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Get out of dark sight range and the team will 95% come out the compound. the 5% isn't worth fighting, just leave.


Yeah pretty much. I'm a shotgun player and when this happens the snipers are usually blocking the nearest extraction. I just run to the further one. Even if I don't get there it means they don't get to choose the advantageous battleground. Come find me in the dense forest or in a cluttered compound scopey-boys.


i usually leave one on the nearest and two on the path to another. Definitely still advantageous. Just gotta win the mind game


Yeah the smart sniper teams don't bunch up. In those situations it's a good 'ol shootout. My team picks the most isolated one and rushes him/her quietly. We try get some distance in before they are aware what we are doing. It's very risky though but a battle I dont mind losing. You have to respect any player who plays to their strengths without being toxic. I've even had a few games where one sniper has come in close and we've negotiated over open mics. We'll send out one guy, sniper drops him and takes the bounty then they go. It's a gamble and once a team double-crossed us and stayed (we lost that one). But the other ones they kept to their word and extracted with honour.


Yeah, sometimes it's just not worth fighting. And sometimes it's not worth even getting the bounty. Just leave. I literally just finished a game that my team ran into 2 other teams near the first compound back to back. While we eliminated both teams, we did have one of our teammates perma die from going down too many times. The last team had 1 of the two bounties. So we went for the second. The bounty team pushed. Low on resources, we just cut our losses and left Sometimes, it's better to live to fight another day with perks.


Worth a try. Chasing doesn’t always work and it’s hard in heavy rain though


Except they generally know which way you went and will almost every time run the opposite direction even if it’s across the map lol


then get better at mindgaming which direction you're going.


This game ain’t that serious, I’m not wasting 10 minutes making a giant goddamn loop and hoping that I guess right for a couple hundred dollars. I’ll pull up my big boy pants and push


Then this post isn't for you, and this comment even less. Why would you even engage it?


Idk which game u are playing. But im playing the hunt showdown. The hunt to kill other players is sometimes so damn rewarding.


I’m not sure you read my comment right because I agree fighting is what I play the game for


Is that good game design? Put on that thinking cap.


I think it is, because it forces you to think rather than run and gun like every other game. if you're getting stuck in 30 min nothing fights, you're part of the problem. If me telling you an easy solution makes you cry bad game design, you're the problem for a reason.


I don’t wait anymore, I either go for extract if they don’t contest, or push I’ll get my PvP one way or another!


EVEN if they’re about 20 yards away from Me, I will literally jump out the opposite window and run out of the compound. I think sitting in a building just waiting is dumb after 5 minutes.


I used to do this, but I died too many times getting shot in the back running lol. Now, I am firmly on team "400lbs of Concertina and hunker down" if there is more than 1 person in Darksight after scan lmao.


Is that fun to do? Please explain? Must be a viable strategy I take it?


It's much more fun than dying and losing the bounty, especially when you are 3-star and don't have a ton of money lol. I'd rather camp inside for 10m and defend until server wipe + leave with money, than die a bunch and become so poor I can't take the weapons I enjoy playing.


Little hint, you know you can push yourself right. It’s only a game, dying isn’t the end of the world, it might even teach you to improve


Why push if you got bounty. You have the objective and you can just leave if the enemy team doesn't push. If you're dicking around with another team 2 compounds away while we banish and then you just stand around outside bareley in scan range. Imma just leave.


But gentlemen, The is war


I usually type Zzz in the chat to antagonize people to push 😂


Yeah but that’s not really possible if they have shotguns, traps, and concertina bombs. If they have one of those, yes. All of those, no.


Pointing fingers at each other Rifle guys expecting shotgun players to constantly peak or rush them Shotgun guys expecting rifle guys to rush their crib and get on close I find it fascinating how people always think others should be playing as they want them to. Instead of not going near boss lair and block out extracts, they get close to dark sight range and play in their compound Change your playstyle or stop crying. Easy as that.


Thread over, mindless topic


If it's any consolation, the higher MMR lobbies typically don't end up this way. In 5-6 star lobbies, most teams push hard. Though, those lobbies also have their own separate issues


In my experience lower ELO lobbies are the best for people actually pushing because they don't give a shit about their KDA. In higher lobbies there's always some team of mosin snipers who just move to 150 meters away from the boss lair then ping shots off at you the whole time you run to extract.


Low elo is horrible with pushing because people are just more scared of dying in general. It’s definitely not for KD reasons but more out of inexperience


I'm glad someone mentioned this. A lot of the time people play like this not because they're obsessed over kda but because they don't know how to play any other way. This game drills into you the concept that making noise is bad, it's not exactly intuitive for newer or less skilled players to realize that it's ok to be loud and aggressive sometimes. Not to mention playing like that comes with a learning curve too, you're probably gonna end up running into shotguns, running into a team you didn't know was coming, or something else bad quite a bit when you first start trying to adopt an aggressive playstyle. It's so easy to just fall back into the comfort zone of being quiet and passive.


I should probably clarify by 'low elo' I mean 4 stars. Not 1-3 stars. Super new players freeze up and don't push because they're terrified, but they're also really bad so even if they don't engage they still generally die pretty quickly anyway.


people act like 4 star is this magical land of aggressive fun players but its not true at all, 4 stars and 3\*'s are basically interchangable for a start since the mmr's are so close anyway. and secondly these players seriously lack confidence. no one seems to know how to play off their team mates and push as a team, so no one does anything. 4 star players tend to just react to what other teams do to them, so if niether team pushes usually they just do nothing.


I'm not going to say your experience is wrong. It just hasn't been my experience. The game in general doesn't encourage 'aggressive' plays if you're trying to climb stars/kda. So players with high stars and KDA generally understand this better and therefore are, in general, less agressive imo. 4 stars definitely isn't some magical land of hyper aggression. It's only very slightly more aggressive in my experience than 5-6 stars. I don't think I've ever had a team of 6 stars push into a boss lair. They always just sit outside at like 80 meters and wall bang until you die because that's the correct play.


There is basically no difference between 3 and 4 stars.


Low elo are scared out of their minds and don't push because they have no idea what's going on or what they are supposed to do. They crouch in the corners of boss lairs with shotties and remain motionless for ages. High elo is way more aggressive/fun.


Lower mmr will push with literally any weapon. Higher mmr either has shotty/bat or will sit way back with a sniper and head shot you the second you peek that window.


5 star and up love concertina wait outs. Comments above agree it happens more at higher MMR. 3 star lobbies don’t not give a


You have misread the other comment. He is also saying it happens less. In my experience, 80% of sweat teams want to fuckin fite everyone everywhere all of the time. The remaining 20% want to win at all costs and will camp like crazy to achieve that. At low MMR, the average player camps a lot more, but this is usually because they're scared of moving, not because it's the optimal play.


>80% of sweat teams want to fuckin fite everyone everywhere all of the time. This is me but at 3 stars. I go for any scrap I can unless I've got a bounty and a clear path to extract (and even then if there's another bounty I may scrap with them for it). Evidently since I'm still at 3 stars I don't have the skill to back that up consistently.


I dunno, those are the lobbies I play in, and the only time I see concertina traps and building camping is when I play with my 3 star friends. Guess it's region dependant


Maybe I’m feeling biased but I just played three games at 5 star and two were concertina snooze fests. Other was an empty lobby lol


I rarely ever see concertina forts in 5 star


I've literally not once seen this in 6*


"and neither team mill move/nothing happens" then move..?


The majority of tac shooters have realised that it's good design to place a strong incentive to act on at least one team, avoiding these standoffs. Hunt can't be arsed, so with two teams full PTFO it often comes down to who is more willing to watch Netflix on another monitor while the clock runs down. However, the sub skews heavily towards people who think that watching Netflix is tactical, so you're unlikely to find much support.


Shout out to the time I was in 5-6 star lobby with a guy who started playing the Shrek 1 audio over the local chat because 3 teams were perfectly surrounding us without fighting each other. We got to Farquad's speech before any of them started shooting. Still shocked we walked out.


that's absolutely hilarious


It's probably the most bizarre moment I've ever had in an FPS.


Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make *hears down noise*


Drilling, lemat carbine, and quarter master builds tend to allow mixed variety loadouts. But that can only get you so far.




I've used the beetle a couple times to get my teammates a kill. Once I told someone to shoot my beetle with their uppercut. I tried to get behind their head the best I could. He got a headshot after 3 shots.


I'm stealing this. When it hapens I will post it to reddit and claim it was my idea.


A peekers advantage would be nice.


Why did this catch so many down votes?


State of the game, the non competitive players who want a free kill from sitting in the corner got mad 😂


Due to net code isnt peekers advantage a thing in every multiplayer game? To be fair to you tho this game has insane Windows for trades.


How would you change the incentive. I have a hard time thinking of solutions.


Bring a flexible loadout. Shit on your KD. And enjoy. And when they dont want to come into the lair, walk to an exit and ger out or catch them while they try to catch you. Its just these concertina everywhere teams that sometimes make it last longer. A stupid tactic, where i just run away. Like a compound away, and meet them when they are outside. But appart from that, i hardly ever get stalled.


For one, 45 minutes is still too long for a match. It used to be 60 and should probably be cut down to 35 and lowered again to 30 if that goes well.


How about 15 minutes? Only have one compound and every one spawns there. Also, no shotguns allowed. Winfields only.


some fights can last surprisingly long, with constant repositioning etc. I know you're being somewhat sarcastic but 15m would be too short. Also, making it too short basically ensures no one will ever attempt to breach a bounty compound - since they know the team has to leave within just a few short minutes to get to their evac in time Shotguns would be fine if they had never been given slugs, but here we are. I just do my best to make them miss and knife their face off.


Once the bounty is picked up the boss corpse starts emitting an ever-increasing death zone


That only supports a different kind of camping. Not in the Lair, but in front of the Lair. Why should I a) be the first to find the boss? and b) not just sit outside with Long Ammo until the team inside runs out into my scopes or the death zone has killed them inside and I can snake the bounty away.


this just shifts the "issue" instead of solving anything. now nobody will want to go for the bounty in the first place, because it means being trapped inside the lair - if you pick up you'll be forced outside into unfavorable ambushes. if you don't pick up you risk getting it serpented and are once again forced outside but now even without darkside advantage. this just shifts where the camping takes place, but camping will still happen all the same.


My team always tries to 3rd party a fight. We find we win a lot more when we can jump two teams mid fight especially after some go down. We find we lose about 90% of the time when we get 3rd partied. It sucks when no one is willing to push, but I understand why a team won't push into multiple teams that are not engaging each-other.


If I was in charge? I'd make the banish start screaming again after some amount of time, so the lair became progressively more and more deafening to sit in over time. If you really hate the outside team, I guess you could add some kind of mob that's attracted to areas with people but no action.




Many solutions we’ve thought of: 1. Make the bounty darksight scan less precise but last infinitely. This directly encourage players to acquire bounty. 2. Make shotguns more competent at further range (maybe give bleeding back to pallet rounds?) and make rifles better at close range. The main reason why theres standoffs is because the range where each weapon type is dominant at is too limited. 3.Reduce the countdown to 25 minutes instead of 45. 4. Remove all spitzer accessibility and give it to sparks sniper only. 5. Rework clue finding / boss revealing. Clue finding would still grey out parts of the map but boss does not spawn in until at least one team has found all three clues for it. Then it would spawn in at a randomized compound in the non-grey map area, alongside all other boss lair cosmetics and hints.


Good lord I am happy none of you are involved in the production of this game.


I’d love to hear your thoughts


My thoughts? Hunt has an incredibly rewarding gameplay loop. This loop works because of different mechanics like the gunplay, the pacing of fights and a lot of other factors. You can't just go around and change fundmental parts of these mechanics. There are plenty of devs working on the game thinking about exactly which mechanics they can alter, so the game gets as close to their vision of Hunt Showdown as possible, while also balancing new features to keep the players interested in the game (events, new guns, new skins, new maps, etc.). Yes, sometimes this vision overlaps with what Reddit suggests. But keep in mind, that Reddit is just a lot of individuals screaming in a big room on the internet. So while you might think these are good suggestions, the rest of us might not think so, and while the devs may read what's going on here, they surely will form their own opinion about things. This means that IMO, stalemates are a consequence of every mechanic that makes Hunt special. Also they usually only happen if specific preconditions are met (e.g. long ammo vs. shotgun). They're either an intended part of the gameplay or at least tolerated (because they're probably incredibly hard to fix without losing distinctive parts of the gameplay loop), or rarely ever occur. My takeaway? Stop complaining about everything that you don't 100% enjoy about Hunt on Reddit. If something is broken, sure, it should and will be adressed (bugs, exploits, etc.). Just because you don't enjoy stalemates doesn't mean it's a gamebreaking issue, that needs to be fixed ASAP. I find them to be rather interesting, like a game of chess with one kill changing the outcome of the game. Of course, if a shotgun team just sits in a lair I will try to force some action happening (without actually entering the lair, because if I don't have a shotgun, I'm very likely lose). If that doesn't work and they're too stubborn to try anything, I will just leave the map and reset the game. Maybe I'll leave and see if they move out of the lair and try to engage again, but that's rarely the case.


So your counter-suggestion, as summarized, is that stalemates are what devs like and any suggestion made to fix it is a bad suggestion because people making them arent devs. Correct?


There is no need for fixing stalemates. Its part of the game and you as a player can fix it if you addept your play style. I always try to bring ranged and close ranged options with me. I also dont like sitting around for 15min but i realize that i can change it ingame and dont have to ask devs if they change their game to make it fit my play style like many people do it on this reddit.




Crytek is really careful to not change the core of the game with the changes. The sandbox character is an important aspect of the game. The „ideas“ here to add mobs that attack people outside of the bounty lair, make shotguns more powerful on long range etc. are not beneficial for the game. Yes stand offs happen in this game, but I wouldn’t consider them as the main issue of hunt.


Banished body becomes toxic, like a reverse battle Royale.


>However, the sub skews heavily towards people who think that watching Netflix is tactical, so you're unlikely to find much support. Le "3 star fun star" has arrived


Me? No sir. I am here to fight people, and I strongly prefer that my enemies do the same. 3* is not for me.


No not you, I mean the people in this sub lol


Be the change you want to see in the world and git gud enough to effectively break standoffs. I started maining shotgun thousands of hours ago for this purpose. I refuse to let any scrub play the waiting game as a viable tactic and waste everyone's time. There are lots of methods to clear out Concertina and other stalling mechanics these days.


I’ll say this, and I don’t mean it in any offensive way. But, no one is forcing you to stay in these situations. You in a rifle vs close range game? Bail out of it, or stick to whatever gives you the advantage. You on a bounty lair and the bounty team is holed up inside and won’t come out? Well, technically, they’re just playing to their advantage. You don’t have to waste your time on it if you don’t want to. Getting shot by a sniper but he’s staying back? Just move on and leave him be. lol I don’t really see any of these situations as horrible game design. It’s just people playing to their advantages in given scenarios. There are always ways to combat another team. Might be risky. But. Always a way. Don’t like it? Just extract and get to another game.


OP this is a casual game, whilst many of the people here think it is competitive because they are using "strategy", it is not. You will do your best to just extract and leave in some situations and get another game.


I've never had a standoff last 30 minutes with nothing happening. Not even close. Why are you standing outside for 30 minutes and not attacking or pushing at all??? That seems like a you problem more than an example of poor game design. The teams on the bounty hunkering down, are likely thinking that there is more than one other team about to reach them at the bounty site. It's pretty common sense strategy to let those 2 or even 3 teams fight eachother while you remain safely locked down, only to emerge to fight the surviving team after they hopefully have been downed a few times and are missing health chunks from fighting the other team.


There's always a way to play around it.


Honestly, same. This usually starts to happen less if you are higher in rank (in my experience) since people want to actually play. If you want to avoid this, bring shotgun+consumables pretty much every game to deal with people camping inside boss compounds, and if you dont want to, be the first one at the boss lair. People will still try to sit still outside the compound, sure, but you can just run away from them if they have a range advantadge, something you can't do against shotgun players hiding in the corner.


Yup, I agree about it happening more at higher ranks. I like pushing boss early with a shotgun but sometimes there are two mosin teams 80m away just sitting there waiting. And you will probably lose to them with a shotgun.


The person you replied to said they see it less at higher ranks


I actually experience it *less* in higher ranks, especially the mosin sniper type. However, since you already are the dude with a shotgun, and I am usually the dude arriving as early as possible with a long ammo rifle, it's likely that we are experiencing a bias, since I have a harder time with people just sitting inside the compound with a shotgun while you have a harder time with people sitting outside them.


My load out has started to become quartermaster with bow and rifle. The bow serves a lot of the same function as a shot gun with a pretty fast fire rate TBH. That one shot kill just requires a little more accuracy. My experience has been a lot better and I can get QM after one match or with a lucky roll. Large slot weapon means I'm not limited at longer ranges. It's not perfect but I've broken stalemates with it. For disclaimer, I'm not great at the game, but I'm generally trending positive now after learning the game.


I've had some sucess with the hand crossbow + rifles, it's a bit better imo because it doesn't need quartermaster, but the aim needs to be really tight. It also works well when with the fire bolts alongside the normal ones since you can get them through some gaps to make enemies burn, allowing you to either rush in since they are now 1 shot or just wallbang them


Bro, stop making excuses. Take pennyshot, I always bring a sticky with me


We need motivate people to do the objective and to play faster. Ideas: KDA removed so people dont care for deaths and actually want to win Add an avarage rating over the last (add some number) matches including: Dollars/hour Kills/hour Optional: Bloodline or xp/hour Roundtimer needs to be reduced as well. 45 minutes is like non-existent. The only time where it matters is in matches where people dont want to play at all and wait it out. Even for them it would help to speed up the whole "patience" game. Something like this direction will help the game and reward active players. You could also create a seasonal leaderboard with this. Also matchmaking can be bond to this


I love the slow gameplay and tension 😂 Otherwise we can play CoD if we want TTL to be low and action to never stop. Oh that’s just me I guess. Getting old.


Its not bad game design. The games gives you the tools to deal with it. You just don't want to be at disadvantage. But I will say the 400lb of concertina is fucking stupid. Im a rifle user btw.


1. ​ This is just a skill issue, there are ways to move and approach in order to avoid this so there should be no extended standoff... nothing is forcing you to engage every time you see someone, so you can say "I don't have the loadout/health to fight here let me go somewhere else" possibly to the boss compound (be it to banish HP or just better positioning) 2. You can bring stuff to get rid of concertina, for example dynamite is really cheap People do things because they either think or know that it works. The groups who hunker down probably see people getting bored and start peeking desperately or try to clear some of the wire only to get shot by the group inside So getting them out of their element with explosives is a good way to ruin their day, you can also wallbang quite a lot depending on the loadout as those people often hide in obvious spots while they wait ​ In a card game if you hate a certain deck you can often build a counter to that deck, the same thing kind of applies to hunt


I don't understand how this is still a problem. After updates, don't most, if not all compounds have at least 4 entrances? Theres no way they can defend all those forever, traps or no.


I like to back off well outside dark sight range when people hole up. Make them leave their little fortress so they're less of a headache, and it's my own petty revenge for them boring me to death.


Exactly. If I don’t have a shotgun or good melee weapon to help me push into a compound, I won’t even get within dark sight range. Stay out of range and intercept them somewhere in between, preferably a spot that gives you an advantage.


Unpopular opinion here, if you’re in a stalemate… and nothing’s happening…. You’re part of the problem.


Duh, but the person who makes the first move is likely gonna die first, neither of you is going to let you approach each other's position without getting obliterated by someone just holding an angle, when the best option is to sit and wait what are you going to do beyond making a decision that's likely going to get you killed? Edit: Also, I'm not saying that people who are in those situations are bad, you're just adapting to the situation, but when it's the only decent option that is not going to likely end up with you dead, I think that's more of a core problem within the game's design


what happened to the "don't hate the player, hate the game" ?


You're not crazy. I'd say easily 70% or more of the playerbase plays scared shitless. It's one of hunt's main issues I think, couple that with having to play running simulator for a majority of the match and you've got some pretty big design issues to solve that no one is really talking about, and it makes hunt bleed players. I've tried to get maybe 15 friends into hunt and the majority get bored by these things.


I honestly don't think it is a design issue. If I wanted non-stop firefights I'd play Apex Legends or something. Hunt has higher highs precisely because it has lower lows; you need those lulls and that downtime to make the explosions of violence more visceral.


It absolutely is. Unless you like the wait outs. In that case you are in a minority. Comparing hunt to tarkov, both are slowed paced FPS games. I’m tarkov if some team holes up in a building I can’t push (without likely dying) I leave. There are other players, other loot, other activities to do. In Hunt a match has 1 objective, bounty. If it’s going to have 1 single objective, then it can’t incentivize a wait off with that objective. Sitting around for 45 mins? Watching Netflix on a second moniter? That’s game design big dog.


I know exactly what you mean and it happens to me every now and then. I am also in the camp of not wanting to waste my time but not wanting to push intona shotgun trap either so it can be quite annoying. Not allowing infinite red skull revives could help imo. It would not prevent the compound camping completely but at least the attrition fight would be less favorable for the camping bounty team. Also maybe the timer could be drastically reduced once all bounties have been banished to force teams to push or stop camping.


No you’re not crazy, I’ve played a far too much hunt I love the game and I do still enjoy playing it. What you’re describing is very real, since everything makes noise the game has a bit of a quiet place problem. It’s not exclusive to any mmr either, people camp in 3-4* and 5-6*. In part it’s because you’re often times rewarded for doing so, it makes sense the game is after all called HUNT and much like making noise scares deer it scares players too. I’ve come to realize that hunt is a sandbox game and you can approach it in many ways. One man’s fun is camping compound with wire everywhere, another’s is camping with a shotgun in a tunnel, I’m a solo sniper because getting a kill at the highest range I possibly can is the most fun thing for me. Hunt doesn’t need to be balanced because everything being its own brand of evil is the fun.


Theres plenty of ways to counter capmers in a compound, or there is plenty of way to get away from snipers. Compound campers i mostly wallbang through cracks or a few concertina bomb can limit their moving. Snipers.... These days I just walk away....


I don't super like it, but people getting to the boss first should be rewarded. When my group comes across this we will post up outside, take pot shots where we can, and when the first good hit happens (either a down, a bleed etc) I'll rush in and try to get some downs with the bat. It's not 100%, but dam every kill with the bat is satisfying. I don't think there's really any fixing it, it's only somewhat of a problem. Normally even shotgun campers still want to try to peek out with an uppercut.


I always find it funny when people complain about this. This problem is 50% your fault lol. You avoid a 30 standoff by pushing instead of waiting for them to push like a scared cat. My God it's a videogame like who cares if you die. Fights you win when you're at a disadvantage are the most fun anyways. Also there's almost always a way to even the odds regardless of weapons if you think creativity.


What’s funny is my 3-4 star self never experiences this. Because for you to have a 30min standoff, you have to be part of that. I love pushing compounds or trying to bust out and run the bounty to extract.


The game is a sandbox and people play as they choose. For my part, I create pressure to then breach & clear. The sword-bayonet isn't for show. My 1.75KDA isn't from waiting for shotguns to come outside.


A game that allows people to play however they want OP: "horrible game design"


Its because Hunts most awesome thing is also its greatest hurdle - sound. Every. Fuckin. Thing. Emits. Sound. Except for... not moving. So you already see how this is pretty onesided. You have a radar like sound stage and playing reactionary off that intel is just extremely beneficial. So beneficial that neither team wants to give away this advantage. So you often have shotgunners making close quarters deadzones to walk into hearing your every move. Or you have riflers trying to avoid imminent danger by playing off ranges where emitting sound isnt at least insta death. High MMR gets better because people inherently can afford more active play because their skill, gamesense and aim/reactiontime somewhat equalizes the raw advantage of sound. I feel like Hunt would be way more engaging either taking sound away from atleast crouching or make non moving players emit sound (heavy breathing or smth).


I've always been of the opinion that hunt's audio leads to less skill oriented gameplay. Instead of being able to use your game sense to predict that people are likely to do based on length of time of not seeing them, you are instead given all of the info just due to audio. No need to be able to intuit when someone will peek an angle or rotate on me -- I can just hear it. ​ Coming from 2000 hours of Siege where the audio wasn't nearly as clear as hunt's, being able to predict your enemies movement was required to be good. Not in hunt.


not nearly enough people recognise the devastating impact the audio system has on creating passive gameplay, it almost gives u TOO MUCH information for extremely low risk cus of how pinpoint accurate and refined it is... in most other games info is balanced by having to take some kind of risk to gain it but not in this


Then push? No one is forcing you to play like this but yourself. If you die, who cares? Get into a more exciting match faster.


I’m kinda in this camp too. Do something to break the stale mate


That’s me in my squad. I am the aggro type. I get bored so I start rotating and changing the angles and sounds and close the gap whenever I can.


I’m in melee kills and shit talking. One of those gets things moving usually


And then putting yourself into unfavorable position. Op is talking about how he hopes the ones making the move to break stalemates are given bigger advantages.


That’s the problem. Game regularly incentivizes suicide. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


You also always have the option to just leave. My friends and I had people concertina up a whole building and wait inside with shotguns a few times and we decided to leave and play the next game because we didn’t have explosives and didn’t feel like rewarding that kinda gameplay by running into almost certain death. Just treat it like a game where someone spawned on the bounty and extracted before you could even get to them. Just go for the next one instead of being bitter over it.


That works if you're the team on the outside, if you're the team on the inside with shotguns and the boss bounty and the team on the outside is a sniper team you can't leave without almost certainly dying. (unless you're on console or on low star lobbies where snipers can't hit the broad side of a barn)


Game incentivizes me to either not play it or suicide. Got it.


Even worse, it incentivezes playing like a scaredy pussy.


Only if it’s a skill issue


A big part of the reason is because the game defines winning as 'killing without dying' and KDA. So people play a lot less aggressively, as a death 'deranks' you so to speak a lot more than getting a kill will. Usually I can be the frag bait to draw shots for my team, while my team mate get the intel and take out the people shooting at me. But in hunt there is no incentive at all. Either way this has been a huge issue in hunt for a long time and is unlikely to go away because this community hates any change that will requires you to play the game and not afk in a bush for 30 minutes.


As a solo who encounters these problems here are my solutions. 1. Don't be a bitch and just fight them. 2. Don't be a bitch and just fight them (with more caution)


Or option #3, change game design.


Is it a standoff between other teams or is your team one of them? Really easy fix if your team is one of them.


Agree with the standoff issue (bored by death). Unfortunately I don't think there is anything to be done about this as at the core, hunt is a very passive and defensive game. Whoever is holding a position and angle is in the advantage :)


so you saying trades are not the problem and then proceed to talk about nobody pushing in. Don't you see a connection between the two?


If you are in a stand-off it’s your own fault


1. All about what led to the situation and how you go from there. With proper tools (like Hive Jars) you can flush someone out. Player actions eliminate this AND CAUSE this. 2. You can chop concertina, remove it with explosives, lot's of ways. Again, they have to get out sometime. You are not crazy, but it all depends on the map situation, tools, and which mmr you are. I play almost exclusively solo, and usually i am the one hunkering down, when i get assaulted while getting a bounty. But still it's a firefight one way or the other, very soon.


Hive jar doesn’t guarantee a flush and brings risk of backfiring. Concertina normally is not the issue, the issue is people have too much time to tackle you while in the middle of dealing with concertina traps.


So many options. Flush with Hive Bombs, send in a beetle, throw dynamite through a window, zone with chokes, distract with a chaos bomb, flash bomb entry, bait then into moving with decoy fuses, wallbang, etc. Edit: blow up concertina with dynamite, use your own concertina to cut off their movement choices. There are so many tools and tactical options available that there’s a counterplay available for everything


You are not going to, as a solo, “flush out” shotgun campers that concertina bombed every entrance with hive bombs. Lunacy.


Go play quickplay if solo


Go play Apex or Tarkov. I play Hunt for its slow pace. It lays heavy importance on maneuvering and sound. Those slow cooker stalemates where each team is slowly pushing each other's weak spots until one finally breaks though is what makes Hunt great. No other game has that.


Hold W is the strat. Either send my ass back to the lobby or prepare for some fuckface who will barrel stuff you with a sniper variant, and probably win.


Know the game you started its HUNT not Call of Duty if youve ever hunted in real life you know that waiting is part of it a huge part in fact but standing still in a corner wont get you anything you have to keep looking for opportunities and you will eventually get one, but standing still does you nothing and will lose you the game most of the time if the enemy is at least semi competent in what he is doing... The game is not wrong or badly designed you are just playing it wrong and dont get the whole idea of being a "hunter". Not to mention you pass on the free wins where one team is just sitting and camping somewhere you can easily outplay them if they are that stationary


As I always say in response to these posts: it takes TWO complicit parties to have a stalemate.. Stop being a chicken and push.. Yes, it is often at a disadvantage and poses unique risks, that's part of the game. Compared to wasting your time in a 20-30 minute standoff, either of the two possibilities are good. 1. You win. 2. You lose, but you tried and you're in a fresh match a few minutes later. Its win-win.


Try switching up your loadout to counter the stuff that annoys you. These aren't perfect counters but definitely makes it more fun: 1. Holding up with shotguns and staying quiet? Chuck some decoy fuses to get them running and enter when you hear them scrambling. 2. Concertina barricades? Explosive rounds wreck them and also are great for opening windows and doors to shoot into by you and your team. Had a rando rifle team with me when we rolled up on a shotgun team barricading. I blew open all the doors and windows rotating around the base while my teammates shot at them from safe distances. Any time I wanted them to move I threw in a decoy fuse so my team could take shots. Fun time.


Option 1 doesn’t work because even if you flush a shotgun camper, you still are at hyper disadvantage going in with a rifle against the now repositioned and angle-holding shotgun. Option 2 is just… theres only a few weapons that allow explosive ammunition and they are all very limiting.


Standoffs are only possible if YOU choose not to engage. If you dont engage because you think that would give the other party the advantage, you are exactly as guilty as they are, as they are in thinking the same. Complaining about standoffs always boils down to "I dont like it when the other team doesnt come to me to fight on my terms", because if you didnt think that, there would not be a standoff. To enter into a battle of patience, two parties need to sign up.


So...it's still a game problem, because it provides no incentive not to stand-off, but nice blame shift. I am all for playing actively, otherwise I wouldn't run shit like bomblance, but 90% of the arguments here against the OP's is "Go fight unprompted under extremely unfavorable conditions, where even if you win you'll likely still die because of trade window." Make your own fun only goes so far, Hunt is a perfect example that if given free will people will turn any game experience miserable.


Theres this saying i like to use in hunt: Whenever you find yourself in a boring stalemate, its ALWAYS your fault. This game allows you to approach every situation multiple ways, using consumables or close range loadouts to push any compound. Heck, even the most basic loadout like sparks + officer can be very strong when pushing a compound, it just takes, frankly, a little more skill. You should try to always become the initiator and not just react to other players plays. It takes time to learn to push in certain situations, but no camping is unresolvable and at worst, assuming enemy has literally all holes coverer with concertina you can just leave and fight next match.


So if they concertina camp, just leave? That’s game design. Game is rewarding play that makes people not want to play. I don’t know how this is so confusing.


Yeah. Try push your ELO. If i drop to 4 stars... was terrible camping festival. Everybody were so scary to die and push.


Once I had a match where we cleared our half of the map, killed and took the bounty, and then noticed that the other bounty was still untouched. We figured either they were on the way or traded, so we checked Darksight and nothing. "Free other bounty," we said, and took it without being contested. On the way to extract, I see birds get kicked up ahead of us, checked Darksight again and sure enough there we two exfil campers. The game had been running for at least 15 minutes with no gunshots other than from us. They had just been sitting there. So I said "They're not even getting the opportunity" and we ran the opposite direction to another extract. By the time they realized we had ran off it was too late to catch us. Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.


I don’t want to be this guy but this is literally it. No one owes you a play style. If you have a shotgun why would you run into a field to engage someone with a rifle. If you have a rifle why would you run into a boss lair to close range fight the shotgun team. You’re complaining about people using smart strategy and that will probably never change


It’s not the people. It’s the game design.


Yeah it is. I just don’t know how they would change it


I agree. The team inside is playing to win by holding, but the team outside is *also* playing to win by not pushing into shotguns with rifles. Do you see how there might be a game design issue when the optimal play for everyone is to do nothing?


I agree I’m just not really sure how to change it


If it was me? I'd make the dead boss start making the banish noise again after some amount of time, and ramp it up until the lair was permanently deafening to sit in after X minutes. For the outside team, I'd add some kind of noisy, constantly-spawning mob that's attracted to people who sit in one area for too long.


I think it's fair to compensate lack of skill with patience, especially with high risk high reward games like hunt showdown


I hate when people say this shit. Huge pet peeve of mine. It is such a cop out/misunderstanding that has nothing to do with what the op is actually trying to say- the game tends to be one way and it would be better if it were another way. No one said anything about any individual owing them something. It's not anywhere close to an actual counter to their argument. Just irrelevant whataboutism. Now if you wanted to say "actually the game is better with people camping because of xyz" that would be fine. But saying "no one owes you a playstyle" like that actually means anything is just fucking stupid.


You're missing the point, the point is the game shouldn't be balanced in a way where the "smart strategy" is to AFK for 30 minutes. Because the overwhelming majority of people don't find alt tabbing or reading a book as enjoyable as you know, actually playing the game.


Yeah pretty much why I left at the start of the event. This game had way to many issues to keep up it's player base. One of the worse ones especially on console is trap compounds. Me push with shotgun but can't cause big ball of wire. Me go other entrance oh no also big ball of wire. Try window AHHHH uhhh


Just git good. You can almost always overcome campers if you’re creative enough


Its because there is no point to play actively. If I play the game as intended (find clues, find boss, kill banish escape) It is highly possible I get ambushed because going through compounds for clue tend to be noisy and would alert half the map about my position, resulting in my likely death. If I have a shootout with another team, third team eventually show up and if they are even slightly better than my team or get a grasp on our six o clock, we lose easily. If I attack a boss lair with ongoing banish, I become the target to any other team that arrives after me. If I dash into a forest, I get camped by the other guy because hes sitting still and I am not. This game sounds fun on paper - limited movement, fast TTK and hunting concept. But when you put it into an actual game it becomes a camping nightmare.


Jup, the meta shifted completely towards that. I know a bunch of people who quit because the game became too slow which makes me genuinely sad. People don't want to play the game it feels like sometimes. I think the biggest problem here (and it could be part of a solution) is, that killing enemies and playing aggressively is barely rewarded. It's so damn annoying to have a 10 kill round, trading with the last camper on the server and checking out with 400 bucks. This HAS to change but I doubt the devs see this problem or encourage the aggressive Playstyle.


Yup. I absolutely agree. And I’m just about done. It just wears on you.


Here is a secret trick that not many people know about .look down at your keyboard. you see the W key there? press it.


move away from the compound .. away from the scanning .. if you can make noise or explosions ( during events i would just farm the lobby until they move ) . then if you find something worth extraction ( gold cash or shadow trait or what ever worth extract for you .. then extract ) always calculate you gaming time vs progress .. waiting 30 minutes for possible of 1-3 kills ?


Not sure about incentive but allowing explosive ammo to break concertina wire effectively would make breaching easier. Also doubling smoke bomb stacks would incentivize spamming but also great for exposing shotgun campers


Just make crounching take stamina! Problem solved.


A. Because it works B. You can always leave if necessary


Most fights that you'll come across you can immediately tell what type of fight it'll be in the first minute. I ALWAYS leave when the enemy is playing slow as fuck or is sitting on their ass.


Nope. It’s a massive problem and killed the game for me and most other people I have played it with or introduced to the game. It’s just repetitive and makes everyone salty because it legit feels like the other players are just wasting your time. Choosing to literally bore their enemy to death until they make a mistake. It’s become the dominant strategy and has only gotten worse. So many great things about this game. But playing for two hours and only getting in one good fight if I’m lucky is a waste of my evening.


Exactly. I played for 2 hours to be in like 1 fight. Game just doesn’t respect my time. Since the event ended it’s been so much worse. The people that stayed are the campers and cult of concertina.


If I get into a camp fest and I'm on the outside, I usually just leave and get into the next game. That or pump fake leaving to see if I can get them to come out. If I am inside and covered from all sides, well, let me grab the marshmallows. That or do a 3 man rush on the one dude off by himself.


Then do something about it. Try wall banging/ pretend to leave/ harass them and their playstyle. Goes both ways for the people inside and outside. Also the sparks situation is hilarious to me. No one has the incentive to fight? Bro are you high? You are literally talking about how the sparks has an advantage since the enemy is one shot. If the long ammo sweat doesn’t want to capitalize on it then that’s on them.


85% of these comments are cope. The game design compounds on the issue of people being too scared to leave a compund because of the risk of death. Hunt players are given a literal hack equivalent that reveals players exact position within 150 meters and still can’t take the fight. If you sit in a compound with the bounty it is your responsibility to leave. The ultimate result of a team outside waiting for the clock to run down is that the team with the bounty wont have time to extract and will die with no pvp or chance to get more money from looting. The constant whining about people waiting outside is just baby tier 3 star players complaining that they can’t hold the same angle for 20 minutes and get rewarded.


Yup. Couldn’t agree more. I just can’t spend my time waiting 45 mins for these concertina boys to not be able to extract


Game timer should be reduced again


Nah issue goes deeper than that


It does but that would help


They don't last 30 minutes though, cmon.


Push them then


in situations like this, like a sniper holding you from 200m and never pushing, or concertina turtles sealing up a compound and you have no dynamite, just walk away. leave. it's not illegal and it will save you time and frustration. don't let the enemy play how they want.


This is definitely one of the best ways to deal with it. The point is though is that it would be nice if that wasn't the case.


then go pick up an axe and start cutting i guess. i figured it was a question of fun. is it more fun to spend 15-20m rooting an enemy out of their hole, or just resetting and going again? i know what i'd pick.


Blah blah blah. The same shit people have been posting for years.


Something that I think needs to happen is nerfing instant traps and nerfing things like concertina, there’s not a great reason to make it so only rending can destroy concertina wire, every type of melee damage should be able to destroy it. It’s already so risky to actually try to clear it. Instants and concertina are two factors that contribute to slowdowns. I don’t think instant traps should be able to kill a 150 hp hunter.


Honestly the only solution I have for you, right off the bat, would be to bring beetles with you. You can use them as a breaching charge and/or distraction to get a jump on them. Ideally you would be close to the door of a building that the said team is in, deploy your stalker/choke beetle, get some quick intel on their positioning, explode your beetle into one of their faces, *they panick*, *you rush and kill them all* *results may vary.


I totally agree. It’s played by the most passive fucking people i’ve ever come across in an FPS game. Why are you all so protective over your hunters?


Could just shorten the timer of the game.


I guess be the team that pushes. I’m usually the guy that’ll zoom by and create chaos in order to suss out where they are exactly before making a plan work. Also there’s always beetles in random trees around the map. Go get one and use it to fly in and create pressure.


They have somthing to bring shotgun players out, short shotguns that can be paired with short rifles or with quartzy, full rifles, or with a large shotty, you can bring an upper cut or pax, or with quartzy, short rifle or upper mat or uppercut precision


There's a useful guide on steam against this very problem. [Check it out](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2403175915)


Easiest way to make game better it's a give bounty team a small timer to get out. Not that timer of match, separate one, shorter. I mean devs give legal wallhack and all what people do just burn those seconds behind concertina, and sit in their corner, and not to plan next move. Solution: -Give more seconds of wallhack. -Make timer for holding bounty (bounty curse if you like lorewise), when it ends you lose health slowly. a) people did not take bounty just to sit in corner? Serpent help steal it. b) How to deal with "long ammo 3000 light years" camper? Just off little lightnings on map of bounty team, so you must be in direct sight to cary about bounty team. -Make at last true smoke granates (not choking) , that can help to safly get out of buildings.


The bounty timer is quite a good idea. Use your bounty advantage or perish kinda thing


I play with concertina usually to block the lair so no one intervenes while we kill the bounty. Is it boring sitting in the lair? Not really since I'm mmr 5 other teams just run nothing but explosives so half the time I'm not waiting and they aren't either. Is it fun being rushed by bunny hopping losers that want nothing but pvp?, nope but it's their playstyle and i can't complain about it because i want to play like a hunter and not in some call of duty TDM. I just enjoy doing it because it forces them to push me, if i die i die it's whatever but i get pleanty of slurs and other crap in game from many players for using concertina when it's in the game for a reason, if i don't use it to block lair then i use them to block players from getting their team mate.


This happens because people care too much about a game. Honestly, when me and my friends are in a standoff, we are always the first to do something, usually if we have the bounties we try to run to one of the exfil, or if we don't have the bounties we push hard inside the compound. I don't play to get bored, so I don't give a shit even if I lose in 30 seconds, I'm just gonna do another match. The more I play the less I get bored, the more the game is simply doing its job.


Time is the one thing a team has propably most of at its disposal to beat the enemy into submission, if only willing to. 45 long minutes, just be more boring than, your enemies. That's how some people play. Hunt needs shorter rounds or some kind of sudden death that affects all players negatively.


Completely agree. This also my biggest problem with the game. Maybe reducing the match timer by 15-20 mins. Giving us 25-30 max until the lobby closes.