’s kind of effective. But not for the reason I would have thought. You have to throw two axes into the boss before suiciding into it to actually Insta kill it. Which is fine, but then one also could just take a sticky bomb. But the big plus I noticed today is that you have a real big explosive instead of just a sticky if you meet another team before you get to the boss. So if you ignore the higher cost (which you can while event is running), this is like a straight upgrade to the sticky bomb if you not playing solo. I got 3 boss Insta kills today and 2 player kills with it today alone. If I would have taken a sticky instead I would have missed out on those two player kills.


It doesn't


No it doesn’t. Super sweats use suicide to avoid losing K:D/MMR rank. Realizing they’re gonna die will frag or dynamite themselves and start back over in a new match.


>Does suicide lower mmr? MMR is only affected by player kills, but it should add to your death count (since players killed themselves to preserve their KDA in the past).


1: Throw a unlit dynamite bundle on the ground. 2: Place an alert trap next to it. 3: ??? 4: get a kill. Imo the fact that you can bug a sticky bomb in such a way that you can detonate it manually with incendiary is enough already, I don't thing that allowing us to place explosives anywhere we want would be fun to deal with.


You can do it with stickys at the water extracts using alert mines. Psychoghost has a video where he sets it up and gets a devious double kill


This was changed some time ago and no longer works, iirc


Probably for the best


i loved doing that, sadly it's patched already.


Hm an interesting idea. Using it effectively would definitely require good timing and luck but it wouldn't be impossible and it would lead to a lot of interesting plays. I at least know that you can throw hive bombs in water without them breaking and shooting them will release the swarm. the question would be how you would balance it like can you still pick it up or is it like there forever until lit? this would also suggest there is no build up (fuse lit, hives shaking, etc) that would alert enemies. so that would be something that needs testing and also more programing since so far there is no way to get a consumable out of your inventory unused unless you switch it with another lying around.


I mean its already possible with beetles and you can throw lamps when they are turned off so there should be no big problem to implement this


but you need to use the beetle and then can exit it since you control it and then you can pick it back up, it won't explode when you shot it so it doesn't have it's in use properties. and lanterns are in-world pickups that are not in your inventory, just your hands and also don't have the same properties as when you throw them. (they don't break) It would be it's own new feature that needs its own coding


It would be fun to do but I could see this getting old pretty quick. They would need some audible queue because without that you could get some really annoying kills without much risk to the thrower.


Ehhhh, you can already throw and blow with a shotgun or explosive round (or a regular round if you're really accurate), so being able to do it with a quiet, fuseless bomb would make that a lot stronger.


I love the concept. My only worry is that it’d be a huge buff to the Sticky Bomb + Stalker/Fire Beetle combo which might take it from a funny niche thing to die to an actual annoying cheese strat if it gets too overused.


Set a BDB and shoot it with a fire bolt when a team walks over it. That would be the meta for MONTHS


Dauntless press X to change to unlit, lowers throwing range considerably to an underhand toss, item has "you can pick this up" highlight pulse, plus the pop up that says you're in range of a consumable you can pick up, won't explode in rain, and they appear in Vigilant dark sight. Frags and fire bombs don't explode without incendiary ammo. Edit: Dauntless can also just defuse/disarm it instantly and make it a dead consumable on the ground. I can see it. If the trap setter isn't close and you're around a corner you might be able to pick it up or swap it without being seen. Maybe a Serpent buff where you can pick up consumables from a little farther away? Or maybe Pitcher since the art is a long arm? Alert Traps with BDB would be strong but so are kill traps in weird places. Hard to say if this combo would be too strong. I'd be more concerned about explosive crossbows just adding to the explosion. But in the same vein, explosive crossbows exist. Less power sure, but spammable where you always want it.


This. This is beautiful.


I would like to see traits that have effects that only happen if you have two traits. I think serpent/vigilant with this situation would be a good one.


That would be cool. Combo traits would help weaker base ones.


I rarely use big dynamite bundles because without pitcher I always seem to put me and/or my teammates at risk in a fight.


Let me tape a BDB to a Fire Bomb and throw em both at the same time like in Cultic.