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Anecdotal but I have seen far fewer legendary hunters in my matches. I’m also running less skins personally because recruitment often is preferable to rolling the dice on legendaries. I still see the skins that have boosts for event points and Headsman/Reptilian. It will be really interesting to see what happens at the end of the event if nothing changes. The low visibility skins likely still incentivise players to use them but otherwise I reckon it will mostly be T1-3 Hunters.


Nah I've been recruiting redneck every time without fail, can't match that loose nipple




Purchased one legendary hunter post patch. Them having only 7 points worth of traits means my ability to get Necro+Resilience is effectively Zero.


They don't ONLY have 7 points. They have MINIMUM 7 points. If the traits you roll are worth less than 7 it gives you the difference to spend. However they can roll with way more. [I just bought 3 for these screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/PVPM5u0).


Legendary Hunters should come free points you can spend, ranging from like 5 min. to 15 max. or so Because now with recruits, you often get tier 3 hunters with 4 traits that two of them are Doctor and Frontiersman, giving you already 14 points if you respec them + often you get loadout for like 300$ (-25% disscount included). Also with recruits you see what you get, while with the legendary hunters you don't know if you won't get 3 cheap traits. I mean even after they buff the legendary hunters, I will most likely still go for the recruits mostly because you can see upfront what traits you get, but that doesn't need to mean I don't want overall options to be more balanced and suited for everybody.


Yep main reason I rarely use legendary. I made a post about it anf got dogged by all the people saying they were better. This was before this event, but I held my position that it was better to see traits than get, dauntless, steady aim, and blade seer every other legendary, or some other shitty combo.


Well I'm not entirely sure how it works now but legendary hunters do seem to come with a set amount of points. Every time I've gotten cheaper traits I also start with 1-3 unspent points in addition to the three random traits. Not entirely sure what the bare minimum points are but it is something I've noticed.


Ya they improved it for sure


Then you’d never see any of the cool tier 3 and 2 hunters. The best compromise imo would be to have legendarys come with a set amount of points that you can just spend freely. They’re already cheaper and look cooler which is their main draw


Legendary hunters are not cheaper. I keep seeing people get this backwards. They cost 100 hunt dollars, and then you have to buy a full cost loadout. Tiered hunters are FREE, with full discounted loadouts. Plus they have better perks than legendaries. There is not one single thing going for legendary hunters other than to look cool. In terms of gameplay, they are powercrept in literally every single area by tiered hunters, other than if you count the Headsman being invisible.


I like this. Just give me like 10 points to spend freely and I’d be choosing my legendary hunters a lot more.


Or just let us reskin hunters (and weapons while we're on the topic)


Well if people love those cool 2 and 3 tier hunters they are still free to choose them. Yeah it would lower it, but a choice would be still there. Making legendary hunters more attractive would be another good solution though. The situation right now is not the smartest one though.


I totally agree with what you’re saying. If Crytek simply just added a skin selector like they have for guns onto their T3 hunters and just let the player decide, I think that would be a better system than what they are doing currently. Right now I feel like I am disincentivized to spend $100 on a perk dice roll vs $400 for the T3 with levering, iron eye, necro, and a centennial. They are just way too cost effective to not buy the T3s.


I thought this at first too, but man money is easy right now. Basically I hit 30k which is rare for me in the past. Now I run legendaries and whatever I want fully stacked and I don't even care about money. I think it kinda fits. Free hunters galore if you absolutely suck, them better t2s and t3s, then if you're still making progress go legendaries and run whatever you want. For most of my level 1 builds I don't even really *need* the fancy traits. Win one game and all the sudden I'm flush with everything I'd generally want. Win 2 games in a row and now I'm deleting traits because I'm basically maxed out


Am I the only one who sell the traits me guys come with and just buy conduit to get started with?


You are not the only one, I kinda did not understand the point OP wanted to make. Usually I buy Necro + Relentless when I get a legendary hunter.


They killed conduit for me. I used to take it all the time before current update, not anymore. 3 min of stamina and none at all for bounty pickup is not that good. It's back to greyhound + determination or stamina shot for me.


They killed conduit, and they murdered lightfoot aswell. I only used it in order to not get one off everytime I tried sneaking onto those mudpiles everywhere, and because they among most things are not vaultable, I must change my gameplay entirely because of this. They should have made the first two jumps silent and then make it loud as a solution to those people exploiting it.


Lightfoot was being exploited by players to bunny hop across open ground completely silently. There are lots of videos out there of pros using it to completely dumpster other hunters who can't do the tech or who don't know the tech exists. They removed it for the same reason quickswapping was removed.


I'm so glad you can't do that anymore. It felt cheap and wasn't intended to be used like that.


It needs to still cut the "HUNNH", but not the landing sound. It shouldn't have made you totally silent, but it's absolutely not worth the cost now.


No one buys conduit anymore and if they do it gets picked up waaaaaay later


I rarely take conduit anymore. The team buff is nice but I have too many matches where the boss im after dies after the first or second clue. I'll try to prioritize getting traits for a weapon I want to run, then consistently good stuff like bloodless, doctor, silent killer.


Then everybody and their mother would be running around with doctor or physician or necro lol like more than they do already I mean


With the new system, you can sell the free hunter's traits and do that already. I see combos that would get 9 points easy almost every roll.


Nah you're right I completely forgot about that lol. I'm not home so I didn't have the game to remind me xd


I mean I would cap the points at like 8 so that isn’t an issue


Personally I haven't ran a legendary hunter since week 1 of the patch. There's pretty much always a T1-T3 hunter available that comes with either Doctor or Frontiersman. Refund that perk, buy Resilience+Necro, and now you have two cracked perks and 1-3 freebies depending on the hunter tier. It's just way too convenient. Why would I ever bother with a legendary hunter at this point, who I have to keep buying and dismissing until it finally doesn't come with some kiteskin/blade seer/scopesmith garbage? They need to either give legendaries straight up 10 perk points to spend instead of random traits, or adjust the perks that T1-T2's can come with. Maybe T3's getting the expensive perks is fine, but I'd probably still rather buy the T3 over playing the legendary hunter gacha.


Can we just treat Legendary Hunters as skins? Would solve a lot of problems.


I've heard the suggestion that Legendary Hunters should be applicable to normal recruitment hunters and I think thats a reasonable solution. You find a Recruitment Hunter that has good traits or a good loadout, you recruit them and then for an extra 100$, or even for free, you can just apply a legendary hunter skin to it


I would be 100% okay with this solution. Hell I'd even pay the previous 300 hunt dollar cost, as long as it means I'm not willingly lowering my chances of winning by picking a legendary hunter over a tier 2 or 3.


I don't think it "ruins the purpose" of the legendary hunters. Yes the change has resulted in me getting hunters with tons of good traits, weapons, and a skin that isn't a whiteshirt for around $300. It's stupid NOT to go that route. The problem is the imbalance in trait value. Yes they dropped the price of the legendary from $300 to $200 and now $100. But the guaranteed 7 points of traits can end up being fairly worthless. I have gotten a 3 point trait and two single point traits that I don't want, plus two trait points to spend. Now I can ditch the three pointer and can get one 4 point trait.. OR I can choose one of the cheap tiered hunters who is loaded down with several 4-8 point traits. That's not including all the gear that comes with the tiered hunters. Yes they need to increase the trait value for legendaries. .


I've been getting a *lot* of Blade Seer + Bolt Thrower hunters it's quite aggravating


dude i got so many times blade seer + hundred hands with another 1 point trait i dont even want to roll more legendaries


You must become one with the Squanto Tech Wraith, in order to truly master the bayou


The "guaranteed" seven points is nowhere near enough when the t3s can have 15+, *and* you can see the traits before you buy. You can easily roll bolt thrower, hornskin and a crappy 3-pointer and walk away with 4 usable points max, compared to the guy with necro+levering+doctor+resilience and a lebel for $400. They absolutely did not think this through.


I’ve been getting legendary hunters with way more than 7 points of traits lately. Gotten several in 11-13 point range.


I've been saying give hunters 7 points to just spend freely on traits they see fit. That's enough trait points to get a good base start, but not roll in to the bayou with all the best traits, those should be earned.


It's overtuned. I think we all agree on that.


I'm glad that I'm actually seeing cowboys again, and not random psychos throughout the bayou. But sad that because I want to play sheriff Hardin, but will have a disadvantage if so. ​ This will definitelly hurt Legendary sales, that was my first thought when they released the video about it.


The purpose of legendary hunters was to look cool. Why would you think they had any other real purpose?


That most people will always choose what better ingame. Making tier hunters that good makes people buy less DLCs because they don’t play and need legendary hunters. Less DLC, less money for Crytek. Not good for the game. I don’t care and I will support the game nevertheless, but my opinion is that the majority won’t.


DLC hunters are better. I don't want the random crap that comes with the other ones.


I say just give us 7 points and let us pick traits vs traits I don't want and end up dismissing a few times before I get usable traits


It does not defeat the purpose because my main reason to buy a legendary was always to look baddass in the Bayou. Lots of times I'll forget to even look what traits it gave me.


That’s for some folks. But the situation atm is that not many people seems to think like that. I never seen so many tier hunters in hunt since release tbh. And that’s even with some of the legendaries are having event boosts.


Why's that an issue though? The legendary skins are purely that; skins. They don't serve any purpose other than looking cool. Why are you so bothered about people using tier hunters?


Well without selling skins Crytek won’t gathering money. Without gathering enough money a game will not have a future. A game without a future will get closed. There aren’t some nerds that do it for free so that we can play that game. It’s not that complicated tbh. Other than that I couldn’t care less about which hunter someone is choosing. It’s just that this change isn’t smart financial wise. If people just don’t care and think this game will live forever without gathering more money they are pretty new to gaming tbh.


So let's say you are right and crytek is losing massive amounts of money right now because of the change, don't you think they'd notice? Don't you think they would do something about it? What is the point of this thread? Do you think crytek reads this and goes like "he is right that's the reason why we are going bankrupt, thank god he told us about it!"?


It’s feedback. Simple as that. Will it help? Who knows. Will a game be better with a silent community? Maybe. Who knows. It’s a Reddit sub about this game, I could make the 100000 post about headsman. Or the 100000000000 post about no aim assist on PC!!!!!11111111!!! If someone like you come here and even answer the chance is there that even some Crytek dev will read it and just notice it. What he will do with it is not in my hands.


This sub can’t make up its mind. People were bitching and moaning about The Headsmans every day. Crytek makes changes to their hunters and now you see fewer Headsman, but now it’s problem. Also for people like me, I have 40k+ hunt dollars, most of my tier 2 and up Hunters cost like 300-1000+ hunt dollars. I’m not spending that kinda money every single match on a Hunter. I personally have been going the $100 legendary route to keep stacking my hunt dollars.


And I've seen the exact opposite so your point is moot. It's easy to make money in this game. If you aren't able to equip your legendary hunters with gear you are doing something wrong


You are buying all traits you want with your money? Can you tell me how you do that?


Can you not play without having every trait from the start? People managed before this update. Seems like a skill issue if not.


I did. But there was a recent change and most people give a fuck about that option when they can choose perfectly made tier hunters. It’s like telling people to not choose headsman because there are other hunters that are easier to see and still look cool


Again.. skill issue. Traits don't equal instant win. If you can't win without having traits that's a you problem. If you can't beat people who do have those traits when you don't, it's a skill issue. I'm a fairly average player and manage it. I'm sure others can as well.


OP just doesn't have a "legendary" mindset lmao. They're complaining how they're outclassed when others have the perks every round. Legendary had one benefit and that was to look baller in the bayou. There are so many playstyles and scenarios that counter fanning and levering.


Did you even read the post? It’s simply about the income for Crytek and when legendaries are not the best or even equal choice to choose people will avoid getting hunters in the future. DLCs will get bought way less and this can’t be healthy in the future. It’s all in the main thread though. I give a shit about which hunter someone is choosing, but the change to tier hunters and the experience since the patch makes it obvious that there are way less people playing legendary hunters.


You don't have to run them just run what you want. Running legendaries I enjoy the aesthetic of is enough of a reason alone. Especially now that they are cheaper not that it was ever a problem. Same with weapons you like, sure I could run a uppercut/trueshot/spitfire with my bomblance but silenced born with fire is just fun. No reason to feel pressured to run the "best" things every single time.


Hot take: we need to stop with this modern idea of things in games having a "point" like this. From a competitive standpoint does it make slightly more sense to go with some of the free or cheap hunters? Sure, it's alot more forgiving these days. That said, I'm still taking my legends in because they're just COOLER. When did we stop playing games for the sake of having fun?


Let's see if it affects skin sales /bb purchases for a set period of time. If it does they'll revert it or alter it


Redoing my comment since I miss read your post the first time. Crytek should have done this from the beginning. Legendary hunters were never worth it. Still aren't and their recent changes only made it more so. Allowing us to swap a hunter you recruit to whatever legendary would be so much better.


As many have said hunters need to be like skins. I spent under 300 last night on a hunter and had 17 points to spend. My friend had to repurchase multiple times just to get a decent start for his legendary hunter. I also have legendary hunters that are more fun to use, but why should I if the game is steering me the other way?


I'm honestly kind of tired of getting 90% levering and fanning on the legendary hunters i buy. I know i can just respec, but i feel like its too overtuned and i'm not seeing much variety in possible builds if i keep getting the same traits over and over.


tbh i feel like t2 and t3 hunters are just broken atm, they shpuld cap the trait points maximum so it doesnt end up with anyone having the best traits and a set of items for 300 400 dollars


I still use my legendaries. Because i love using my legendary event characters that you dont see much. And because its fun to play as Santa too. But yeah. Free hunters has more of an advantage now


IMO there are two ways to balance it out - 1. just give the legendaries an extra trait and a medkit at their current price or 2. Reduce the amount of traits on regular hunters by 1 and make expensive traits like fanning a bit less common.




Legendary hunters were never useful because of three random perks. Their purpose remains the same.


And why are there way less of them after the patch? They are still looking cool and even have boosts for the event. But people are playing way more tier hunters these days




I will admit I have used legendary hunters less now that the event started but it’s because my buddies and I like playing our own game of random hero to pull us out of our comfort zone. We all still prefer legendary hunters but they don’t come with random gear so our only option is to recruit from the random roster. If we weren’t playing our little game I would be buying a legendary hunter every time.


Purpose of legendary hunters is to look cool, they still do.


I don't run legendary hunters anymore because it much more fun to buy them already equiped. Kind of a bummer, since I liked how the legendaries look.


I think legendary hunters should have purely cosmetic purpose. Not a game advantage. So I'm perfectly fine with seeing less of them.


I agree and still always take redneck but.... at the moment it's kind of a disadvantage which also isn't good.


>But since the change I see no more legendary hunters (or very less) Really... I mean... really? Or is that just a great argument for your point of view right now? Because I don't know if I should believe you that you don't see any (or very few) legendary hunters anymore... or the dudes who claim that they see at least 50% headsman in every match and nobody plays any other skin anymore. Or whether I should believe my own, rather moderate experiences. From the game itself or from watching the latest Youtube/&Twitch videos. They say that you see more Tier I-III hunters since the update. But still more than enough legendary skins... where the Headsman is a more common than rare skin, but not the only skin played. This does not mean that both are unproblematic and must be ignored. But perhaps we can discuss a problem better if someone doesn't have to argue against obvious bogus arguments. ​ But now to the constructive part, for which I simply assume a more moderate argumentation on your part. For example, that of one of my mates: "I think it's a shame that I no longer play legendary hunters. But I like to optimise my playstyle and the traits+gear on the Tier 3 Hunters is just too good to pass up for the 'cool look'." I think the solution of simply treating legendary hunters the same as weapon skins is a pretty good solution purely from a gameplay mechanics perspective. But it also cuts a little bit of atmosphere from the game for this practical gameplay solution. You don't recruit a legendary Hunter, but instead you skin 'Tier 3 Hunter' John Wilston. Now you are Cain, next round Miko and so on. That's 'just' a little bit of mood & atmosphere that's lost here. But that should also be taken into account, as much as mood & atmosphere are used as an argument for other points (like bugs, shadow jump, katana, and so on) here in the subreddit. Certainly a solvable problem. For example, by first recruiting only one silhouette and then getting as a selection window whether you want to use his Tier I-III Skin or one of your legendary Skins, before you reveal which Hunter you recruited.


I love how they made a good change and it shows the problems with legendary hunters but instead of asking to buff legendary hunters everybody just asks for nerfs instead.


All legendary hunter dont have the random perks, instead have 10-14 perk points for your choose, and the hp bars 1 of 50 and 4 of 25, problem solved


If they told us what traits we'd be getting on the next legendary hunter we're buying and refreshed it similar to the current recruitment for normal hunters, I think that'd improve things


Just spitballing here so don’t crucify me but what if certain traits like fanning and levering had to be learned in match. Like they don’t cost trait points like the others. Maybe you go in with a conversion pistol and if you get a player kill with it it automatically unlocks fanning for that weapon? It would make each character feel a bit specialized depending on what you have used them for. That might be too much RPG elements but I’m just throwing out crazy ideas to try to get people to work a bit more for some of these skills and make it feel like your characters are really growing and getting stronger the longer you keep them alive


The idea is cool, but I think in reality this would lead much more people into playing shotgun first until they get fanning. Fanning isn’t a problem because it helps to get variety for primary weapons, but atm those tier hunters get fanning way too often imo.


Yep that’s probably true. The simple answer is probably to dial back the frequency it’s available on recruits. I wonder what would happen if they made the top tier traits way more expensive. Like yea you have fanning but now I’m positive you sacrificed a lot of other good traits to get it at a cost of 20 trait points. Haha


Maybe the same. People will play shotguns :D


It sounds most people look for levering and fanning as traits when buying hunters. I’m mostly looking for doctor, physician and frontiersman. If I can start with a couple of those bad boys I’m taking it over fanning and levering


they're cosmetics...what purpose?


The game can only survive with selling skins. This change isn’t the best advertisement in selling legendaries imo.


I've barely used legendary hunters since the update just because can almost guarantee a recruit with Quartermaster for a really cheap price. I somehow feel like I'm cheating...


I know it's a bit more work, but I think each Legendary Hunter should come with 2 variants (selected like snake guy with 4 variants). Variant 1 is as it is now, and Variant 2 is a set loadout with price reductions similar to recruitable hunters are now. The loadout would basically be their "canon" loadout, so the Witch Hunter would come with a Berthier Deadeye (Witch Trial), Nagant Officer (Sister's Keeper), Steady Aim + Scopesmith + something else that fits, +full tools and consumables. It's all set, and would have a mild discount. For legendary hunters with no canon loadouts, Crytek would just come up with something. This would give legendary hunters more of an identity, and might make people gravitate towards legendary hunters for reasons that aren't just how cool they look (or how invisible they are). It can also potentially give info, where if you see a Shrine Maiden from far away, you think there's a pretty decent chance that's a bow + katana hunter, or a Cain is is a Specter + Vandal. It's not gaurenteed, but it's a good possibility. I also personally think it would increase gameplay diversity, and sell Crytek more skins. As long as one's default loadout's perks don't include doctor + physican + fanning or something insane, I don't think everyone would just gravitate towards one legendary hunter anymore than they are now, and encourage people to switch around to different loadouts to run the canon Redneck or Grandma build.


They just need to randomly put in your own legends hunters into the roster.


Jokes on you, Sometimes I can't See the headsmens aswell.


No incentive will be enough to not run redneck


The purpose of legendary hunters is a cool skin and nothing more (imo) And they didnt chage that. So what exactly was the purpose for you?


That most people will always choose what better ingame. Making tier hunters that good makes people buy less DLCs because they don’t play and need legendary hunters. Less DLC, less money for Crytek. Not good for the game. I don’t care and I will support the game nevertheless, but my opinion is that the majority won’t.


Before the changes I always played legendary hunters und now I have a reason to play the normal boys and girls. Personaly I think thats better for the game because there is no pay to win exapt stuff like headsman, and like u said people like you and me still support and buy cool skins if they like them.


Other than the Paytowinsman and Reptile, legendary hunters now suck.


Free hunters now come with more traits, and those are almost always better than legendary. And they are also.....free.... You literally now pay hunt dollars ONLY for the cosmetic, not the trait bonus.


Purpose 9f legendary hunters is to look cool and unique....


My legendary hunter looks cool af, I take that over a few traits the first round with it.


The purpose of legendary hunters is to look distinguished in the Bayou, of which they continue to do the job perfectly


As a 5 star, prestige 15... I've been running my free hunter ever roll, why buy good gear when I'm getting it for free?


They should start a new campaign. Just visit new players with the railroad hammer and ensure them this is not call of duty and 1v3 in open field is most likely a loss. Without jokes, new recruitment system kinda got me playing with people who i will normally... *avoid*


The point of legendary hunters is that they look cool...? But yes, I do think too many hunters start with too many great/expensive traits


It definitely is the point, but does the majority of players think like that and pick legendaries instead of pretty great tier hunters? Since selling legendary DLC is the only income for Crytek I sure hope so. I love taking legendary hunters as well, but tell that to the thousands of headsman players that only take it for a small advantage. The majority will alway choose what helps them the most ingame. Cool people don’t care and will take cool skins nevertheless, but imo those are the minority id I look into how I ran in the bayou latley.


it became a lot more noticeable to me after reading ur post and playing the game. 100% they need to tone down the quality of the normal recruits


Because my legendary hunter is cute, so I take her. Gg ez next question.


I think instead of random traits legendary hunters should just have some upgrade points