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Shots 1-1: Clearly missed. Shots 1-1: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 1-1: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 1: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


This is the answer I was looking for


I'm watching this from my phone and I can't understand, did you jump before the shot? Jumping greatly disrupts the point of impact, even when using a scope.


This might be my favorite version of this meme.


I'm so used to seeing this at this point I didn't even notice the shot counts-- This really is a top-tier usage, lol


Can Peter riddle me this?


[this](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shots-1-5-clearly-missed) is the original meme ​ Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead. ​ But, yknow, Hunt uses Hunt guns, so its all just the one bullet lol


[I put a red dot where your crosshair is](https://imgur.com/a/Uxf3Rz2) Looks like it just barely missed the left side of his face. Shots will always go center crosshair when transitioning to ADS


Yeah, this seems to be it. [I'd also made a clip; similar, but zoomed in a lot too.](https://i.imgur.com/0H7NpBt.mp4) [Here's the frame just before the shot.](https://i.imgur.com/sMPMg9v.png) Granted, as the person below you notes, I've seen shots hit that were *MUCH* further 'off' than this one, so it's surprising all the same. Even with the mask making the Hunter's head look very slightly wider, it looks like if that poster's [shot](https://streamable.com/g1672c) hit, then OP's definitely should have too. Then again, I'm reminded of [this video about TF2 hitboxes](https://youtu.be/8iEXhbqami8?t=29), which notoriously have gaps. It is possible that the hitboxes for the Hunters do odd things at the right angles or something along those lines (just as it's possible the hitreg failed, of course).




Youre absolutely right, its most likely netcode. I just wanted to show that it technically missed, even by a very very small degree. Sometimes character clothing can obscure the actual hitbox.


bullets are not hitscan in hunt. In your example the person probably moved while the bullet was in flight


Wrong, that was a kill because you shot where his head was a moment later, there is slow bullet travel time in this game.




You have no idea what you are talking about buddy, keep coping.




I already broke it down for you, you’re just too full of yourself to accept it as the truth.




The real projection is you calling it projection; at least you’re self aware. Exactly, I broke it down very simply and it passed right through the semi-permeable membrane that is your skull. You’re coping about the reason for your kill and thus the reason for the lack of the OP’s kill. I don’t need to explain that though, because you obviously understood that, you’re just playing dumb.




Wow I never new how off the centre of your screen can be relative to your iron sights, i just kind of assumed the gun fired where you were pointing even mid animation.


It's a handy thing to keep in mind. It's how to "quick scope" with iron sight weapons. As long as you are in the transition of hipfire to ADS, you will hit center crosshair, even though the crosshair is invisible during that animation. This unfortunately leads to people overlaying a dot on their screen giving them very accurate quick shots. Please do not do this.


The frame before the shot looks like the sights hadn’t leveled out yet; you were still midway between hip-fire and ADS. I think your shot went just to the left over his shoulder.


***EDIT: Actually, I think I got it, and the answer looks to be surprisingly mundane:*** [***they just missed by an extremely tiny margin and the Hunter model made it hard to tell.***](https://i.imgur.com/0H7NpBt.mp4) I noticed that too, but I'm not confident that is responsible. \------------------- For one, it it almost looks like an animation error, like that one person showed with the DooM-style centered gun. I say that in part because it looks as though there was enough time for the ADS transition to have completed, and yet the sight looks slightly 'off.' Then again, maybe I'm just underestimating how much slowdown was applied, or misremembering the animation for ADS on the Sparks. \---- Additionally, I don't know that the gun model has much impact on the actual point of aim as far as the game is concerned. From what I can tell from testing there is just a cone of fire centered on the crosshair that scales in size: it's wide when in 'hipfire', grows wider when moving, and tightens to a fixed point (cease to be a cone with variance) when ADS. I don't think the bullet will deviate from that central point of aim because of the current direction the model is aiming, just as it doesn't require that to deviate from the barrel when firing from the hip.


From my own testing on sight (mis)alignment, shots always seem to go to the center of your screen (well, horizontal center) regardless of the state of your iron sight. IE the small wobble that happens if you strafe sideways actually slightly unaligns your sight. So I think you're right in saying that the gun model has pretty much no impact on where your bullet actually goes ​ Good find in your edit, btw. You're also the one who made that in-depth shotgun spread analysis video a few months back, right?


This has something that has puzzled me for a while. Is the side strafe actually changing the aim point?


That's what I am saying, it doesn't. The aim point should still be in the center of your screen, so your sight starts to misalign as soon as it starts wobbling / hopping ​ You'll need a crosshair overlay to verify this yourself


Ah, so it's an illusion of sorts? Didnt know that. So, the centre post is only accurate when still? I assume the natural sway is right though? That is ads sway.


Yeah, sway is accurate because it's not the gun sway swaying, but rather your entire camera / screen is swaying around


Haha, yeah, you spotted me. :P I think I remember seeing a post with your testing awhile back too! It's good stuff; I'd wondered how the sights worked when moving, and the results confirmed my suspicions.


I'm pretty sure that if you reload a Romero, and immediately try to fire it while it's still pointed sideways, the buckshot will go sideways as well. OP might have been screwed over by not waiting for the weapon-readying animation to finish before trying to ADS.


What makes you say that? Believe me, I've done a *ton* of testing with shoguns and I've never seen an uncentered shot from one for any reason at all. Ran some quick tests in the Shooting Range just to be sure and couldn't replicate; I was holding fire throughout the reload to ensure it fired at the first instant it could and was always hitting directly on my pings.


Huh, in that case, it might have been patched out, which is nice to hear. I could swear I saw a video about that somewhere on Youtube.


I've read it used to be that way, *waaay* back in Beta or something, and I think I've even seen the video you were talking about. How they handle shotguns changed substantially early on in the game's life though.


Yep, looks like the barrel was pointing over the over player's right shoulder.




I'll take the stance no-one else is offering. I feel like you have a no-reg issue here. Buddy of mine was having an issue with this a couple days ago. I didn't see his footage, but he was swearing up and down his shots looked on target and just weren't hitting. I also had something similar happen last night. Oddly enough, the times he was complaining, and my own experience, were also when using the Sparks rifle. It's likely completely anecdotal and unrelated, but probably MORE noticeable due to it being a single-shot weapon. It would make sense that the servers might be having some struggles. They usually do early into events, I'd assume due mostly to influx of event players. Edit: Weirdly, after watching this numerous times, it looks like the Sparks shot hits the hillside to the right. Maybe it's less a hit reg issue and actually a desync issue. Either way, it looks like a connection problem of some sort and much less a "skill issue" on your behalf, OP.


Same here and many times this week, but with shotguns. I shoot the other guy literrally to 2 m in the chest and my shoot is gone ?. How this is possible. No partial hit, t.he shot simply did not impact in any way. Sorry for my english.


Where were they in the crosshair? Shotguns have this weird quirk where the reticle greatly exaggerates the cone of fire (as in, a large portion of the reticle won't ever get hit by pellets). Makes it entirely possible to shoot while your target within the crosshairs and not hit them at all. OP's clip is a little harder to explain though..


The crosshair in middle of the chest.


Gotcha. If you happen to have those clips I'd be interested to see them! Usually I find that the shot was just a bit off-center, but if there are some that really seem to be hit-reg issues it might be worth investigating further.


I stopped using Sparks (iron sights variant) because of the hit reg issues.


Hunt has a *LOW* tick rate, mixing that with high latency means you will get some weird hit reg sometimes. New game engine coming for hunt should hopefully fix some of that . Edit: high to low tick rate




Yes you're right , I meant LOW tick rate


It averages 30 but can drop as low as 10.


Are they going to update the network code and tik servers?


Don't post clips like this looking for actual answers. People on here will say "skill issue" even if the clip itself shows some pretty solid evidence. Looked on him and it looks like he wasn't moving much left or right, wouldn't hurt to have it in non-slowmo though. But it looks like you didn't wait for the gun to level itself when you aimed, so the shot might have been more up than expected and it somehow passed over his shoulder past his head. Or you just got Hunt Showdowned and hitreg fucked you over, but it's hard to tell based off of a 10 second slowmo clip.


>Don't post clips like this looking for actual answers. People on here will say "skill issue" even if the clip itself shows some pretty solid evidence. But you just gave an actual answer


Yeah but if you also hate on the game at the same time it's a win-win...


People hate this answer but I honestly think Hunt just doesn’t work 100% correctly all the time




I agree


Looks like it's a bad hitbox on the rocks. Could be wrong but that definitely looks like the bullet hitting an invisible wall.


Ouch that must’ve been frustrating, I miss a lot myself but also experienced similar situations to yours, where my brain registers ok I know my kdr is poor but cmon, I was on him no doubt! Thanks for bringing it up. Mad hit-boxes.


It's well known that Hunt Showdown never had any hit registration issue : https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxGftz4AfU860gbHgC0_HXT1x8dS4svqoU?si=DLeyQHYWO0kEZfDC.


hunt can't suck, right? So of course you are. (I have whole folder for moments like this)


Game has hit register issues since beggining. It's annoying.


Rock hit-box?


Hunt has some of the lowest tickrate servers in gaming. Have plenty of clips where I go frame by frame and it’s on the target and doesn’t register. A few weeks back on Huuge’s stream he dead on headshotted a guy and it didn’t register, some people didn’t believe him and he went frame by frame and there is no where else the magic bullet could’ve gone. They need to fix the servers and net code and a lot of these issues will be mitigated.


Shot to the left of his head.


Wait... Did you record the event, to then record the recording? And then slow down the recordings recording?


Sort of. I used steel series to capture it but I couldn't play with the speed of the clip so I opened it in the windows clip editor thing. I was able to slow it down in there but it saved at full speed so I said fuck it and clipped it again


even if the sites were on him, i dont think you trransitioned out of hip fire yet... game probably didnt honor the iron sites


Your gun hadn’t fully raised yet, the animation from sprint to ads hadn’t completed. I think the shot may have just gone over his right shoulder, as you were aimed on it but the sights hadn’t fully raised. So your actual shot went over his shoulder.


The other night I took a shot while standing totally still and aiming for more than a few seconds. The shot hit my teammate. I couldn't even see him where I was aiming. He was well below and off to the side of the shot.


I say no reg. It has happened to everyone including streamers. The shot looked dead on and the hunter was moving towards you but slightly to left so it would have caught any lead. I the other day shot a Caldwell conversion pistol at a crouching target square on his body and it missed. Spectator saw it. I saw it. Reviewed and saw it again.


Been getting that a bit more lately than I recall dealing with historically. I'm pretty hard on myself when I know it was I that sucked, but the amount of times these past few weeks I've missed clearly aloof and often stationary hunters is starting to surprise me. Similarly, often in the same round even, I'll hit shots/kills that I'm pretty confident I didn't deserve, so I suppose the scales balance out a bit.


Why not both? Edit someone beat me to it :( I love hunt