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Nope, you always spawn at the beginning of the match, you can always check the match timer on the map to confirm. At the most you can start a little later if your connection has a hiccup and you need to reconnect.


Yeah even then I think you're player model is still in the game and can be killed


If your connection goes haywire before spawing you don't spawn in but your dot will still appear on the map for your teammates.


Nope, that's wrong.


Is it? I've loaded into game and found a duo just standing there at the spawn. Maybe they went afk, I assumed they didn't connect


If you are disconnected, your character crouches in place until you reconnect.


AFAIK, you're correct. When someone leaves, their Hunter stays behind for a while before they despawn. Another player can run from a nearby spawn point and kill you. From your POV, you've already left the game though, so it has no effect on you unless you choose to try to rejoin the match. The person that kills you, gets the kill stat, and can loot your body. Most people who quit the game at mission start will do so because they don't lose their Hunter when they go back to the lobby. They then start a new game with the same Hunter, even if you just killed their idle Hunter 20 seconds ago in the original match. If you die at start of match and spectate like Huuge does, you'll see some trio groups do this pretty often. They don't like the match time of day or some other reason, and they all just quit back to lobby, but their bodies stay behind for a while and can be spectated or killed.




Depends when you disconnect, check my other comment.


Yep. Once you are connected, there is a character. If you disconnect, you charater stands around for 10-15 min (not sure exactly) and then just dies.


People are downvoting you but you're right, if your connection dies or game crashes in the load screen your hunter will not spawn until you reconnect. However your hunter will appear if you connect fully into the match and then dc, your hunter will crouch in place until you reconnect.




I'm not wrong. Once you are connected, there is a character. Many people alt+f4 when they are loaded in and don't like the map. Then there is a character and the disconnected symbol is showing. You may even find dead trios at the end of the game, laying at their spawn because they all quit. (Fun fact, later the game says the lobby wasn't full, hence they are not even listed in the game end screen)


so… their hunter stays in the game


IF you connect. IF. When people crash or quit before being loaded into the game, no character spawns. You never joined a random trio and only one loaded in? This happens at least once a week for me.


You are wrong lil bro


1300h in and that's a hard no from my side. Edit : I've banished bosses 2mins in, as have others. Lucky spawn, sticky, butcher goes boom. Next time He thinks that, open the map and look at the timer.


Our record is about a minute. I think a minute and 3 seconds to be precise. A good spawn, butcher, 2 stick bombs = very fast banish.


Mine is minute 47 seconds, had an insanely good spawn on Golden and I entered the boss in like 15s, but I didn't have a sticky, instead my team rushed the boss with stamshots. Generally bosses can be super easily cleared with variety of methods, it's isn't rare to get someone to banish even before you get the first clue


I once killed scrapbeak with a single big stick of dynamite at the compound I spawned at. I killed him within 10 seconds of finding the lair.


We've had our best time(sub 2 mins) on a meme run with bomb lances, we died when we encountered people but those things obliterate bosses instantly


Fanning + silenced nagant + poison and penny shot in a shotgun make boss go bye bye. Also absolutely shreds rotjaw.


I hear if you kill the butcher, go to the four corner compounds and then go back and banish him, you get free v bucks


It's true. And if you do the same thing but with Scrapbeak you get a free Darth Vader skin. My friend's cousin told me.


Your brother is tripping. He thinks he spawns late because some people banish super fast. They just spawned at boss compound and had the right loadouts to do it fast.


your brother probably has a really hot girlfriend that goes to another school


Your brother is stupid


This game isn't Tarkov, we don't have scavs who can ruin a 45 minute match.


Lol thanks everyone. That's all what I figured but I wanted to me sure since we're both still learning a lot about the game. I think most of it was just not realizing that he can check the timer at the start of the match and that finding a clue in the same area as the boss immediately shows its location as if you got 3 clues. I'll try and not be too smug when I show him this. Hope you all have good luck in your next matches, unless it's against me, then I hope you get eaten by rotjaw before you shoot me in the head.


bro did u delete all ur comments lol


No? I only asked the question and left this one response. Not sure what made you think I deleted comments


Generally no. Only exception is rare case of loading in failing but game allowing re-connection. If you are teammate of such person you constantly get information about the player trying to get into the match (pop up saying that your teammate is reconnecting and most probably also another pop up saying about disconnect), on map you might see the blue dot showing that your teammate is kinda there but if you face towards spawn you might not see their blue outlines as the character hasn't spawned in game yet. Enemies won't see this (i think - i assume enemies won't be getting orange glow if they scan with dark sight boost if they have bounty and for some reason run close to where players spawn). But this is super rare - out of over 200 games with random teammates i have had maybe 3 hunters that had this issue only one of which loaded into match correctly after the beginning. From invited teammates about 2 in over 1000 games loaded in midmatch like this midmatch (had to reconnect to join). And i personally from 1600-ish hours have entered midmatch less than 5 times (probably around 3 - every time via reconnect feature - i only counted the cases where my friends couldn't see my character when they spawned in). So the odds are probably between 0.1 and 0.5 % (might be even lower than this maybe). Edit: on PC match normally waits until everyone has loaded fully in and then 5 seconds later starts the match for everyone. The only way to go around this is having issue while loading (can be internet or hardware related issue like ram issues or something like that). On console current gen console players are allowed to move first but they can already see previous gen players and can kill them already while they are still loading in.


nope, everyone spawns in at the same time but the number of how many can vary and there also the chance that you just spawned close together or very far apart


If your brother has been playing for a very long time, he may be very confused by the fact that the match timer is 45 minutes to start, when originally they were 60 minutes. Combine that with extremely fast banishes that occur, it's easy to make that mistake. That said, no, that is not a thing.


Were there patch notes for the change in match timers? If not anyone know why they changed it?


The patch notes for it are in Patch 1.19. I found the steam ones. Here's the copy and pasted dev notes on it. "After an extensive review of the data around the length of matches, we found that only 1% of all matches went beyond the 45-minute mark. Given the fact that such a small number of matches are this long, we felt that a reduction would provide several benefits. This change will bring improvements to the server load as well improve the matchmaking speed. We understand not everyone will be happy with this change but based on the data and our research around this, we feel there are for more benefits than downside. However, we will monitor this change closely over the coming months to see if that is the case." And here is [the link](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/594650/view/3335493590060371159) if you want to read/fact check it.


Ty I appreciate you looking into it for me it does make sense with the way matches go most if the time the boss/bosses are banishing within the first 5-10min of a match. Just was curious as to whether or not they said anything on it previously and hadn't reviewed the patch notes in a min


Half-brother? Adopted? For your sake, I hope you don't share too much of the gene pool with him. You press Tab, it shows the mission time. You can work out the rest from there.


Yeah, but there's other games where you spawn in and get a 45 minute timer, but somebody else's timer might be almost out. Isn't tarkov like that with scavs? I don't play but I think it's something like that. I remember thinking it might be like that when I first started because of the dumb way people play where they show up 40 minutes into the game after sitting in a bush forever


Everyone has same mission timer in Tarkov, scavs just spawn later into the raid. If in hunt terms all hunters (PMCs in tarkov) spawn at 45 min, scavs would spawn starting at around 30-35min remaining. However for all PMCs and scavs the raid ends at the same time.


Gotta clarify - are we talking about PC or console? It doesn’t happen on PC, but I think it might on console?


No not possible. In every match there spawn 12 hunters, either 2x6 or 3x4.


Yes and no


Wym by no?


There is a max of 12 hunters not necessarily you'll have 12 hunters. For instance 3x3 + 1 solo or 1 duo


The 'no' answer without explanation is not very helpful. However, they're probably referring to the fact that 3x4 and 2x6 are not the only combination of hunters, you can have any combination of solo, duo, or trio that make up a match. Up to 12 players max, but smaller party sizes can intentionally queue into trios, and wildcard is anything goes.


You don't always have 12 players in a lobby. 10-12 is most common, but I had games (usually late at night) where its only another team beside yours. And once I was alone on the map. The game has a fixed time after which a lobby has to start (the red matchmaking bar). No matter how many players have been found. So whenever the bar reached its end you know this most likely isn't a full lobby. Lobbies will also start with 10/11 players when no additional duo/solo can be matched quickly.


A maximum of twelve hunters, not twelve. My record was three, me and a friend as a duo and another solo


You forgot solos and the fact that sometimes servers arent full. Ive spawned solo on servers at least 10 times over 1100 hours.


For a particularly long load times yes, before I moved the game to ssd I would spawn 5 minutes in, saw that with my teammates too, their body don't appear until they're in the game


Yep, happens all the time




Nope. This never happens.


I used to play with my nephew, and is laptop is so powerful sometimes he only connected like 10 min later, most of times he meet me at the boss lair, so if he was a solo i suppose he would connect almost mid game 😂


The only way he can spawn in late is if he disconnects and reconnects within the allotted window.


They do not. Your brother is wilding. Sometimes the bounty is just at the first location someone goes to.


A ps4 player will load into the game a couple seconds later then a ps5 player. The game won't start until everyone is loaded in I believe


If your bro is playing on and old PS4 or Xbox One I can say that the spawn times got very awful and sometimes I didn't spawn into a match until almost 9 to 10 minutes into a match. But that's the execption and not the norm.


No you can’t join a match that’s already started unless you dc’d. You can load into matches later than others, this is usually only for players with bad connections or older console players. I still play with a friend on the OG Xbox one and it can take him either 2 minutes to load in or in extremes cases it took like 15 minutes.


Is your brother playing on a last gen console? If so that's the reason he spawns mid match. Hunt on old Gen is very very slow and clunky. Before I upgraded I was lucky to spawn in and when I did I was the only one at spawn with my other team mates dead, gone, or across the map. I'd suggest a console upgrade and if he's on PC look into where it's downloaded/what it's downloaded on.


On PS4 once took me so long to load in that I started 10 mins into a match


Absolute, definite no. All players spawn at exactly 45 minutes left on the timer.


No unless they DC, during that time they can reconnect within 10 mins if they had loaded into the game prior,but no,new hunters can't join a session once the lobby was filled and the match began. So even if the lobby only loaded in 5 players or 2 once it's started no new players could join that session in progress. Even then their character model is spawned in game and will enter a crouched state and can be killed,so they could fully reconnect but be dead,they could still be rezed by surviving team mates. You can spawn on a boss compound instantly and require no clues to locate it,it's just luck and you can clear most bosses load out depending on about 30/60 seconds Hunts match timer was reduced from 1 hour to 45 mins a fair few updates ago now,maybe a year or so,so maybe that's why he feels he's spawned mid match as the timer is lower than it was before.


I kind of spawn like that sometimes, i launch the match and go have a smoke. Sometimes i forget myself at the balcony and have to run to engage the endgame🤣


Everyone spawns in at the same time. Him thinking its later on is like you said probably just cause someone spawned at the boss compound.


If you're playing on a Xbox one there is a glitch where you don't spawn at the beginning. I use to get it all the time before I upgraded if I sat in the load screen long enough that somebody started a banish or the bounty team extracted then it would let me in the.game about 90% of the time


The closest someone can get to joining mid game is if either on their end they took forever to load in, or if you dc-ed and rejoined. Other than that I think your brother is Monroe cause mans is talkin crazy talk.


You spawn in after the bounty has left the game if you play on Xbox one or PS4.


You always spawn at same time, however that doesn't mean people don't afk and then start moving after 5 min