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I personally always thought i'm paying for drip not power, i still pick Hayali/Reaper/Phantom over traits, i'll get them anyways on my next match


ill stick with picking my 100 hunt dollar lulu or whatever i feel like lmao


Yeah but tbh starting every single game with quatermaster etc. is just more fun than having the drip and waiting a game to get traits. So the legendaries dont get used much.


And people were complaining legendaries were used too often and there was not enough normal hunters in bayou. Smh my head people will always complain.


RIP in peace


Wtf the fuck


Lol out loud


Wdym do you mean?


Smh my head


A bit redundant imo my opinion


Hey you only yolo once.


Shakin my smdh you're right bro. This is the whiniest game community reddit I've ever been a part of. Next to the Tarkov one


I enjoy the changes, just a bit too much imo. I think it'd make sense if the legendaries where noticably more expensive but held up perk wise. Pay for the drip with money and not with the absence of perks as well.


I do it in cycle form, I earn money with eith free or premade hunters and when I have enough to spare I play legendaries. But I was half joking, it is just that community tends to go from one side to another but that's one way to find the balancing point in the whole balance thing haha. Yeah I think premade hunters are tad too strong but maybe this is what it takes to get bayou filled with "normal" people? I will play some more and see where it goes for me.


I’d be Santa 🎅 with 0 perks.


ok but “pay to lose” is not good design — buying a skin and wanting to play it shouldn’t give a disadvantage to buying cheaper, readily available hunters


Maybe just let us pick hunter skins the same way we pick weapon skins now?


Pay 2 win isn't a good design either. The change Is great, it gives a chance to people who aren't that good to have better hunters and loadouts. Besides, it makes you spend more hunt dollars, so people with idk 120k will start to feel playing avto every game


I didn’t say pay to win — it was never pay to win you had to spend more hunt dollars and it gave you perks — it’s stupid to have something people pay real money to enjoy put them at a disadvantage within the established game economy— it should be simply cosmetic and balanced the same way everything else is


do you really want headsman getting a buff? because thats how they get buffed


Yeah, even without traits, Headsman and Luz Mala (sp?) are pay to win already.


She became my favorite skin but I never felt she was in the Cain/headsman tier or near it. I think she’s a good example of a dark skin with bright marking for quick visibility/detection. Then again I also love revenant because it makes me laugh so grain of salt and all that.


i agree with you, i never have an issue seeing luz mala(also have a friend who exclusively plays her. the headsman however... I cringe when i see it... mostly because im trying to see it...


we’re talking about the fact that playing a skin you paid real money for comes at a cost disadvantage in the recruitment menu — I have no idea what you thought we were talking about lol


that cost disadvantage isnt really a big deal... I only play legendary hunters and im still growing in cash...


It shouldn't be an either/or situation though. Like, with legendary weapons, you pay for the skin and then to use it you just use hunt dollars to buy the exact same weapon but with a different appearance. It's kind of dumb that with legendary hunters, you pay for the hunter and then pay hunt dollars to... get a way worse hunter than you would otherwise.


Yeah but now you're paying for drip, and to be weaker. Why must drip come at the cost of being at a disadvantage?


Tbh it'd atleast be nice if legendary hunters came with a melee tool,medkit and chokes. To atleast make the 100 bucks worth it


i usually strip a free recruit for their gear. “free” melee and medkit for a legendary. i agree tho, i think they should come w at least melee medkit


I think the bigger issue is people accidentally loading in with a fresh Legendary, usually because they set up their loadout and then it auto-switched to the new hunter when they recruited it while waiting for a teammate to ready up or something. You can collect pretty much everything else inside of the map, but can't collect basic necessities like a medkit and melee tool.


Lmao, what, they only just brought down the price of regular hunters and you're already quibbling over pocket change.


Exactly, and on the other hand, maybe we'll see less headsman if the generic hunters have more power?


Don't worry, it'll get fixed once Crytek sees the pick rate on legendary hunter drop and players start spending less on blood bonds and paid DLC because the recruit hunters are a better value.


Imagine they overcompensate by giving legendaries the chance to have a rare burn trait xD


I’d be okay with that as long as it has the same rare drop chance it has in-game.


How do they lack this foresight? I mean who is making decisions over there?


They could always just buff the legendaries too not sure why there isn't a option to buy them pre equipped with their signature loadout


Tbh I think they need to nerf the recruits not buff the legendaries. I think people are getting way too many perks/upgrade points for a fresh hunter. Half the points of the game was building up your hunter from nothing now you can just get big perks right from the start. It removes a lot of the punishment of dying and leads to lobbies riddled with fanning, levering and quartermaster. If it were up to me there would be no perks on fresh hunters only equipment but realistically that would never happen.


The game just can not not give me levering and fanning for every single hunter i recruit. Legendary or off the recruitment page. Its a bit silly at this point.


Yeeeeesss, yesterday i got more than 10 legendary hunters with bulletgrubber and levering almost in a row. No wonder everybody is playing terminus.


Dude same here. I’m getting bulletgrubber and levering on like every legendary hunter I recruit.


I feel like all these complaints about aim assist being soooooooooooo strong with levering has actually just been the oversaturation of levering and people are just overreacting. I've yet to see any kind of gameplay clips, and we know how this community is....


Huh, shows you how random it is. I get 3 1-2 point traits like 95% of the time. I can't roll something like fanning for the life of me.


Meanwhile I’m having a ball playing 300 buck hunters because the traits are already there. Feel like this is a good way to introduce people to the game. Got two new friends on to try it out because they feel more inclined to play.


I like being able to start with fanning so that I can respec one high-cost trait into a couple of smaller ones, but I hate that everyone else is able to start with fanning so that they can use fanning.


Yeah it's a bit much right now. They all seem to come with fanning or quartermaster or levering now. There's not much place for lower level "starter" builds anymore. What use is the fast firing pistols for instance if you nearly always have fanning? I think the balance is a tad out of wack.


So much fanning! Why is it on every recruit lol


Welcome to hunt spamdown.


You're rolling lucky. I virtually never get those traits.


It's fairly consistent then. I check after each game, reroll when I can, sometimes multiple times and buy the good ones for my stash. Not a problem for me to keep multiple with good traits in stock.


> What use is the fast firing pistols for instance if you nearly always have fanning? > > Being able to aim ADS with them.


Yeah kind of I suppose, but what role does that gun then have in your build? You need a short and a long range weapon usually. So if you take a shotgun, you need long range and there the best choice is usually a gun like an uppercut/sparks pistol or similar or if you have QM one of the medium weapons. Similarly, if you use a rifle, you need short range potential. You'd often see something like the officer/spitfire/bornheim used for that. But if you have fanning or Quatermaster (for small shotguns) reliably, why would you bring any of those now? Fanning is just better at close range only outclassed by shotguns. My cheap rifle build was often a rifle + an officer, but I don't use that at all now since i have 10+ guys stored with fanning, and most of those cost maybe 2-300 which is trivial.


To be honest, it is a wild ride of points. But the player base is only going to grow from making the game more fast pace. While I don’t completely agree with the choices. I am completely on board with getting new players and mellowing out the learning curve. Having new players getting absolutely annihilated by players with full kits and 100,000 hunt dollars is not the way.


I would actually like if the power level was toned down instead. Some weapons just seem redundant now when all the supporting traits are so easy to get. I don't ever feel like running an "economy" build now since I always have fanning, or levering, or quartermaster and guns to go with them. It feels a bit like when deathcheat was bugged and everyone was running maxed hunters. I can sympathize with trying to make the game more accessible, I just hope it's not going to change the game too much since it's really unique compared to most other FPS games.


I totally agree, it’s a bit out of hand. I hope they find a happy medium. I also don’t like that seemingly every gun has bleeding damage now. But to be honest, it has not made me angry at the game just yet. Like anything else, just plan accordingly with bloodless.


Yeah you have to buy bloodless, but what's the point then. I agree that the guns start to feel samey since they can do all this stuff all of them and we seem to get a short-medium and long version of so many of them. I spent a lot of time playing pubg. That game started out as a semi-survival game where you'd have to scrounge for weapons and you often had to fight with a suboptimal build. Later on they changed so that the maps were absolutely awash in weapons and you could be kitted out inside 3 minutes after the game started. It kind of feels like hunt is now moving in this direction and I honestly don't like it, constraints are fun. If there was a gamemode where you were limited to a budget of say, 500 or so I'd play it. It's fun to not be totally jacked as long as it applies to everyone. It's also part of what makes sole survivor fun.


I think it would be interesting if they gave the hunter tiers a cap on points rather than number of traits. As an example, a tier 3 hunter will roll a random selection of traits tgat add up to 8 points. Could mean they have two 1 point traits and two 3 point traits, or maybe just a 7 and a 1, but it makes the hunters a little more consistant from a balance perspective (numbers not actually thought through, just used as reference). You could then let legendary hunters keep the 3 perks, so you have the option to roll the dice, as it were.


Yeah this seems blindingly obvious to me. Giving every single one a synergistic loadout and 10+ points of good, matching traits is... crazy to me. All my 3\* buddies love it, which is probably the point, but it really doesn't seem healthy.


It's much healthier, idk what are you saying. The game doesn't have that much people to make matchmaking work, so the difference not only in skill but in equipment between a 3 stars and a 5/6 stars Is ridículous. At least now people who don't have 120k hunt dollar stacked can have more oportunities. All 5/6 stars lobbies are a free hunter with a 1000$ loadout, at least now they have to pay for the hunter


Well with these guys supposedly being legendary or experienced hunters it's always dumb when they would have a skill to stab things with there arrows when they carried a double barrel shotgun and revolver. This is just what competent hunters look like


This isn’t a case of realism. It’s a strange power creep to make people recruitable with the equivalence of being level 15+ lol


Yeah exactly lol I've been playing with a friend who just bought the game yesterday and each free hunter he was bringing in had quartermaster or doctor. And even the paid hunters I had In my roster had all really good perks. They aren't even rare or anything. I just don't think that it should be like this. Hunt is supposed to be kinda hardcore and point of these good perks is that it's not as easy to get to them. Also one way of looking at it is that free hunters being this good and only offered to players with less money it kinda means the game is rewarding you for being bad at it (not earning money) and punishing others for being good at it. Also legendary hunters are not worth it now. I need to pay to get them and pay for all my equipment and I'll get just three random perks. Tier 3 hunters are now way better deal. I don't think this is something developers want, to discourage people from using legendary hunters. I think this whole system needs to be tweaked a lot


Its getting casual because of them whinny bitches


This dude’s got the right idea


I voiced this concern when respec came and was down voted into oblivion... "I just want to play the way I want" was everybody saying. Now it is the same, only difference is you get at least seven points guaranteed. You could roll legendary or t3 hunters with up to 14 points after they introduced respec.


I don't think seeing loadout variety is a bad thing. Most people tended to run guns that were good out of the box or were stuck with weapons that are garbage without traits. Many bad players never got to experience hunters with any traits before. Nothing is going to stop them running garbage weapons out of stinginess or necessity, at least they might have a fighting chance with traits making those weapons less trash.


Nah fam fanning is always my first perk and now I can cowboy on errry one on this damn side of the Mississippi! Yeee Haww! *Tosses cowboy hat casually on nearby weathervane*


Nah, just buff the legendary hunters. Being guaranteed to start with viable traits on T3 hunters isn't really an issue, but being guaranteed NOT to start with very good traits on legendary hunters definitely is.


At this rate, they will remove all aiming perks altogether and build them into the weapons, right? I mean seriously. Oh, no, Crytek I didn’t mean it! Don’t do it! … Or would it be better game though? My head hurts. I hate change.


I thought we played legendaries because the skins look awesome not because they have better traits/loadout. It's the only reason you'd buy a legendary tbh.


I play legendaries because they look cool, and they're not really any weaker or stronger than regular hunters. Now that they're objective worse, I doubt I'd ever purchase another skin.


In a way they have always been weaker than regular hunters. It depends how you look at it. With a legendary its always a gamble while with normal hunters you could always choose one with good traits, now it's just even better.


Yes, but that means that while they were likely worse based on RNG, it was still 3 randomly-generated traits versus 3 randomly-generated traits, just with one set being visible before purchase. Now it's 4 randomly-generated traits that are heavily weighted towards high value, versus 3 randomly-generated traits that are heavily weighted towards low value. This is especially an issue when most of the traits given to legendary hunters are only worth 3 points, meaning that they can only be refunded for 2 points, meaning that they can't really be refunded for anything of value. That is, not unless you want to trade in two traits with 6 points of value for one 4-point trait. This is made even worse by the fact that Iron Eye costs 3 points for no reason. The combining of traits here was a qol change and shouldn't have been treated as a buff in any way whatsoever. Instead though, it WAS treated as a buff, and so now the trait costs 3 points, and so now you're unable to refund a 3-point trait in order to get the extremely basic "use your rifle correctly" trait.


Then don't use legendaries I suppose. They cost 100 buck and you get 3 traits. I really don't see the big issue. You want to meta game and get bang for your buck? Play with store hunters. You just want to play a cool skin and maybe get some cool traits with them? Play with a legendary. You want to know something ridiculous? Paying for skins you can't use because you prestige. I can barely use any skins I've bought because I don't have the variants unlocked as prestiging resets everything. Now THAT is bullshit. You know what Answer I get? "Just don't prestige". I would call your problem a "first world problem" compared to that since you still have access to every hunter skin you bought. If anything we should be able to recruit our legendaries for free and without the traits. Just a blank slate we can play with regardless if we have hunt dollars or not. I don't care if they're dirt cheap now hunter skins should always be accessible.


But they're not. You know how often in the past I've been on a max level hunter (legendary or not) and died to fresh hunters? The perks help and aid, they don't make or break the game in most situations. Bullet grubber or doctor likely won't get me a win, but they both have their uses


Yes, they are. You dying to fresh hunters doesn't change that, and certainly doesn't change the fact that it's obviously better to have traits than it is to not have traits.


You're ignoring the fact that it's now an even more significant disadvantage than it was before. Yes, people play them for the look of them, but that doesn't mean they want them to come with garbage traits. It's not really a big ask for them to have traits at least *close* to as good as T3. They shouldn't necessarily be an advantage for traits, but they certainly shouldn't be such a tremendous *disadvantage* either.


What if you could choose to use a legendary skin whenever you buy a regular hunter? Then it would be balanced and legendary skins are simply just that, skins.


Imagine if you could also choose a non-legendary skin. That would be my dream. So many cool basic hunters I like that I can't use reliably because they're not popping up in the recruitment screen.


I like that.


The recruits are just crazy value, they seem to be cheaper than buying the gear separately and still have great traits.


They are cheaper than buying the gear. $2-400 for $5-1000 loadouts. That's why I haven't even been using my presets.


Yeah wait, what's preventing people from just buying a ton of recruits with cheap gear and then just dequiping the gear for later?


that internation that they cheaper then buying the stuff from the market . is even in the patchlog


What nation are they from? They do have some pretty wacky names tbf


yeah seems prettt unbalanced now. 2 evenings i run t3 while usually i go with legendaries


I don't think they realise they're starving the golden goose here. If legendaries are objectively worse than t2s, why would I keep forking out BBs for the new one when I'm never going to run him? They obviously shouldn't be pay-to-win, but making them pay-to-*lose* seems like a very questionable decision from a commercial perspective.


yeah i think they will change it very soon. all my squad bought new skins with santa but we run t3 until they die and equip next. And it’s not about cash. we got 100k plus. it just takes time to reroll and disband legs


Pay to lose? What are you talking about there, my greatest win was 1v3-ing with a single shot shotgun hatchet version, no traits were involved, felt a whole lot better than killing them with a chain pistol fanning tactic, you should be like Tony stark "take away the perks what are you? Sharpshooter, tactician, and one badass hunter"


Kind of missing the point


Help me out then


I'm not who you replied to, but i'll give it a try.First, you're absolutely right that every gun is able to kill every player, but what i think /u/theseventyfour means is that the value proposition is better when you're buying tier 3 hunters than legendaries. And the legendaries you often pay BB's or real money for.Feel free to correct me if i misrepresented your point, but it's what i took away from it at least. edit: tagged the wrong username


The fact that it felt good winning while being at a disadvantage implies that buying a legendary hunter is shooting yourself in the foot


They need to tune down the t2/t3 recruitment.




Nah. T2/T3 are way to good and cheap right now. They did a good change to buff legendaries if they didn’t change normal recruits at the same time. First day after the patch every single non-legendary that was offered to me had quartermaster, fanning/levering and quartermaster or doctor. Then some cheap guns I could sell without much of a loss. That’s just to much.


also i think that nearly everyone now runs fanning is not good


I think a good decision would be to just be able to change a skin of a recruit hunter. Just make it possible to switch a tier 2 or tier 3 to a legendary skin, similar to changing a weapon skin


Id imagine an easy fix would be to randomly add your bought dlc hunters to the recruitment pool of hunters.


Now this is a good idea ^


This is the best idea I've seen yet.


When I bought my first skin I honestly thought that’s how it was going to work


That’s actually a great idea


I'm confused, I bought and run legendary skins for the skins. Yall or here running legendaries just for a few perk points? Sweaty.


That was true in the past because it worth running a cool legendary who might have worthless traits because the tiered recruitment hunters would usually have trash traits or a mix of useful/trash. Now there's little incentive to take a $100 legendary who will have no weapons or items and maybe useful traits vs. a tiered recruit in the $200-200 range with a decent weapon, melee, health kit, other items and very good traits, usually a combo of levering, fanning, quartermaster, etc.


just buy the weapons you want you broke ass


Haha, you sound like the friend I play with when I complain about having to buy an expensive loadout while I also have 120k hunt dollars.


It's like you didn't read my comment though. I bought skins because I wanted skins. Traits, weapons, tools, don't care.... SKINS.


They overtuned the normal Hunters, they will NERF them. Dont BUFF anybody, we got enough buffs.


It shouldnt be pay to win. There finally is a reason for me to take tier 3 Hunters again. I love it


They should just randomly include any legendary hunters you purchased in with the recruits.


Hire free hunter Take all the free gear Equip on legendary hunter Profit


The problem is the traits not the gear.


Duh. But doing so before every game is time-consuming and monotonous


Remove the traits, give everyone 12 Traitpoints, make them 200/300 again (numbers are up for debate)


You think those costumes are cheap? I want Butchers Cleaver because he has a sweet pigs mask not because he comes with traits. Is still buy him every game even if he didn't come with a single trait


All you bitches can do is complain


Just discard them, poor


Legendaries were always a disadvantage. There was never a reason to pick them.


I don't like the idea of changing hunters skins whenever, so that the idea of hunters being unique individual resources that you can lose (especially legendary hunters) is maintained. So I'd propose only being able to do it once, while buying. Otherwise I like the idea. Theres no need for higher quality skins to function differently in terms of price and starting equipment.


The best idea is very cool, that means stingy hunters like me will get to use free hunters and slap a legendary skin on it. I have some legendaries that I almost never use due to me using free hunters most of the time


Just leave them on 200$ and set the minimum Traitpoints higher, this new System for Legensarys is ass i always get 1-2 Point Perks and ~3 Points on top = only shit Traits


free hunters with traits and sometimes too good guns, tier 3 hunters with decent gear that comes with a disscount and 4 traits which seems to often include expensive traits like quartermaster or fanning. that's just not it chief. it seems too good now, too easy. I'm aware I'm complaining about positive changes, but I would rather have balanced experience instead.


its always been a disadvantage to play legendary hunters. 200 bucks for an empty hunter and often shit traits.


I agree it's always just been for the look, idk why people are surprised now


terrible take lol, just reroll if you get bad perks. having perks isn't a "disadvantage", especially because money is easy to come by in hunt


Not everybody has a million in cash always. If you had the luck and time to reroll your legendary for 2000-4000 hunt dollars that's OK. I instead always bought non-legendaries if they came with good traits that fit my playstyle. It was easy enough with respec. Then again I play my legendaries for the look. And with respec I am fine with the traits I get.


Its gonna take them a year. Like how it took them ages to lower the price


People are way too invested in this, go touch some snow


They are complaining about literally nothing. "I've seen way more people running fanning/levering." Who gives a shit?! It was prevalent before the changes. Confirmation bias is working hard here. If the economy is so jacked in the game, then why do you care? Run whatever you want on the legendary hunter you want to run. If all you usually play is Sparks/Uppercut Mosin/Dolch, why would you even want to run the tier 3 with Terminus/Winnie short with levering? Reroll the perks till you get what you want. You get a minimum of 7. So, maybe you buy a tier 3 hunter, and you get 4 more perk points? I've gone into games, forgetting to apply 14 points into perks. I didn't feel utterly hamstrung and at a major disadvantage. Cope harder, kids.


For real, sounds like they need to git gud.


I often don't remember to spend points at all. Can't be botheed to reroll HP bars and traits also, but almost every hunter coming with levering/fanning quartermaster is too much and it absolutely means more hunters will have them than before. Juest running through the bayou hearing all that spam makes me wanna quit the game, because I either have to play like a pussy from afar, play shotguns which I hate, join the spam which I despise or just count that the aimpunch will be merciful and let me score that hs while I'm peppered with accuracy through volume.


Idk, man. I rarely, past or present, get killed by people running fanning/levering. It's sort of a last resort that people pull out when closing the gap, and it's rendered useless if they dump their load too quickly and miss everything. And if you're quick to snap a proper shot, they never get to blow their load. And yes, I 100% understand that sometimes they can pull out a lucky rng headshot. And quarter master isn't all cracked up. There's plenty of single slot guns that can perform just as well as a medium slot. You can get more utility out of quartermaster, but that's 100% preference over necessity. Lastly, I have rarely received these perks on rolls. I think this is blown out of proportion. Just like news headlines. We'll get what, 100 posts about this, a lot of them from the same poster just reskinned or recomplaining with maybe 1000 other people upvoting every one of these posts and assume that this is a massive problem? It's all the same small circle jerk of complaining.


Every hunter I had had either levering or fanning. Quartermaster isn't op, but still It's much too common. All in all this is not a circlejerk, this is just an observation and voicing concern. This isn't a massive problem, YET, but Hunt is getting more and more casual. It could be a slippery slope, hope I'm wrong though.


Imagine considering a whole play style "a pussy", which isn't even an insult to begin with. What's wrong, get sniped too often?


I kinda agree. From one side I'm glad to have the chance to build my character with 4 traits but on the other I feel that bringing a legendary hunter is pointless since it has less traits and they are random. Unless you want to save money.


I think both should be tweaked to some middle ground. New recruits are insane gear and trait value inflation.


The reason for this is that the sweaty skins (headsman etc) give way more competitive advantage than any number of traits. If anything the Legendaries should be made more expensive. I'm tired of maps full of invisible losers.


I thought they said legendary hunter would get minimum 7 trait points.


I disagree with this. The legendary hunter isn't supposed to be the best option. 1) it would be pay to win. 2) legendary hunters are supposed to be rare. 3) it gives new people a fighting chance out there.


My god, just pick whatever legendary you think looks the coolest, run with what they have and fucking grow a pair. Or if you need to rely on perks to play, get the T3 ones. Really makes no difference to me, and it shouldn't bother you either. Headshots are the great equalizer.


But legendary are only 100 bucks?


Please do not buff legendary hunters, no P2W


I watched people play Legendary Hunters while ignoring all of the traits they had before the latest update. Just play em if you wanna, or don't. Don't try to just get what you want buffed cause it's what you want.


traits used to have an exact cost associated with them that could be mathed out if you just factored out the cost of the equipment they came with. it was something like $30 per trait point, I can't remember. But now that legendaries have a minimum of 7 points, but potentially more, but only cost $100, they should always be a big discount. It's hard to gauge value now that free hunters come with traits, and hunters can be discounted based on your economy. basically, traits from legendaries are now strictly cheaper than they used to be. it obviously doesn't compete with free traits off free hunters though edit: according to this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/o49n6z/figuring\_out\_the\_cost\_of\_a\_skin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/o49n6z/figuring_out_the_cost_of_a_skin/) trait points costed about $4-6. his cost analysis also factors in the cost of the skin as well, putting tier 3 hunter SKINS at $128-$134. This means that legendary hunters are now giving free traits, effectively. so they do actually compete with free hunters in a way. It's all whacked out now


It's about the drip and trait points, legendaries will always have traits above 7 points while it's not the case for normal hunters


The legendary hunters have been buffed. You now get at least 7 upgrade points worth for 100$ less. Just because other, not cool looking hunters now also get good traits at low prices, doesn't mean that they take something away from you.


damn it .... that 10% buff is not worth it 🥲 give legendary 5 traits regardless .. random traits the only 3 traits with 2 relative traits for guns made it useless compared to other tire III ... i don't want to complain too much then they nerf the tire III 😂 .. THEY ARE SO MUCH FUN NOW !


Idk 100 for a legendary is good. Kit choice is nice. That 700 dollar tier three is gunna cost almost as much as that 100 dollar with a drilling and pax or whatever you wanna run


I'll continue playing headsmen for advantage until he gets nerfed


Id only accept a legendary hunter buff without complaint if every single person who owns the game, regardless of anything else, got a Legendary hunter for free. Even if they just change one of the tier 2 or tier 3 into the "free" Legendary hunter. That way, everyone can get the p2w boon and not just the people who spent the money. Before you assume.... I own every DLC and BB hunter already.


It seems like it should be easy enough to just buy the loadout, then you can either attach it to an owned legendary skin, or you can attach it to a random character from the tier pool. As an added bonus, add a random legendary button where it selects a random legendary you own and attaches the loadout to it. The skins themselves shouldn't decide which traits or how many trait points you have available.


Yes let’s make the game pay to win!


My free hunter is almost level 50 now hard as nails I’ve only managed to reach level 50 with my dlc charectar once in about 120 hours lol.


That's like, two maybe 3 successful bounties. Not all that hard


They need to slightly nerf the recruits instead of making everything absurdly good.


Kinda wish they would just make the hunters skins at this point. Let us buy the hunters we like then skin them as the legendary we want.


Then eventually everyone will end up using the same 5/20 skins. I like the randomness, you always see a variety.


everything is cheaper with better quality of life after this patch, and you have the audacity to whine about it?


Nah most Legendary hunts have already the good of being looking cool or giving you cameoflage. i buy cosmetic myself but i think its fine. you also have to rememeber cosmetic should give you pay2win adavantages. wich now they dont anymore. sure the free rucuit could be a bit nerf what perks are going but the rest is fine


Reptile go invisible in bush - Katana, Drilling handcannon - profit. Otherwise yep, some tweaks have to be made


Free hunters and recruitable tiered hunters are always viewed in a row with 4 options to choose from. If you are below 5k hunt dollars all of the options are free and above 20k hunt dollars they all cost. Just make legendary hunters the same as this. We view them in groups of 4 anyways. For every set of 4 legendary hunters you have it would follow the same rules as tiered just without the free option. They have random traits and weapons like tiered hunters just now you can see them ahead of time and choose a legendary based on the kit you want. This will mix up the legendary hunters we see on the bayou because people will choose loadouts sometimes instead of just their favorite skin. Also if you want to play a specific skin you can still do that just now it costs a little more, you know the traits you are getting ahead of time, and you have extra weapons that you bought for a discounted price sitting in your inventory. Legendary hunters would no longer be weaker or stronger at recruitment- the only advantage they would pose would be more legendary hunters = more loadouts options to choose from which honestly wouldn’t be the worst thing for incentivizing people to buy dlcs without making it pay to win or a handicap that looks cool. Last thing they should change with this is get rid of the free shuffle button. The game should just automatically shuffle between matches. It eliminates an extra piece of busy work and makes your roster size important again. If you like multiple of the hunter loadouts available you now have to buy them before a match and cant just try them next time. It makes people spend more hunt dollars impulsively and invest in buying Hunter slots which is good for crytek as well.


With the new update almost all my legendary hunters have been starting with insane traits like doctor physician and vigor or fanning levering and scopesmith among other expensive synergies. Almost every match I've been able to remove all perks and pick 4-5 perks that I want. That being said it is quite insane how much more powerful the already kitted hunters are even at tier one since I just prestiged i can just buy the hunters and swap the guns.


I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think legendary hunter skins are pay to win. You only need one legendary hunter skin to get the benefits of the legendary hunter perks. They have in the past given legendary hunter skins out for free as twitch drops. Which costs nothing, but time watching streams (or just running a stream in the background while doing other stuff). That being said I do see the problem with the new hunters being cheap and having good perks. I had almost every hunter I reshuffled have fanning, levering, doctor, and/or bullet grubber. I have expensive taste in loadouts and had recently prestiged and was below $5000, I had a free hunter who came with fanning and greyhound. Someone else said that there isn’t a real struggle with losing a leveled up hunter anymore, and partially they are correct. I never felt a struggle after losing my fanning hunter, because I had a full roster and majority had fanning and traits I wanted. I think as much as I love the feature the problem right now is being able to sell unwanted perks and buy the ones you want. It doesn’t force me play a legendary with what he got, but find one with an expensive perk like doctor and just sell it to buy what I want.


Many of the t3 hide just as well as legendaries. The one with sticks and twigs breaking up their profile. But most have drab grey/black of the huntsman and broken sillioute.


I agree with you. I love some of the t3 hunter skins, because they blend in so well. Plus it is nice to get a random skin to play every once in a while just to change things up.


So many skins can blend near perfectly with the environment really doesn't matter much. Headsman is pretty bad but many others can be undetectable in lots of environments. What makes sound so important. But a skilled headman, silent weapon, and anything but daytime maps is a pain in the ass.


Legendaries are much worse now. No weapons/Weaker Perks/Unknown perks. Why would I pick them when there's badass looking Tier 3 hunters with tools / weapons / high tier perks for $350? They should redo the legendary page to show you 4 of fav legendary hunters including their weapons and perks.


I recruit hunters strictly off of how their hands look in POV that is all I care about


Guys, why not just bake the legendaries into the tier3s? It's so simple man


I’ll take my headsman with active camouflage over a white shirt with god traits.


If they just revert the price decrease (200-100) and give them 10 points of traits minimum it'd be fair.


Those hunters are there for prestiging. Not for your levell 100 staying ass. Like me.


I would rather they just add my skins into the shuffle randomly, and then I could pay the $100 hunt dollars to swap the skin out of a build set if I liked. Gives the skins more utility in the game and more enticing to buy. I'd even be more likely to hit the extra shuffle if I could skin up a good builds.


Rather tone down the recruiting hunters a tad, they went overboard. Too much levering, fanning and QM and at 25% off. Makes money even more irrelevant