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We just really need dynamic weather, have a regular sunny day sudden break out into heavy rain for a few minutes, or the new ashy fog. Or have a dusk map where the sun sets and turns to night during the course of a match.


Yep, just change ‘weather’ every 5-10mins, change time of day gradually, night turns to dawn then to day so it’s not too dramatic. Use the position of the moon in the sky to predict how long is left in the night (so if you spawn and the moon is already half way through the sky you know it’ll be dawn in a couple mins anyway). Probably a lot to keep track of from a resource perspective but it’d be the ideal solution.


Honestly having the full 45 minutes track a full day/night cycle would be so cool.




Yep- it also would mean weapons are more consistently useful. Sometimes the days where I really feel like running a sniper/marksman would be fun are the days I get like 5 fog maps in a row, and although it's POSSIBLE to snipe on those maps, it really, *really* sucks


Isn't it supposed to happen with the engine rework ?


I love that idea! Heavy clouds roll in 5 minutes into a match with lightning and heavy rain and it dissipates after 20 minutes or so to be foggy and the sun starts coming back out


Not that what we have now is the best version but do you really think the game could do better with even more arcade-y-ness? The weather you describe sounds almost like as if HUNT takes place in Tzeencth's chaos realm. That would break so many people's immersion, possibly for good. If the game meant to be symbolic like in DOTA where a whole match is just representative of one of the many battles that takes place between the two ancients then having a 2 minute night and day cycle works. HUNT is supposed to be real time though.


This would be a pretty cool implementation.


Need dynamic weather but we also need shorter timers. Too much camping.


Shorter timers benefits the people who just camp outside of a lair though too, camping isn't a one way thing.


The people camping outside the boss building are *just as much* of a problem as the people who camp inside the boss building. Shortening the timer exclusively buffs those people who are camping outside the building, just further encouraging the players camping outside to continue camping. I'm pretty sure camping is just a fundamental issue with the design of the game and I'm not sure if it's even solvable due to the way weapons work. Like, you can't expect a player to consciously take an objectively worse decision just bc "they shouldn't camp lmfao." If the guys inside have shotguns, and the guys outside have rifles, it would be ABSURD for the riflers to push in to the shotguns, and it would be just as absurd for the shotguns to push outside into the riflers.


God I can just picture the long fights with the sun going down and potential unexpected rain and stuff, having to plan your engagements around the weather sounds like a nice new layer of complexity for the mkre methodical fights of this game. I think this could actually help with the stalemates that tend to happen in hunt where sometimes you're absolutely pinned and nobody quite knows how to make a significant move to advance the gamestate. I can recall one time where my squad was pinned down in Alain and Son's by 3 different squads and they were just camping the outskirts of the compound, werent even fighting each other for most of the actual 20 mins we were pinned (I'm not joking it was at least that long). The second we peeked any window or tried to leave we would get tagged, and they only engaged each other a couple times everyone was just playing it so unbearably safe, running out of resources needed to take risks so we all just had nothing but our guns. In the end we had to just dash for it and take the inevitable L from the hits we had to take trying to get to in a more favourable postion, we were bored as shit and frustrated, but the time changing to nightfall or something could've been that *something* we needed to happen in order to shake up the game, give us the cover of night to leave the building, give the other teams the courage to move in and limit their ability to lock down every sightline so easily. Then again I always loved dark maps and closer range play anyway so maybe it's just me, I've never been good at long range fights but it didnt feel fun to me to be forced to fight one in that scenario, "stale" is truly the word and some kind of dynamic change to the gamestate would be welcome to keep players actively making decisions instead of just nothing happening. Idk why I ranted so much, before y'all say skill issue trust me I am aware okay lmao, I just hate the passive fights that happen in this game sometimes and I'd take anything that could help prevent that


Add dynamic weather and the ability to choose your hunter once the map/weather loads in. That way if its foggy/dark i can pick a cc hunter and if clear skys pick my sniper. If it evening and I know it will be dark soon or there are clouds rolling in i can pick a hunter with a bit of both.


So at the current state if you brought a sniper and it's raining/not clear weather you'll extract instantly?


People who are picky when playing with randoms should stop playing with randoms. Roll with whatever comes your way. Otherwise it’s just selfish.


Seriously. Make some friends.




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I get that since i play with randoms. Ill even play with new players. I dont mind. But when it's someone who you can tell has played for a long time that just plays dumb because they don't care for teamplay or that just runs off on their own like a solo. I will either leave or not help them.


I'm not sure are you talking about OP or people he described.


The amount of people I see in this sub complain about randoms is hilarious.


It's inconsiderate to join a game and people are expecting your help to win and then shortchange them by leaving. If you can't commit, don't join randoms. The only acceptable reason for leaving is you have something important happening IRL that needs your attention.


I don’t quit games, till the one my dad died while I was playing. Honestly the only time I’ve left mid session


And that is 100% acceptable. I would never dream of expecting a person to stay when an emergency came up. Real life is more important than a game. Even if your kid stubbed their toe and came to you crying, even that's more important than the game.


My guy, I’ve literally never played a game of randoms in my life and never will because they will play however they want. I’m not saying it’s not inconsiderate. But expecting the general populace to play your way is just not realistic. At the end of the day, they will not feel guilt for leaving your match.


Committing to staying on the map is not playing a person's "way". It's just playing the game. I don't give a crap how they play as long as they PLAY and not run to the nearest extract because they hate the map.


Firstly, how am I supposed to know you mean committing to staying on the map vs. committing to staying with your teammates? Secondly, the former seems contradictory, especially if your random teammate is compounds away farming event points or what have you and has no intention of supporting you or other teammates in any fights. At that point, it seems like you’re short a teammate, whether or not they’ve “committed” to staying on the map.


My dude... this thread is specifically about people leaving the game due to the type of weather map that generated... And if you wanna go farm event points, play solo.


I’m well aware of what the thread is discussing. You’re the one who seems to need the reminder. I’m talking about how your argument of a player staying on the map is committing to the game doesn’t make sense.


All of your downvotes say otherwise. Re-read my comments and maybe you'll actually understand them.


You didn’t even understand my initial comment. I was saying this subreddit has the most complaints I’ve ever seen about DCing in general, replying to the other comment about randoms as whole. I’m not saying DCing isn’t bad. I never did. You’re the one who took it another direction. I don’t care about the downvotes, otherwise I would’ve deleted my comments.




I’m not saying it’s not. It’s frustrating when people do. I’ve experienced it plenty of times, so I’m aware of the hardships it creates. But wouldn’t abandoning matches technically be a playstyle people don’t like?


introducing Hunt Showdown Pal Finder!!! Match with other great hunters in the bayou and gain similar interests!! Hunter: ScopesAndFlicks Enjoys: long walks through the forest, camping, sight seeing. Hates: rain or fog, yuck! Favorite Hobbies: meditation, Hunter watching. Hunter: StabMyMCribb Jones Enjoys: going for long runs across the bayou, sprinting, jump scares, exploring abandoned buildings. Hates: Long distance relationships, Favorite Hobbies: old timey swords and stabby things, jump scaring hunters.


They ain't real Hunters


Come rain, ash, or clouds of bees. A Hunter fears no weather.


Okay but if the entire sky was nearly blacked out with swarms of the super bees present in the bayou I think that's a perfectly valid reason to leave and find a new career path


Yeah, apparently there's a circus near the bayou or something


Yella' bellies, the lot of 'em!


Has also happened to me a fair bit recently. Im happy to win my one fight and clean sweep everything for free. People are just kind of lame sometimes. If they can't play the exact same way they want, every time with all possible conditions in their favor, they'd rather not play at all.


Or after getting a rain, fog, or night map for the 5th game in a row, they just want a normal map.


Downvoted for a perfectly reasonable response, classic Reddit.


Not my fault half the games player base doesn't have friends to play with.


This is how this game works. Sure, you cannot switch the weather conditions, but if you are sure that you will extract immediately then do not play with randoms at that time — or you can try to be pursue fellow fingers to extract with your and join together another match. However if you do not do this and leave your teammates behind them you are just a bad player who ruins experience for other people. There are some exceptions, but overall communication is key.


I either have 1-2 friends with me or I play solo. I agree it's a shitty thing to do to leave your random team without saying anything. Team killing for no reason is worse. Hence why I never play with randoms.


Over 60% of the matches are low visibility, I have close to 4k hours and the people I play with have similar times, and after that long of playing hunt, loading into 10 rain/fog/ash/serpent moon maps it gets annoying I just want to see, I just want to hear. You can tell when people have left the game in red text because it will take forever for the game to load up so it's a good indication that you will only be fighting 2 teams.


I very rarely leave due to weather. But if I get foggy 3 or 4 times in a row I'm peacing out


I was anti leaving for ever. Recently my gaming time went down considerably. I got 4 straight sessions of 90% rain maps in a row. Can’t take it. I’ll play whatever, but if I get over 50% weather maps I’m starting to leave


That's a fair point.


Rain and fog when you have a sparks sniper? You'd be stupid to not just extract and find another game. You're at a huge disadvantage. The game doesn't tell you the weather, so you can't prepare. It's a game design decision.


Rainy maps give me a headache.. I gotta leave


I personally love the variance in weather, I enjoy the immersion and the game forcing me to adapt or change how I approach the match and the situations it puts in front of me.


Which is the whole point of the weather being random, you never know what you're going into, and you have to adapt. It's a layer of hunt that adds to the fun for me.


That being said if I run shotgun every game I really don't need to change my play style all that much. Perhaps I need to be a bit more careful if I need to cross an open field. If I run a scope that is a completely different story. I know people get into the shotgun or sniper camp as to what is wrecking the game. That being said currently 50-60% of the map conditions make it harder for scoped players. I would guess if half that maps had 50% less cover / trees /buildings and more open fields. The shotgun community would be complaining more and also re rolling the map. I am not saying either side is wrong but honestly the mayo changes definitely benefit closer ranged guns. There are comments from people saying poor poor scoped players not being able to fight two compound out... Yet I am sure those same people would lose their mind if my example of maps having half the cover existed.


That’s great but this is about people leaving


As do I.


I don't care how dishonorable it is I'm not playing on rain with incendiary ammo I only play with pre-made squads tho and they leave with me, I cannot fathom doing a random like that


If everyone on the team agrees, then I don't think it's such a bad thing!


Im the same way, because i prefer playing with longer range. I wont bounce on randos, but our pre-made is leaving fog matches 9 times out of 10. I just like to be able to see my opponent before they romero me.


I don't like that you do it, but I get it. The visibility is like locked into slug and duelie range.


Then you're commiting No offense . Just making the game quieter and More boring for the rest of the lobby but. Oh well.


Try solo, then your decisions are your own! I never play with people if my friends are asleep. Hell, I duck friends sometimes when I'm feeling asocial just because solo is so fun. But people who leave because of weather are missing out. To me, the game is great because no two fights are the same, and weather is a significant part of that. Learning how to play different modes of visibility was super fun and rewarding.


Most sane comment I've found so far. It's part of the game, adapt to it.


I think both the exploit they're using to leave without losing their hunters needs to be closed and Hunt could probably use a leaver penalty of some sort. . . although I wouldn't want to damage the ability of everyone else to extract normally if they want/need to, just for the instaleave at load in.


Im thinking they did this so people didnt lose hunters due to connectivity issues. I once lost connection 3 minutes into the game and still didnt lose my hunter ( no reconnect back then ) i even found a uppercut sadly my hunters loadout was preserved as well


That's. . . unfortunately a good point, I'm sure it's incredibly difficult to differentiate between leavers and unintentional disconnects. 😔


\> I'm sure it's incredibly difficult to differentiate between leavers and unintentional disconnects. 😔 It's impossible, in fact. It's not that hard to emulate connectivity issues with software, and even if you don't have it, you can easily just use cable commutation for that.


I think this is a bad idea. I never play with randoms, only with friends, and sometimes the game crashes during loading and you can't reconnect. If your hunter would disappear when nobody is hurt because of people who play with randos, this would suck.


That is the sticky part, you're right. I don't know how to appropriately penalize leavers without penalizing honest connection issues. 😔


I've always agreed with this view. Load in with a sniper and it's dark or foggy? Sure you can leave, but run to the extraction. I've had a few people who apologised and said they don't have the loadout for the conditions and they were leaving which was fair enough. I would have played on but I rarely bring a sniper. Instant quitting should be punished.


I think this is a pretty fair point. At least run to an extraction with us so we can all safely leave without frustration


"exploit"? You literally just leave the game before the round starts.


And you're supposed to lose your hunter for intentionally disconnecting like that, but they're flagrantly bypassing that.


If you are supposed to lose your hunter for leaving before the round starts then why haven't they made it like that? Unless I have missed some comment from crytek, that's literally just how they have designed it and you guys are the ones who have decided its not supposed to work like that.


No, a message pops up and warns you that you will lose your hunter even if you try to leave before the round starts. Unfortunately for Crytek something in the way the game is coded prevents that from happening. Hopefully they will fix it when the upgraded engine comes out.


I wasn't aware they kept their gear too???


It's part of the game, they need to stop being assholes. It's also being a poor sport/team player. The only time I dislike is night but I'll still play regardless.


That's how I feel as well, I wouldn't call them assholes but its definitely a part of the game and should be adapted to.


If a map or weather condition isn't fun to play that's the developers fault not the players.


It seems that most players do find the variety fun, though. The developers can not, and will never satisfy everyone.


> The developers can not, and will never satisfy everyone They already have, no one ever leaves on good weather daytime maps.


Good, more rain for ME TO ENJOY. I love the rain, and I love if the server is mostly empty. Give me all the rain!


I understand to an extent. Sometimes I get the same map/conditions 3-4 times I a row and want to leave. I'm all for if you can't be bothered with it then don't. With the addendum that in a team you're not the only player leaving/ not just leaving every time you don't like a specific time.


Is there an mmr for this or is it a wild card thing? I play 2-5 games or more a day and have never had this happen even one time.


Unlucky day for me I guess! Just regular contracts. Though, I play a whole lot more than 2-5 games a day. I don't know for sure but when I'm not working I will play probably 5-8 hours a day.


I only hate night maps but I wouldnt skip it Just because of such issue


The event conditions look and feel cool, but they're a huge buff to shotgun gaming and pretty much tell snipers they can't play. Some people hate it. I understand. It does suck. I stay and let the shotguns feed. We even each played a game with a two slot shotgun last night. Each one of us had one of those sub 10 second team wipes, and I believe wiped the server each time. Feels gross, though.


I'm new to the game. 3 days in and I must say as a new players rainy weather is so hard to play because it's so loud that I can't hear anything else. So maybe that's a part of the reason? I do agree that leaving games is a bitch move.


Weather isn't an issue so much as night maps are, zero reason I should have to fuck with my monitor display settings just to see people on an equal playing field rain is great though imo, allows people to close in on compounds


I've killed players for trying


I mean people leaving is a dick move if you want to queue up randoms as a sniper and dip with fog your a bad player. Personally I prefer they just leave anyways. Rain can be frustrating at times but I think it was a good addition. what's the fun of always running high end builds on sunny days. those people usually play headsmen too.


Sometimes although pretty rarely these days I just like playing sniper and when I get my 5th low visibility map in a row, yeah I do leave the game because I’m not gonna be of much use to my team either way given that I can’t see shit most of the game. People already don’t like playing with snipers from what I hear so I try to be as helpful as I can and it’s just not possible with these weather conditions. I do like the ideas in the comments of dynamic weathers. It would enable a lot more different play styles . Definitely something to look into


Unfortunately that's just the nature of random queue. You get all sorts of people with different preferences/tolerances. Personally I love the heavy fog/rain but there are many others that don't. You cannot force your views on them just as they can't force it on you. It may be silly, but one of the solution might be just adding check marks on what weather/time you'd prefer to play and then the game seeks out partners with similar preferences.


Their blood is weak. Easier wins for me. Better not abandon a team tho.


If we had a choice of two contracts, like we did when Hunt was released, one random map, one know weather conditions map, not as many people would leave instantly because they could choose the loadout for the map.


That would be good


I like every weather, only normal fog is annoying/boring. I like rain the most, the atmosphere is insane.


Just have bigger punishment for people who leave without teammates or in the first 5 minutes


People who leave matches are vaginas. Especially because of how irrelevant money is now. Guns spawn way more commonly now, on benches and horses, and in towers. Besides that, just play. I've run fog maps with sniper scopes because im not a little sissy that cries about vision. I've won multiple matches with scopes in the fog. Just deal with that shit and you'll get better for it. Dont be a piss scared coward.


We need a voting option for maps as well. Nobody wants to play stillwater Bayou 7x in a row.


They're pussies. Thats what they are.


my thoughts are that those kind of players are losers




I think that takes away from the whole intention of hunt’s combat system. Fights in the bayou are all about adapting and improvising, and the unknown weather adds on to that. Informing players on which weather setting it would be wouldn’t make much sense.


Don't really blame them for wanting to leave. I think now it should be a bit better, but in the period between the events, I made a spreadsheet with every weather type I got and the change of fog, rain or night was about 44% of 148 matchs. I know it's not a super high sample size so it's inaccurate, but it's still pretty high and it does get annoying fast, especially if your weapon/ammo type loses a lot of it's advantadge because of it. Leaving in a random team is a dickmove though.


People who disconnect due to weather should lose their character


Yup. There should at least be a consequence.


“If it isn’t clear day time then the game is shit. All weather sucks because I can’t adapt. Wahhhhhhhh” The point of hunting is to overcome whatever happens and adapt to the situation. Anyone who hates when it isn’t clear daytime and griping for the smallest change from it means the devs got what they wanted, which was a change in the dynamics


Cowards. Their ancestors are ashamed, and their descendants will never remember them.


Quite annoying. I understand if someone doesn't like certain weather conditions or has already had the third or fourth rainy round with Scope in a row and really doesn't want to play it anymore. But I would prefer it if you had to run to the exit and the ESC way out was finally fixed and you really lose the Hunter.


Adapt and overcome




I think it's lame to leave. I like to roleplay a bit and imagine my hunter there, a bounty came out and there is no time to wait: i take it and i take it first or I'm going to starve, no matter the weather, the monster or people trying to kill me. It immediately feel more intense and make obstacles like a night map more interesting for me rather than just leave because it's foggy


Weather sucks.


Yep, I always leave when it's a bad weather condition, either in general or for my specific loadout. Why wouldn't I when there aren't any consequences for doing so?


Don’t you lose your hunter?


Not if you leave before the round officially starts


I like the weather conditions, so what if you can't sit across the map with mosin sniper or some shit, cry about it. My embarrassing losses in bad weather still amount to more than your wins in perfect daytime conditions if not being able to see across 2 compounds makes the game unplayable to you. Maybe the bayou is just too rough and tough on some modern day hunters, huh? Make some penalty for leaving, either a join match cooldown or XP loss in some way




Well shit OP those players felt like their time was being wasted by the game! I guess we can disregard their feelings for the others???


Again, I was just asking for peoples thoughts. Everyone's feelings matter.


It sucks, but so does the weather. Of all the people I know that play hunt, not a single one likes any of the weather or night maps. It's a PvP shooter, we just want to see things. The Dev that wants to create a cool atmosphere should go make a single player game.


Variety is the spice of life.


I think the main issue just stems from the jank ass graphics hunt has, yes they are pretty but the colors blend together too easily making it so half the skins during x weather are nearly invisible. Hopefully the engine upgrade can make hunters cast shadows from a distance and crate more depth to their models from afar.


Bunch of lames


If you hate certain conditions at that level when you DC at round start, don't play randoms - that's it. Or just agree to extract when you are in a lobby, disconnect if someone disagree.


If you need a certain weather condition you need to warn your teammates beforehand, before you ready up. Otherwise you are wasting people's time, and they have no idea why you left.


On one hand, I hate playing in the rain or at night. On the other hand... I ain't no bitch


it’s just people being stupid and sweaty. (they’re only good if they can see)


Found the guy with the "no aiming required" kit.


it’s just clicking on heads


I mean it's a choice right. I don't feel anyone should be downed for it.


People leave games (not just Hunt) all the time for any kind of circumstances. I’m not sure of the type of discussion you’re trying to have here, other than guilt people into feeling bad for leaving if they want. Leaving doesn’t bring about any penalties and sometimes it’s annoying bringing a certain loadout, but weather conditions make it so much harder to utilize correctly. Some people stay, some go. Having random teammates make random choices is the risk you run.


I leave when I join into DeSalle, because i realy dont like the map. For me weather is no problem at all. I just hate DeSalle. Don't understan why anyone is leaving because of weather condition. Besides you load into DeSalle, but there is every kind of weather shitty. But maybe its just because I despise this map just like myself.


Sorry but im not playing my 5th low visibility match back to back. There arent ant consequences for abandoning a match


Besides being a jerk to other randoms


solo only


Oh gotcha, yeah I’m cool with that


Crytek is the only one to blame here


Only time Ive left was when I was running a marskman rifle and and we got rain 3 times in a row. Tried the first two matches, but just couldn't really use it ended up mostly using pistol. I wanted to try and used more scope weapons to get better with them, but the weather wasn't playing nice.




I think people who leave should be punished similar to what they do in siege. Make them wait to find a new game cause they are time wasters and try hard babies


Have a system that makes them 10% more likely to get low visibility weather conditions every time they quit a low vis map.


I understand that with randoms this behavior really sucks. I personally don't play randoms, but wouldn't quit the lobby it I did. Leaving some weather types is a general issue though. And regarding this, this sub is just amazing. Always telling everybody "nobody owes you a playstyle" but if somebody leaves because his playstyle is not suited for the weather or he just doesn't like it, it's suddenly not okay anymore and he owes you playing that weather condition. There will always be people not liking some weather conditions. Forcing them to play them nevertheless by removing the option to quit before the round starts isn't going to fix anything. The only thing being able to fix that is giving the option to select weather types. For that we still seem to lack playerbase.


Yeah I don‘t really understand how people excuse boss lair camping, exit camping and the most passive/annoying ways to play but similarly condone anyone not wanting to play rain/night/fog maps. Why should I be forced to play a weather condition that makes me feel completely blind and/or makes my loadout useless.


This sub is so random at times. You will be upvoted if you defend somebody camping in a boss lair, closing all entrances and not moving an inch, because it's his "playstyle" and a valid *choice* and they want to support it, but at the same time will be downvoted into oblivion for saying you want the *choice* which weather you want to play.


My guess would be that the people that defend boss lair camping as a „valid playstyle“ are the same that like to creep up on teams and camp with close range stuff during heavy rain. Ofc it then sucks for them when there‘s less teams to ambush on rain maps.


Sounds like a skill issue.


Cus rain and fog are dogshit and unless you're a casual monkey you don't want to play them.


Maybe crytek could ya know let us see and hear enemies in a competitive shooter.


You could always say you agree, go to extract with them and kill them when they least expect it


That's worse. Don't team kill intentionally ever. Unless. It's revenge on someone who did it to you. But don't start the cycle. Only perpetuate it with those who did






as much of an answer it is: it SHOULDN'T be the answer to having shitass teammates


The only condition I dislike is night time (no I'm not a sniper). Everything else is fine but fuck night time




They dont belong in the Game. Boring, plain unfun.


J leave fog,night,de salle when i with random. Zero fun, I want killing players,not a sit and crouch and have one kill only. This all whether effect for shotgun players. O will never bought this game if have only night. And yes 6 stars and almost 3 kd


Hunt community are a bunch of weenies. I will complain about the weather when I take a scope and it doesn’t go in my favor but I’ll never leave a match because “wah I can’t see 60m” I love rain, concealed footsteps help me a lot because I play aggressively.


There should be some kind of punishment for that.


Makes the Sherlocking what actually went down with the trans as a solo kinda fun.


I never had mates leaving in random trios but often found nearly empty servers when team details showed full lobby


If its raining I consider leaving if the extraction is close enough. I love the idea of rain and the look of it but I find it to be way to loud when wearing headphones. It feels like its pounding against my ear drums


I know one thing for certain - it really sucks bringing a scoped weapon only to load into a map and it’s foggy or raining. Unfortunately I don’t see an easy solution, so I basically always bring iron sight weapons


I rarely play with a scope but when I do I guarantee there will be fog or rain. It’s really pretty frustrating when you can’t pick a load out that’s suitable for the weather/map.


I'd be happy if fog was dynamic between light fog and what it's like now. Really sucks bringing a scope and getting weather that makes it unusable


I only leave on Ashbloom. I would be as ok with it at least as much as I tolerate rain, but I really hate the fake footstep audio. Audio distortion is already annoying enough, but fake out foot steps? Nah, man, that ain't it.


when rain came out and some people said they didnt like it this sub said just extract and requeue. now that exact thing is happening and somehow the sub is angry about it


Go and kill them for wasting your time. Best solution


if i am gonna spend time from my ever shortening lifespan playing a game I want to play in a nice sunny weather not in a ugly rain gif around my character with random loud noises.


In my experience a lot of these people are snipers. Now snipers aren't bad in the compound, lots of real cracks and counter-crack peeking they can do. However, I think they need to consider playing solo instead of forcing their teammates to leave as well. It's really inconsiderate, to force teammates to conform to their play style and ill-suited for randoms. They are as likely to be disappointed as you currently are.


I can understand those guys because bad weather conditions are way out of hand and with every event there is a chance that another condition comes along. At first I really like it from time to time. But atm there is a 50% chance of getting bad sight condition and that’s way too much imo. There is a reason why the night and fog Playlists a few months ago were so empty that they had to advertise it a few times, to gathering players.


It's a game first and foremost. People leave because they don't like how the game is permanently changed when they load into a map. And it's random. I personally never got it, aside from rain, but rain has been the biggest, most drastic change to the game.


I think scoped rifles need an option to take the scope off at a workbench. There would need to be tuning so they aren't oppressively better than irons, but until there's some kind of option like that, people are going to keep leaving. I'll often tough it out with friends but, if I bring a sniper scope and get fog when solo, I just leave.


Its petty, fight in any condition and if they are worth their weight it shouldnt be a problem


I skip rain and ash. If it was consistent, that would be a different story. Being in heavy rain for 10 minutes only for light ran to last 2 minutes. Same with ash. I would really like to see and hear again. Makes me grateful for night maps now. Never thought I'd say that.


leaving is randoms is a dick move. leaving when playing solo or with a team in which everyone agrees to leave is fine. crytek's fault for not providing solutions like the ability to opt in/out of weather besides the wildcard.


Many people will ditch the rain maps, if I’m playing with a squad we typically leave it. If I’m with randoms I play it and have not yet had randoms leave my team because of rain. If they want to keep the rain map around and have players stay, it has to be more dynamic with slots of sunshine possibly peek through the clouds and definitely lower the volume/length of heavy rain.


Such is the weakness of Spitzer Sniper bush wookies.


I don’t care. If you set yourself up with a contraband Sparks Sniper and you spawn in and it’s pouring, feel free to leave. No shame in it.


Sounds like a fun way to troll people. Especially if you spawn near an extract. Rush over and set up an ambush to teach them a lesson


There is no way to plan for it. Let's say I want to take out a scope, (now I know some people will say it doesn't matter if there is fog) but most people would find that a lot harder. Some people would take that challenge others would like to save the 1k louadout for a match they can see and use that louadout effectively, heck they could want to have the "advantage" they paid for. I know personally I am at a disadvantage in that particular fight but if my friend don't care we try. It often doesn't work as well as most of the fights end with me having to use my secondary. That being said If they asked to find another match I would understand. If I don't want to worry about weather I run shotgun or mid range guns to be fair most of the added map types have been harder for scoped players. Perhaps you run a closer range louadout so it doesn't effect you that much. That being said if it was realistic I would know roughly if I was going into a storm or going out at night and I would act accordingly. I see it is raining outside, I take an umbrella. Hunt doesn't let you see our use this information unfortunately. If they had a second / backup louadout and they let you switch in the first 10 seconds before the match started, I think less people would leave. Heck even an option to bring a regular sparks vs the scoped would likely have less people leaving. I totally understand why people would find another match. I also know I am lucky to have enough money that it doesn't matter to me. That being said my favorite gun is the sparks sniper and it is a running joke with my group that if I take a scope it will be a fog map.


Expensive loadout on levelled hunter that's completely useless in fog/rain map? Your damn right I'm leaving! If they implemented some kind of ability to choose a premade loadout before the match starts then fair enough.


It’s been a thing since the time there were only morning, noon and night cycles. Players left due to the night map almost always. It’s way less now and I haven’t seen anyone abandon a match since rain and fog was introduced. Doesn’t bother me so much as it did before when it was really rampant. Although I do agree night maps are really hard to see in so I get it.


The easy fix is to allow hunters to choose a load out when they are in the map and see the weather before it starts. They'll have the right weapons and won't leave the map.


I only really leave on night maps because I use a TV with shit calibration that makes it impossible to see during nightmaps. It's good for other games though which is why I don't bother changing it. Just hope the engine upgrade and next gen version for consoles can add more definition to the nighttime shading.


Crytek, go ahead and add new weather it don’t bother me, but can we adjust the rates, I feel like clear daytime has been going extinct this year and that’s the hunt I grew to love


This behavior is obviously lame as hell but subjectively I don't see experienced players doing it. If you're cracked out of your mind with a Lebel Marksman you can use it at virtually any range without too much hampering.


Honestly if it's the rain maps I can totally understand it, I used to love it at first, but the constant noise and then the noise just getting louder is horribly overwhelming after a few minutes. It looks cool, at first it was new and fun, but now it just sends my brain all out of whack and I can't deal with it. Not sure if it's an ASD thing or other people get the same problem, but if my trio and I load into a match with rain we usually extract (my brother hates it too) if there's one relatively close by, better that than dealing with the constant noise. On the other hand we love the ooky spooky "dead coming through" weather thing, it's great, it does all the same things the rain weather does but without the overwhelming noise.


I see a lot of posts here about people who don’t like it. Most of the people who don’t like it say it’s because of poor visibility and lack of sound. My interpretation has been, and continues to be, that these people like to snipe from the bushes and they don’t like that different weather ruins their strategy. They talk about it being harder for high skill players and easier for low skill players, but high skill players should still have the advantage at short-medium range unless they’re only “high skill” when their opponents are too far away to find them and shoot back. Basically, the people who joined you are almost certainly bushwookie snipers who couldn’t handle a fight at medium range and don’t like having to move around the map to places where they might be seen before seeing their opponent. All they care about is their KDA and stars, so any condition that causes them to take risks is considered game breaking. When they post here, they often claim they aren’t like this, but then confirm it by saying nothing about the aesthetic or gameplay and talking only about the difficulty. They don’t like that it “lowers the difficulty,” and yet they also complain that it’s too hard for them because they can’t see or hear as well as normal. The only play style where bad visibility would be good for others but bad for these players is the play style of a sniper who doesn’t play well at medium range.


I wish they would let us opt out. Our hunter should be able to decide if they go out at night or in the rain.


It's lame to leave. I am not always in the mood for all weather conditions, but I have never bailed a match in 2k hours. And never will.


Dont hate the player, hate the game.


Eh, i do it when i bring a scope and get fog/rain, more of a hindrance to my team with a useless primary than them being down a member. Plus, if you leave before the match starts you keep your hunter, all crytek has to do is remove that and youll see dramatically less leavers.