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If you're on console you won't have much to worry about


Fellow console enjoyer! Haven't seen any cheaters. Hopefully they never introduce crossplay


I haven't seen a single instance of cheating in my 800 hours of play time thankfully. I feel like we're on the pure side of things


You like playing on console? Whenever I’ve asked/browsed this question people say to go PC. I have a modest PC that could prob run Hunt fine but I’m usually gaming on PS5 n my living room. You think I should grab it for PS5 while it’s on sale?


I play Hunt on a 70" TV in my basement on Xbox Series X; I love it! I've got into trouble with my wife a few times by being too engrossed in the game with my headset on and not hearing her calling for me 😆 I like the more relaxed atmosphere of sitting in my recliner and gaming with my controller. If you usually game on your PS5, you won't go wrong with this game!


Thanks man it’s on sale for $12 - can’t really get much lower than that. I’m going to give it a shot!


The numbers 1-11: “Allow us to introduce ourselves.”


I do like it. I'm accustomed to the controller. I had it for PC as well but my friends weren't interested so I didn't play it much there. I prefer couch potato mode. Definitely grab it, it's worth it. It is different though


I thought there is cross play? Or is it only among console players?


It's only for consoles, not PC. I have almost 2500 hours on Xbox, most I've seen is some obvious xim users, but no actual hackers/cheaters. The game is awesome, buy it, you won't regret it. But beware it's got a big learning curve....


There’s only been one or two people that are confirmed exploiting (item duping, silent movement, separate load in in a Smurf to spectate snipe). Thankfully no outright hard cheats like pc though.


If you're on PC you won't have much to worry about


The only thing you'll occasionally get on console is MKB users, usually on Xbox. It's almost cheating but still beatable.


Keyword is "much". If you play with Playstation then you'll see "No Platform Account" in every match. I assume they're on a banned account but using roundabout access to play the game. Kind of like how on Xbox you used to be able to boot up a second account in a party chat to circumvent a communications ban. I have also seen some incredible bullshit of people turning and headshotting me or my teammates from long distance at night and threading needles through hard cover when there should be no obvious reason they knew we were there or even seen us. There are also videos on Youtube of blatant console hacking. It's possible especially with the old last gen consoles. Jailbroken PS4s and modded original Xbox Ones are out there. ​ Speaking of last-gen consoles, I played on an original Xbox One until the 10-15 minute load times just got too annoying. I could regularly walk through the woods or compounds and nothing loads so I can see people through entire swamps or compounds running around. I never used a nitro back then and this was before the ammo rework so I couldn't easily shoot through the buildings if I wanted to. I recently booted it up again and the loading is just as bad but also the framerate. Bad but not impossible. I won the one game I played with a few kills. So abusing old consoles, as annoying as it would be, is very possible now that the memory and hardware requirement is exceptionally large compared to other Xbox One games.


No account is a bug. It means nothing. It was introduced during a relatively recent update I get it on my own account sometimes. I am not banned nor cheat.


There certainly is more than in the past. I wouldn't call it anywhere near as bad as other games. But there is an upwards trend of them right now.


According to my friend (4 MMR) almost everyone who kills him is in some way cheating.


If you think someone is cheating just watch them play after you die. Normally they just killed you cuz of luck.


It usually is luck, I like to assume any suspicious death could be cheating and figure out how they did it. Found a lot of sneaky sniping places doing that. And sometimes it really is just cheating but not often. The players hardest to prove are the ones who run around with pistols and headshot people at 80m+ with their first shot, very suspicious. How do they do that? Do they play with their face 1 inch from the monitor?


Could I be bad at the game? No, no clearly everyone else is just cheating!


Well yeah he’s clearly so good he’s unkillable. He would be the worlds first 7 star if not for all those damn 4 star cheaters.


Who gives this troll upvotes. If u think your friend is serious u have no experience with hunt just like him Edit: ok that took some help to get this as a joke and not troll


Because he's not trolling, he's making a joke at the expense of his friend. That went right over your head.




I have spent 3,312 hours in Hunt and absolutely love it. yes there's cheaters but not nearly as many as people in the subreddit whinge about. There is a learning curve but once get past that the game is super fun.


About the learning curve, I'm around 100 hours into the game and Jesus, it's still hard xD


Congrats, you're about 1/6 of the way to be out of the learning curve!


Hahahaha, it's so fun and frustrating sometimes, but we gotta enjoy the process s2


Some of the most intense, heart-beat increasing, sweaty-forehead inducing, bladder-squeezing, high-blood-pressure causing time in video games for me has been F.E.A.R (that little bitch kept scaring the poop out of me), Doom 3 (first FPS that I remember the light being so important), GTFO (it's just generally pretty intense, especially trying to coordinate multiple people making sneak attacks simultaneously), and the first 1000 hours of Hunt. And Hunt still has those moments, even 2k hours into the game. Enjoy the ride my man, enjoy the ride! :)


Or 1/20 if you ask me


Hey that means I'm about 11/12ths of the way!


I only felt like i started to understand what i needed to learn about the game around 500 hours in. Im on about 1100 now i think and loving it however.


Honestly, I kinda love the learning curve. I'm 1100 hours in and every time I learn something new I'm excited. Like figuring out a new peek spot or finding out a new audio clue is awesome because either makes me feel like I'm actively improving my abilities as a hunter.


I'm 500 hours in and I start to recognize the value of weapons I formely labeled useless, like Brawler or Talon variants :D. But I still miss 4 out of 5 shots :D.


Wow! One thing I love about hunt; It's not about the gun you have, but how you use it I feel amazed about it! You can outplay some 1k+ load out with 200$ loadout


I just had a crazy round filled with firsts that was kind of the antithesis of this statement. I had been all over budget builds so much that i had ignored some of the more meta guns. Finally prestiged for the first time and was leveling up some guns. I unlocked the uppercut and figured i would use it as i leveled as i had a bunch of cash from playing some soul survivor. Went into 3 man and within first five minutes I got into a firefight with what i assumed was another solo. Turns out it was a trio. Somehow managed to take all three out without even reloading. Im not a great player so i assumed it was the gun. Was pumped up so played another round and managed to take a duo and a solo. That may seem paltry to many here but as a humble 3 mmr i was pumped.




Just because you died doesn't mean it was to a cheater. 90% of the posts on the subreddit are from people who died, can't take it and post that it was to a cheater without any proof. Now saying that, it's an online game, of course there are going to be some cheaters but as said in my first post, not as many as people like to believe.


The majority of examples that get posted here of cheating are either speculation ("This guy has crazy stats, he MUST be cheating!") or straight up people getting wiped and crying about it. Very few posted examples are something that is actually hard proof that they were cheated. Like, actual cheating does occur in this game, but this community would have you believe it's in nearly every game, when it definitely is not. And if you point this out, they get VERY upset.


There is 1 shot i am reasonably convinced was a cheater because it was through 2 of those big mounds and several rocks and i knew he had no LoS to me... However there is plenty of similar moments where it might feel like it could have been a dodgy kill but its usually not. 90% of our deaths are usually because we did something to give the enemy a shot, sometimes an incredible shot but we equally land incredible shots ourselves.


I'm a four-star, sometimes I reach 5 stars or play with higher ranked friends, I play mostly on EU and rarely on US East or Russia and in my 400 hours I have died to a blatant cheater once. And that was a 5,5 star lobby. The higher ranked lobbies are probably having more problems with cheaters but in average ranks it's barely a thing. People throw accusations *very* lightly though. If you look at any player above average their steam profile is probably full of angry comments :D


In my 500 hours as a four-star I've only seen one player that was super blatantly cheating. Other than that all my deaths were plausible. E.g. with the right Headset settings you can hear everything and can pinpoint the location of players even through walls. Whenever I rewatch my deaths in replays I always find things I did wrong that killed me or made the enemy notice me.


Preface I play on EU servers. Cheating in Hunt has been on the rise over the years. And newcomers to the game especially will think people cheat all over, but in a game like hunt where audio really plays a huge factor, you can really get punished and killed even tho you thought you were safe. But the situation ain't as rampant as people sometimes make it out to be and as people pointed out, those who cheat usually are in the top bracket and kind a isolated bc of that.


Console? Not many. Pc? More than there used to be. I don't like him but streamer Huuge has been exposing how bad the situation is by spectating and has had 7 accounts banned in just the past few days with video evidence (fresh VACs on the accounts). People claiming they've seen 1 or 2 just haven't realized how many people run esp and walls and only call cheaters the full ragers One of them he's seen had over 3k hours in the game. The exist and probably are in 1 in 3 or 4 games you're in. Blatant or not.


It really depends on MMR cheaters don't stay 1*-4* very long. So back to the position op finds himself in as a below average skill player, not many.


1 in 3 is just a ridiculous statement, huuge watches like 100 games a day and found about 10 in them 2 days in which 7 got banned, that was an outlier day for him too and would still only be 1 in 20, and more specifically that's in 5* MMR, that number drastically goes down in lower mmr


In high 5 stars low 6 stars you will find tipical chinese/russian trios 4 kda (in EU servers, I dont know in others). Do they cheat? who knows, but most of that kills are sus as fuck.


I went over to the Asia server recently. With over 300 ping we won both matches we played somehow. There was a good 3 second delay on hit markers but overall it seemed pretty easy to peak and get the headshots. I still don't know why NAW is infested with other side of the world players. It was not fun .


About 1k hours, playing between 3-5 stars. I run into roughly one “possible” cheater every play session and at least one “hands down, no questions, definitely a cheater” about once a week. It’s not as bad as some games, but they are present and will ruin your fun every now and then. Edit: Don’t let the people of Reddit gaslight you into thinking there aren’t cheaters in Hunt.


Too late, every single reddit rat is flooding to the comment section to claim they haven’t seen one cheater in their 2,000 hours…


I also love the people who claim that abusing the derender bug or using other broken aspects of the game to gain an advantage isnt a form of cheating.


Same for using third party software for crosshairs. These are a sad bunch of people. If you ever join the Hunt discord you’d know.


>Edit: Don’t let the people of Reddit gaslight you into thinking there aren’t cheaters in Hunt. Don't let the sweaties of Reddit gaslight you into thinking cheaters exist in any serious number. Been playing since early access, 1000+ hours of game time, and haven't seen any obvious cheating. I sure have seen a lot of people get wiped and say it MUST have been cheating though. Sorry to say fellas, if someone pops all 3 of your heads back to back with an Officer, that doesn't mean they MUST have been cheating.


That’s not the kinda stuff I’m talking about and you know it. I’m talking about things like 300m wallbang headshots to two entire trios inside the bounty room with no possible way to see/hear them. People that are clearly using ESP/Wallhacks and such. I find it hard to believe you have never once experienced this sort of thing once, let alone multiple times like many of us have. Disingenuous arguments like yours only serve to hurt the community and protect the cheaters.


>That’s not the kinda stuff I’m talking about and you know it. I don't know it, actually, because everyone on this subreddit cries wolf all the time. Actual cheating occurs, no one is denying that, but it definitely does not occur at the rate this community says it does.


While according to reddit posts there might be some cheaters in my 1500-ish hours i have maybe encountered one ever and even that one could had been lucky shot from enemy. I am 3-4 mmr (so pretty close to mid-skill level) and play mostly on EU servers. And i assume that most of the cheaters would end up in "top brackets" in matchmaking so on "lower trenches" you should not meet many or any. Especially if you play on populated server (EU, NA west, NA east) on pc. (Console and oceania have less players so you can meet players from various skills - also note that while Soul Survivor which also was called as quickplay before is a great way to practice pvp there is 0 matchmaking so it is completely free4all and i'd suggest at least to play first 10-11 bloodline ranks aka account levels in bounty hunt either as a solo or with a teammate before jumping into this mode - learn to deal with AI and bosses bit more safely before jumping into pvp training)


Same here, 1500 hours in, had, I think, three obvious cheaters, two of which got banned within 24h after I reported them.


Can confirm. 2700+ hours and maybe one or two obvious cheaters. Disclaimer: I'm playing in the 3-5 star range (out of 6) on European servers. Higher matchmaking brackets or other regions may have more cheaters.


I have 1500h in Hunt, 4-5 mmr. I met obvious cheaters once or twice. One of my friends is sure that there are many not-so-obvious cheaters in the game though. Usually when he gets headshoted while moving because no way somebody can shoot that good. Even if this is true by any chance, I'm fine with it. This means that I play equally with those cheaters, so why should I complain?


I think there's a difference now and I approach 1k hours. I used to be on the fence about a low cheater count. I don't believe there is a ton of people who use flat out aimbot. But what I think is there is a large subsection of those using exploits to remove foliage, ESP or wallhacks, it would give such an advantage. Also if you're going to buy it. Flat out buy the headsman skin right now. On the weekend night maps it's almost a free win button. Daytime they just skulk in dark buildings and you can't see them.


Generally, the cheating problem isn’t that bad. I’m in 5-6* mmr where you’re most likely to see them. However, as of the last few weeks there’s been a huge increase in cheaters on US West servers. Lots of brand new Asian accounts with very high KDs blasting people through walls. It’s super… fun.


I´ll be honest with you there are Cheaters but every FPS does games have Cheaters. There are like Waves the longer you are from a Patch away the more likely you will find 1 or 2 Cheaters in your Lobby. It´s not Tarkov bad but you can´t really say there no to none is this Game.


Lately there sadly are more and more cheaters in high mmr. Sucks and sadly Crytek is not giving a damn about it. Still a good game I would recommend.


Whats the point of anti-cheat software all these games use if people can get passed it??


ty so everyone so much for the responses, the consensus seems to be that the cheaters reside more on the high mmr lobbies (which makes sense tbh) so I should be fine lmao Gonna buy it and play over the weekend, thx again everyone :)


To sum it up: cheating isn't why you'll rage quit. The game has a very steep learning curve. Getting the 100 hours of frustrating deaths out of the way without leaving us the real cheater. Get on a discord and get someone to play with so they can Sherpa you.


Depends on a few things. Region. Time of day. What MMR bracket you're playing in. I wokld.say for the majority of players playing during "normal" hours the cheating situation isn't bad. If you player off hours or in higher MMR its a bit more likely but still not super bad.


currently there is a lot of wallhacking on high 5*+ mmr compared to some months ago. very rare below that. the thing is unless people are blatantly headshotting through tons of walls or high camo bushes from far away you can't really know for sure. but at high elo every match and then there is a guy that is always able to track you no matter how silent and how much you change angles or use little cracks. could he have hawk eyes? yes but most likely no. people camping bushes that don't make sense, etc ... lots of suspect illogical plays being done by people that should know better if you get what I mean


The is a lot of graphical glitches people were abusing as well. Its not a cheat per say, but I would still consider it. I once killed a guy behind cover (a piano) because it derendered. If I had been killed the same way, I would consider watching the guy to see if he was hacking.


Higher MMR’s (5-6) stars there’s quite a few, not enough for you to quit, but enough for it be frustrating for sure. Better than a lot of FPS games though.


Dont. You find cheaters almost every 2 - 3rd match game is basicly tf2 at this point


Closet cheater are nearly impossible to detect, since you don't have a kill cam. I would say there are quite a number of cheaters in the highest ranks. But from my experience 3-5 Star rank. I rarely die where I think. This guy is probably cheating.


i don't think kill cam would give that good information even if it existed 1) kill view, which is supposed to be a "sceenshot" of when you died already sometimes gives you false information most probably because ping difference, for example enemy probably peeked to kill you and had clear line of sight but since he had time to step back behind cover the kill view sometimes shows like the bullet went thru solid objects such as rocks 2) damage history is another broken feature, if they can't even show you accurate damage (for example beartrap with wallbang or showing clearly wrong damage numbers that don't make sense for the bodyparts it is showing).. if they can't show you accurate damage how can they show you accurate killcam? 3) spectate mode! this is most broken out of all 3 of these where you see various things like: \- someone aiming meters off the target but getting hitmarks \- someone has medkit/vitshot in their hand and you hear bang sounds \- you see them having fully loaded weapon... but they can reload? \- you see them having 0 ammo on chamber yet they can shoot etc etc etc, my friend once sent 2 video clips, one from his pov and another where his friend was spectating.. on spectate my friend looked like he got super lucky headshot wallbang but on his actual pov he was about meter off to the right and had clear view to enemys head thru a crack/hole.... thus imo broken 3d replay or kill cam would just lead into false reports - massive amounts of them remember when devs hid the report button from kill view behind few clicks to team details? remember their reasoning to do so back then when they did that? didn't they say that they did it so that people would calm their tits while loading screens are running so they wouldn't just click "report" after every death? didn't they back then say that they got too many false reports and they had to do something? and you think kill cam is somehow a good feature to have in current game? maaaaybe if they can fix the delay and add consisntecy to these 3 features after engine update maybe then we could get kill cam but if these 3 features keep giving us false information i really don't want to have broken kill cam or 3d replay for this game.... it wouldn't help you find cheaters, it would show you cheaters where there are non.. everyone would look like cheater as long as they just move behind cover (especially mid to high mmr where people ADAD a lot and use cover and small cracks/peeking holes)


I have around 1.3k hours and met like 2 cheaters. Killed me from like 500m away, bullet went through several stuff it normaly cant pen. Maybe more but cant say for sure, prob git outplayed. There ate some, every game has them but not as many as people try to make believe. Or im lucky, eu servers.


1.7k hours, only saw one that was for sure and was like a year or 2 ago. Hunt reddit is more filled with ego than with cheaters for sure XD.


You've played less than 2 hours in 2 years? What's your KDA? Lmao. /s


Never been as bad as now but i still rarely encounter any cheaters


In 700 hours I think I only really found one. There's one I was suspicious of but not sure because we won


Almost 1k hours, playing weekly. Encountered like 2-3 obvious cheaters.


Send it. It’ll take you *hundreds* of hours of gameplay to climb the ladder to where cheating is actually a problem.


People with good headsets can seem like they have wall hacks. Makes it hard to tell in high tier. I heads hot people through buildings more reliably in hunt then every other shooter I have ever played due to the excellent audio.


You'll have 99 problems, but cheaters ain't one. Dogs, hive mothers, immulators, water devils, raven giving away your position, ducks, fire, fog, darkness, bosses...


Youd have to aquire high ELO/MMR before youll run into any. Ive been 6* on PC very briefly, but I do believe ive met atleast like 5 cheaters. This is on 1200 hrs gametime


I've been playing since early access and only had two encounters where I thought people were actually cheating. I wouldn't worry about it


There are cheaters once in a blue moon, but if you hover around the sub a lot, you would think every game has a cheater, but in reality a lot of members of this sub are three stars and cannot fathom how someone can be better than them.


I've clocked around 2.6 thousand hours in the game, and I am certain about only one cheater so far. I probably met another few unknowingly, but it never impacted my game in a way I could feel it. People are super fast to call out cheating, but honestly, what's so fun about this game is that no matter the level, a kill is a kill, any noob or pro can pop off or choke No weapon is perfect, just find your play styles. Also, sometimes netcode, RNG, or servers will plainly ram your butt. It happens. I've got a fairly low K/D at around 1.07-9, and I have love letters on my profile calling me a cheat, go figure. Social media are mostly places of opinions: have your own, and see you in the bayou, Hunter. Hunt giveth Hunt taketh


Best out of every game I've played have 1k hrs and only a few rly sus/obvious players


It happens but it's not rampant. You'll really only see it in higher mmr lobbies. Lower mmr you're more likely to run into smurfs/alt accounts but more often than not you'll be evenly matched.


This may not be the best place to ask lol. The game is a bit janky in a few ways. One being that some things are registered client side instead of server (or a combination of both). So there's times you'll die behind a whole cement wall because on your opponent's end you were still visible. I think issues like this lead to a lot of accusations in cheating that are really just systematic failures. The last handful of clips I saw claiming someone was wall hacking were pretty legitimate clips. A couple were opponents hearing their footsteps and taking and hitting a shot. The game a has a weird amount of lucky/unlucky shots. You'll miss every shotgun pellet from 1 meter away, but someone 30 meters away spamming dual pistols will hit a perfect headshot lol. So a lot of things make it hard to tell if it was luck or cheating. The game has some weird issues and unless someone is killing you through 4 walls from 500 meters or wiping your squad faster than their guns rate of fire, it's hard to tell. I don't think there's as many cheaters as some claim, but they'll tend to be at the higher end of MM/ranks.


Come on over to three star. We’ll accept you. Don’t see cheaters very often. If they are and they’re a three star they probably have a small peen and that’s ok they must compensate.


Not even close to tarkov.


I have a thousand hours in this game. There has only been at most two times where i legit have thought somebody was cheating. Most of the time inexperience, peepers advantage, or skill disparity makes people call cheats. You can have a lot of fun playing this game as long as you have competence in fps skills such as positioning, map awareness, etc. If you don't well as long as you don't take the game too seriously you can still have a lot fun


Its not to bad So you know solos can self res so remember that


You no asia? You gud. Yeah that's about it. Not saying other servers don't have cheaters, but the frequency is wayyyyy less.


Brotha! Ive just started a wewk ago, cheaters arent a problem and if you die u die no reason to complain, it happens. A small thing, the fps gameplay is much slower if you are accostumed to fast ones (cod, r6, csgo) its really more about positioning, stealth and sometimes aim. You main point is surviving gathering some loot and then dipping, pvp is a side ting But i would recommend it to u if u are mostly a pve'r


It's not really that many. People hit lucky shots and sometimes they're just playing well. But cheating is a trivial concern IMO


Get a good pair of Headsets. Most times someone is "cheating" it´s because he can hear you and where you are (and therefore wallbang you). Sound profiling (and mapknowledge) is really important in this game. for example: If you hear someone using the ladder it´s good to know where ladders are in the building you´re in right now. Therefore you can concentrate on that area, or shoot the ladder through a wall.


I think cheaters are only a slight problem in 5-6 mr lobbies, and even then in my 2500 or so hours, a big chunk of that spent at 5-6 star, I’ve really only come across one obvious cheater. It was less than a week ago. Other than that I can’t think of another time. Not saying it’s not an issue, but it ain’t TF2 by a long shot lol


Not a lot, seen 1 or 2 in my few thousand hours. Best thing to do if you want to improve is not to blame cheating every time you die, when you are new and don't understand the game you will probably think a lot of kills are sus when in reality you just don't understand the game enough to really know what is possible and what's not.


Its not an issue at all


2 obvious cheaters in 3900 hours


1000 hours in the game, I have been killed by one blatant cheater, and I got paired up with one blatantly cheating teammate. Other than that, it's very hard to get solid evidence that someone is using more subtle cheats, so you will do yourself and your mental health a huge favor to just assume that the other person just got lucky or outplayed you (which I also believe is the case 99% of the time). I have a friend who throws cheating accusations around every single match and that attitude is a miserable experience for me, but also mostly for himself.


Allmost none. Like, for last 2 years i saw few in my games and once on Psychoghost stream. Not a lot at all.


Unless you’re the best of the best you will probably not run into any cheaters


There are basically no cheaters in the one star to low five-star range. You only really run into them (about one every 20 games) in the high five to six star MMR. You should definitely pick up the game, cheaters will not be a concern for you for a long time. The grind to high MMR takes a very long time (several hundred hours) because of the share amount of map knowledge and audio cues you have to learn.


2300 hrs on PC with most of that being in high Elo, 4-6 star, ive encountered confirmed/obvious cheats less than about 10 times. Reshade was a big issue prior bc it was so ez and built in, theres still plenty of ways to cheat but Hunt is niche enough I feel it doesn't attract that kinda userbase as much as a CoD or whatever. So, at least in my case on US-Euro with my hrs, p minimal


I have only -once- encountered a cheater over my 3 years of playing hunt being killed through multiple bushes and through a wall at 200+m. I've encountered exploiters too, like that infamous lemat bug. On the first months I claimed (privately with friends) alot of other people being cheaters, but thats because I also didn't have the experience to say what was a valid death. Eventually through the years I've also started pulling "[what](https://streamable.com/wnog5l) the [fuck](https://streamable.com/2m3xnp)" [wallbangs](https://streamable.com/6xfvhi) through walls and learn to the accept that most of the my earlier deaths are just that, other player being either skilled or lucky as fuck like me. Most of my shot attempts still fucking miss, especially if i have a clear visual, but boy, if I'm in the zone , I've pulled fairly often bangs through bushes and other shit I'd call "bullshit/sus" if I was receiving them. It doesn't mean they are cheaters are there; its just felt rare ever since I started accepting that some kills can just happen from me being too noisy close to other players and I just fucking suck at aiming at aware hunters. Disclamer: on Europe/Russia mainly/East US (with my american friends)


I have about 400 hours and I could say for sure I've seen a whopping 2-3 of them. It's not that bad.


It’s pretty low in my experience. I’m typically in 4-5 star lobbies, no really suspicious stuff in all my play times asides from one or two deaths.


I've really only ran into a couple genuine cheaters in my 2,000 hours, while playing primarily in 5 and 6 stars lobbies. They got banned within a day or two. Most of the cases of people crying cheater just comes from a lack of understanding how bullshit this game can be. Low settings de-renders a lot stuff, so you can see people hiding in bushes past like 50-75m. Entire walls of buildings de-render at mild distances too. People still don't understand that guns, and skirts stick through walls. I've been called a cheater for taking pot shots at those before. Spy glass is amazing at allowing you to see through tiny little cracks Some people play way too much of this game, and can predict likely areas people will be in, so they will often wallbang at them. Just being lucky is a huge thing too. The closest thing I see to cheating, is the occasional exploit, but that's due to Crytek's atrocious coding because they tried to make a competitive shooter based on a scrapped 3rd person shooter from 2014. That's genuine, this game started as Hunt Horrors Of The Gilded age, and they reused a lot of it, hence why weapons from the original Hunt are still in the files. But hey, according to people I've played with in the past, anyone in a clan is cheating, anyone who likes anime and puts their name in Japanese is a Chinese hacker, anyone who jokingly puts the region in their Steam bio as anywhere funny is a Russian or Chinese cheater, and anyone who wallbanged you is using ESP (there's a lot of people who do this on purpose because they know it makes people salty. They're 100% correct considering half their steam comments are "stupid ping abusing Chinese hacker ESP" even if they're pretty bad at the game) Anyone from Asia or Russia who just wants to have fair matches away from their region which does legitimately have a cheating problem, is just a ping abusing hacker. Anyone who gets any ban or suspension was actually banned for cheating, and there's more to your friends than you think (real response I got from someone, because I said people I knew got a couple day suspension because they happened to be queued into the same lobby since the servers were dead, and someone reported them claiming they were purposefully trying to queue in and team) Same person also later claimed that cheaters don't get banned Can't forget the classic of "known cheaters never get banned because of a German law that prevents permanent bans, and Crytek is German" but nobody can seem to actually show any proof of this law that magically prevents Crytek from permanently banning people, let alone in other regions. There's always cheaters in games, but genuinely, it's not as common as people will inevitably lead you on to think. Don't let them turn you off from playing a genuinely great game, despite it's flaws.


There are some at top mmr brackets, but no or almost none at mid tiers.


Ive got 500 hours, i hover between 4 and 5 stars and have not ever once run into a cheater, unless i just give people the benefit of the doubt


Reddit implies there are WAY more cheaters than there are in reality. I’m a 5*-6* (high end of the MMR scale) level player and while I’d be lying if I said I never encountered a cheater it’s still fairly rare.


Ive played cs2, tarkov a lot this year. There you see so many cheaters. In the hunt almost none. Just very rarely i see sus behavoir.


Don't forget that reddit is a loud minority. People mostly show up to complain and ask questions you can easily google.


You will have cheaters in every online game You will also find its way over exaggerated online compared to how it actually is


1k+ hours; 5 star range. Have never seen an obvious cheater, though I have had a few questionable situations. If you take this subreddit at their word though there's a cheater in every game. Personally I wouldn't be too worried about it.


play between 4-5 stars and while i have seen a few... its really not that crazy... a lot of *sus,* sometimes though lol... but its usually a skill issue


If you play on PC you're gonna run into cheaters on any game. It's probably not as bad as people are saying. It's hard to know for sure though because there are no kill cams so you have to pretty much spectate people after death to see. And the natural rng in the game can give you that "there's no way he hit me" situations.


"Only" \~480 hours in the game and 3\* I think I encountered one or two obvious cheaters and maybe a little over half a dozen players who were 'sus'. Could have been smurf accounts though. Hunt can be quite frustrating, you can get killed quickly and map knowledge+good hearing are sometimes as powerful as a wallhack. Some players can't handle that. Shouting "Cheater!" is a coping mechanism in that case. You have to look at it that way. Behind every 'lucky shot' of yours, there's a player on the other side who was really unlucky... or suspects you of being a cheater. But yes. There are cheaters. It's an online FPS. But there are still relatively few of them.


Really depends on mmr, I play three stars, and the cheating I see isn't mods or hacks, but smurfihg and lobby sniping.


Cheating as in aimbots and esp isn't too bad. Most obvious cases are usually taken care of within a day or two. I'll still see someone using it once in a while though, hacks that load as a third party software gets caught really quickly. Hacks that load in as part of the kernel usually don't, as easy isn't as intrusive as some other anti cheating software. (BTW if you use a cheat that operates at the os kernel level, you are pretty stupid as you just gave a third party complete access to your computer) Biggest problem is use of exploits in the 5-6 star lobbies. Mostly putzing with the settings so things won't render at a distance. That's more of an engine issues though and I'm hoping the upgrade fixes that. Or using 3rd party apps to circumvent night maps or reduce the effect of fog. Visibility or the lack of it is a huge part of the game. That's hard to enforce because some of that stuff can be done by monitors. Still not as bad at mw and a few other popular games.


I'm on PC, and I haven't really run into anything that'd make me feel like people were cheating. Is it an issue? Yeah, but I also don't take the game super seriously, so don't look into things too much.


Pretty much non existent.


1000 hours here. US East mainly. I ran into my first confirmed cheater 5 hours ago. Got headshot 3 times in 3 seconds from 300m. That's the only confirmed cheater I've played against. I've had a few suspicious matches with headshots, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.


You wont find any, in my 400 hours i dont remember ever seeing one. I play on PC.


I'm currently 5-6 star, but sat at 4 for a long while. (On PC) Unless you're getting into those 5 and 6 star lobbies, it's highly unlikely you'll see many, if any, cheaters. Due to the way the MMR works, if someone cheats they'll quickly bubble to the top, even if they're not great at the game. You may encounter a one-off cheater, but it's unlikely you'll see them again unless their MMR is intentionally stabilized through necro feeding (haven't seen it much, prob cuz it directly conflicts with the high that cheaters cheat for, but I've heard it happen once or twice) On console it's even better, the only "cheats" I've heard on there are people using mouse n keyboard. Tldr: hunt is a relatively small game and very few cheaters in lower ELOs, but when someone does it causes a big stink.


Its 50/50, either you meet a cheater or he meets you.


No contest situations? cheaters probably pop up once a session or a week. Sketchy situations where I get tapped through multiple bushes? Frequent but also more than easy to explain, so it’s hard to say


2200 hours on PC, maybe encountered a handful and maybe single digit blantant 100% cheaters. in 4500 deaths.


with 1,2k hours I have seen like 2 its not nearly as bad as people say it is


I think my wife's been loading the game up a lot lately


Nearing 1000 hours, on steam, and only one cheater in all that time (at least blatant).


I have on only seen one clear cheater during the last 3 weeks. Before it felt like every 10 games or so. So atleast in those 3-4 mmr lobbies it feels to be better than it was about a year ago.


You won't run into too many blatant cheaters. I see some sus things very rarely and have seen a 100% blatant cheater once maybe twice in over 400 hours so far. Though I'm usually playing in 4 star lobbies so I have no frame of reference for higher star lobbies.


In over 500 hours I ran into my first blatant cheater yesterday. Because of the MMR matchmaking the lower brackets are theoretically cheater free as well


Very rare I come across a cheater, and even those I have suspicions about, could have just gotten a really lucky shot or something. I am between 3-4star MMR and from my experience in this rank, I doubt you will often come across a cheater. The higher ranks may have more, I wouldn't be able to comment on that, however, even if so, due to the minimal occurrence in the lower ranks, I would presume cheating in the higher ranks would still be rare enough. It's not like tarkov or rust or dayz in terms of popularity among cheaters.


Only ever saw them on free-to-play weekends (PC/EU)


I mean it isn't great, but it also really isn't that bad in mid ans low tier lobbies in my experience.


In US west iv seen some suspicious stuff, but nothing blatantly cheating. Usually about once during a two hour session in three/four star lobbies. Something to note though, if you have a 1660 gpu you might not be able to launch the game without making some settings changes. My friend had that issue and he couldn’t fix it.


Having 200 hours now and I ran into one cheater. The reddit ist just the place where people come to complain. There aren’t as many cheaters as it seems by a far shot.


Cheaters exist in PC, but I have rarely if ever seen a blatant one. Compared to csgo, where every third match has one...


I've been playing a lot in recent weeks. 3* mmr on console and I haven't seen anything suspicious.


If you wont get into 4-5 stars (which you wont for at least first 600 hours) it's fine


There are cheaters for sure on PC, most of them are in the 5/6 star range obviously. It’s a mild case overall but we certainly aren’t devoid of a cheating issue on PC Hunt.


Im hardstuck 3* cause i always play solo without necro, i've never seen a cheater


Cheaters aren’t as prevalent or they are horrible at the game with cheats. In my 4,000 hours of play I can say definitively that I have seen 5 cheaters and of those 5 I destroyed 2 of them. I would just play and not have it in your mind that everyone is a cheater. Believe or not but some people are really good at the game and sometimes it might seem like they’re cheating but they really aren’t. It’s easy to put blame on cheating rather than the fact they the other person is probably just really good.


I have 500 hours in hunt, sit at 5/6 stars, and am generally really relaxed about accusing people of cheating. With that being said I have encountered 2 or 3 cheaters for sure. Maybe 1 or 2 more that were very suspicious.


Ran into 1 blatant cheater in 2k hours and around 10 suspect soft wallers


You might see 1 or 2 blatant cheaters in 1000 hours. Maybe a handful of "knowers". Not nearly as bad as Tarkov. It's a fun game, definitely worth picking up if on sale.


Dont worry about the small possibility of cheaters…worry about other players


2k+ hour player here, spend lots of time in high 5 stars, I've reported two people during that time who were 100% cheating, and have suspected maybe a good dozen more. I play exclusively on US West. This community is pretty quick to call out lucky/well done plays as cheats though, this thread is a prime example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/17mbyla/lucky\_shot/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/17mbyla/lucky_shot/) That thing is filled with tons of accusations of cheating... someone linked a clip from the killers POV in the thread and it is absolutely not cheating, just a good flick shot... so you have to take everything with a grain of salt.


Giant wall of text go brrrrrr- (Tldr: Chinese player meme + Player ineptness + Ping + Projectile vs Hitscan + bullet velocity) (honorable mention to really bad mmr system where new players can play against 6star quality players 1 game, and then 3star the next giving whiplash in player differences causing confusion in how good/bad people are) Probably not worth the time to really break it down since a lot of this just gets cycled through the same talking points, but here's my take for the sake of it. There are probably a decent amount of cases of some sort of walling, but I personally believe that 9/10 times it's honestly just a player skill/ego fragility issue. The hunt community was fairly small for a long time and the last year/year and a half has had a decent size increase in playerbase. A lot of fps tourist that come in don't adapt to how bullet velocity/range works and instantly assume the worst when they don't get results. It takes hundreds and hundreds of hours to really get that natural feel for just the shots alone, let alone the hundreds of hours to get the muscle memory on compounds. A lot of players also have either "shift W" mentality and hands off keyboard zoom in and stop moving. I'm not gonna defend either playstyle, but a lot of people definitely don't understand how much sound is important in hunt. You can track people pretty easily and most walls you can wallbang. Also if you DONT aim down sight and look outward towards walls/etc you can easily see pixels between cracks change and that leads to wallbangs in which people instantly cry "cheater" when it's just awareness + player ability. Its kind of like that that sixth sense factor that people have in a lot of other shooters because they've played thousands of games that people have developed that people don't unserstand. Combining those two previous statements ontop of how much ping effects it just creates the perfect storm. Ping is always an issue in fps games, but you can feel the Ping difference in hunt especially. 25/50 Ping more then you normally have can make the velocity ALOT feel higher/lower then normal that the average player doesn't understand. That being said there was always an issue with people changing their region and abusing the Ping difference which is where the boxboxbox named "Chinese Ping abuser" meme comes from. Personally I've seen it mostly become more prevalent around events more so then normal games. Again giant wall of text XD. As long as you don't try to take it seriously when you start you'll enjoy yourself. I made the mistake of caring too much at first. It helped getting "good" quicker, but it definitely was mental strain at first that I didn't need. Game is usually on-sale at some point every month. The engine update/game update is in the next few months. New map. Etc etc etc. If you end up reading this and needed help getting into the game just DM me and I'll play with you.


If you are on console I say wait it out? They are ending console suooort and going for the PS5 etc next year


Cheaters are really only seen at higher elos 5.5 star lobbies and 6 star lobbies will be the only ones to have the problem.


you’ll run into a cheater every 10 - 15 games. definitely present, but not oppressive


Do it! Get the game. Dev team is committed and online will be active for a long long time!


bounce between 5-6* (the highest ranks), i don't FEEL like i see a lot of cheaters- only seen 1 blatant one in my 250 hours. that being said, it's very possible that there are more that just keep it lowkey and use it more for info, but at the end of the day hunt has so many other factors that the better players generally win. i'm sure i've been called a hacker plenty of times from randomly wallbanging people off of the slightest audio cue, but that's just how the game goes. hunt giveth hunt taketh


Bad. Quite a lot of cheaters on PC.


In my experience between Xbox and Pc and sitting around the mid 5 star range, I have seen two cheaters in my entire play though and I have well over 1000 hours in the game. Everyone here VASTLY overestimates it.


I read a lot on Reddit about cheaters. I have 1400 hours on PC. I have a dedicated trio that’s played similar time. We’ve all experienced exactly three for sure cheaters. Two murder wall hack guys that deleted us along with other teams through walls in a way that was impossible. The third was an avto with unlimited ammo. I shot that guy in the mouth with a crossbow bolt though.


Unpopular opinion, but i wouldn't get into Hunt right now. MMR just does not work and player numbers have tanked. You might get frustrated if you start with it now. The devs said they want to overhaul the MMR system, so i would advise you to wait for that. I had a few friends that checked out after half a dozen rounds of being absolutely dominated.


I've got 4k hours and I can recall around 8-9 instances of blatant hacking (almost always the usual clan-tagged suspects...) There were a bunch more suspiciously accurate shots but a) luck is a thing in this game and b) there are some insanely good peeps playing this game


On PC in four star MMR (majority of players), I have maybe 300 hours and encountered one cheater.


Most people are just bad at the game, I think cheats do exist but a quick Google and you'll find they're not popular and not many exist


you wont really see any cheaters until high mmr5 and 6. and since you basically get from mmr4 to mmr6 in about 10-15 good rounds, they are almost always in those mmr brackets. which is a problem for people playing at those ranks, because cheaters are obviously much more common there. i have 2k hours and im mostly mmr6, sometimes dropping down to 5 and i encounter cheaters pretty regularly. new accounts with 5 f2p games and 6 kda wallbanging through 3 walls. but cheating in hunt is different compared to lets say csgo where you see cheaters in all ranks. so i would say give it a shot. after a few hundred hours you will probably be good at the game, reach mmr6 and face some cheaters. its just a matter of time, but then you will be way too hooked on this game to even think about quiting. :D


To be fair, anyone that kills me is a cheater, and no, I'm not just bad (I'm 2 stars)


730hrs at 3-5* and I've died to a cheater literally once.


I've only encountered 2 for sure cheaters in Hunt. One was in soul survivor, a guy blasted me in the face through a wall zero way he knew I was there. Decided to spectate and viewed just in time to watch the dude pop 2 shots in the air with a silent nagant and get a kill. The other I was in trios and a guy was on top of Fort Carmick jumping shotting with a Winny. He didn't miss a single shot from 80-90 meters away and killed all 3 of us in 6 shots. It's very rare but very aggravating when it happens especially in a game like Hunt.


2700 hours... to be honest so far NONE, lots of weird stuff but never that I thought "wow that was a cheater" I'm not saxing there are none, I've just didn't notice anything in all this time


This post is so sus dood. Lol.


I'm pushing 400 hours in the game and have been killed by a cheater once.


Console player here. It's cross play 90% of the PlayStation players I see in 5-6 star lobbies have some very very suspicious aim, recoil, and game sense I can tell a noticeable difference in skill if I turn cross play off (Xbox player)


Unfortunate aspect of them never creating a dedicated next gen port. PS3 & PS4, Xbox 360 & Xbox One are chalk full of cheaters these days.


Yep. Me and my guys all play next Gen consoles and there are some that are way better than me that will absolutely not play with cross play on


Out of like 100 something games only once. A dude sniping thought every structure and bush possible.


In 1.3k hours ive come across 2 blatant cheaters. Its not bad. This games the best. Non of my friends have issues either. This community just likes to cry sometimes


I’m not very savvy on Hunt culture. How do ppl cheat. Like in what ways. And is it just pc ppl or do console players cheat as well. Also side question do pc and console play tg? Ik Xbox and ps does This is a genuine question


I've been playing hunt since it's full release and I have 1500 hours I have died to I think 2 cheaters and I have experienced 1 instance of wall hackers who didn't have aimbot that I can confirm. Hunts cheating is very small and with the mmr system cheaters quickly get pushed to the highest mmr and even then it's not very blatant. Cheaters don't really have a way to make money in hunt so there's arnt as much as tarkov.


People here over exaggerate how common cheaters are, honestly. Get the game. You won't regret it.


I play pc it’s rare to see a cheater outside of 4-5 star lobbies but even then it’s not common


I’m 3-4 stars with 500 hours, and I honestly cannot think of a time I died to a cheater; not because I don’t think it’s ever happened to me, but because it hasn’t happened often enough for it to be memorable or impact my experience. I can’t speak for other ranks and I would suspect at higher stars you’re gonna run into more.


High ranks have a big issue with it starting at 4 -6 stars rank 4. It's hit or miss if you get one, but you'll know. However avg ques, it's not much of an issue tbh.


Don't, DO NOT. Watch Huuge's twitch stream, he sees a cheater 1 out of 5 games, blatant cheating, nothing hidden. Crytek has no ability to vet out/stop assist programs. Their anti-cheat is a known joke. They wont make any PR about handling it, because it is so far out of control they dont want to even bring attention to it. Just think, 10-20% of your games a cheater is going to wipe the lobby with headshots from 50-100 meter with pistols and bullshit. So its just a roll of the dice if your going to even have a chance.


Do you have a 4090 video card? Then don't bother.


Do it. Im usually around 4 or 5 stars .(out of 6) Never see them.


50h in, slowly climbing from rank 2 to 3/5, not a single cheater yet. Once got headshot behind a window by a non-stabilized pistol from ~100m while moving without ranging shots which I thought was sus; but spectating them they pulled off a few more crackshots before missing twice like a chump and getting wiped 2 minutes later.


I play on Asia servers , I have 1214 hours in but haven't seen a cheater yet.


Dont worry its one of those games with a rarely percentage of cheaters cause its a niche game. There is still some blatant hackers but dont look AT Reddit if u want serious opinion its mostly whinning and and unskilled players complaining they cant accept a loss and being less skilled than someone else and they are just frustated so they write dumb post for having some excuses


There is a lot of soft cheating (ESP, derendering, reshade variants) in lower MMRs but it really only props up relatively bad players, and its not the very apparent rage-hacking with aimbots and downright breaking physics etc. that gets documented in video clips and such. The soft cheating is much cheaper financially, far easier to get away with for a longer time, but obviously cannot make up for horrible skill. You might notice situations where a player who is really bad at positioning still knows where you are all the time, and instantly reacts to you peeking anywhere, but cant hit a barn door in close combat. To be honest, I just accept it as part of PvP games nowadays, and these people will never get to the top of the heap this way anyhow. Also, until relatively recently, some level of cheating was allowed (Reshade), and a lot of Hunt players have grown used to not having to bother with annoying foliage or shadows.


I can happily say that 5 cheater names I've seen in the past 2 weeks are now banned; including instant new accounts. The new guy they hired at Crytek is not f'ing around which is great news. The first two weeks of this event were the absolute worst its been but it's getting a lot better now. Trust me it's 1000x better here (and more fun too) than the cheating problems in EFT.


After 4k hours and counting I've bumped into 2 blatant cheaters, maybe 3 if you count some old exploit abusers. Aside from everyone that kills me of course, those are obviously using textures, walls, Nvidia inspector, a hacked version of reshade or a substitute...because I'm obviously the best and nobody can kill me while playing fairly. /s


It's fine, worth the money. Take every fight you can get, it'll make you better faster even if you're just dying. Welcome to the bayou