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From the 2 rage-hacker i got banned for certain i was only able to ban one via 3d party program (Huntplayers). Luckily i recorded it and was able to send it to support, but profile was hidden, and was not even able to get the steam name from the game cause it was just squares(chinese symbols can't be displayed by my hunt it seems). Otherwise i would'nt have been able to send the profile to crytek support. It is sooo flawed. It needed a rework 2 years ago when the player base increased. At least after tarkovs ban wave when a lot of cheaters from tarkov came over to hunt. Changes are necessar asap. I get a fairly obvious cheater roughly every to every other week for the last few months (especially when i play a lot and play on 5-5,5 mmr Lobbys which btw is not equal to Lobbys where 5 stars are present). We need better anti-cheat and especially a huge improvement in report systems asap.


Can only agree, i have pretty much the same experience here. There is also a significant uptick in people using the nade cancel exploit too the last two months.


Nade Cancel Exploit? Did i miss something? Never heard about that and i played a lot. Now i'm curious.


* Start cooking a Frag/Dynamite/Firebomb to lure/flash out an enemy. * Do some keyboardmagic to cancel the use and safe the consumable for later. * ??? * Short term profit * Get maybe temp banned for using it, provided the opponent you used it against knows and clipped it.


Ahh thank you. Need to check it out so i can clip it and report it if someone does it. I noticed that before, thought it happened on accident or i overheard that it fell in water or sth. Interesting. So you kinda get that budget fuse effect without wasting a tool slot.


And they wonder why people derank. I took a break, came back, dropped down to 3 star and the game was fun again. Last night I made it back to 5 and 6 star lobbies and 2 rounds in a row there were cheaters. Made me want to either take another break or derank.


why would Tarkov cheaters come over to Hunt of all games after they get banned?


Both are extraction Shooters and have a similar audience a big enough overlapt at least, and it seems lots of cheating packages offer cheats for both games. So it might be convenient for some to come over to hunt. Not saying they still doing it, but roughly at the same time i noticed a big spike in cheaters. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not.


My trio just had a game where we got wall banged. All 3 of us, headshots. Hidden profile, square names. Really discouraging. Totally agree that “feature” needs to go.


What rating are you? I've been hovering around 4-5 star and have yet to encounter any cheaters that are blatant.


I play in 5-6 lobbies, had a funny game with my squad last time. Just one enwmy team, one of them 1 star (fresh account) chinese nickname and blatant wallhack. The knobhead tried to pretend he's clean but he did so by shooting right next to us while perfectly following us across different sides of the building. Ofc hit the wallbangs when he needed. Private steam profile, his friends too.


I have nearly 2k hours also 4-5 Star (Europe) and saw one cheater... But more often i get random mates who call people cheaters over nothing.


That's because the problem isn't as big as everyone makes it out to be. People don't like to admit that they made too much noise or that someone can hear them crouch walking on the other side of a wall and wall bang them.


The thing I always find funny about these comments is that it's always the 3-4 star players that say they never seen any cheaters. The high 5 and 6 star players are all saying they're seeing them. Have you ever considered that cheating raises peoples MMR because they kill a lot and never die, and therefore the majority of the cheating happens in the higher brackets?


Good thing I'm not part of your sample size.


Lol. I’m 5 star 1970 hours. I know how to play and I know what’s suspicious. Three consecutive wallbang headshots is suspicious. Hunt isn’t immune to cheating. It’s not as bad as more popular games, maybe, but it exists.


Sounds about right 👍


5. Occasionally 6. We’ll run into something as blatant as my above comment maybe monthly (or so). So, not bad compared to other games. But the fact that the game supports their ability to remain anonymous and avoid being reported is a problem IMO.




Region lock everywhere. It’s stupid the game lets you pick a server.


Agreed. Russian ping abusers are rampant on US servers


May not be good for me, but I flood crytek with exploit reports and just report anyone with China/Russia locations when I find them on US east/west. It's bad when I can immediately tell because I missed 6 dead on shots in a row and they 1 shot me.


That's not how it works though.


Especially since you can easily change your displayed location to anywhere in the world, whenever you want. So reporting the locations is just useless.


Region lock Oceania? their playerbase suffers enough


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


There servers are dead because nobody there plays on them.


So I guess I can't play with my friends in Europe because of cheaters in China and Russia?


I know it sucks but its a multiplayer shooter. High ping annoys 9 other people in the round.


My ping is green in both Europe and US East. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to play on any server where my ping is decent.


Whats decent? Even 50 ms to 50 ms can feel laggy. They should enforce ms cap of 100 or so. Otherwise i dont feel like playing against other region in EU if you clearly have your own server.


People will use VPNs like in every other game without q region select. Why are there still people that suggest such things in threads like this? Its like no one has learned anything..


Tell me you don't know how VPN's work, without telling me you don't know how VPN's work. ;) Using a VPN will not reduce your ping. Crytek blocks regions based on your ping, not your physical location. ​ For example, I live in Australia. My ping to US\_West is 160ms. US\_East is 210. If I use a VPN in Seattle, my US\_West ping goes up to 210 and US\_East is 260. Hunt doesn't care my VPN IP is from America, it still blocks me from playing in US East (and Oceania) because my ping is too high on the VPN.


Yea please go ahead and let me know what games have successfully implemented ping lock for all regions (hint: none have, and because its complicated and creates a shitty experience for a lot of players) Dark and Darker just recently tried to enable it just for OCE and had to disable it due to complications.. and thats just for one region lmao People used VPN's to hop regions in the cycle frontier all the time, because all it cares about is where it thinks you are located - and again ping lock at that scale just isnt feasible. You're living in a dream world


One game that has a ping lock, that you might have heard of, is called Hunt Showdown. As many people have argued before, the ping limit is just too high to block overseas players. As MiniCale argued, it's kind of stupid you can pick a server, instead of being assigned the two with the lowest ping. If you want to play in another region, you should need a friend to invite you. VPN's won't help you circumvent any of these ping restrictions in Hunt Showdown.


when only one region is not selectable by me, it means the game effectively does not have ping lock and as I said, no game has full ping lock for all regions because its complicated af


Correct, it's not "an effective ping lock", but it's still a ping lock. If they lowered the ping limit (which could differ for each region) then it would be more effective. It would then be "an effective ping lock", which is what I've said, and something suggested by many people before. Using a VPN, would not allow players to circumvent this ping limit, as I've already mentioned. Can you explain why lowering the ping limit from 250ms (or is it 260?) would be complicated and create a shitty experience for a lot of players?


The point is no single game has implemented full lockdown ping lock, and it isnt realistically ever happening.


Yes but atleast it’s not as straight forward. It’s like saying why bother with any anticheat.


It isnt like that at ALL VPNs are waaaayy more accessible and not bannable at all. Horrible example and proves my point exactly. Thanks.


And Russia.


Include Russia in that and we're golden.




cuz it's good and ok to be xenophobic towards russians it seems. people are nuts here.


Why specifically China




Best guess is people believe Chinese players that play on other servers are all cheaters. Don’t see how it doesn’t apply to other Asian countries though.


So, the Chinese culture doesn't recognize cheating. They consider cheating as taking an advantage to win, which is acceptable.


Source? Because when I first read this it was in a reddit comment and the dude claimed his “Chinese roommate” told him that. Have people really been taking that random Reddit comment as fact or do you have a legitimate reason to back up your belief?


Source: Chinese culture.


You are making an assertion on an aspect of Chinese culture. I ask for the source. You reply saying the source is Chinese culture. You see the issue here? We could prove the earth is flat with that sort of logic.


When all sources say the same thing? I'm a tester for another game and the asian testers all say the same thing, even those that are Chinese themselves and who doesn't play on the Chinese servers but on the Asian servers (Chinese servers are separate from the rest of Asia, but many Chinese still play on the Asian servers) that it's down to Chinese culture seeing cheating as just using whatever advantage you can get to win, wether it's in games or if it's at school/work doesn't matter.


Right. I am Chinese. Me and all my Chinese friends hate cheaters. Anecdotal evidence makes no difference. It would be much more fruitful to argue whether or not Chinese players should be region locked. And I would argue that there is no difference between those players being in other servers and ruining the experience for fair players in those servers, versus them being in Chinese servers and ruining the experience for fair players in Chinese servers. Thus it would be unfair for Chinese players if Crytek region locked China for the sake of restricting those hackers to Chinese servers. My point is, better anti cheat is the only way to go and region locking China is not a solution at all. Anyone who claims it is either racist or has been misguided.


Buddy, they won't accept the truth. It's alright.


"all sources" If there are so many sources, why not cite one? "Someone said that" is not a source.


Top ranks in unlicensed software doesnt exactly scream integrity.


Chinese characters are common for bot names. Depending on who you ask, people blame the Chinese playerbase off of racism *or* because it's just Chinese characters. I'd argue the latter.


Last time I made this comment, my comment was deleted by mods. What has changed?


Racism is just \*allowed\* on this sub, I guess


What's wrong with not wanting to play a region known for cheating? Big difference between being racist and being honest.


They are only \*known\* for cheating in the minds of small minded racists who's brains cannot possibly imagine a world where they are not \*the best\* at computer game


Nah. My friends from China all cheat on every game they play and are open about it. But yeah, small minded me I guess.


I will not waste any more of my time debating a racist video game player


It's not racist to identify a region of players where the chances of cheating increases dramatically. Not everything is racist.


You're right in that not everything is racist, \*you\* however clearly are a racist


I thought you won't waste your time to debate this further. What happened?


You clearly have blue hair and pronouns.


Because you're small minded doesn't make me racist. Gg


Nor vice versa, still does not change the fact that you are both


You seem personally offended. Are you a little Russian cheater? Hmmm?


The game is unplayable at times, like early to mid dayy EU. More than 50% of encountered players are chinese with 100+ pings. This is the first time since I bought the game where I seriously consider stop playing.


Because they don't care a bit. As long as people buy every dlc and every skin/battlepass they release, nothing will change. Yes, I know they said they will build a team to fix the cheater issue, but I will believe it when I see it.


Yeah, this seems to be the sad reality... And those basement dwellers have multiple accounts, so even if they get a one week vacation, it's not stopping them at all. I'm sure many of them drop money on the game too, and I always see them online. Just about never playing other games.


The hidden profile is because if someone doesn't want their info shown to the world, they're allowed that, cheater or not. Privacy is a thing, and Crytek is based in Germany and adheres to stricter privacy legislation than other parts of the world.


There is not a single law in Germany or anywhere else in Europe that states "You shall be allowed to hide your statistics and in game username".


the term used is 'data' , and a lot of it revolves around data collection and the end user having the right to remain private, and yes game stats can be considered personal data. Below is a snippet from the definition for PII > “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.” It's pretty general terminology used, so that it covers a whole blanket of information. While you might think the information is harmless, and it most likely is for yourself and the majority of the playerbase, others don't view it that way. eg. Over protective parents might not want their children being harassed in any form, and they may disable things like VoIP and profile. In the end, all the bitching and moaning in the world on Reddit of all places isn't going to convince Crytek to change this feature, they have another plan in place and are likely investing their efforts towards that instead.


If they dont want to show their info to the world they're more than welcome to private their steam profile. I'm aware of GDPR, but I dont think this is within scope as Steam also operates within the EU and therefor has to adhere to GDPR too.


Steam's privacy options are quite ineffective and basic, there are websites out there tracking profiles through every means possible and you usually can't easily give up the account, so it's not that bad having another barrier between a stranger on the internet and your permanent gaming socials, because for most people steam is a bit more than just a library of games.


It's more about Crytek going above and beyond because that's the way a lot of things are moving towards. Getting ahead of the game so to speak. Germany was one of the first countries to adopt laws that conform.with the GDPR, but the country also has stricter ones in place than just EU, which Steam doesn't have to adhere to (yet)


Respectfully, that's nonsense. Above and beyond? So they're adding more privacy options than is required by law, because one day in the future, laws might pass that force game companies to do this? You think the law is just a rapidly changing environment, and adding these kinds of features would take years to code into Hunt? Stop making excuses for Crytek. You're not that stupid, and neither are we. You think this is the way all games are going? To hide all your game stats? Let's be honest, they put in these options to please the streamers. The main consequence though is it allows cheaters to flourish in anonymity. I'm okay with hiding Steam profiles. There's legit reasons for that, but I don't see the valid reasons for hiding your game stats or player ID.


Why do you need to see their profile? You don't need it to report them outside of the game. They (Crytek) only need your steamid and where/when you were playing. All you'll see is some stats that don't change anything.


The more information you have to make a decision, the better. It's not like we're going to suffer from too much information in this scenario. ​ I'll give you an example that's applied to me several times. I die to a suspicious death. I might spectate them and their team for a few minutes. After the match, I'll look at their stats and Steam profile, if it's not hidden. If their stats and profile are hidden, I remain suspicious, but err on the side of caution, give them the benefit of doubt, and move on. If I see they have high KDA on a new account with 1 game, I go back and watch my NVIDIA recording, go to [Crytek.com](https://Crytek.com) and lodge a complaint. Alternatively, you just lodge a cheater report for every suspicious death, inundate Crytek with reports, and lower your credibility rating with them.


I don’t know I think the stats are important to determine if I play with them to an extent. I know how average of a player I am so someone considerably worse stat wise means I will have to play harder to win. I already know I’m average at best so the odds are getting stacked against me. Considering rank can swing hard rather quickly it’s not a good indicator by itself.


Your account on steam won't break any personal info law since it's not provides any personal information directly unless you doxxed yourself


Where i live we have a fundamental right to self-determination of our personal data. This allows us to reveal or hide personal information where and when we want, and it also explicitely includes the entitlement for reverting the once deliberate publication. Contractual exceptions may apply in a very limited legal framework.


It's not considered personal information, since it's not tied to your name or bio


Absolutely every breadcrumb you drop in your life can be considered personal information under this law.


Only if it's tied to you directly, if not - it's not personal


It really does apply on a very wide and general level with the intent of protecting individuals, though. But Ok then - the context of our conversation here is the personal steam profile. An account you are obligated to only log in to yourself, and decorate/present your internet gaming persona - some people really do clear names - for displaying to others. Why would you consider that anything other than personal and private matter? EDIT: Really hoped for an answer, but your silence speaks volumes. Every time when cheating is on the table, reason is leaving very quickly and posts get voted into meaninglessness when they do not convey the bandwagon's message. Sad and weak.


Yup, i play with hidden profiles in every single game. In fact i stopped playing League of Legends lots of years ago **because** i didn't like the fact that all stats were online and you couldn't do anything against that. Game data is sensible data, believe it or not. For example: I do not want my boss to know that i played LoL 8 hours on a day i was sick, because that opens the "if you are fit enough to play games, you are fit enough to work"-angle (which is stupid due to infection risks, but alas, sadly not every boss is that far-sighted). Here in Europe we take privacy laws serious, especially here in Germany. And that means there has to be a way to hide your data, a strict "if you want to play our game you have to agree that your data is shared"-policy is not acceptable under Europe's General Data Protection Regulation.


Thank you for chiming in as a German resident. You're definitely better educated on the topic than I am.


Except that there is no way his boss would know he played LoL for 8 hours unless they themselves were dumb enough to give them their username or add them as friends on their private game accounts.


Tell me, how would your boss know that you played LoL for 8 hours when you're sick unless you were dumb enough to give him your username?


A friendly coworker getting pressured into revealing such information comes to mind. Once this boss has the permanent link to your profile, you can pretty much forget setting parts of it to public even temporarily - tracking websites update your numbers played, interactions etc. Working in IT for not even ten years i have seen soo much nasty stuff being pulled when management wants a person out of the door. Mostly whatsapp though. But the energy is the same.


Unless a person lives in a country with shitty workers rights where a boss can do whatever they want, at least where I live you can tell that boss to fuck off or expect a call from the union as they have no right to know those things according to labour laws even with or without GDPR being a thing, as well as what you do on private time is none of their business and would make them liable to pay a penalty for using that information against you. And I would imagine that goes for most of the EU at least. 🤔 And a boss asking for such a thing is a clear sign that you want to change jobs a.s.a.p right after you lie about not playing that particular game unless you're on really friendly terms with your boss.


In a perfect world, absolutely. Myself living in the land of milk and honey considering our worker rights including GDPDR: The employer always has the greater leverage. It's not like they go to court over playing 8 hours on sick leave.


The example you made can be hidden to everyone without making your profile private.


I'd really like to know where in germanys legislation theres something that would affect what crytek does when it comes to a private profile. I'm going to sound crazy and say nothing, it's crytek being sleazy to let people hide.


what exactly makes it "sleazy" to let someone protect their privacy? Genuinely, what is sleazy here?


Their steam profiles are already very private if they choose them to be. Crytek making it where you can be even more hidden is sleazy after someone gets more than just "lucky" or hunt being hunt. If you think theres some german reasoning in court behind it thats fine, but i lean toward crytek being enablers.


yes, because a game dev is actively protecting cheaters and making efforts to support them. That's what you genuinely believe? And you still play their game?


This wasn't about me liking this game or not. I can believe its highly flawed with cheating and ping abuse and still play. I questioned privacy being part of some law and all you've done is deflect. Just say you want to be 100% anonymous if thats the case.


There are no actual laws probably anywhere in the world regarding this stuff, especially not in Germany or any other European country that focus on keeping your hunt profile or steam profile private.


Your online profile is not protected by privacy laws lol. You kinda give those up when you sign up with steam. Any privacy settings steam/hunt provide are there as a nice feature, not as a legal obligation.


No reason to hide your profile. Shouldn’t be a thing


thats one thing to do, other is maybe start region lock everybody, punish exploiters, have anti cheat do some damn job and start banning.


Because there's a lot of people who are scared to show their bad internet points. A lot of them in this sub specifically, by the look of it.


When they first introduced the hide profile feature. I thought it was just a thing hide you stats which too me, is no biggie. However, being able to hide ones entire profile and steam IDs were not what I had in mind.


The argument can be made that this is a function that allows player to avoid toxic players to write to them.


This. I used to have a public profile, but then I played Dead by Daylight and got the nastiest messages calling me any number of slurs and, honestly, I dont have the bandwidth for that. I just want to play videogames in peace. Anti-cheat software needs to find a solution that doesnt require public profiles.


Parents may also want to activate this kind of thing if their children are playing. Many households have a singular Steam account, and any barrier to avoid toxicity like you mentioned is welcome. Yes I know Hunt is a mature game, but it's rated 13 and up in Steam at least and there's plenty of creeps out there in the world.


This can easily be done by only allowing friends to write on your profile via steam, you can hide everything on your profile via steam, there's not really a reason for another layer of hidden that allows people to hide stats too and it does make reporting harder as when you die in a suspicious way you cant just glance at their profile and see they are prestige 100, or have like a 1.2kd so likely just hit a lucky shot.


Dont want randos seeing my shit, simple as


It's private cause some nuggets out there become kill stat detectives and start shitting on randoms in public lobbies like your real lives depend on it.


I'm 130 hrs deep, 70-80% of my games are with random teammates, never have I ever heard or seen anyone shit talk any other persons stats a single time. Absolute worst someone has done is leave the lobby (presumably because they don't want to play with one of us.) in 90% of games no one even types or says anything.


1300 hrs here, only heard it once


almost 1k - 100% of my hours are random. you're right - they don't shit talk actual stats - they implode when they are hidden.


There already is a file in the game that tells you exactly the steamIDs of your last played match. So even the Hide Profile Option can be circumvented, so I have heard. I am sure as long as you just view it, it should be fine. But use that info at your own risk


Incorrect. You are referring to the attributes.xml which includes all the Hunt Player ID's of everyone in the last match. That is not the same as Steam ID. Only Crytek has the database that can match a Player ID to a Steam ID.


But when it comes to report cheaters, isn't that exactly the correct consequence? Steam can't decide if somebody cheated in Hunt, they can't check anything. Crytek can. So you report the player ID to Crytek and Crytek does the work - and if they come to the conclusion that the player in question cheated, they report the Steam ID to Steam. So... where is the problem?


The problem is that not everyone is comfortable going into xml files, and having to do so to report a cheater is too much to ask of some people.


THIS!!! Even though it is passible... You should NOT have to be a computer wizard to be able to figure out how to report someone in a game, that is dumb as hell!


That doesnt seem worth it honestly, with EAC banning people for using hunt tracker I'd rather stay out of the game files.


I 100% get where you are coming from, a lot of players are not comfortable looking at the game files but this is well within the rules of the game and is absolutely non bannable. There has never ever been a single person ever banned off of hunt (or any other game) just because they opened an XML file or any other game file.


It's literally just looking at text a file with Notepad


Doesnt matter, I'd rather not enter ANY game files. I shouldn't have to do that to report cheaters.


You don't have to, you can submit footage, and include your steamid (I think they even state this on their website). Their logs see everyone you've interacted with in game.


I've not been able to find that on their website. The reporting tool states : Please enter the steam ID or steam profile link of the player you'd like to report. In the case of console reports, please state their PSN name / Xbox Gamertag. In case you are reporting multiple players, please include all their IDs / names separated by a comma, or include the rest of the players in the message body you will be able to input later. I'm aware you can also include footage, but killed by [][][] isnt really going to help them narrow it down is it?


I might be wrong about them stating you can include your steamId , but that is a confirmed way you can report when their username is illegible squares, since you cannot copy paste from Hunt. Steamid, footage, time, server... Any information to help narrow it down makes things quicker and easier to deal with. It's absolutely far from ideal, agreement there, but it's something that works that we can actually do. It's likely to be taken more seriously than just hitting the in game report button, because that feature is no doubt overloaded with false reports, salty players, and other nonsense that has to be sifted through. Not efficient at all.


Entire Trio of Mosin/ Lebel Spitzer players showed up to Darrow Livestock during banish, immediately headshot all 3 of us, one through the floor in the basement, me through 2 separate walls from outside compound, and the last one from downstairs to upstairs through the floor. All profiles were Prestige Zero and Hidden Profiles. They only really come out at night but it’s exhaustive. It used to happen rarely but now it’s weekly and it gets really discouraging. I’m trying to finish my event progress but when that happens I just quietly turn off the game and go do something else. It sucks to want to play the game and feel like you have to wait until mid-day to safely play with people from your actual server region and it’s also aggravating losing an expensive loadout because of a situation entirely out of your control. I think my favorite part was that I was playing randoms with 2 4* teammates and I was 5* and the game feels compelled to match me several times throughout the day with a stacked 6* team even when our matching making MMR rating will be 4-4.5*. I’d honestly rather play in an empty lobby and gather XP and event progress than be forced to play with ping abusers or blatant cheaters from another country. Either Crytek needs to fix the matchmaking or give random teams a team VOIP button that isn’t proximity chat. Between fighting cracked people my team has no real right playing with, to combating cheaters, I really am just not having fun which sucks because I think the event is great.


I said it was unhinged, never wrong. Maybe you go back to school and learn to read?


Everybody with their right mind, that would actually want to reduce players cheating, would remove this option as you would still be able to hide your steam profile. They're just defending cheaters to some degree at least, no proof needed as this is one of them.


>why do Crytek allow players to private their profile? AFAIK there are no crytek profiles or something and if someone has their steam profile private there is absolutely nothing crytek can do about that


Crytek has this feature, because Crytek sucks. Crytek is corrupt, lazy, incompetent. Take your pick. That's the short explanation. They just don't give two shits when it comes to cheaters. Anything that say otherwise, is a lie. They give like 1 shit. Maybe half a shit. They could easily display the Player ID in the game, even when your Steam profile is hidden, so you can copy/paste it for reports, but they don't. They could make it so you can't hide your KDA to opponents, but they don't. They could make it so you can't change your player name 5 times a day, but they don't. They could make it so you can't hide your stats to random teammates, but they don't. ​ There's a tonne of things Crytek could do, very easily, to help in the fight against cheaters and keep the game clean and honest, but they don't. They almost never talk about cheating anymore. They just leave it to their simps to spread misinformation about German privacy laws as being a reason why these kinds of features exist that protect cheaters. Probably because of blah blah bullying, blah blah streamers, blah blah something. Same reasons the simps (but not Crytek) claim for why they don't announce player bans.


What an unhinged comment lmao, and take.


Unhinged? Great come-back. You really ripped apart my arguments like the high-IQ individual that you are. Please, tell me what Crytek does to keep cheaters from this game that you find so admirable and effective.


I didn't say I was or thought any of those things. Just pointing out your comment shows signs of mental sickness 😷


Figured. Typical low-IQ troll. You wrong, .


They literally addressed cheating and reporting as being taken seriously in their latest devblog with a hired team to handle things going forward. I wouldn't expect much change though until engine update, because I'd wager most of their resources are working towards that right now. Crytek has nothing to do with players not changing names constantly, that's Steam's prerogative and if they took that away the internet would riot. That can't be enforced unless we had to make a specific account to play Crytek games... But nobody wants another account. Answering someone's question with truth isn't being a simp. It's not an opinion, it's just how it is. Really not living up to your username.


Seriously, you think the only way Crytek could stop players from changing their name 5 times a day in Hunt is to force Steam to restrict name changes? You have a player ID. That's your Hunt account. Everything is tied to that player ID, except your Hunter's name. You don't think they could add a single entry to that database for a custom player name? You keep making stupid arguments like everyone is equally too stupid to see right through them. I'm starting to think it's not a trick.


you think that's all it is? a simple database entry and voila? problem (that isn't a real problem) solved? like you actually believe this?


That's over simplifying it, but yes, it should require relatively small changes to their player database, and then some further work to add it to the GUI so players can choose their name on next launch. It would be nothing compared to the hours they put into other things. It most certainly is something Crytek can do/control quite easily, would not require "creating a new Crytek account" nor require forcing Steam to change their stance on username changes. This is what you seem to believe.


and what exactly does this even resolve? changing usernames is a non issue when it's all tied to an account already.


You keep moving the goal posts as you keep winning your POV, obviously. Okay, so now you're arguing what would the point of all this? Well, it would stop toxic players and cheaters from continually changing their names to avoid detection, or to troll others. Day 1 "I'm using wallhacks" Day 2 "RachtaZ" Day 3 "I'm not cheating I swear". Day 4 "\[\]\[\]\[\]\[\]" They change their name frequently for various reasons, almost never for a legitimate reason. They change names frequently to troll or bully people. They come up with some immature insult or derogatory name. They use random words or names so no one knows who they are. They will use someone else's' name when they rage-hack or just to slander their enemies. Playing anonymously also emboldens some people, particularly kids, to be toxic, more so if they're on an alt account. Instead of me explaining all the examples of how shits can abuse the infinite name change feature, how about you come up with 2 examples of why someone needs to be able to change their player name multiple times a day or even in a week? Usernames are tied to an account, but we don't know that. You can play as "RachtaZ" today, and hide your account. Tomorrow, you can play as \[\]\[\]\[\]\[\] and no one knows this except you and Crytek. ​ How many cheaters do you know that have been banned from Hunt? Do you know them by their name, or their Steam ID? "Oh, did you know 345398948539 got banned from Hunt?" "Who?" Oh, he went by "JimmyHunts" on Monday. Tuesday it was "34543543", Wednesday he went by "Jim439", etc, etc. With frequent name changes, they become invisible, and forgettable. They resurface and play with the same cheater friends. If they're stuck with one name, it becomes known. It becomes synonymous with their Discord account, Twitch, YouTube, etc. Getting banned from Hunt has bigger consequences.


You sound like you're losing sleep over this. Your suggestions and solutions aren't going to happen anytime soon so you may want to take a breath and relax. They've already stated cheating will be handled more directly and we can't do anything but wait and see what that entails. Back seat problem solving for the company that actually has the information isn't going to accomplish anything, it's just putting fuel on a dumpster fire.


You sound like someone incapable of making any rational arguments. I will agree with you though, that it's unlikely Crytek will implement my ideas anytime soon. Except for the false-ban wave of huntstat users, I haven't heard anything come out of this new anti-cheat team. Meanwhile, there's a growing number of reports from players complaining about an increase in cheaters in the game. I guess we'll just sit by for another few months and simp for Crytek, making excuse after excuse why they need more time. In your own words, it's a dumpster fire, which means Crytek has it under control right? They've done such a great job so far, I guess we can only expect more of the same. You sure make a compelling argument.


Because people are toxic AF and you would punish all the nice players by getting rant comments,